Cement – Wikipedia


The cement , in construction, indicates a variety of building materials, in particular hydraulic binders, which mixed with water develop adhesive properties (hydraulic properties).


Germany was, in 2014, the first producer in Europe (the second was Italy). [first] It is estimated that in 2009 36 million tons of cement were produced, equal to about 601 kg per inhabitant [2] . The 2008 world production was 2.83 billion tons, i.e. about 450 kg per capita. [3]

A Portland cement factory of 1895

Table of Contents

Ancient age [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The use of the binder in buildings can be traced back to the third millennium BC, when plaster mortar was used for the construction of wall vestments in stone seizures. The Romans initially employed mainly the air lime. Until the Malta binder was made up only of air lime, the hardening of the concrete took place with extreme slowness, since the consolidation of a lime -based mortar is due to the reaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide present in the Air, with the subsequent production of football carbonate.

Starting from the first century BC The Romans began to replace the sand constituting the mortar with the pozzolana ( Puteolana pulva ) or with the cocciopesto . The discovery of the Pozzolana marked a revolution in the creation of masonry works. Vitruvius says in the II book of De Architecture that The Pozzolana di Baia or Cuma makes Gagliarda not only any kind of construction but in particular those that are made at sea underwater . Thanks to the pozzolanic behavior of the Pozzolana and the cocciopesto The mortar, consisting of air lime + pozzolana, made it taken and also harden in water, without contact with the air, allowing the production of high resistance binders and rapid hardening.

Middle Ages [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire he began, especially far from Rome, an inexorable decline in the construction field; This decline continued throughout the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages, in fact, Pozzolana’s technology was abandoned in favor of binders such as lime grassello. [ without source ] With humanistic awakening, especially after the fourteenth century, the Latin texts of Pliny the Elder and Vitruvius were translated and noted. The re -edition of the The architecture edited by a Dominican, Giovanni Monsignori (Fra ‘Giocondo). This was followed by numerous other translations, which contributed to clarifying the secret of building according to the Romans. Thus, especially in eighteenth -century France, the art of well build works according to Roman knowledge was rediscovered.

Modern age [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the Renaissance era they refer to Vitruvius, and to the building Romano, architects of the caliber of Leon Battista Alberti and Andrea Palladio. The latter in 1570 describes in Treaty of architecture, books 4, Venice , the existence of a lime, kicked black , obtained for cooking a limestone originally from Paduan, containing clay impurities, with hydraulic characteristics. In this continuous approach to today’s concrete there was the revolutionary discovery of the hydraulic lime by the British engineer John Smeaton in 1756.

These, in the realization of Eddystone’s lighthouse, used, instead of the lime mixture – Pozzolana, the first hydraulic lime he obtained from the cooking of limestone containing a fair amount (about 11%) of claye impurities. The discovery of the hydraulic lime marks the transition from Roman concrete to the modern one, since the experimenters, with the help of the chemical science just born with Lavoisier, are able to govern a new synthesis process that will first lead to the artificial hydraulic lime, then to the modern Portland cement. Once discovered that the impurities of silica and alumina present in the clay that accompany some limestones are responsible for the formation of silicates and aluminated calcium, capable of hardening under water, the experiments in cooking artificial mixtures of limestone and clay at temperature began higher and higher up to a rudimentary cracking of the final product.


Contemporary age [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Especially in England and France, between the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century inventions, patents and industrial initiatives that led to the production of the first industrial hydraulic binders, called cements, flourished. In particular in 1796 James Parker made the first quick -grip cement (Parker cement or Roman cement ), cooking in its lime ovens the marly concretions contained in the tamigi clays, while in 1800 Lesage obtained a high resistance hydraulic material by calcing the limestone pebbles of Boulogne Sur Mer. Generally the watershed between the hydraulic lime of Smeaton and the Portland cement Made, it is set to 1818, when the French engineer Louis J. Vicat defines the formula of artificial hydraulic lime.

In fact, Vicat was the first to understand that to obtain a material with hydraulic behavior there was no need to cook natural clay limestones but the same result could be achieved by combining in cooking pure limestones and any portion of clay. The first industrialist to have built slowly gripped hydraulic concrete seems to have been, in 1824, a Fornaciaro di York, Joseph Aspdin, who gave the product the name of Cemento Portland, thanks to the similarity between the mortar and the conglomerate formed with that concrete With a compact limestone (Portland stone) of the island of Portland in England. In 1844 J.C. Johnson highlighted the importance of high temperatures cooking processes that led to the formation of the clinker, the final product of the procedure.

In fact, while 600 – 700 ° C are required for cooking the hydraulic lime, 1450 ° C must be reached to obtain the cement with a slow grip, since a principle must be produced vitrification . In 1860 M. Chatelier established the chemical composition of the concrete allowing the industrialized production of concrete.

Cementist or boiacca pasta, cement plus water, is used as a mixture in mixture with inert materials such as sand, gravel or stone. Depending on the components we can have:

  • In the event that the cement paste mixes with an aggregate fine (sand) there is cement mortar;
  • In the event that aggregates of different sizes (sand, gravel and gravel), according to a certain granulometric curve, are combined with concrete paste, concrete is obtained;
  • In the event that the concrete is coupled with an armor consisting of tondini also called steel “ribar” (Rigate bar), suitably positioned, there is the reinforced concrete (erroneously indicated with the name of reinforced concrete).
Worker with concrete

There are different types of concrete, different for the composition, for resistance and durability properties and therefore for the intended use.

Portland cement is the basis of almost all types of concrete currently usable in construction. From a chemical point of view, it is generally a mixture of calcium silicates and calcium aluminated, obtained from cooking at high limestone and clay or marl (in this case there is talk of natural cements). The material obtained, called clinker , is finely ground and added with chalk to the extent of 4-6% with the function of grip delay (primary ector). This mixture is marketed with the name of Portland cement; This, once mixed with water, progressively hydrates and solidifies. From the Portland cement, mixed with the additions available on the market in proportions set by UNI EN 197-1, all other types and concrete subtypes are obtained.

The only one who is the exception is the aluminous cement, which however is not taken into consideration by the aforementioned rule.

The common cements compliant with UNI EN 197-1 are divided into five main types:

In the various cements, a content of secondary constituents is allowed ( fillers or other materials) not exceeding 5%.

The concrete resistance class depends on the finesse of the same and the percentage of tricalcal silicate compared to the Bicalcico one; The greater the fineness of grinding concrete, the greater the tricalcal silicate tenor than the bicalcic and faster the development of the mechanical resistance.

Each type of concrete is potentially available in six different classes of normalized resistance (at 28 days).

For each class of normalized resistance, two classes of initial resistance are defined (2-7 days):

  • the first with ordinary initial resistance, marked with the letter “N”;
  • The second with high initial resistance, marked with the letter “R”.

Therefore, according to UNI EN 19/17/1 there are the following classes of cement resistance:

  • Class 32.5n: 7 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 16; Standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 32.5 ≤ 52.5
  • Class 32.5r: 2 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 10; Standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 32.5 ≤ 52.5
  • Class 42.5n: 2 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 10; standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 42.5 ≤ 62.5
  • Class 42.5r: 2 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 20; standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 42.5 ≤ 62.5
  • Class 52.5n: 2 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 20; Standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 52.5
  • Class 52.5r: 2 -day initial compression resistance ≥ 30; Standard compression resistance to 28 days ≥ 52.5.

The numbers represent the compression resistance, expressed in MPA, which must have cubic provisions prepared in a standardized way with a/c equal to 0.5 and sand/cement ratio equal to 3. It is important to underline that this resistance is to be understood to be understood break.

The start time taken for each normalized resistance class are as follows:

  • Classe 32,5: t ≥ 75 min;
  • Classe 42,5: t ≥ 60 min;
  • Classe 52,5: t ≥ 45 min;
Image under the microscope of the Ferrico Portland cement.

Portland cement is the most used type of concrete, and is used as a binder in the preparation of concrete. It was invented in 1824 in England by the bricklayer Joseph Aspdin and owes the name to the similarity in appearance with the Portland rock, an island in the County of Dorset (England).

It is obtained from the mixing of the clinker , with the addition of plaster in the quantity necessary to regularize the hydration process. The microscopic analysis performed on unknown cement pieces found the presence of four main components and precisely the Alite (Tricalcico silicate), the Belite (Bicalcico silicate), the Celite (Tricalcico aluminated) and the brownmillerite (aluminated Ferrito Tetracalcico).
It is also used in the dental field as MTA (Mineral Trioxide aggregate) to isolate the endodonta from the periodontic.

The phases of the process for the production of cement are as follows:

  • raw material extraction;
  • control characteristics of raw materials;
  • crushing;
  • preomogenization;
  • drying and grinding raw materials for production of raw mixture (“flour”);
  • control characteristics of the flour;
  • deposit and homogenization of the flour;
  • preparation of fuels;
  • Clinker cooking;
  • Deposit Clinker;
  • Constituent and additives deposit;
  • control of the characteristics of the constituents;
  • Croomorous additives deposit;
  • Cement grinding;
  • control characteristics of the cements produced;
  • deposit in the silos of the cements;
  • sausage;
  • control of conformity of CE cement;
  • bulk shipping and bags.

The raw materials for Portland production are minerals containing: calcium oxide

High {Displaystyle {ce {Ca}}}

(44%), silicon oxide

It’s not 2{DisplayStyle {this {sio2}}}

(14.5%), aluminum oxide

Al 2O 3{DisplayStyle {this {al2o3}}}

(3.5%), iron oxide

Fe 2O 3{DisplayStyle {this {Fe2o3}}}

(2%) and magnesium oxide

MgO {displaystyle {ce {MgO}}}

(1.6%). The extraction takes place in mines, underground or open -air, placed near the factory, which generally already have the desired composition, while in some cases it is necessary to add clay or limestone, or iron mineral, bauxite or other residual materials of foundry.

In the case of the cement marl there is talk of mines (also in open -air excavations) and not of quarries (even if underground), since the marl is “cultivated” in the mining concession regime and not of authorization (as in the case of quarries). [4]

Kiln oven scheme

The mixture is heated in a special oven consisting of a huge cylinder (called kiln ) arranged horizontally with slight inclination and rotating slowly. The temperature grows along the cylinder up to about 1480 ° C; The temperature is determined so that the minerals aggregate but do not base and glass. In the lower temperature section, calcium carbonate (limestone) is split into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), according to the reaction:

CaCO 3High + CO 2{Displaystyle {ce {CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2}}}

Casio 3{DisplayStyle {this {Casio3}}}

It is

Shift 2And 2O 5{displaystyle {ce {Ca2Si2O5}}}

). A small amount of Tricalcico aluminated is also formed

Shift 3(AlO3)2{DisplayStyle {CE {CA3 (Alo3) 2}}}

and by aluminated Ferrito Tetracalcico (C 4 AF, result of the reaction

4 High + Al 2O 3+ Fe 2O 3{DisplayStyle {this {4cao + al2o3 + fe2o3}}}

). The resulting material is overall called clinker . The clinker can be kept for years before producing concrete, on condition of avoiding contact with water.

The theoretical energy necessary to produce the clinker It is about 1700 joules per gram, but due to dispersions the value is much higher and can reach up to 3000 joules per gram. This involves a great demand for energy for the production of concrete, and therefore a remarkable release in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas. The quantity of carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere is on average equal to 1.05 kg of

CO 2{DisplayStyle {this {Co2}}}

per kilogram of clinker of Portland concrete product.

To improve the characteristics of the finished product at clinker About 2% of plaster or calcium sulphate is added and the mixture is finely ground. The dust obtained is the concrete ready for use.
The concrete obtained has a composition of the type:

When Portland cement is mixed with water, the product solidifies in a few hours and gradually hardens within several weeks. The initial hardening is caused by the reaction between water, chalk and the aluminated of Tricalcico, to form a crystalline structure of hydrated calcium aluminated (CAH), Eterngite (AFT) and monosolfate (AFM). The subsequent hardening and the development of internal voltage forces derives from the slowest reaction of the water with the Tricalcico silicate, to form an amorphous structure called hydrated calcium silicate (Csh Gel). In both cases the structures envelop and bind the individual granules of material present.
One last reaction produces silica gel (

It’s not 2{DisplayStyle {this {sio2}}}

). All three reactions develop heat.

With the addition of the concrete of particular materials (limestone and lime) the plastic cement, faster socket and greater workability, is obtained. The prepared mortar using a mixture of Portland cement and lime is known as a bastard mortar.
This material is used in particular to cover the external surfaces of the buildings (plaster). In fact, normal cement does not lend itself to being spread.

In 2004 the main world manufacturers of Portland concrete with companies all over the world and also in Italy, are the Lafarge France, the Holcim Switzerland and the Cemex Mexico. In 2014 the French group Lafarge and the Swiss Holcim they were merged, Lafargeholcim, forming the first world cement manufacturer [5] .

Some concrete manufacturers were fined for behavior against the free market.

Clinker training reactions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Clinker granules

If you analyze the production process, or what happens inside the cooking oven, it is found that several groups of reactions take place in subsequent temperature intervals:
