Charlie Bauer — Wikipedia


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Charlie Bauer , born the in Marseille and died on In Montargis in the Loiret, is a revolutionary farm activist.

Former accomplice of Jacques Mesrine, he was detained 25 years in prison, including nine in the high security districts (QHS).

Charlie Bauer was born in the Estaque district of Marseille, son of Jewish workers, communists and resistant [ 4 ] .


A member of the Communist Youths, he broke with them at the time of the PCF of military credits for the Algerian war.
He therefore supported the National Liberation Front. In the late 1970s, he founded an anti -fascist group with Pierre Goldman [ 5 ] .

Prison [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Arrested, he is sentenced several times for thefts, which he considers as a “Political practice” [ 6 ] . He robs luxury trains and stores in order to redistribute goods [ 7 ] . During his incarceration in the High Security district of the Health Prison in the 1970s, he met Jacques Mesrine, of which he became the accomplice [ 8 ] .

Charlie Bauer spent twenty-five years of his life in prison, including nine in the high security district. He goes through Paris, Marseille and Lisieux where he meets his wife, Renée, professor of philosophy [ 9 ] .

During his stay in prison, he spent two university licenses, in psychology and philosophy, and a doctorate of social anthropology [ ten ] . Farouche opposing prisons and QHS, Charlie Bauer will become a fierce defender of the rights of prisoners, fighting in particular for them to be entitled to television in cells and can have access to books and newspapers.

Author [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two years after his release in 1988, Charlie Bauer wrote an autobiography, Life fractures , which sells for 150,000 copies [ 11 ] . In 1990, he prepared a work on Marseille with Robert Doisneau who died during this project [ twelfth ] .

Actor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charlie Bauer is technical advisor on the film The public enemy n O first From the Jacques Mesrine saga in 2008. His character is interpreted by Gérard Lanvin. However, criticisms stressed that Charlie Bauer was about thirty years in the 1970s, while Gerard Lanvin was fifty-eight during the shooting. He plays a role in the film Black light of Med Hondo in 1996 and another in the theatrical adaptation of stories of the Kolyma of Varlam Chalamov [ 13 ] .

Dead [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charlie Bauer died the From a heart attack to Montargis in the Loiret [ 9 ] .

Private life [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charlie Bauer is the father of Sarah Illioucha Bauer.

His ideas have been described as anarcho-communism [ 5 ] .

  • Life fractures , Marseille, Agone, , 445 p. (ISBN  2-7489-0025-1 , OCLC  469532787 )
  • The nail rectifier: revolutionary violence , Paris, Le Cherche Midi, , 334 p. (ISBN  978-2-7491-1706-5 , OCLC  671465606 )
  1. Death search engine » , on (consulted the ) .
  2. “Teacher in philosophy specializing in Marxism”
  3. Patricia Tourancheau « Comrade n ° 1 », Release , ( read online ) .
  4. [first]
  5. a et b [2]
  6. Charlie Bauer accomplice of Mesrine and Revolutionary
  7. “Pillaging luxury shops to distribute loot in working -class neighborhoods”
  9. a et b The little blue, ” Charlie Bauer struck down by a heart attack », The dispatch , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  11. Press review around the reissue of Life fractures , on the site .
  12. Marseille the Hebdo , February 21, 2007
  13. Telerama , January 2, 2006

On Charlie Bauer [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Rouge Bandit , short film directed by Fred Nicolas
  • Charlie Bauer Marathonian of Hope

With Charlie Bauer [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Wild War – Graffiti Clashs From Paris : Vol. 1

With the character of Charlie Bauer [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
