Charles-Antoine Jombert – Wikipedia


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Charles-Antoine Jombert

Charles-Antoine Jombert (1712-1784) was a French writer and publisher, son of Claude-Antoine Jomert (18th century), engraver, printer and bookseller.

Jombert typographic brand

Charles-Antoine Jomberrt belongs to a well-known family of French booksers-publishers founded in the seventeenth century by Jean I, son of a wine merchant. The son of the founder, Jean II was a enthusiast of engravings, and Claude-Antoine, one of his children and father of Charles-Antoine, inherited this passion and that for the press of books illustrated by the major artists of his time. Claude’s mother, belonging to the family of Laurent d’Oury (eighteenth century), was also the daughter of a Parisian bookstore-editor dynasty, specialized in the printing of scientific texts and doctors, of real almanacs, and whose name He was linked to that of André François Le Breton (1708-1779) Typographer, publisher and French book, promoter of the publication of the Encyclopédie of Denis Diderot (1713-1784) and Jean-Baptiste Le Rond d’Alembert (1717-1783) .

The fame of the Jomberrt family is linked to the publication of above all scientific works: mathematics, architecture, engineering and art of fortification, so much so that also Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban (1633 – 1707), marshal of France and theoretical of the science of fortifications, made use of of the editorial skills of the Jomert family to publish his treaties and promote a publishing specialized in military sciences, mainly linked to artillery and genius schools founded in France in 1726.

Upon the death of his father Claude-Antoine in 1735, Charles-Antoine, in the meantime trained at the engineering school, inherits the paternal activity of the sale of books, and specializes in the dissemination of military works, becoming a book of the real school of Artillery and genius of the Kingdom of France. Friend since the childhood of Charles-Nicolas Cochin (1715-1790), the famous engraver, undertakes with him a vast activity of publisher of scientific and technical works, richly illustrated and, moreover, will be promoter of the publication of part of the rich artistic activity of the friend’s friend. His vast technical -scientific culture does not prevent him, however, to broaden his catalog of books with works of literature -his own edition of the fairy tales of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) -, of art and architecture in collaboration with The artists of the Louvre and with the club of intellectuals participating in the living room of Madame Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin (1699-1777).

Dalli sua exit a loves of Jean-Étienne montecula (1790 – 1717), of Charles Oobta (1730 – 1814) and audier bosst (1696 – 1746), by physics of Jean Jacques Dertus de Mauranan (1671) and of the Bouguann Address Sourchardlag (1698 – 1761), of guillaume leagues the Bendin, Pieter, painting of Jacques-Charles-in Nicolas, of Jacques-la-Nicolas, from Margapini, from Marco Berrun (1795), and heritage of Jacques-la-Niclandes, 1774), Hythi Geighstions from Henri Louis Duhamel from News (1682) and art Petrochnication Franc Fre – 1772 and with many other hards wintercomes.

  • 1774. Charles-Antoine Jombert. Catalog reasoned with the work of Sébastien Le Clerc, designer & engraver of the king’s office. Arranged in historical order, depending on the year when each piece was engraved, from 1650 to 1714. With the life of this famous artist . Paris, rue Dauphine at the author.
  • 1764. Charles-Antoine Jombert. Modern architecture, or the art of building well for all kinds of people. Six pounds divided . Paris: at the author.
  • 1766. Fréart de Chambray, Roland, Errard, Charles E Jombert, Charles-Antoine. Parallel of architecture, ancient with modern … New edition, increased … by Charles Antoine Jombert … Paris: C.-A Jombert.
  • 1740. Charles-Nicholas Cochin, Paul Farinaste e Charles-Antoine Jombert. New method to learn to draw without a master. Where we explain by new demonstrations the first Elemens & the general rules of this great art, with the way of studying it to improve it in few time. All accompanied by quantity of examples, several academic figures drawn from nature, & proportions of the human body according to the ancient. Enriched with one hundred and twenty plates . Paris: Chez Charles-Antoine Jombert.
  • 1755. Cochin, Charles Nicolas, Bellicard, Jerome-Charles. Observations on Herculanum antiquities; with some reflections on the painting and sculpture of the ancients; & a short description of several antiquities around Naples. By mm. Cochin & Bellicard . Paris: Chez Ch. Ant. Jombert.
  • 1756. Cochin, Charles Nicolas. Picturesque trip from Italy, or collection of notes on painting & sculpture works, which we see in the main cities of Italy. By mr. Cochin, King’s engraver … . PARIS: THE L’IMPRIMEY THE CH. In the. Jombert.
  • 1763. Antoine de Leris. Historical portable dictionary and literary of the theaters, containing the origin of the different theaters of Paris … by M. de Leris. Second edition, review, corrected and considerable increased . In Paris: Chez C. A. Jombert, bookseller of the king in his artillery.
  • 1770. Charles-Antoine Jombert. Catalog of the work of Ch. Nic. Cochin fils, Ecuyer, knight of the Order of Roy, royal censor, guard of the designs of the cabinet of His Majesty, secretary and historiographer of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture . Paris: Imprimerie de Prault.
  • C. Bousquet-Bressolier, Charles-Antoine Jombert (1712-1784). A bookseller between Sciences and Arts . Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1997, n. 2, pp. 299-333. Paris: Electre Éditions.
