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In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, the Möbius scale

M L n{Displaystyle ml_ {n}}

is a cubic graph formed from the graph cycle to

2 n {displaystyle 2n}

Summits by adding edges between the opposite summits of the cycle.

The graphs of this family are so named because, if we except

M L 3{displaystyle ML_{3}}

[ 2 ] ,

M L n{Displaystyle ml_ {n}}

has exactly

n {displaystyle n}

4 summits cycles [ 3 ] which, put together by their shared summits, form the equivalent of a ribbon of Möbius. The scales of Möbius were appointed and studied for the first time by Richard Guy and Frank Hairry in 1967 [ 4 ] .

A view of

The Möbius scale on a ribbon in Möbius.

Coloring with 3 colors of

Möbius scales are circulating graphs.

They are not planar graphs, but can be made planar by removing a single summit, which makes them apex graphs (in) . It is possible to draw it on a plane with a single cross and this number is minimal. It can be plunged (in) In a torus or a projective plan without crosses, it is therefore an example of Toroidal Graph. De-Ming Li explored diving of these graphs on superior order surfaces [ 5 ] .

The scales of Möbius are summary but are not transtitious edges (except

M L 3{displaystyle ML_{3}}

): Each amount of the scale belongs to a single cycle of 4 peaks, while the bars of the scale each belong to two of these cycles.

The Brooks theorem and the fact that the graph is cubic guarantee that 3 colors are enough to color it. In fact, when

n {displaystyle n}

is peer, we need the three colors, and otherwise two colors are enough. In addition, Möbius scales are uniquely determined by their chromatic polynomials [ 6 ] .

Möbius scale

M L 4{displaystyle ML_{4}}

has 392 covering trees. Her and

M L 3{displaystyle ML_{3}}

have the most covering trees among all cubic graphs with the same number of summits [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] . However, it is not general. Indeed, the cubic graph at 10 summit having the most covering trees is the graph of Petersen, which is not a scale of Möbius.

Tuttes polynomials of Möbius scales can be calculated using a simple recurrence relationship [ 9 ] .

Three -dimensional view of

Three -dimensional view of

The scales of Möbius play an important role in the history of graph minors. The oldest result in this area is Klaus Wagner’s 1937 theorem saying that graphs without a minor can be formed using the sum operations (in) To combine planar graphs and Möbius scale

M L 4{displaystyle ML_{4}}

. For this reason,

M L 4{displaystyle ML_{4}}

Wagner graph is called [ ten ] .

Gubser (1996) defines a almost planar graph Like a non -planar graph in which any non -trivial minor is planar. He shows that almost planar graphs 3-connections are Möbius scales or members of a small number of other families and that other almost-plain graphs can be formed from a series of simple operations [ 11 ] .

John Maharry has shown that almost all graphs that do not have a cubic minor can be deducted from a series of simple operations from Möbius scales [ twelfth ] .

D. Walba and his colleagues synthesized the first of Möbius -shaped molecular -shaped molecular structures [ 13 ] , and since this structure has been the subject of interest in chemistry and stereochemistry [ 14 ] , and in particular in relation to the scale form of DNA molecules. By keeping this application in mind, Erica Flapan studies [ 15 ] Mathematical symmetries of diving (in) Möbius scales in

R3{displaystyle mathbb {R} ^{3}}


Möbius scales have also been used for the form of superconductive rings in experiments consisting in studying the spatial structure of drivers in interactions between electrons [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] .

Finally, they were also used in computer science, as part of linear optimization approaches in whole numbers of set packing and scheduling problems. The scales of Möbius can be used to define the facets of the polytope which describes a continuous relaxation of the problem; These facets are called Möbius scale constraints [ 18 ] , [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] .

  1. For example Graph Theory – Lecture 2 , University of Columbia. Many other ratings coexist.
  2. (in) John P. McSorley , Counting structures in the Möbius ladder » , Discrete Mathematics , vol. 184, n you 1 to 3, , p. 137-164 (DOI  10.1016/S0012-365X(97)00086-1, Math Reviews  1609294)
  3. (in) Richard Guy and Frank To get sick , On the Möbius ladders » , Canadian Mathematical Bulletin , vol. 10, , p. 493-496 (DOI  10.4153/CMB-1967-046-4, Math Reviews  0224499)
  4. (in) De-ming That , Genus distributions of Möbius ladders » , Northeastern Mathematics Journal , vol. 21, n O 1, , p. 70-80 (Math Reviews  2124859)
  5. (in) Anna of shit and Marc Noy , On graphs determined by their Tutte polynomials » , Graphs and Combinatorics , vol. 20, n O 1, , p. 105-119 (DOI  10.1007/s00373-003-0534-z, Math Reviews  2048553)
  6. (in) Dmitry Jakobson that Igor Line , On some extremal problems in graph theory » , arXiv , ( read online )
  7. (in) L. Board , Extremal properties of spanning trees in cubic graphs » , Proceedings of the Twenty-second Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (Baton Rouge, LA, 1991) , Congress number vol. 85, , p. 143-160 (Math Reviews  1152127)
  8. (in) N. L. Biggs , R. M. Damerell and D. A. Sands , Recursive families of graphs » , Journal of Combinatorial Theory , b, vol. 12, , p. 123-131 (DOI  10.1016/0095-8956(72)90016-0, Math Reviews  0294172) .
  9. (of) K. Wagner , About a property of the levels complex » , Mathematical annals , vol. 114, , p. 570-590 (DOI  10.1007/BF01594196, Math Reviews  1513158)
  10. (in) Gubser, Bradley S., A characterization of almost-planar graphs » , Combinatorics, Probability and Computing , vol. 5, n O 3, , p. 227-245 (DOI  10.1017/S0963548300002005)
  11. (in) John Mahary , A characterization of graphs with no cube minor » , Journal of Combinatorial Theory , b, vol. 80, n O 2, , p. 179-201 (DOI  10.1006/jctb.2000.1968)
  12. (in) D. Any , R. Richards and R. C. Haltiwanger , Total synthesis of the first molecular Möbius strip » , Journal of the American Chemical Society , vol. 104, n O 11, , p. 3219-3221 (DOI  10.1021/ja00375a051) .
  13. (in) Jonathan Simon , « Knots and chemistry » , In New scientific applications of geometry and topology , Providence, RI, AMS, coll.  « Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics » ( n O 45), (Math Reviews  1196717) , p. 97-130 .
  14. (in) Erica Flapan , Symmetries of Möbius ladders » , Mathematical annals , vol. 283, n O 2, , p. 271-283 (DOI  10.1007/BF01446435) .
  15. (in) Frédéric I’d like , C. A. Stafford and Sylvain Capponi , Persistent currents in a Möbius ladder: A test of interchain coherence of interacting electrons » , Physical Review B , vol. 57, n O 3, , p. 1457-1460 (DOI  10.1103/PhysRevB.57.1457, read online ) .
  16. (in) Wen-ji Deng Ji-huan Coin and ping Liu , Period halving of persistent currents in mesoscopic Möbius ladders » , Chinese Physics Letters , vol. 19, n O 7, , p. 988-991 (DOI  10.1088/0256-307X/19/7/333, arXiv  cond-mat/0209421) .
  17. (in) G. Bolotashvili , M. Kovalev and E. Girish , New facets of the linear ordering polytope » , SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , vol. twelfth, n O 3, , p. 326-336 (DOI  10.1137/S0895480196300145) .
  18. (in) Ralf Borndörfer and Robert Weismantel , Set packing relaxations of some integer programs » , Mathematical Programming, Series A , vol. 88, n O 3, , p. 425-450 (DOI  10.1007/PL00011381, Math Reviews  1782150) .
  19. (in) M. Grötschel , M. Younger and G. Cleans , On the acyclic subgraph polytope » , Mathematical Programming , vol. 33, , p. 28-42 (DOI  10.1007/BF01582009, Math Reviews  0809747) .
  20. (in) M. Grötschel , M. Younger and G. Cleans , Facets of the linear ordering polytope » , Mathematical Programming , vol. 33, , p. 43-60 (DOI  10.1007/BF01582010, Math Reviews  0809747) .
  21. (in) Alantha Newman and Santosh Vempala , « Fences are futile: on relaxations for the linear ordering problem » , In Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 8th International IPCO Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 13–15, 2001, Proceedings , Berlin, Springer-Verlag, coll.  « Lecture Notes in Computer Science » ( n O 2081), (DOI  10.1007/3-540-45535-3_26, Math Reviews  2041937, read online ) , p. 333-347 .

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