Chibiusa – Wikipedia


Chibiusa ( Little ? ) , whose real name is Usagi Small Lady Serenity ( Rabbit SL Serenity USAG SL SERENIT ? ) , is one of the main characters, also co-protagonist of the manga series Sailor Moon , created by Naoko Takeuchi, and of the anime, take you. Coming from the 20th century, she is the future daughter of the protagonist Usagi Tsukino and her boyfriend Mamoru Chiba, and her battle name is Sailor ChibiMoon , Sailor Chibiusa in the Italian dubbing of the historical anime. During his stay in the twentieth century she also takes the name of USAGI TSUKINO . Takeuchi has dedicated a series of short stories entitled to the Chibiusa character and his schoolmates entitled The illustrated diary of Chibiusa .


The name Chibiusa (pronounced / Tɕibi’USA / in the original language, / iz’uza / In the Italian 90s dubbing) he is, in reality, just a nickname given to the girl (in the manga by the future father, Mamoru, in the anime from the future mother, Usagi) upon his arrival in the past, to distinguish her from the already present Usagi Tsukino. Is formed from deer (abbreviation of usagi , which in Japanese means rabbit ) and the particle chibi (Japanese term translatable with mini ). In Italy, in the adaptation of Mediaset, the reason for the name is not clear, as the character presents himself as Bunny , equally to the protagonist in the Italian adaptation.

The idea of ​​the introduction of Usagi’s daughter and his name were suggested to Naoko Takeuchi by his editor Fumio Osano [first] . The author revealed that he initially did not have a precise idea of ​​how to draw the girl’s hair, unless they were pink and with the Odango. The definitive inspiration came from a doll [2] . A first version of Chibiusa as a warrior Sailor appears in the first chapter of the series The illustrated diary of Chibiusa , in a child’s dream, with the name of Sailor Chibiusa Moon ; His uniform presents some differences with that of Chibimoon, including the presence of a cloak.

Described by the author like a monella who likes to make jokes [3] Chibiusa is the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru as sovereigns of the 19th century land with the names of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. It has red eyes and pink hair with two Odango reminiscent of the ears of a rabbit and is initially accompanied by the magic ball Luna P. Ball (commonly called Luna P. ).
Characteriously Chibiusa is an optimistic and expansive girl and is very popular among her classmates (including Momo and Kyosuke), of which in the manga she is elected representative. In the manga the character matures very gradually, acquiring security in himself as a warrior. The kilos of the anime sometimes appears less mature than its paper counterpart, in fact a recurring gag is to resume Usagi for his shortcomings and his carelessness.
His dream is to be able to become a splendid lady like his mother [4] , to find one of his Prince Charming and to be an excellent friend [5] . His greatest fears (partly shared with his mother) are the thunder [6] , ghosts and vampires [7] , the dentists [8] and the stings [9] . He attended the Juban elementary school in the Anzabu district, his favorite subject is artistic education and is a member of the gardening school club [ten] .

Arrived in the twentieth century fleeing by the perfidious Black Moon clan to ask for help from the sailor warriors of the past, the girl set off at Tsukino’s house by washing the brain to the other family members to convince them to be their daughter [11] . This fact brings Usagi and, at the beginning, also Luna, to suspect that the girl is another enemy, which is denied by the powers of Rei.

One of the elements of the character who varies most from anime and manga is his age: in the Chibiusa comic version he is in fact 900 years old (902 in the saga Dream ) And his appearance as a child is due to the fact that he has not yet awakened any power and his growth has blocked himself. In the cardboard his age is not specified [twelfth] .

Chibiusa behaviors with his parents change according to the time; In fact, when he is in the twentieth century his relationship with Usagi recalls much more that of a younger sister, as well as having a crush on his future father Mamoru (who also calls friendly Mother ), which makes usage not a little jealous [13] In addition to the initial suspicion about the girl’s purposes. At discovering the secret identity of the mother, first Chibiusa is irritated by the fact that a stupid, careless and selfish girl “holds the power of the silver crystal; Later, the Sailor warriors are captured by Ruben, who is looking for the girl, and Usagi expresses all his hatred for Chibiusa because of the situation, this shook the girl, and when the sensi stop the girls of the girl for girls They soften and please help her save her parents.

Sailor ChibiMoon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sailor ChibiMoon nell’anime

Sailor ChibiMoon It is the form of kilos as a sailor warrior. His uniform recalls that of Sailor Moon and as in the case of the latter the recurring motifs are the moon’s fails and hearts, while the colors of the uniform are mainly cherry and pink color. In the manga the powers of Chibimoon are more offensive than those of the cons part of the anime, where the character mostly plays a comic role and mostly occurs to diversions to distract enemies (similarly to his father Tuxedo Kamen).

Super Sailor ChibiMoon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the chibiusa manga he turns for the first time into a warrior Sailor during the battle against Death Phantom, after returning normal following his transformation into black lady for the shock suffered by the death of Sailor Pluto, his only friend. In the anime, however, it will arrive as Sailor Chibimoon during the third series, helping Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars against an Eudial Daimon.
Later on the kilos he will obtain (in the manga through his sacred glass, in the anime thanks to Pegasus) the power to transform into Super Sailor Chibimoon .

Eternal Sailor ChibiMoon [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Further on in the manga it will have a third transformation with the uniform similar to that of Eternal Sailor Moon [14] , but without wings and with tiara. With this aspect he will return from his era together with the Sailor Quartet warriors (the real form of the Amazon quartet) in the past to stop Galaxia in the last manga saga.

Usagi Small Lady Serenity [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Symbol of the kingdom of the moon

Often abbreviated by parents and family friends in Small Lady (translated into Little Lady In the dubbing of the animated series of the 90s and in the first edition of the manga) this is the official name of Chibiusa in the 20th century. In the manga it is clarified that this name was given to her by the mother, with the desire that the girl can become a splendid lady. Although killed is called with the full name by parents and friends also in its civil form, throughout the story it proves to be able to transform itself into a princess like the mother.

The appearance and history of this form of kilos diverge a lot between anime and manga: in the first the little girl gets this form during the battle against Wiseman, when it discovers that the Illusory silver crystal The future is not disappeared, but entered his body, and invokes the strength of the stone to help Sailor Moon [15] . Subsequently he will resume this form in the final of the fourth series, when Sailor Moon turns into Princess Serenity to save it before he reaches the ground after Nehellenia threw it down from the sky. In the manga the form is obtained when Sailor Moon frees the power of the sacred glass and also transforms the remaining warriors into the princesses of their respective planets, and later he will reappear with this aspect of Crystal Tokyo during the last saga.
Another difference is in the dress worn by Chibiusa when it takes on the form of princess: in the anime we wear a white dress equal to that of Sailor Moon when it turns into Princess Serenity, while in the manga a light pink dress of different shapes. In both versions there is the symbol of the kingdom of the moon on the girl’s forehead.

In the manga during the Dream saga, the adult version of Chibiusa will also make its short appearance: Princess Lady Serenity ( New Princess Serenity In the Italian dubbing of the film Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal – Il film ), appeared in a vision of Helios, informing the priest on future events (the attack of Dead Moon and the reappearance of the golden crystal) [16] .

Black Lady [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Black Lady is the form taken by Chibiusa, after being transformed by Death Phantom into the Queen of Nemesis through the washing of the brain and having received the power of the “evil black crystal” in her body. Its appearance is that of an adult kilos. Sailor Moon does not understand what happened in Chibiusa, subsequently he discovers what happened to him and fights more than once against Black Lady, in an attempt to bring her back normal.

In the anime, after being convinced by Death Phantom that he was neglected and abandoned by his family, Black Lady hates Usagi and Mamoru and tries to kill them, considering his “Luna-P” toy toy, his only friend. Only the love of his parents manages to make her come back normal.

In the manga instead, after throwing away “moon-p” (as a symbol of a childhood duration of the twentieth century) tries to seduce and plagiarize his father Mamoru. It is only the shock of seeing her friend Sailor Pluto die who will make her return normal, and for the first time she will turn into Sailor Chibimoon.

CHIBIUSA TSUKINO [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

This alternative version of Chibiusa appeared in history Parallel Sailor Moon where an alternative reality is shown where Usagi renounced to be queen and had another daughter called afterwards Kousagi .
This kilos (presented by the author itself with the name of CHIBIUSA TSUKINO ) It appears as a fifteen year old who attends a prestigious after -school together with his friend Hotaru (note that theoretically Hotaru should be greater than Chibiusa, while here the two girls seem to be the same age). His behavior with the mother is very similar to that of the kilos of the cartoon, in fact it does not waste time reproaching Usagi for the non -payment of school taxes and for not having presented herself at the interview with the teachers.

Original formula Italian formula (souls) Italian Formula (Crystal) Formula (manga) formula (manga) Use in the series
Moon Prism Power, Make Up Power of the prism of moon, come to me! Power of the Luna Prisma, transform me! Moon Prism Power, Make Up Anime / Branch
Crisis, Make Up n/a n/a Crisis, Make Up manga
Moon Crisis, Make Up! Super supreme power, come to me Moon Crisis, Make Up! anime/manga/Crystal
Moon Crystal Power! [17] n/a Moon Crystal Power! manga/Crystal
Pink Moon Crystal Power, Make Up! [17] n/a Pink Moon Crystal Power, Make Up! manga
Original formula Literal translation Italian formula (souls) Italian Formula (Crystal) Formula (manga) formula (manga) Use in the series
Abracadabra Pon Abracadabra Pon Moon p, transforms! Abracadabra Poof! Abracadabra Poff! anime/manga/Crystal
Moon Princess Halation Alone della Princess della Luna n/a Alone della Princess of the Moon! Moon Princess Halation manga/Crystal
Pink sugar heart attack Attack of the heart of pink sugar Small hearts Rosa Attack in burst, action! Heart of pink sugar! Pink sugar heart attack manga/anime/Crystal
Rainbow Double Moon Heart Ache Double attack on the heart of the Luna Arcobaleno n/a Double hearts of the lunar rainbow Rainbow Double Moon Heart Ache manga/Crystal
Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack (CON TUXEDO KAMEN) Pink sugar tuxedo attack n/a Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack manga
Twinkle Yell Shiny trill Magical bell of chibiusa !!! Magical bell! Twinkle Yell manga/anime/Crystal
Submarine Mirror Submarine mirror n/a Submarine Mirror manga/Crystal
Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (con Sailor Moon) Double therapeutic kiss of the starry moon dessert n/a Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss manga
Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss (with the Sailor Quartet) Freezing kiss of the pink girls n/a Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss manga
Supersonic Waves Where supersoniche Manga / Anime
Moon Gorgeous Meditation (con Super Sailor Moon) Majestic lunar meditation Scepter of Super Sailor Moon, it comes into action! Moon Gorgeous Meditation manga/anime/Crystal
Garlic Attack Attack on garlic n/a Attack on garlic! manga [18]

In the anime a recurring gag is the fact that the attack Pink Sugar Heart Attack (in Italy that has become Little Rosa Hearts, Defica Attack, Action! ) delayed burst functions, often ending up in the face of the daimon on duty (or as in the first case also on the butt), causing them not a little pain. This attack is brought to both in the manga and in the anime with a scepter, with the difference that in the manga the scepter others is only moon p transformed. In addition, in the manga this attack is carried out once also in the “super” form of the warrior.

Chibiusa is voiced in the anime by Kae Araki and Misato Fukuen in Sailor Moon Crystal , while from Deborah Morese (Mediaset), by Marcella Silvestri as Black Lady, from Letizia Ciampa in the first film Shin Vision and Monica Volpe in Sailor Moon Crystal .

Nei Musical CHIBIUSA è Stata INTERPRETATA DA 15 ATTRICI: AI MIYAKAWA (1995-1996), MAO KAWASAKI (1994-1995 E DAL 1996-1997 E La Black Lady Nel 2001) , TAMAKI DIA SHIRAIA
(1995-1996), natsumi takanaka (1995), ayano Gunji (1998-2000), arisu izawa (2000), kasumi takabatake (2001), NOEL MIYAZAKI (2001-2002), Aisha YAMA Moto (2002),
Nanami Ohata (2002), Mao Ohno (2003), MINA HORITA (2003), Moe Oosaki (2004-2005), KOKORO KUGE (DAL 2014-2015) E Airi Kanda (Dal 2014).

  1. ^ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol.3, OMAKE OF FINAL VOLUME (the so -called Punch )
  2. ^ ( And ) NAOKO TAKEUCHI, Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Volume II Original Picture Collection , August 1994.
  3. ^ ( And ) NAOKO TAKEUCHI, Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Volume VI Original Picture Collection , September 1999.
  4. ^ Manga di sailor moon, Act 35 old edition
  5. ^ Sailor Moon’s souls, episode 135
  6. ^ Sailor Moon manga, ACT 16 Old edition
  7. ^ Sailor Moon souls, special episode The return of the vampire
  8. ^ Souls of Sailro Moon, episode 153
  9. ^ Sailor moon episode anime 78
  10. ^ as revealed in the history of the series The illustrated diary of Chibiusa: the mysterious bomb price building
  11. ^ In the Italian translation Chibiusa assumes, as a false identity, that of a distant cousin of Usagi, while in the original version the girl refers to the girl with One-Chan , Therefore sister . However, it must be emphasized that the term One-Chan It is used as an emotional appellation towards the biggest girls even if there is no relationship, or if you are cousins
  12. ^ Physically to his first Chibiusa appearance he is five or six years old. In addition, a flashback of his birthday is seen in episode 84 in Crystal Tokyo on whose cake there are about five candles.
  13. ^ Sailor Moon souls, episode 104
  14. ^ This form is never called Eternal Sailor Chibimoon, in no official publication
  15. ^ Sailor Moon souls, episode 88
  16. ^ Manga di Sailor Moon, Act 46 New edition
  17. ^ a b These two formulas play the same role, before and after the evolution of its illusory silver crystal in Pink Moon Crystal
  18. ^ used in the Omke Illustrated diary of Chibiusa History 1 warned by classmates!
