Cino’s pistia — wikipedia


Guittoncino by Ser Francesco dei Sigibuldi , known as Cino da Pistoia or Pistoie cynus [ first ] , (born in 1270 in Pistoia – died in 1336 or 1337 in the same city) is an Italian jurisconsult and poet at the end of XIII It is and the beginning of XIV It is century.


Renowned lawyer for his Read the code , Commentary on the code and author of an important poetic work: Ciniano Canzoniere , of love inspiration, he was one of the first poets of the new Italian style, the dolce style new . It is usually considered to have a great influence on Petrarch.

Cino de Pistoia, famous jurisconsult, professor of Italian law and poet, was born in Pistoia, in 1270, of an ancient and distinguished family. The name of this family was “sinibuldi” or “sinibaldi”, and its proper name “guittone”, hence the diminutive “guittoncino”, and by abbreviation, in the manner of Florentins, “cino. »»

He began his studies in his homeland, and finished them at the University of Bologna, where he received the baccalaureate. This rank, which preceded the doctorate, was enough to fill judicature squares. Cino occupied one in Pistoia at the very beginning of XIV It is century.

Friend of Dante Alighieri, he was forced, in 1302, to leave Pistoia because of his belonging to the Guelfe party, while the bloody quarrels between the White and the Black took a great degree of violence there.

He first retired to mountains that border Lombardy, from one of his friends, who was like him from the White Party, and whose daughter, named Wild , had inspired him a passion, or real, or simply poetic. He had always joined the culture of letters and poetry to the studies of his state, and it was the beautiful Selvaggia that he celebrated in his verses.

She died around that time; He then went down to Lombardy, crossed several cities, went to France, and came to Paris, where he made some stay. He was back in Italy before 1314, because it was that year that he completed and published his his Commentary on the code . It had not been only two years to write it, which, according to the volume of this work, the difficulty of the subjects treated there, and the deep knowledge that the author deploys, excited a surprise and a General admiration.


It was after the radiant success of this publication that he was received doctor of law, the . Several universities then dispaid the advantage of having it as a teacher. He occupied a chair for three years at the University of Treviso, and professed longer at Pérouse, where he had the famous Barthole as a disciple.

It is also claimed, but without evidence, which he taught in the universities of Bologna, Siena, and even Paris. It is certain that in 1334, he was one of the professors of the University of Florence. It was always civil law that he gave lessons, the authors who believed that he had given canon law confused him with Cino Tebaldi, who was like him of Pistoia, and who filled, in time -Even, even, in Florence, the chair of this faculty.

Others were also mistaken in ensuring that Cino had the Pétraruque and Boccace for schoolchildren: this is neither of one nor the other. Cino was back in Pistoia in 1336; He fell ill, made his will on December 23, and died, before the end of the same month, or at the beginning of January 1337.

Cino Da Pistoia’s commentary on the code erased everything that preceded it in this genre, and has preserved a great reputation for a long time; He was printed at XV It is century, and reprinted several times in the next. The main editions are: 1 Lectura of Cini’s baking on the code , Strasbourg [Heinrich Eggestein, environ 1475]; 2 Lectura of Cambridge on a baking on the code , Pavie, 1485, in-fol. ; 3 Cinni of the Bistorio famous legal explanatoris , etc., Over Interested Old Lectura , Lyon, 1526 ; 4 Cinni Pistious juriconsulti preamble in a manuscript and some titles of the first Pandectarum Tomi, it is digested old learned commentaries , etc., much more carefully and corrected than aniea shock from the most famous of the Lord Nicholas Cinnerero , etc., Frankfurt-sur-le-Mein, 1578. This edition, given by Cisnerus, is the most estimated.

The ‘Six Tuscan poets’

As an Italian poet, Cino is one of the best of these early days: it is, all the poets that preceded Petrarch, the one whose way the most of his approach, and whose worms have the most elegance and sweetness. His poems were collected and published, for the first time, under this title: Rhymes of Messer Cino da Pistoja jureconsult and very celebrated poet, newly placed in light by Niccolò Pilli , Rome, 1559, in-8 °, reprinted, with a 2 It is part, in Venice, 1589, by the care of Faustino Tasso; But we suspect that this 2 It is part is not of the same hand as the first re . Séb. Ciampi gave Milan, in 1808: Cino’s life and poems , in-8 ° in which we find a song of Cino on the death of the Dante; A second edition appeared with increases, Pisa, 1813, in-8 °. There are also several cino pieces among the poems of the Dante which was his friend, and they form a considerable part of all the collections of ancient Italian poems.

Monument to bolt from pistoy.

Italian jurisconsult and poet, born in Pistoia in 1270, published a commentary on the code which made him known so advantageously that several universities offered him both law chairs. He successfully professed in Treviso, at Pérouse, where he had Bartholé for pupil, then in Florence, and died in 1337. The best edition of Cino’s commentary is that of Frankfurt, 1578. There is also a collection of published poems published Under this title: Rhymes of Messer Cino from Pistoia , Rome, 1559. He is, of all the Italian poets who preceded Petrarch. The one whose worms have the most elegance.

  • (the) Read the code , Lugduni, [Company of Lyon booksellers], ( read online )
  • Rime , Milan, Italian Editorial Institute, ( read online )
  • Overall catalog of the craving back, number 7045
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