Church of Notre-Seigneur-de-la-Bonne-Fin de Salvador-Wikipedia


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L’ Notre-Seigneur-de-la-Bonne-Fin church (in Portuguese : Our Lord of Bonfim ) is a Catholic church located on the Sagrada Colina (“Sacred hill”) on the Itapé Peninsula (pt) , in Salvador, Brazil. This is where the famous Bonfim Ribbons (pt) (ribbons).

For the Bahian people, the Church of Bonfim is the main center of the Catholic faith, and beyond religion in general, under the effect of syncretism.

Les images of Our Lord of Bonfim et from Our Lady of the Guide (pt) were brought from Portugal to Bahia by the captain of the Portuguese navy Theodozio Rodrigues de Faria. They arrived there on Easter Sunday , and were sheltered in the Penha church, erected at the tip of the ItApagipe peninsula until 1754.

The image of Nosso Senhor of Bonfim was reported following a promise made by the Portuguese navy captain, Theodózio Rodrigues de Faria who, during a strong storm promised only if he survived, he would bring to Brazil the ‘Image of its devotion. So it’s the that the replica of the representation of the saint of Setúbal ends the journey of his native land to the church of the Penha where she remained until the end of the construction of the Church of the Lord of Bonfim. In 1754, when the interior of the church was completed, the images were transferred to procession, and a Solemnelle mass was celebrated.

The lighting was made of lanterns until where public lighting was installed, thanks to lampposts at the carbon dioxide. The electrical installations carried out in 1902 were preserved until 1998, when the church was restored.


The washing of the church began in 1773, when the members of the “fraternity of the secular devotees” obliged the slaves to wash the church as preparations for the feast of the lord of Bonfim, the second Sunday in January, after the day Kings ( Kings’ Day ). Later, the Candomblé followers combined the Lord of Bonfim in Oxalá. The archdiocese of Salvador, then, prohibits washing in the inner part of the temple and moved the ritual towards the stairs and the forecourt. During traditional washing, the doors of the church remain closed – the Bahianaises spray the steps and the forecourt of water, to the sound of the instruments and African African waves [ first ] .

It is one of the most traditional Catholic churches in the city, dedicated to the Senhor Do Bonfim, boss of the Bahianais and symbol of religious syncretism of Bahia.

It was built from 1745, the year when the images of Lord Jesus of Bonfim and of Notre Dame da Guia , reported from Portugal by Captain Theodózio Rodrigues de Faria, and was completed in 1772.

In 1923, to commemorate the independence of Bahia, a hymn to the Lord of Bonfim was composed by the poet Arthur de Salles (pt) And João Antônio Wanderley. This anthem is still very popular in Bahia today.

Built in the neoclassical style style with Rococo facade, this typical Portuguese colonial church has two side bell towers. The Church of Bonfim de Salvador is remarkable for its dimensions and the protruding position it occupies on the hill.

Each year, washing the staircase of the Bonfim church (pt) , gives rise to a big party. This begins with a procession from the church of Notre-Dame on the design of the beach (pt) , boss of Bahia, to Bonfim. A large crowd accompanies the party.

  1. Symbol of the religious syncretism of Bahia , pair Eliza Muto. History Living Magazine, pg. 97. Duetto Publisher, (February 2004)
