Champeaux restaurant – Wikipedia


The Champeaux restaurant , founded in 1800 and immortalized in novels by Émile Zola, is an old restaurant with garden of Rosiers and Acacias, located at 13, Place de la Bourse [ first ] , in the center of Paris, at the corner of rue Vivienne and rue des Filles-Saint-Thomas, which served as a appointment for financiers, writers and journalists.


The restaurant, founded a quarter of a century before the opening of the Palais Brongniart, was a few meters from the Convent of the Daughters-Saint-Thomas, destroyed under the French Revolution, from which he inherited cellars [ 2 ] .

From 1827, he had a new neighbor, the Théâtre des noverty, which then became the Théâtre du Vaudeville. THE , thirteen literators and chansonniers gathered at the restaurateur to raise the institution of the cellar, almost centenary [ 3 ] . The , the statutes of a new singing company, the Caveau Society, also called the children of the Caveau, were signed by thirteen songwriters; It lasted until 1837.

The other institution in the place was right opposite: the Café Gobillard , named after the tenant of Café du Théâtre des novelties [ 4 ] , frequented by writers and politicians, including Jean-Pierre de Montalivet and Alexandre Dumas.

Among the celebrities of Champeaux restaurant , the cook Nicolas Marguery (1834-1910) goes to the diving then in front of the stoves. Around 1860 [ 5 ] , he founded his own restaurant, La sole Marguery , on Bonne-Nouvelle boulevard, two hundred meters further east. THE Champeaux restaurant later welcomed Henri-Paul Pellaprat (1869-1954), future founder, with Marthe Distl, of the Cordon Bleu school and author of numerous classical books. Casimir Moisson, who was his director at the Golden house , then return to Champeaux [ 6 ] .

Created in 1800 by Champeaux, the establishment remained in the family until 1864. From 1872, it was led by Catelain, the famous chief and partner of the Verdier brothers, of the Golden house , located a hundred meters away, on the big boulevards. Catelain creates there in particular the champeal chicken and will finish its culinary career there in 1904. The garden which welcomes the restaurant changes its look in winter, but retains the same dimensions, with simply other plants [ 7 ] . He had “Good cellar and good kitchen” , according to Alfred Delvau [ 8 ] .

At the end of the 1870s, the Coulissiers of the Paris Stock Exchange found themselves in the White and Gold Room Champeaux restaurant [ 9 ] .

On Sunday , To 16 h 20 , the accidental explosion of a barrel of alcohol in the basement of Champeaux restaurant Kill a passerby, Elisa speaking, and hurts eight people. The employees of the Havas agency, located in the building, above the restaurant, are projected out of their headquarters and a crowd of onlookers occurs on the Place de la Bourse [ ten ] .


Five years later, it was in the spans of Champeaux restaurant that nine of the ten writers members of the Goncourt Academy gathered to dine the And awarded the first Goncourt prize to an almost unknown, John-Antoine Nau for his book, Enemy strength , published by Les Éditions de la Plume, awarded in the second round by six votes against three to Camille Mauclair ( The City of Lights ) and one to Jean Vignaud ( People’s friends ). The second Goncourt prize was awarded to Coffee of Paris , 41, avenue de l’Opéra, the December 7, 1904 , To Kindergarten From Léon Frapié, the culinary vagrancy stopping definitively at the restaurant Drouant , the [ 11 ] .

During the First World War, the owner and the staff were mobilized on the front [ twelfth ] . A provisional office of the Banque de France is installed in front of the Champeaux restaurant , renamed Finance coffee , Place de la Bourse, for the subscription to the national loan to finance the armies.

  1. Emile Zola, Money , edition of Philippe Hamon and Marie-France Azéma, financial file by Bernard Cieutat, Le Book de Poche, p. 27 .
  2. Minutes of the Old Paris Commission, January 19, 1899, p. 22 .
  3. Michel Trihorea, The proximity song: cellar, cabarets and other small places , Paris, L’Harmattan, , 188 p. (ISBN  978-2-29626-213-3-3 , read online ) , p. 29 .
  4. The press , .
  5. “The attic of Lionel Mesnard” , Saint-Denis district, .
  6. Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, Gourmet’s Guide to Europe , Applewood Books, , 336 p. (ISBN  978-1-42901-266-9 , read online ) , p. 34 .
  7. The illustrated world , 1857.
  8. Alfred delvau, Pleasures de Paris. Practical and illustrated guide , Achille Faure, 1867.
  9. Alfred College , The prodigious Stock Exchange History , Paris, company of economic and financial editions, , p. 300 .
  10. See newspaper The Stéphanois , , .
  11. Alain Barbier Sainte Marie , “Centennial of the Goncourt Prize”.
  12. Rol agency , 1916.
