Charles Melchior de Molènes – Wikipedia


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Charles Marc Ernest Melchior of Molnes , born the in the 16 It is Paris arrondissement and death In Neuilly-sur-Seine, is a French academic, writer and speaker.

Studies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He was the only son of the German-Jewish banker Carl Melchior (1871-1933) and the French writer Marie de Molnes (1899-1985).
After secondary studies at the Bertran-de-Born high schools in Périgueux, pastor in Neuilly-sur-Seine and Louis-le-Grand in Paris, Charterhouse School in Great Britain, then at the Faculty of Law of Paris where he obtained his license In law, he entered the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. Winner of the General History Competition (1950) [ first ] , he will be eligible for the École normale supérieure, and obtains a state doctorate in political science in 1962 [ 2 ] .

He will also study abroad, at the University of Fribourg [Which ?] , et au Salzburg seminar in American Studies.

Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From 1958 to 1961, Charles Melchior de Molnes was a project manager at the Ministry of Agriculture and the Cabinets of Ministers Roger Houdet and Henri Rochereau, in parallel with his activity as a journalist, collaborator of many French and foreign periodicals, from 1960.

  • Research manager at the Council of Europe (1964),
  • Manager of teaching and directed works at the Faculties of Law of Paris and Reims (1968)
  • Municipal councilor of Neuilly-sur-Seine (1965), delegate to the union of municipalities of the suburbs of Paris for the waters (1965), former administrator of the municipal hospital in Neuilly, administrator (since 1966), first vice-president ( 1969), president (1980) of the Neully Philotechnical Association
  • Member of the Society of Gens of Letters (since 1969), of the Pen Club (since 1973),
  • Administrator (since 1962) of the Association of Doctors in Political Science, Administrator (since 1959) and Deputy Secretary General (since 1966) of the Association of Laureates of the General Competition, administrator of a Center for International Studies (CEDIMES) at the University of Paris II,
  • Administrator of the France-Tunisia association, of the Association of Friends of Maurice Baumont, of the France-China association
  • Member of the steering committee of the International League against Racism
  • Secretary General of the Association of former students of Louis-le-Grand (1988)
  • Vice-president (1972) then Honorary President (1991) of the Association of former students of the Pasteur high school.
  • A current of opinion in the United States: MC Cartthyism (State doctoral thesis in political science, 1962, n O 4) [ 3 ]
  • The career of President Kennedy and American political life (1963) Cujas editions, Paris – Preface by André Maurois, 596 p [ 4 ] .
  • Strasbourg Europe Roudil editions, Paris, 1971

Winner of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Paris (1963), the French Academy (1964), the Société des Gens de Lettres de l’Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (1972), of the Academy D ‘Alsace (1973), from the Academy of Letters and Arts of Périgord (1974).


Member of the Society of Writers of Alsace, Lorraine and the Territoire de Belfort, the Chateaubriand Society, the French Association of Political Science, the Center for Studies of Foreign Policy, the Academy of Neuilly, the ‘Academy of Périgord, the Academy of Alsace, friends of the École normale supérieure, of the National Children’s Committee, the Société d’études Staëliennes, of the Édouard Herriot Circle, of the Polish Historical and Literary Society , the society of romantic studies and XIX It is century, member and administrator (since 1994) of the Academy of Eastern Marches.

  1. Miss Cécile Grinzovski First prize for French composition Charles Melchior de Molènes Premier Prix de History », The world , ( read online ) .
  2. Thesis notice in the Southoc catalog; dir. Claude-Albert Colliard
  3. This thesis forms the second part of the work published under the title of: The career of President Kennedy … . See notice BNF
  4. “This book was written before the assassination of the President of the United States and appeared with the publisher on November 22, 1963, the day of the assassination. He therefore traces the career of the young Kennedy, without being impressed by the aura from which the president of the president was surrounded, as soon as he disappeared. »» Jacques Vernant, review Foreign politic , 1966, vol. 31, n O first, p. 99
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