Celeste 2 – Wikipedia


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Celeste 2 ( Celeste always light blue ) is a 1993 Argentine soap opera, sequel to Celeste ). [first] [2] [3] , Diretta da Nicolás del Boca [first] [2] And starring the actress Andrea Del Boca.
Among the main performers, Gustavo Bermúdez, Dora Baret, Henry Zakka, Hilda Bernard and Erika Wallner are also Gustavo Bermúdez. [first] [2] [3] [4]

The soap opera consists of 200 episodes. [first] [2] [3]

The story begins with the marriage between Franco and Celeste, who unite their lives in the perspective of a future of peace and love with his son Luca.
Meanwhile, Teresa has returned from a long period of stay in a specialized center of care against AIDS and is ready to resurrect what she considers “the Visconti Empire”. In the period in which she was hospitalized, she had aware with a psychiatrist named Giancarlo, a hypocritical and unscrupulous man, moreover secretly married to a woman named Roberta, together with whom Visconti is introduced with a specific plan: to take possession of the family’s assets.
Celeste is unaware of a secret concerning his life, that is, to have a twin sister. In fact, the mother gave birth to two twins, one of which was removed and delivered to a woman who in the meantime had given birth to a dead child.
The gynecologist who had dealt with this exchange is a certain Amedeo Pizzamiglio, a middle -aged widower, currently married to Clara, precisely the twin of Celeste, who treats him as an object and to whom he feels in an obsessive way.
Teresa, determined to get rid of the daughter -in -law who has always hated, commits some hired assassins to kidnap it. The plan succeeds in perfection and celestial is no longer alive for some time, arousing great concern and anguish in Franco and Aunt Alida.
A celestial day in an attempt to escape one of the kidnappers has an accident during which it falls from above and is found without senses. From the hospital they call the Pizzamiglio house to warn him of the discovery of a woman whose connotations correspond to those of Amedeo’s wife. The girl does not remember anything about her past because she lost her memory.
Amedeo, who in the meantime has separated from Clara, thinks of taking advantage of the mental state of poor Celeste to take her to live at home and make her believe that she is his wife.
Meanwhile, Franco’s days pass and the hopes of Franco are increasingly nullifying, pushing him to believe that his wife had died. The man, in a moment of despair, decides to consecrate his life to God but in the seminary he meets Clara who works there as a cook and is deeply affected by the extraordinary similarity with his poor wife. Over time, Franco feels more and more attracted by this girl who reminds her of heaven to such an extent that he decides to leave the seminary to bring Clara home by transforming it into Celeste.
The game ends one day when Franco spotted heavenly to whom he tries to get closer and the woman for his part realizes he has a particular feeling for this man who reminds her something very beautiful.
Meanwhile, Clara, suspicious of Franco’s sudden change, believes he has a lover while Teresa marries Giancarlo but the marriage life becomes a real hell in a short time. In fact, the perfidious husband begins to implement his diabolical plan by making the other members of the family believe that Teresa was going crazy, beating and mistreating her in various ways.
Franco and Celeste spend clandestinely good moments but one evening while they have dinner in a restaurant they approach the journalists who take some photos that the following day are published in a newspaper. When Clara sees those photos learn that the lover of her husband and nothing less than her sister and, in agreement with Roberta and Giancarlo, devised a diabolical plan to keep her in his place.
He gets the handle of a hammer and makes him Celeste leaves the fingerprints and while Giancarlo uses that hammer to kill Franco’s collaborator, hitting him repeatedly in the head, Roberta runs at home Pizzamiglio to somehow commit heaven and to bring it to the Place of the crime where some photos would have been taken. In this way the handle of the hammer and the photos would have represented two irrefutable tests that Clara would have used to force Franco to remain by his side since otherwise he would have denounced Celeste who would consequently end up in prison.
For Franco, life becomes an authentic hell while Celeste after an accident recovers his memory and is decided first of all to live next to his beloved son while condemning the attitude of the husband from whom he feels betrayed. In reality Franco is succubus of the perfidious Clara who can no longer bear and of which he would like to free himself as soon as possible.
The man thus puts in place a stratagem to take possession of the tests that incriminate celestial and seduces the waitress Enrichetta, a longtime friend of Clara, promising her that he would have married her if he handed him those tests. Enrichetta manages to find the secret place in which the photos and handle of the hammer are hidden but for a series of unfavorable circumstances, just when she was about to deliver them to Franco, Ornella, the daughter of Amedeo. These, after the death of Teresa who was slowly killed by her husband, having in the meantime married with Giancarlo begins to advance the rights of mistress of the Visconti’s assets.
Meanwhile, Clara, aware that she has no more escape, begins to give signs of mental imbalance while Celeste and Franco reconciles themselves in the same place where they had met. Furthermore, Celeste manages to forgive Clara and asks her to move to her home in order to live together all that time they could not spend when they were girls. Meanwhile, Giancarlo and Roberta feeling like they decide to eliminate Celeste with a cup of poisoned tea. In the meantime, Clara arrives, determined to ask her sister forgiveness and to change your life. The girl drinks the tea they had prepared for Celeste, who had been absent for an instant, and dies. Giancarlo and Roberta are arrested for murder.
The days pass and in the Visconti house seems to return that peace of the past and Franco and Celeste, to put an end to this sad chapter of their life, decide to get married a second time.

In the Argentine original, the abbreviation is I need your name , played by the protagonist of the fiction, Andrea Del Boca. [first] [2]

For the Italian edition, the song was used instead Mythical love by Antonello Venditti for the transmission on Rete 4 and I love you, sings by Andrea del Boca herself, for the transmission on Lady Channel, true Capri and local televisions, keeping the theme song of the first season. [first] [2]

  • Celeste, Always Celeste , in Italy Celeste 2 , it is the sequel to the famous Celeste .
  • The soap opera confirmed once again the great professionalism of Andrea Del Boca, who played a double role of good and bad.
  • The production costs were remarkable, above all due to the purchase of specific cameras thanks to which it was possible to create that special effect that allowed Clara and Celeste to appear on the screen at the same time.
  • In Italy, Celeste 2 It was very popular despite not reaching the same success of the first part.
  • Currently, on some Italian local broadcasters, Celeste It is Celeste 2 They are scheduled as a single long telenovela in 372 episodes. The same thing did real Capri and woman TV, both digital terrestrial channels.
