Christophe Horses – Wikipedia


Christophe Horses
Image illustrative de l’article Christophe Chevaux
Christophe Horses at the Jyvaskyla (Finland) world veterans world championships
Disciplines 800 m
Activity period 2010 –
Official site
Nationality French
Birth (48 years old)
Place of birth Autun
Size 1,70 m
Club The running
• 800 m : 1 min 54 s 44 (2013)
Track record

Christophe Horses (born the in Autun) is a French athlete specializing in 800 meters, licensed in Autun Running [ first ] .


In the veterans category, he won several titles, notably world champion on 800 m and 1500 m in November 2016 in Perth (Australia) [ 2 ] , indoor European champion on 800 m in Anne (Italy) in March 2016 [ 3 ] and European champion on 1,500 m in August 2014 in Izmir (Türkiye); It is twice vice-world champion out of 800 m [ 4 ] In October 2013 at the world’s outdoor athletic veteran world championships in Porto Alegre in Brazil [ 5 ] And in April 2012 at the world athletic athletics world championships in Jyvaskyla in Finland [ 6 ] , 3 It is on 1,500 m In October 2013 at the world veteran world championships in Porto Alegre in Brazil [ 5 ] and twice European vice-champion out of 800 m [ 7 ] In August 2012 at the European Athletics Veterans Championships in the open air, in Zittau in Germany [ 8 ] and March 2013 indoors, in Saint-Sébastien in Spain [ 9 ] In June 2014, he was a double French champion out of 800 m and 1,500 m in Vénissieux [ ten ] as well as European champion on 1,500 m , European vice-champion out of 800 m and the 4 × 400 m relay and bronze medal on the 4 × 100 m relay in Izmir (Turkey).

The 2015 season begins with a title of champion of France indoors in Nantes out of 1,500 m and finish second out of 800 m [ 11 ] And prepares to compete in the European indoor European championships which take place at the end of March in Poland but must declare for the illness of his daughter’s disease who suffers from medullary aplasia. After a two -month stop, he returned to training and won during the meeting Areva at the Stade de France on 800 m [ twelfth ] At the beginning of July and participates in the world championships which takes place in Lyon in August and finishes 5 It is 800 m [ 13 ] Then won the bronze medal with the 4 × 400 m relay.

He is also employed by the city of Autun. In April 2012, he received the medal of honor from the city of Autun [ 14 ] .

Since 2019, he has been president of the Autun Running club which he created and launched in September 2019 with more than 150 licensees

Youth and start [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is in the Saint-Pantaléon district that Christophe Horses grew up. He practiced athletics at USEP in primary and then at UNSS and at the Athletic stadium from Autunois with the coach Théodore Grabowski. Former cooking at Les Ursulines restaurant, he obtained his CAP Cuisine in 1994 but he had to stop the practice of athletics following a knee operation (Osgood-Schlatter’s disease). Very invested in the life of his neighborhood in Saint-Pantaléon, he will actively participate in the creation of the Hypnos association which he created with six childhood friends including Beatbox Eklips [ 15 ] .


Back in 2004 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Father of three children and animator [ 16 ] , he is a football coach at the AJSP, a young people’s association of Saint-Pantaléon, a football team who was playing in promotion of the league but leaves the association, wishing to devote himself to one of his children who suffer from a handicap . He rediscovers running in 2004 by following the advice of his friend Benchebra Mohamed with whom he participated in a local race The rise of the cross And he sets out to win this race, a famous race for the Autunois where only five of them scored their names in the prize list in 29 editions [ 17 ] .

It’s done in 2006 [ 18 ] ; The Journal of Saône-et-Loire title then “Christophe Horses realizes his dream” . Continuing to run, he became notably specialist in cross-country at short distance by winning the title of champion of Burgundy in 2008 [ 19 ] In Talant individually and by team in 2008 and 2009. Luc Grenier became his coach in 2009 and specializes on the 10 kilometers by making a time of 32 min 30 s [ 20 ] At the Louhans meeting in 2009. On the advice of his coach, he succeeded for his first 1,000 meters a time of 2 min 33 s 77 [ 21 ] .

2010, start in the French team [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is his coach who detects in him speed qualities and they decide together to orient himself in 2010 around 1,500 meters and the 800 meters. 35 years old he participated for the first time in the European athletics veterans championships in Nyiregyhaza in Hungary on 1,500 meters in 2010; suffering from a muscle tear of the right calf a few weeks before, Christophe Horses finishes only 7 It is final

2011, Sacramento disillusionment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Beginning , Christophe Horses sets a record of Saône-et-Loire over 800 meters in 1 min 56 s 55 at the Jean-Pellez d´Aubière Stadium [ 22 ] . In , after a chaotic preparation following recurrent injuries in the calf and despite his relative inexperience of the room, Christophe Horses ranks 7 It is European championships over 800 meters and 1,500 meters in Ghent in Belgium [ 23 ] . In July 2011, at the veteran world championships in Sacramento in the United States, after having brilliantly won his semi-final out of 800 m [ 24 ] , Christophe Horses fell in the final 20 meters from the finish line while the podium was acquired to him [ 25 ] .

2012, the consecration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

800 -meter veterans world championship podium in Jyvaskyla

Of the , the only objective of Christophe Horses is to go seek the medal at the world indoor world championships on 800 meters from Jyvaskyla in Finland, in [ 26 ] and erase his Sacramento disillusionment. He achieves this goal by becoming vice-world champion over 800 meters [ 27 ] . 37 years old, Christophe Horses improves his record over 800 meters in 1 min 55 s 22 [ 28 ] At the Meeting of Moulins in and retains its title of champion of Burgundy any category out of 800 m [ 29 ] , [ 19 ] .

Christophe Horses ranks 2 It is and becomes vice-European veterans champion out of 800 m

In , Christophe Horses becomes vice-European champion at the European athletics veterans championships on 800 meters in Zittau in Germany [ 30 ] . This competition marks the end of collaboration between Christophe and his coach Luc Grenier who, before directing his last training at Stade Saint-Roch with the athlete, declares that “It was undeniably easy to build with Christophe. We are not dealing with someone who pretends and who flees training and competition ” [ thirty first ] .

2013, again vice world and European champion with records [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

European Championship Final 2013 of 800 m Saint-sebastian

While preparing to compete in the European veterans championships in Saint-Sébastien in Spain from March 19 to 23, 2013, he established a new departmental record for all categories on 800 meters room in 1 min 55 s 82 at the Stadium Jean-Pellez in Aubière [ 32 ] .

It is therefore in good shape that Christophe presents himself to participate in the European veterans championships in Saint-Sébastien out of 800 m .

After imposing himself in the semi -final, he therefore found in the final his opponent the Dutch Marjin Van Putten who twice deprived the gold (European and world championship in 2012). In a very tactical race, Christophe bows again against the Dutchman for only a small hundredth [ 9 ] And won the silver medal.

In June at the Dijon meeting, he improved his outdoor record by achieving a time of 1 min 54 s 44 on 800 m [ 33 ] and on 400 m 52 s 02 which allows him to prepare the next world championship in Brazil on solid bases.

In October 2013 in Brazil, he won a new silver medal behind the Venezuelan Wilfredo Borotche, but it is on 1,500 m that he creates surprise by obtaining the bronze medal in a very tactical race, some tenth of the gold medal [ 5 ] .

2014, European champion, 4 European and doubled medals in the French championship [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In June, for the first time the French championships which take place in Vénissieux are open to athletes over 35 years old. Aligned on 800 m and 1,500 m Christophe realizes the double.

But it is during the European Championships which take place from August 22 to 31, 2014 in Izmir (Turkey) [ 34 ] May Christophe finally win the gold medal! After finishing 4 times second at the international championships (including three behind the Dutch Marjin Van Putten), it was during the final of the 1,500 m that he wins the European title in a very tactical race [ 35 ] . The competition continues with the 800 m where Christophe wins the silver medal. The next day when he was not to be in the 4 × 100 m relay, he was held on it to overcome the injury of a sprinter and won bronze. Finally, during the last day of the championships, he brought the number of medal to four by ranking second with the relay of the French team of the 4 × 400 m and thus becomes the athlete who won the most medals on these European Championships [ 36 ] .

2015, a difficult year [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Victory during the AREVA meeting at the Stade de France, July 2015

The 2015 season begins with a title of champion of France indoors in Nantes over 1,500 meters and finished second by 800 meters [ 37 ] And prepares to compete in the European indoor European championships which takes place at the end of March in Poland but must declare forfeit his daughter’s disease who suffers from medullary aplasia. After a two -month stop he recovers training and won during the meeting Areva at the Stade de France [ 38 ] on 800 m At the beginning of July and participates in the world championships which takes place in Lyon in August having had a very chaotic preparation and after having crossed the two qualification towers he finished 5 It is 800 m [ 13 ] Then won the bronze medal with the 4 × 400 meter relay.

2016, the reconquest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After complicated months in early March 2016, the French indoor championships take place in Nogent sur Oise and Christophe won on the 800 m and finished second on the 1,500 m. A month later after a very tactical and open race, he became for the first time in the indoor European champion on 800 m in Ancône (Italy) [ 3 ] In front of the Spaniard Raul and the French Gomez and augurs a great season 2016; He became world champion on 800 m and 1500 m in November 2016 in Perth (Australia) [ 39 ] .

European -indoor European champion on 800 m, Ancône 2016.

French Champion Salle on 800 m In 2016

Vice-champion of France Salle out of 1,500 m In 2016

French champion in 1,500 m In 2015

Vice-champion of France room on 800 m In 2015

French track champion on 800 m in 2014

French track champion on 1,500 m in 2014

International [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2012: Honor Medal of the City of Autun [ 40 ]
  • 2015: winner of the meeting Areva at the Stade de France [ 38 ] .
  1. (in) Podiums » , on (consulted the ) .
  2. Christophe Horses, world champion of the 800 m », The Maine-et-Loire Journal , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  3. a et b ATHLETICS. Autunois Christophe Horses Champion d’Europe veteran » , on (consulted the )
  4. FFA chips .
  5. A B and C Athletic Autunois stadium. Two medals for Christophe Horses in Brazil » , on (consulted the )
  7. Autun European athletics Championships Veterans. Silver medal on 800 m » , on (consulted the )
  8. (bg) Site Map – The most useful articles on the network » , on The most useful articles on the web (consulted the ) .
  9. a et b Autun. Athletics: Christophe Horses, European vice-champion over 800 m » , on (consulted the )
  10. Athletics. Christophe Horses Double Champion de France » , on (consulted the )
  11. Athletic stadium. Gold and silver for Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  12. Fille.jpg & Imgrefurl = http: // 2015/07/07/christophe-chevaux-court-sor-sa-fille&h=467&w=540&tbnid=umogxabinocl2m: Frdduwlwftourypkkhkk0 = & docid = ohxou8huxmitm & sa = x & ved = 0cdqq9qewa2ovchmisfalubmm_xwivyv4ach268aet
  13. a et b Athletics. Mondial Veteran: 5th place for Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  14. Medal of honor of the city of Autun .
  15. (in) This domain was registered by » , on (consulted the ) .
  16. Road safety. Initiation to compliance with the highway code .. by bicycle in complete safety » , on (consulted the )
  17. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  18. competition results » , on (consulted the )
  19. a et b Podiums » , on (consulted the )
  20. competition results » , on (consulted the )
  21. competition results » , on (consulted the )
  22. Record on 800 meters for Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  23. Athletics. Regrets not bringing anything back » , on (consulted the )
  24. World Masters Athletics. An Autunois in the 800m final in Sacramento (USA) » , on (consulted the )
  25. Athletic Autunois stadium. Worlds: the misadventure of Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  26. World Masters Athletics. Christophe Horses in Finland on 800 m » , on (consulted the )
  27. SILVER MEDAL. The consecration for Christophe Horses, vice-world champion .. sacrifices that pay » , on (consulted the )
  28. the balance sheets » , on (consulted the )
  29. Athletics. Dijon. Cadet regional in seniors. The sure values ​​of the Saône-et-Loire » , on (consulted the )
  30. Autun: European Veterans Athletism Championships. Christophe Horses, silver medal on 800 m » , on (consulted the )
  31. Athletic Autunois stadium. End of collaboration between Luc Grenier and Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  32. Athletics. Departmental record for Christophe Horses » , on (consulted the )
  33. competition results » , on (consulted the )
  34. Autun – Time (under paper). Christophe Horses: “I am in full confidence” » , on (consulted the )
  35. Athletics. Christophe Horses’ glory day » , on (consulted the )
  36. | Izmir: 55 medals for the French delegation – World Record of 5000m for Denise Leclerc » , on (consulted the )
  37. Autun. Christophe Horses new French champion on 1500m » , on (consulted the )
  38. a et b & H = 467 & W = 540 & Spain = Umogxabinocl2m%3A & Docid = KBNA-VZXZ31X6M & EI = 7TRzVzuyYYQUYYYYQUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYECM & iact = rc & uACT = 3 & dur = 1090 & page = 1 & Start = 0 & ndsp = 32 & ved = 0ccaqrqmwagovchmim-h5pre_xWiva9uach2w2a20
  39. Masters of athletics. Christophe Horses, world champion of the 800 m » , on (consulted the )
  40. J. -F. R. (CLP), Reward. The city honors its champion » , on , The Journal of Saône et Loire , (consulted the ) .

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