Césarine Davin-Mervault – Wikipéyia


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Césarine Davin born Cesarine Henriette Flore Mirvault the in Paris (Saint-Eustache parish) [ first ] and died in the same city the [ 2 ] is a French painter and miniaturist artist.

Daughter of a engineer and administrator of military hospitals, Césarine Mirvault studied with Joseph-Benoît Suvée, Jacques-Louis David and Jacques Augustin [ 3 ] and created a very popular drawing and painting school [ 4 ] .

Married in Arcueil in October 1793 with Jean Joseph Davin, a merchant of Toulon origin (1755-1824), she had at least two daughters, Césarine and Antoinette.

She will exhibit at the Paris Salon from 1798 to 1822.

1798 lounge [ 5 ]
  • Portrait of citizen Sallantin, wife of the musician artist of the Feydeau theater [ 6 ] , miniature ( n O 102);
  • Paternal love ( n O 103);
  • Maternal tenderness ( n O 104) [ 7 ] .
1799 show [ 8 ]
  • Study from nature , miniature ( n O 66).
1800 lounge [ 9 ]
  • A child in a landscape , miniature ( n O 108);
  • A young person afflicted with the fate of Clarisse Harlowe whose will he reads the will , miniature ( n O 109);
  • A family table ( n O 110);
  • Portrait of citizen *** ( n O 111);
  • Portrait of citizen *** ( n O 112).
1801 lounge [ ten ]
  • Portrait of the suivée citizen, director of the French School of Fine Arts in Rome , miniature ( n O 77);
  • A child preferring weapons to all objects of his education , miniature ( n O 78);
  • A framework containing several portraits ( n O 79).
1802 lounge [ 11 ]
  • A young girl , study ( n O 66) ;
  • A children’s game ( n O sixty seven).
1804 lounge [ twelfth ]
1806 lounge [ 14 ]
  • Portrait of M me  J*** ( n O 127);
  • A gleater ( n O 128) [ 15 ] ;
  • A cooker ( n O 129) [ 16 ] .
1808 lounge [ 17 ]
  • Portrait of M me The Countess F *** de N *** with M lle her daughter ( n O 148) [ 18 ] ;
  • A sleeper ( n O 149).
1810 show [ 19 ]
1812 lounge [ 22 ]
  • Portrait of a young soldier ( n O 237).
1814 lounge [ 23 ]
  • The Malek-Adhel Mort ( n O 236). Aurillac art and archeology museum.
  • The grim Reaper ( n O 237);
  • A sleeper ( n O 238);
  • Several portraits ( n O 239);
  • Persian ambassador, Asker-Khan ( n O 240).
Salon of 1819 [ 24 ]
  • Portrait of M me of *** ( n O 264).
1822 lounge [ 25 ]
  • A young student of M. Frédéric Massimino ( n O 289) [ 26 ] .
  • Portrait of Nicolas Dalayrac , 1801. Unknown location [ 27 ] .
  • Franis Joseph Leefebvre, DUC the Dantzig, Marcel the Franch , 1807. Order of Napoleon I is For the room of the marshals of the Palais des Tuileries in 1804. National Museum of Châteaux de Versailles and Trianon [ 28 ] .
  • Portrait of Joachim Murat, king of the two-siciles, in military costume , 1807, oval miniature signed “Davin 1807”. Former Bernard Franck collection. Unknown location.
  • Portrait of Caroline Bonaparte, wife of Joachim Murat , 1807, oval miniature signed “Davin”. Former Bernard Franck collection. Unknown location [ 29 ] .
  • Portrait of Claude François Chauveau-Lagarde . Paris Bar Museum.
  • Two sisters playing the piano , around 1805, round miniature. Tansey collection, Bomann-Museum, that, Germany [ 30 ] .
  • Young girl portrait , 1810, round miniature. National Gallery of Finland.
  • Napoléon en Costume de Sacre (Napoleon in the ‘Sacre’ costume) , Huile Sur Toile, Costume Gallery, Napoleonic Museum, Rome [ thirty first ] .
  • Silver medal 2 It is Class in the living room of 1804.
  • Gold medal of first re class in the 1814 lounge.
  1. Extract from the register of baptisms made in the parish church of Saint-Eustache in Paris. Online archives of the city of Paris, reconstructed civil status (XVI ° -1859), births of 1773.
  2. Online archives of the city of Paris, reconstituted civil status, sheet n O 6/51 on line . She died at 6, rue des Écuries d’Artois, current rue d’Artois in the 9 It is arrondissement.
  3. (in) Cesarine Davin-Mirvault » , extract from the instructions in the Bénézit dictionary Accès payant, on Oxford Art Online , (ISBN  9780199773787 ) .
  4. “She teaches drawing and painting to her people of her sex” , cited in: Paris Commerce Almanac , 1805, p. 128 ( on line ).
  5. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Central Museum of Arts […] The first is Thermidor year VI of the French Republic , p. 18 ( on line ).
  6. Antoine Sallantin (1754-1831) Hautboïte, composer and professor at the Paris Conservatory.
  7. According to the author of The explanation of paintings and drawings […] exhibited at the Central Museum of Arts […] the first is Thermidor year VI of the French Republic , p. 18 , [first] , “The author has painted her husband in these paintings, she and her children” .
  8. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Central Museum of Arts […] The first is FRUCTIDOR AN VII of the French Republic , p. 13 ( on line ).
  9. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Central Museum of the Arts […] on 25 fructidor year VIII of the French Republic , p. 20 ( on line ).
  10. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Central Museum of Arts […] On 15 fructidor year IX of the French Republic , p. 15 ( on line ).
  11. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Central Museum of the Arts […] On 15 fructidor year X of the French Republic , p. 13 ( on line ).
  12. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Napoleon museum at first is Complementary day year XII of the French Republic , p. 247 ( on line ).
  13. Notice of the work on the collection website ( on line ).
  14. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Napoleon museum on September 15, 1806 , p. 24 ( on line ).
  15. The observer of the Napoleon museum, or the criticism of the paintings in Vaudeville , Paris, Imprimerie Labarre, 1806 p. twelfth ( [2] read online on French .
  16. 1806 lounge , French Pausanias, State of the drawing arts in France at the opening of the XIX It is century , Paris, F. Buisson bookseller-editor, p. 423 ( on line ).
  17. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Napoleon museum on October 14, 1808 , p. 23 ( on line ).
  18. It is the Countess Antoine Français de Nantes and her daughter Marie Elisa. Guillaume-Stanislas Andrieux, The portrait, or the morning of an amateur , new anecdote, Paris, imp. J. H. Stone, 1811, p. 9 ( on line ).
  19. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Napoleon museum on November 5, 1810 , p. 24-25 ( on line ).
  20. Mona Lisa ( on line ).
  21. Née Francesca Riccardi, cantitro sforo (1774ôgg).
  22. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Napoleon museum the first is November 1812 , p. 25 ( on line ).
  23. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Royal Museum of Arts the first is November 1814 , p. 24 ( on line ).
  24. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Royal Museum of Arts on August 25, 1819 , p. 32 ( on line ).
  25. Explanation of painting works […] exhibited at the Royal Museum of Arts on April 24, 1822 , p. 39 ( on line ).
  26. Originally from Turin, Frédéric Massimino (1775-1858) was a singing teacher first in his own school in Paris then at the Royal House of the Legion of Honor in Saint-Denis for more than 30 years. He was appointed knight of the Legion of Honor in 1833.
  27. This portrait of the composer is only known by a reproduction executed at the time by the Louis-Charles Rutotte engraver ( on line ).
  28. Mona Lisa ( on line ).
  29. These two miniatures were exhibited in Paris in 1906 on the occasion of the exhibition of works of art XVIII It is century at the National Library of France. Catalog of the exhibition, Paris, Central Librairie des Beaux-Arts, 1906, p. 28 ( on line ).
  30. Two sisters playing the piano » , on The Tansey Miniatures Foundation (consulted the ) .
  31. Portrait of Napoleon I – Mirvault Davin Césarine -Henriette – Flore » , on Google Arts & Culture (consulted the )

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Charles Gabet, «Davin ( M me née Mirvault) ”, in Dictionary of artists of the French school at XIX It is century , Paris, at M me Vergne, 1831, p. 183 ( on line ).
  • Émile Bellier de la Chavignerie, General dictionary of the artists of the French school from the origin of the drawing arts until the year 1868 inclusive , Paris, Vve J. Renouard, 1870; 1885 edition, p. 361-362 ( on line ).
  • Adolphe Siret, Historical dictionary of painters of all schools from the origin of painting to the present day , Paris, A. Lacroix and C ie , 1874.
  • (in) Amie M. Fine, « Cesarine Davin-Mirvault: Portrait of Bruni and Other Works by a Student of David » , Woman’s Art Journal , Vol. 4, n O 1, spring-summer 1983, pp. 15-20 .
  • Georges Wildenstein, “a table attributed to David and returned to M me Davin-Mirvault: the portrait of the bri violinist (Frick Collection) ”, Fine Arts Gazette , February 1962, pp. 93-98 .

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