Charlotte julie bonaventure — Wikipedia


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Charlotte and Julie Bonaventura , born on (42 years old) In Marseille, are international handball binoculars and referees [ first ] , [ 2 ] . Belonging to group 1 referees of the French Handball Federation, they officiate both in women and men, in particular in Male Female Division 1 and Division 1, but also in competitions organized by EHF and IHF, as The final of the 2012 Women’s Olympic Games tournament or several 2017 male world championship games organized in France. The two sisters thus become the first women to officer in a male world championship [ 3 ] .The sisters are selected during the 2023 male world championship in Poland, they referees several games including Portugal Brazil

Charlotte and Julie Bonaventura arbitrate their first international competition during the 2009 women’s world championship in China [ 4 ] Then from the 2011 Women’s World Championship in Brazil.

In 2012, they form one of the two French pairs selected for the arbitration of the Olympic Games taking place in London. During these Olympic Games, they officiated on the male and female competition, with the high point of the female final between Norway and Montenegro, August 11, 2012 [ 5 ] .

On May 4, 2014, they refereed the female final of the Champions League between Győri Eto KC and žrk Budućnost Podgorica in front of 10,000 spectators [ 6 ] .

On December 21, 2014, they arrested the final of the European women’s championship in Budapest in Hungary.

On December 20, 2015, they arrested the final of the women’s world championship between the Netherlands and Norway in Herning in Denmark [ 7 ] .


At the Rio Olympic Games in 2016, they headed the match for the bronze medal in particular, France being in the final. On the other hand, they are not selected for the 2016 European Women’s Championship.

In January 2017, the pair was appointed to officer on the 2017 male world championship organized in France, becoming the first women to officer in a male world championship [ 3 ] .

At the 2017 female World Cup and then at female Europe 2018, they did not stop the semi-finals or the finals due to the presence of France. On the other hand, they are the first pair referee to arbitrate a semi-final and the final of the 2019 women’s World Cup.

At the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (which took place in 2021), the referee several games in female and male tournaments, including two quarter -finals. [ 8 ]

  • The triple life of the Arbitrators Charlotte and Julie Bonaventura », The world , ( read online , consulted the )
