Cauchy functional equation – Wikipedia


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L’ Cauchy functional equation is one of the simplest functional equations. This is the following equation, unknown f : ℝ → ℝ:

In other words, the solutions of this equation are exactly the endomorphisms of the group (ℝ, +).

It is easily shown that any solution f is even ℚ-linear, that is to say also check:

But there are an infinity of non-linear solutions. For a solution to be ℝ-linear, therefore either a homothetic of the real vector right, it is enough that it is continuing at a point or monotonous on an interval of non-zero length. It is enough for this to be increased or reduced over an interval of non-zero length, or even only on a lebesgue-mesurable set of non-zero non-zero [ first ] .

Either f a solution.

  • SO, f is an endomorphism of abélien group, that is to say of ℤ-module, therefore
  • We deduce that f is ℚ-linear, that is to say check (in addition to additivity):
    Indeed, all rational r is of the form p q with p And q whole and q non -zero, which allows you to write: q f ( rv ) = f ( qrv ) = f ( PV ) = p f ( in ) , SO f ( rv ) = p / q f ( in ) = r f ( in ) .
  • A solution f is ℝ-linear if it checks:
    ℝ-linear solutions are therefore homotheties, that is to say the applications of the form x ax (with, necessarily, a = f (first) ).
  • Any solution f which is not of this form is far from monotonous, because it is pathological in more than one title:
    • His graph is dense [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] (in ℝ 2 ), so that on any open interval not empty, f is not increased (nor reduced); A stronger , f is discontinuous in every way;
    • all borelian image (by f ) non dense [ 3 ] (in particular: any Borélien on which f is increased or reduced [ first ] ) is negligible; it follows that | f | is not increased by any measurable function; A stronger , f is not measurable;
    • and f is not injective then its nucleus is dense so f is “strongly darboux”, that is to say that the image of any interval containing at least two points is ℝ [ 4 ] .
  • In contraped, any “sufficiently regular” solution, i.e. not having one of these pathologies, is a homothety. For example if a solution is increased on a significant Borelian (in particular if it is continuous at one point), or even only if its graph is not dense, then it is a homothetic.

The solutions are exactly the ℚ-linear applications of ℝ in ℝ. Given a Hamel base B From ℚ-vector space ℝ (base whose existence is based on the axiom of choice), the application which with any function of ℝ in ℝ associates its restriction to B is therefore a bijection of all solutions in all applications of B in ℝ.

Many functional equations are reduced to that of Cauchy. For example be the equation, of unknown g : ℝ → ℝ:

Null function is an obvious solution. All the others are strictly positive and check:

So these are the functions g = and f as f Check the functional equation of Cauchy, and those which are continuous are the exponential functions.

  1. a et b (in) J. steel (of) and J. Dhombres , Functional Equations in Several Variables , CUP, coll.  « Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications » ( n O thirty first), , 462 p. (ISBN  978-0-521-35276-5 , read online ) , p. 17 .
  2. Aczél et dhombres 1989, p. 14.
  3. a et b (in) Sune Kristian Jakobsen, Cauchy’s functional equation» , .
  4. Dany-Jack Mercier , Readings on mathematics, teaching and competitions , vol.  2, Publibook, ( read online ) , p. 46-47 .
