Class att j07 — Wikipedia


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ATC J class – anti -infectious (systemic use)
J01. Antibacterials (systemic use)
J02. Antimycotics (systemic use)
J04. Anti-mycobacteria
J05. Antivirals (systemic use)
J06. Immunizing and immunoglobulin serums
J07 . Vaccines

The ATC J07 class , called ” Vaccines “Is a therapeutic subgroup of anatomical, therapeutic and chemical classification, developed by WHO to classify medications and other medical products [ first ] . The subgroup presented here is that established by the WHO, and can therefore differ from the derived versions used in certain countries. It is part of the anatomical group J of the classification, entitled “anti-infectious (systemic use)”.

In the veterinary ATC classification, these products are listed within the ATCVET Qi group (immunological products).

J07 Vaccines [ 2 ] .

Table of Contents

J07AC Coal Vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Detailed article in English en:Anthrax vaccines (in)

J07AC01 Antigen of coal (in)

J07AD Antibrucellic vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


Detailed article in English one: brucellosis vaccine (in)

J07AD01 Brucellic antigen

J07AE Anticholery vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Detailed article in English In: Cholera Vaccine (in)

J07AE01 Inactivated inactivated cholerate vibrion
J07AE51 Inactivated cholerate vibrion associated with typhoid vaccine

J07AF Antidiphteric vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07AF01 Diphteric anatoxin

J07AG Anti- Hæmophilus influenzæ b [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07ag01 Hæmophilus influenzæ b , conjugated purified antigen
J07ag51 Hæmophilus influenzæ b In association with anatoxins
J07ag52 Hæmophilus influenzæ b in association with other vaccines
J07ag53 Hæmophilus influenzæ b in association with the MENINGOCOCY Type C, conjugated

J07AH Antimeningococcal vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07AH01 Méningococcus type A, purified polysaccharidic antigens
J07AH02 Méningococci, other purified polysaccharidic antigens
J07AH03 Méningocococci A and C, Bivalent Polysaccharidic antigens purified purified
J07AH04 Méningocococci A, C, Y, W-135, Polysaccharidic antigens Purified Tetravalents
J07AH05 Méningococci, other versatile polysaccharidic antigens
J07AH06 Méningococcus type B, anti-capsule vaccine
J07AH07 Méningococcus type C, purified polysaccharide antigens
J07AH08 Méningocococci A, C, Y, W-135, Polysaccharidic antigens purified purified tetravalents
J07AH09 Méningococcus type B, multi-component vaccine
J07AH10 Méningococcus A, purified polysaccharide antigens conjugated

J07AJ Vaccines against darling [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07AJ01 Poppy, inactivated whole bacteria
J07AJ02 Poppy, purified antigen
J07AJ51 Poppy, whole bacteria inactivated in association with anatoxins
J07AJ52 Poppy, purified antigen in association with anatoxins

J07AK Vaccines against plague [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Detailed article in English EN: Vaccine Plague (in)

J07AK01 plague, whole bacteria inactivated

J07AL Antipneumococcal vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07al01 pneumoccus, purified polysaccharide antigens (in)
J07al02 pneumoccus, purified polysaccharide antigens conjugated (in)
J07al52 pneumococcus, purified polysaccharide antigens and hæmophilus influenzae, combined

J07AM Antitestant Vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07AM01 Tetanical anatoxin
J07AM51 Tetanique anatoxin in association with diphteric anatoxin
J07AM52 Anatoxine Tetanique in association with immunoglobulin

J07an Anti -tuberculosis vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07an01 Tuberculosis, alive bacteria attenuated

J07AP Antiyphoid vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Detailed article in English: en:Typhoid vaccine (in)

J07AP01 typhoid, oral attenuated living bacteria
J07AP02 typhoid, inactivated whole bacteria
J07AP03 typhoid, purified polysaccharide antigen
J07AP10 Typhoid, in association with paratyphi

J07AR Vaccines against typhus (exanthematical) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07AR01 Typhus Exanthematic, Inactivated whole bacteria

J07AX Other bacterial vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Section vide.

J07BA Vaccines against encephalitis [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BA01 Encephalitis transmitted by ticks, inactivated whole virus (in)
J07BA02 Japanese encephalitis, inactivated entire virus
J07BA03 Japanese encephalitis, alive virus attenuated

J07BB antigrippal vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BB01 Flu, whole inactivated virus
J07BB02 Flu, purified antigen
J07BB03 flu, alive attenuated (in)

J07BC hepatitis vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BC01 hepatitis B, purified antigen
J07BC02 hepatitis A, whole inactivated virus
J07BC20 Hepatitis vaccine associations

J07BD Vaccines against measles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BD01 measles, alive virus attenuated
J07BD51 measles in association with mumps, alive virus attenuated
J07BD52 measles in association with mumps and rubella, alive virus attenuated
J07BD53 measles in association with rubella, alive virus attenuated
J07BD54 measles in combination with mumps, chickenpox and rubella, alive virus attenuated (in)

J07BE Vaccines against mumps [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07Be01 mumps, alive virus attenuated

J07BF Polio vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BF01 Polio, living virus monovalent attenuated oral
J07BF02 polio, living trivalent virus oral attenuated
J07BF03 polio, inactivated whole trivalent virus
J07BF04 Poliomelitis, living bivalent virus oral attenuated

J07BG Antirabic vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BG01 RAGE, inactivated entire virus

J07BH Vaccines against diarrhea in Rotavirus [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BH01 Rotavirus living attenuated
J07BH02 Rotavirus vivant pentavalent

J07BJ Vaccines against rubella [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BJ01 rubella, alive virus attenuated
J07BJ51 rubella in association with mumps, alive virus attenuated

J07BK Vaccines against chickenpox-zona [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BK01 Vicella, alive virus attenuated
J07BK02 Zona, alive virus attenuated (in)
J07BK03 Zona, purified antigen

J07BL Vaccines against yellow fever [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BL01 Yellow fever, alive virus attenuated (in)

J07BM Papillomavirus vaccine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BM01 Papillomavirus vaccine (Human Types 6, 11, 16, 18)
J07BM02 Papillomavirus vaccine (Human Types 6, 18)
J07BM03 Papillomavirus (Humans Types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)

J07BX Other viral vaccines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07BX01 Smallpox, alive attenuated
J07BX02 EBOLA virus vaccine
J07BX03 COVID-19 vaccine

J07C Bacterial and Viral Vaccines associated [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07CA Bacterial and Viral Vaccines associated [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

J07ca01 diphtheria – polio – tetanus
J07CA02 Diphtheria – Poppy – Poliomyelitis – Tetanus
J07ca03 diphtheria – rubella – tetanus
J07CA04 Hæmophilus influenzæ b – polio
J07CA05 Diphtheria – Hepatitis B – Pek – Tetanus
J07ca06 diphtheria – Hæmophilus influenzæ b – Pek – polio – tetanus
J07ca07 diphtheria – hepatitis B – tetanus
J07CA08 Hæmophilus influenzæ – Hepatitis B
J07ca09 diphtheria – Hæmophilus influenzæ b – Pek – polio – tetanus – hepatitis B
J07CA10 Typhoid – Hepatitis A
J07CA11 diphtheria – Hæmophilus influenzæ b – Pek – tetanus – hepatitis B
J07CA12 Diphtheria – Poppy – Poliomyelitis – Tetanus – Hepatitis B
J07CA13 diphtheria – Hæmophilus influenzæ b – Pek – tetanus – hepatitis B – Meningococcus A+C
Empty class.
