Charles Huon de Penanster — Wikipédia


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Charles Huon de Penanster , born the in Lannion (Côtes-du-Nord) and died the In Ploubezre (Côtes-du-Nord), is a French politician. It comes from an old Breton family from Trégor. He was a deputy of Côtes-du-Nord from 1871 to 1881, then senator from Côtes-du-Nord from 1886 to 1901.

Charles Huon de Penanster on the occasion, in his youth, to travel all over the world, in the company of his brother Julien, polytechnician and engineer in armament, and his cousin, Hyacinthe de Gouzillon de Bélizal. He will lead among others, with Breton comrades, an expedition to find the sources of the Nile.

He is general councilor of Côtes-du-Nord, elected from the canton of Plestin-les-Grèves in 1861. He was deputy mayor of Lannion from 1868 to 1870, mayor of Lannion from 1888 to 1892 [ first ] , monarchist deputy from 1871 to 1881 (he participated in particular in the drafting of the law of , known for his article “Defense to display”), and senator from 1886 to 1901. He was secretary of the Senate from 1888 to 1890.

In 1860, he bought, jointly with his brother Julien, the castle of Kergrist, in the town of Ploubezre [ 2 ] . In 1879 he bought the magazine The little fashion echo , created in 1878 and whose audience is then modest [ 3 ] . His wife Claire will assume management and editorial staff, under the pseudonym of Baronne de Clessy. This weekly will have great success in France and Belgium until 1983.

He died in office in 1901 and rests in the family tomb of the Château de Kergrist.


The Huon family is a former bourgeois family in Brittany, identified since the XVIII It is century in Brélévenez, which has become a district of the city of Lannion in Trégor [ 4 ] . Among the paternal ancestors of Charles distinguished his great-grandfather, Guillaume Huon (1722-1795), royal notary; His grandfather, Michel Huon (1753-1817), royal notary; His father, Pierre Huon (1790-1860), lawyer, mayor of Lannion from 1822 to 1830, general councilor in 1825.

Pierre Huon marries Caroline Even (1799-1856), female online heiress of the Guezno de Penanster family [ 5 ] , originally from Kergrist-Moëlou, descendant of Claude Guezno, sieur de Penanster, (1730-1805), adviser to the king, master of waters and forests for the three bishoprics of Léon, Tréguier and Cornouaille. The Guezno de Penanster family has distinguished itself in Brittany with Claude-René Guezno de Penanster (1773-1840), former officer of the royal navy, knight of the royal and military order of Saint-Louis, who participates in the fight of the Chouans as a lieutenant of Georges Cadoudal. He emigrated to England around 1802 and returned to France in 1814 to participate in the Insurrection of the Hundred Days in the Royal Army. He died without leaving posterity on in Ploubezre and he will be buried later in the family tomb of Kergrist castle. Since his death, the Guezno de Penanster family has now been turned off on a male line.

To honor and perpetuate the memory of its maternal ancestors, the Huon family added to its surname that of Penanster. This addition is legally recorded by a decree of March 30, 1925 under the Third Republic [ 6 ] .

Charles Huon de Penanster marries the Claire Anne Marie Léonie Le Roux (1849-1927), daughter of Guillaume Le Roux (1794-1868) and Marie Gabrielle Clara Bazil (1810-1891), including:

  • Pierre (1868-1880), died at 12 years old.
  • Claire (1869-1873), died at 4 years old.
  • Charles (1871-1923), who created in 1922 the printing of Châtelaudren. He married Christine Nicard Des Rieux (1882-1958), including a large family of fifteen children, including Charles-Marie, who developed the printing house of Châtelaudren, created the printing of Massy and directs editions of Montsouris.
  • Marie (1872-1966). She marries Louis Alexandre de Gouzillon de Bélizal, (1867-1947), including eight children.
  • Claire (1883-1964), without alliance.

Curiosity: an American encyclopedia, “Encyclopedia of American Biography”, published in six volumes between 1887 and 1889, presents Charles Henry Huon de Penanster, born in 1727 in Dinan and died in 1771 in Saint-Domingue, a French botanist. ‘ [ 7 ] .

  1. [first]
  2. Kergrist castle, despite its homonymy, has no connection with the town of Kergrist-Moëlou, of which it is distant from some 70 kilometers.
  3. Stéphane Wandries, Rustica, a review to live better (1928-1949) , Master in the history of social regulations
    University of Angers, 2012-2013 ( read online )
  4. Pierre-Marie Dioudonnat, The French Similarity , 2012, p. 412
  5. Penanster, current district of Kergrist-Moëlou, was formerly the fief of the Guezno // Louise Marthe Guezno de Penanster family (1775-1862), wife of Joseph Laurent Even (1765-1828) is the maternal grandmother of Charles Huon de Panans. She is the sister of chief Chouan Claude-René Guezno de Penanster (1773-1840).
  6. Pierre-Marie Dioudonnat, The French Similarity , Sédopols, 2012, p. 412 : “These noble origins were challenged to him by a judgment of the reindeer court of appeal first is July 1918, confirmed in the Court of Cassation on May 12, 1920. And it is ultimately a decree of March 30, 1925 which will give it its modern legal form ”
  7. Bernard Le Nail, “Des Bretons in Mexico”, Les Portes du Large Éditions, 2009, (ISBN  978-2-914612-27-2 )

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