Clothing moth – wikipedia


Tineola bissellialla

Tineola bissellialla , known as Common clothing moth or of Clothing moth , is a kind of small lepidoptera (butterflies) variable (about 7 to 10 mm Or a little more), which belong to the family of Tineidae.

The clothes’ moth belongs to keratophagous insects (bio-dotable composers capable of degrading keratin, a protein present in the hairs, feathers and cuticles of many animals).

The species Tineola bissellialla was described by Swedish entomologist Hummel (in) in 1823, under the initial name of Tinea bisselliella [ first ] .

It belongs to the Tineidae family and the Tineinae sub-family, and it is the type of genus Tineola .

His specific epithet is often unlocked in ” STEIREA », In particular by Vag Herrich-Schäffer when he established the genre Tineola in 1853 [ 2 ] .

In nature, the caterpillars of these butterflies – like other keratophagous insects – are notably present in birds of birds where they feed on feathers and certain remains of food. They also play a positive role by eliminating the environment, some less degradable parts (skin, fur, nails, claws, horns, hooves …) mammalus corpses and other animals.

This is also the case for mummified human corpses. CHRYSALIDS of moths of clothes can also serve as an index for legal medicine to identify the date of death, if it is not too old (a few years), as was the case, it seems For the first time with the D r Bergeret, doctor of the Civil Hospital of Arbois, who in 1850 used the examination of pupes and corpses of flies and moth larvae to date the death of a mummified baby found shortly before by a mason in a closed cavity, against a fireplace [ 3 ] . Death dated according to this investigation of 4 years earlier, and there were still living caterpillars inside the corpse, in its most fleshy parts. The doctor specifies (…) “When we opened, in the presence of the courtyard, the box which contained the dry corpse of the child, a swarm of small butterflies, with a grayish white, flew into the room. We wanted what had become of the larvae that we had left feeding in the thickness of the limbs. They had disappeared, and, in their place we discovered small cases of an amber yellow, flexible, semi-transparent. Each of them was the shell of a chrysalis, and had served as a retirement for some time for one of these butterflies who had just taken their boom for the first time ” . He refers to Mathieu Orfila, a pioneering theorist of legal medicine, who had not been able to have such a (mummified) corpse and who had to call on other authors, older (Vicq d’Azyr, in THE Memoirs of the Toulouse Academy , 1787 and de Puymaurin fils, in the History of the Royal Society of Medicine , 1779) who described the state of the mummified bodies found in the cellars of the Cordeliers of Toulouse, to evoke the damage that mites can do on mummified corpses (p 701).

In the human environment (homes, shops, fabric warehouses, museums, etc.), these mites can attack the textiles, carpets or clothes made up of animal fibers, like wool [ 4 ] or silk. They are for these reasons considered to be “harmful”. Although appreciating more humid places, having very low water needs, they can develop (more slowly) in very dry places.

The original natural distribution area of ​​the species is Western Eurasia, but this butterfly was transported by travelers elsewhere on the planet, including for example in Australia where it is very studied.

In some databases, its presence has not been officially recorded in France, Greece, Slovenia and Switzerland, but this rather reflects the lack of interest in the species or the absence of an effort to acquire data on events rather than the real absence of this butterfly [ 5 ] .

Macrophotography of the head of a moth of the clothes.

Eggs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Macrophotography of a freshly laid, non -sticky egg, which measures less than 1 mm .

The egg is small (less than 1 mm ), ovoid and whitish.

Larves [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


Their growth goes through several stages. It is faster in the presence of abundant food and around 28 ° C. The larva is the stadium between the egg and the chrysalis.

Chrysalides [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Adult (in living specimens, antennas are not thus curved).

Economic and social importance of damage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the human environment, this moth can cause important and irreversible damage to textiles, old textiles, furs, feathered objects, collections of insects or naturalized animals, with any loss of irreplaceable equipment in this case of aesthetic, historical and scientific importance [ 6 ] .

Literature does not cite pathogens touching man and conveyed by this insect. But its presence in the human environment (emanations?, Inhalation of scales or hairs?) Can induce affections of the asthmatical or allergic rhinitis type in sensitive people [ 7 ] , with possible confusion to an allergy to a pesticide used to treat an infestation. In a case the allergy (confirmed by skin tests), lasting 9 years, has disappeared with the eradication of mites in the patient’s home [ 7 ] .

In nature, this insect is one of the decomposers. As such, it plays a useful role in eliminating and recycling difficultly degradable materials.

In vitro , for example high on casein, the optimal caterpillar development temperature is 28 ° C [ 8 ] .

Despite apparent primitive characters, this insect (for both sexes) has many organic sensors allowing it to orient itself, to detect predators or the presence of females for the male (via the pheromones which it emits): two types of trichoid sensors, two types of basiconic sensors, otoeoid, puny, coeloconic, styloconics And Campaniforms, sensors of Böhm as well as squamiform structures are present in the male and the female [ 9 ] , allowing them to explore and make the most of their environment.


The larvae have means of excretion or storage of toxic metals which can contaminate their food (for example via wool or tissue dyes, or in nature, via organic metals by the animal in its feathers, hairs or other hornies consumed by mites larvae) [ ten ] . Non-excluded metals are stored by larva in granules eliminated at the time of nymphosis [ ten ] .

Life cycle and propagation of infestations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The eggs are whitish, ovoid and measure less than 1 mm (magnifying glass).

A female lays several hundred during her life, in locations giving them the best chances of survival. The eggs, more or less grouped, are attached to the substrate with a sticky substance. After blossoming, the larva immediately sets out to find food. It will turn into a butterfly in less than two months if the conditions are good, but can hiber or enter into lethargy for a certain time when these conditions are less good. It is destroyed by freezing or heat (even for a fabric not with metallic wire, the microwave oven can be strongly damaging).

From two months to two years after laying, the caterpillar prepares its transformation into a butterfly by weaving a cocoon where it will nymphosis. The larva spends one to two months in its cocoon and then emerged in the adult state, looking for a sexual partner to produce a new generation.

The female detects, by means of type biosseurs taste/smell , volatile (semiochemical) molecules guiding it to laying environments (natural fibers or animal materials such as large butterfly corpse for example).

Adults and more the larvae are lucifuge (prefer shadow to light).

While many other Tineidae are attracted to light, the common mite seems to prefer dark or black and rather humid areas, although a disturbed adult can sometimes spin around a lamp.

The larvae are lucifuge; Placed in a well -lit place, they will try to win the edges of furniture or carpets, floor slits, moldings on the edges of rooms in search of darker areas (like mites, they can often find there Dust containing hairs or feathers and other stakes).

Ability to produce silk and weave a cocoon [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The larvae can integrate into their cocoon fibers taken from their environment, even in confined environment part of their excrement.

Chemical larvae and mediators [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Like the adult, the larva seems capable of detecting the semiochemics which will direct it towards its food resources.

Theft of adults [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A typical behavior of this species is that the adult butterfly lets itself fall at the bottom of a vertical container (test tube for example) without trying to get out when it is dropped. Immobilization seems to be one of its defense behaviors.

Adults and semiochemicals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Adults detect pheromones from the species (perhaps in part and also emitted by the intestine which is in insects one of the hormonal organs [ 11 ] ), and it seems to substances issued by other dead (semiochemical) species.

Adults and sound production [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ponte, oviposition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The female seems to choose carefully of laying environments which will suit future larvae [ twelfth ] .

In the laboratory, the female of Tineola bissellialla ready to lay is attracted by the smell of dry beer yeast [ 13 ] . Oviposition is preferentially done on the tissues that most smell yeast. In this species (but not in Tinea translucens Meyrick, nor at Tinea pellionella L.), adding the smell of larvae excrement of the same species having been nourished with food suitable for them and containing dry yeast further increased this effect (in the laboratory) [ 13 ] .

In two other close species ( Tinea translucens Meyrick , and Tinea Pellionella), we have shown that the smell of brewer’s yeast attracted females ready to lay; They chose fabric bait to the smell of brewer’s yeast when they had the possibility, among squares of odorless fabric (spaced on the smooth ground of a room). The greater the yeast smell, the greater the number of eggs deposited. The authors of this study attributed these results to behavioral reactions rather than stimulating oocytes induced by odors [ 14 ] . In another species detritivre to the near diet, Anthrenus flavipes Leconte, females are not attracted to yeast smells, and they seem discouraged by the smells of conspecific cultures [ 13 ] .

This species is remarkable for its ability to digest proteins that few species can degrade.

In the 1950s, having found that the digestive tract of moth larvae T. bisselliella Generally contained very few microorganisms (which could be linked to a high pH of intestinal content), various authors concluded that microbiota bacteria apparently did not play a role in the digestion of wool by these larvae [ 8 ] . During an observation, the digestive tubes contained many bacteria (Gram +), but they all came from the same batch of caterpillars fed by casein, although other groups of larvae also high on casein not contained [ 8 ] .

From the start of XX It is century, we have shown that the larvae of these insects have several enzymes allowing them to digest proteins [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] and biological materials containing keratin [ 17 ] , [ 18 ] such as wool, fur or feathers or even real hair wigs and also also cotton, flax, silk.

More recently, these enzymes have been identified, including two true carboxypeptidases [ 19 ] active in vitro to an optimal pH from pH 7.5 to 7.7 [ 19 ] and aminopeptidases [ 20 ] active to an optimal pH of 8.2 [ 20 ] , [ 21 ] and other proteinases [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] .

The excrement of larvae fed in the laboratory on wool contain 0.28% of elementary sulfur that is thought formed by reaction of sulfides with bridges during the digestion process [ 24 ] . This seems to be a specificity of these mites; There are not such quantities of sulfur in the dermestidae dermestidae larvae dermetida on similar foods (wool) [ 24 ] .

Specimens have been found in sound, semolina, flours (possible confusion with flours of flours?), Biscuits, casein, why are these insects sometimes classified with potential stock pests [ 25 ]

Collections of dead insects kept in museums have also been degraded by mites of clothes.

In one case, living caterpillars of T. Bisselliella were found in salt (sodium chloride did not allow them to eat, but this testifies to their great resistance) [ 26 ] .

In their digestive tract, enzymes catalyze the reduction of L-Cystine [ 27 ] by TPNH (Triphospyridine nucleotide). Extracts from whole larvae degrade up to 14 pmoles of cystine per gram of larva and per hour at pH 7.3. Other enzymes are found in larva extracts.

Adults do not seem to eat but spend their time looking for a sexual partner or appropriate laying places. They die after having reproduced.

Contrary to what many people believe, adults T. bisselliella Who are found on the fabrics are not eating them, but laying a lay of laying. Only the larvae are responsible for the damage observed on the tissues.

Control measures T. bisselliella (and similar species) are numerous:

Physical measurements [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Clothing mite traps – sticky tablets soaked in pheromones attracting male mites are marketed. This type of trap can also be a way to detect the start of an “invasion”. This step can help control an in progress infestation by preventing that males only mate with females; A humidified woolen fabric and arranged in the shade in a room at risk, and passed in the microwave once a week can also be used as a trap, but probably much less effectively;
  • Chemical modification of atmosphere, by fumigation, cryofumigation (clothes or other infested objects can be locked in a bag of hermetically closed plastic or another waterproof enclosure with carbon dioxide (three to five days) which will produce a quantity of carbon dioxide important enough to suffocate the mites of the clothes [ 28 ] .
  • Dry cleaning – This step kills the clothes of the clothes (and helps eliminate humidity from the clothes).
  • Cold treatment (cryogeny. Weight variations, water content and surfusion point (SCP) have been studied in Tineola bissellialla at different stages of its development. We have shown that the egg (fresh weight of 0.037 mg And despite a water content of 314% of the dry weight), is the most resistant stage of cold [ 29 ] and freezing (up to −20 °C [ 29 ] (After 30 h exposure [ 30 ] ) or -23 ° C [ thirty first ] According to the authors), but 15 hours at -20 ° C would be enough to kill 99.99% of the eggs [ 32 ] (according to a time exposure/temperature model and according to laboratory experimental data) [ 32 ] . The second larval stage (with around 2.5 mg and a water content of 145% of the dry weight) is the most vulnerable (died at -13 ° C). Although strong differences in weight and sizes between male and female butterflies, -19 ° C is a lethal temperature for both sexes) [ thirty first ] . For safety, the object to be treated can be kept for several days at temperatures below -23 ° C (or more briefly at -30 ° C), in a freezer (outside in a bag in a very cold country). Among 4 species of mites tested for the resistance of their eggs to the cold, the eggs of T. bisselliella were the most resistant [ 30 ] .
  • Thermal treatment. A passage from one minute to 3 minutes in the microwave (for objects containing any metal part, and no metal wire), or a passage in a 49 ° C speaker (for 30 minutes or more), possibly In a bag of black plastic closed exposed to the sun in a hot country allow you to kill eggs, larvae and adults. In the laboratory, total mortality at all stages takes place at fairly low temperatures (41 ° C for 4 hours) [ 33 ] . Eggs are the most resistant stage (some eggs still hatch at 35 ° C or survive 4 hours of exposure to a temperature of 40 ° C) [ 33 ] . The complete development of a life cycle is possible at 33 ° C [ 33 ] .
  • Washing clothes (above 49 ° C).
  • Aspiration. As butterflies or their larvae can hide in carpets and plinths, the use of a vacuum cleaner is an important step towards eradication (quickly throwing the contents of the vacuum cleaner).

Chemical pesticides [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

They exist, in preventive or curative. They have a long story [ 34 ] , with many traditional “recipes”, generally based on plants [ 35 ] , but most chemicals are now proven toxic or are suspected of being toxic [Ref. necessary] For other species and for humans, children or certain domestic animals that are exposed to it.

They are still widely used, and mainly enter a preventive protection strategy for storage places.

For example, a 5% silicofluoride solution (with 0.2% to 0.3% applied fluoride) provides effective protection. Hexafluorosilosilicate of magnesium (an inorganic insecticide also used as insecticide for sheep) was marketed until 1989 as anti -mites [ 36 ] . Various arsenic compounds effectively kill the larvae, but were considered too toxic to human contact, even at the start of XX It is century when they were still used as an outdoor insecticide. Triphénylétain chloride is 0.25%effective, but it is also toxic.

After 1947, organochlorine insecticides were developed, and were effective with low concentrations in conservative treatment [ 34 ] , but they then showed themselves persistent and capable of being bioconcentrate by the food chain; For example, chlordane has been used (2%by wool weight), as well as toxaphene (0.8%), Pentachlorophenol or HCH (at 0.5%), DDT (0.2 %), chlordecone and mirex (0.06%), and Dieldrine (0.05%). Imidazole (an aromatic heterocycle unclosed) with 1% was also used with satisfactory protection. In addition to solvent -based applications, powdered insecticides (DDT in particular) have commonly been used to treat tissues. In the 1950s, EQ-53, an emulsion of DDT, was recommended by the United States Ministry of Agriculture to add to the final rinse of washable woolles, but even then warnings were given concerning the use of organochlorines in commercial dry cleaning.

“Antimitis” balls or cubes; These are insecticides that have been very popular in XX It is century and which are still abundantly used, mainly in preventive and conservative treatment, but also to kill existing larvae (which requires an insecticide product in fairly high air.

There are two types of moth balls:

  • Those marketed at the start of XX It is century, which consisted of naphthalene;
  • those sold from the middle of XX It is century composed of paradichlorobenzene. In a confined atmosphere, the vapors of this product intoxicate the adult and the larva of T. bisselliella [ 37 ] . However, there are around thirty hours of exposure to the product so that adults die, and – in vitro – the aged larvae of 35 days cease to eat and die all in 30 days [ 37 ] . In a dry atmosphere (0% H.R.) at the constant temperature of 20 ° C, the perspiration of adults and larvae increases in the presence of paradichlorobenzene (but it is not modified by camphor) [ 37 ] . We noted in the presence of toxic vapors a drop in the TSP (thermotorpper point), which shows that the adult is then resistant to heat [ 37 ] .

These two types of insecticides go directly from the solid phase to a gaseous phase (by the so -called “sublimation” phenomenon). This gas is heavier than air. It must achieve sufficient concentration in the equipment to be protected to be effective.

These two products have some drawbacks: in addition to their smell, if they have little acute toxicity for animals with hot blood, they are carcinogenic. The naphthalin should be deposited in height, and should not be arranged where children or domestic animals have access. The naphthalin and naphthalene are also very flammable.

More recent general insecticides. [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

They are mainly aerosols (at XX It is century pulsed by gases damaging the ozone layer); the most used, sometimes also flavored, contain products based on

  • permethrine
  • Natural or synthetic Pyrethrinoids are now abundantly available in aerosol or powder. Disadvantages: They can be very toxic for certain animals (ex: cats and fish). The Pyrethrins (for example, cy-kick, deltamethrin)-synthetic or natural pyrethrines) are available in aerosol or in the form of powder, with disadvantages that some are persistent in the ecosystem and toxic for fish, with perhaps resistance phenomena.
  • The pyriproxyfene (or other analogues of the juvenile hormone) aim to block the life cycle of the butterfly by preventing that the caterpillar does not form a chrysalis.
  • Some clothes and carpets are treated with a persistent insecticide against mites during their manufacture. A risk of allergy is possible for sensitive people.

Alternative or biological means [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Some products are deemed to postpone mites:

  • the camphor (extract from Cinnamomum Cashora ) could be a safer and more natural alternative than naphthalin, but may require high concentrations of vapors and is therefore more effective in confined atmosphere. In addition, in the laboratory, its vapors are toxic to adults, but not for larvae [ 37 ] . Camphrier wooden trunks were used to transport luggage of clothing and in particular fur aboard linen in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • the red cedar of the East ( Juniperus virginiana ), whose long-term value is doubtful, because although its volatile oil is able to kill small larvae, it is difficult to maintain sufficient concentrations of it around items stored to be effective;
  • Cedar wood must be changed regularly because it loses its ability to remove mites in a few years. Ceders are more or less effective depending on the species;
  • common lavender ( Dawn lies ). Sachets of dried lavender flowers were traditionally arranged in chests, laundry cupboards and other wardrobes. They can be regularly “regenerated” by addition of a few drops of lavender essential oil. A few drops of lavender oil regularly placed on a piece of fabric placed in the wardrobe can play the same role. Disadvantage: the fabric is very “fragrant” [Ref. necessary] ;
  • Of the’ Azadirachta Indicates , an “neem oil” used since the 2000s in insecticide bombs [ 38 ] , also effective on Anthrenocerus australis , small beetle that devours the carpets. Neem extract is effective in killing larvae (as well as that of T. Dubiella ) after two weeks of exposure to a sufficient dose of product.

Integrated struggle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An biological struggle by natural enemies is possible.

  • It can be done by parasitoids such as Ichneumons wasps (for example Trichogramma evanescens ). These tiny parasitoid wasps deposit their own eggs against those of mites; At the time of hatching, their larvae parasitize the eggs of nocturnal butterflies. The ichneumonids (of 2 mm long) are harmless to humans and pets. Once the mites have been eradicated, they disappear within 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Many other products are used or have been the subject of tests, including for example an extract of the tree leaves Colored pseudowintera (from New Zealand) [ 39 ] .

Another species envisaged is [ 40 ]

  • The toxicity of the BT produced by Bacillus thuringiensis For this species was the subject of studies in the 1960s [ 41 ] .
  • We studied in California one of the viruses that naturally infects mites and kills (nuclear polyedrosis virus or « nuclear polyhedrosis virus » ); A histological and ultrastructural study has shown polyhedral development of the virus in cell nuclees of the anterior intestine, the heart valve, the average intestine, the pylorus, the large intestine, the tubes of Malpighi, the chain lymph nodes ventral nerve, muscles, trachea, fat cells and hypodermis. Electron microscopy suggests that the virions of intestinal light are transported in vesicles via cytoplasm in cylindrical cells where they are released and reply [ 42 ] .
  • Irradiation [Doubtful information]
  1. FUNET Tree of Life , accessed June 10, 2019
  2. Pitkin & Jenkins (2004), FE (2009), see references in Savela (2003)
  3. Infanticide, natural mummification of the corpse (Extract from a book dealing with a case of legal medicine, citing the case of a baby found in 1850 in an unused fireplace, mummified for several years, partly eaten by identified fly larvae (p 228) by the author, as being the carnivorous fly Musca canaria , Linné), then necrophagous mites, which were none other than the mite of clothing), consulted 2011-07-10 on the site Forensic entomology in Switzerland Entomologists Claude Wyss & Daniel Cherix
  4. EH. Mercer, A note on the digestion of wool by clothes-moth larvae  ; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Volume 15, Issue 2, October 1954, Pages 293-295 ( Résumé )
  5. ABRS (2008), FE (2009)
  6. P.D. Cox, D.B. Pinniger ; Biology, behaviour and environmentally sustainable control of Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)  ; Review Article ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 43, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 2-32 ( Résumé )
  7. a et b Erich Urbach, Philip M. Gottlieb, Asthma from insect emanations : Report of a case due to moths  ; Journal of Allergy, Volume 12, Issue 5, July 1941, Pages 485-492 ( Résumé )
  8. A B and C The Intestinal Microflora of the Clothes Moth Larva Tineola bisselliella in relation to Wool Digestion W. G. Crewther and A. B. Mcquade Biochemistry Unit, Wool Textile Research Laboratory, C.S.I.R.O., Melbourne, Australia ; Journal of General Microbiology 12 (1955), 311-313 ; DOI 10.1099/00221287-12-2-311 ( Résumé And Whole article )
  9. Faucheux M. J.; Morphology and distribution of antennal sensilla in the female and male clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella Humm. (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) Journal Title Canadian journal of zoology ; (ISSN  0008-4301 )  ; 1985, vol. 63, no2, pp. 355-362 (43 ref.) ( Inist/CNRS sheet )
  10. a et b DF Waterhouse ; Studies on the Digestion of Wool by Insects IV. Absorption and Elimination of Metals by Lepidopterous Larvae, With Special Reference to the Clothes Moth, Tineola Bisselliella (Humm.)  ; Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (1) 143 – 168 ; Doi:10.1071/BI9520143 ( summary in English )
  11. Mark R. Brown, Insect Gut as an Endocrine Organ  ; Encyclopedia of Hormones ; Pages 328-333 doi:10.1016/B0-12-341103-3/00171-6
  12. R. M. M. Traynier, R. K. Schumacher, D. M. Lau , Oviposition site selection by Tineola bisselliella, Tinea spp (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) and Anthrenus flavipes (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 30, Issue 4, October 1994, Pages 321-329 ( résumé) )
  13. A B and C R. M. M. Traynier, R. K. Schumacher et D. M. Lau, Oviposition site selection by Tineola bisselliella, Tinea spp (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) and Anthrenus flavipes (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) ; DOI: 10.1016/S0022-474X (94) 90323-9; Online 2004.01.27 ( Résumé ).
  14. R. M. M. Traynier, R. K. Schumacher, Yeast odours localize oviposition by Tinea translucens and T. pellionella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 31, Issue 4, October 1995, Pages 301-305 ([Résumé])
  15. Colin W. Ward ; Diversity of proteases in the keratinolytic larvae of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella  ; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, Volume 42, Issue 1, 15 May 1972, Pages 131-132, IN11-IN12, 133-135 ( Résumé )
  16. C.W. Ward ; Aryl acylamidase activity in larvae of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella  ; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, Volume 53, Issue 2, 1976, Pages 187-190 P. Gleeson, L.G. Sparrow ( résumé )
  17. LINDERSTRBM-LANG, K. & DUSPIVAF, . (1936). Digestion of keratin by the larvae of the clothes moth Tineola bisselliella (Humm) . Studies on enzymatic histochemistry. Pt. XVI. ; C.R. Lab. Carlsberg, 21, 53.
  18. WATERHOUSDE. , F. (1952). Studies on digestion of wool by insects . Pt. WE. The pH and oxidation-reduction potential of the alimentary canal of the clothes moth larva (Tineola bisselliella Humm.). Aust. J . sci. Res. B, 5, 178.
  19. a et b Colin W. Ward, Properties of the major carboxypeptidase in the larvae of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella ; Biochimica and Biophysica ACTA (BBA)-Enzymology Volume 429, Issue 2, 8 April 1976, pages 564-572 DOI: 10.1016/0005-2744 (76) 90304-1 ([Summary])
  20. a et b Colin W. Ward, Aminopeptidases in webbing clothes moth larvae: Properties and specificities of the enzymes of intermediate electrophoretic mobility  ; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Enzymology, Volume 410, Issue 2, 18 December 1975, Pages 361-369 ( Résumé )
  21. Colin W. Ward ; Aminopeptidases in webbing clothes moth larvae. properties and specificity of the major enzyme of low electrophoretic mobility Original Research Article International Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 6, Issue 11, November 1975, Pages 765-766 ( Résumé )
  22. R.F. POPNING, H. IRZYKIEWICZ, Studies on the digestive proteinase of clothes moth larvae (Tineola bisselliella)—I: Partial purification of the proteinase  ; Journal of Insect Physiology, Volume 8, Issue 3, May-June 1962, Pages 267-274 ( Résumé )
  23. Colin W. Ward, Properties and specificity of the major anionic trypsin-like enzyme in the keratinolytic larvae of the webbing clothes moth ; Biochimics et biophyca Acta (BB) – Enzymology, Volume 391, issue 1, 23 May 1975, pages 201-211 ( Résumé )
  24. a et b R.F. Powning, The excretion of elementary sulphur by clothes moth larvae, Tineola bisselliella  ; Journal of Insect Physiology, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-February 1962, Pages 93-95 ( résumé )
  25. A.E. Michelbacher, Insects Attacking Stored Products  ; Advances in Food Research, Volume 4, 1953, Pages 281-358 ( Résumé )
  26. Grabe (1942)
  27. TOHRU YOSHIMURA, HOMARE TABATA, MIYAKO NISHIO, EIJIRO IDE, RYOHEI YAMAOKA, KEIZO HAYASHIYA, l-Cysteine lyase of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella  ; Insect Biochemistry, Volume 18, Issue 8, 1988, Pages 771-777 ( Résumé )
  28. (in) D.-H. Choe, Clothes Moths » , University of California (Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources), (consulted the ) .
  29. a et b Agnes W. Brokerhof, H. Jonathan Banks, Cold tolerance of Tineola bisselliella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) eggs at slow cooling rate  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, vol. 29, n O 4, December 1993, p. 305-310 ( Résumé )
  30. a et b Agnes W. Brokerhof, Richard Morton, H. Jonathan Banks, Time-mortality relationships for different species and developmental stages of clothes moths (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) exposed to cold  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, September 1993, Pages 277-282 ( Résumé )
  31. a et b G. Chauvin and G. Vannier; Supercooling capacity of Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae): Its implication for disinfestation  ; doi:10.1016/S0022-474X(97)00008-8 ( Summary in English )
  32. a et b Richard Morton, A model for time-temperature-mortality relationships for eggs of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae), exposed to cold  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 28, Issue 4, October 1992, Pages 269-277 Agnes W. Brokerhof, H. Jonathan Banks ( résumé )
  33. A B and C Sylvia G. Rawle, The Effects of High Temperature on the common Clothes Moth, Tineola bisselliella (Humm.)  ; 1951 – Volume 42, Issue 01 ( Résumé )
  34. a et b Prakash, OM; Banerjee, J.; Parthasarathy, L. (July 1979), ” Preservation of Woollens Against Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles” , Defense Science Journal 29: 147–150.
  35. Sõukand R, Kalle R, Svanberg I.; Uninvited guests: traditional insect repellents in Estonia used against the clothes moth Tineola bisselliella, human flea Pulex irritons and bedbug Cimex lectularius. ; J Insect Sci. 2010;10:150. ; PMID 21070174 ( Summary in English ).
  36. Fluoride Action Network Pesticide Project: Magnesium fluosilicate (sic).
  37. A B C D and E Chauvin G., Vannier G. ; Insecticidal properties of paradichlorobenzene and camphor: effects on behaviour, transpiration and heat resistance. A preliminary study on Tineola bisselliella Hum. (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)  ; Revue : Acta oecologica (European workshop on invertebrate ecophysiology No1, Paimpont, FRANCE (21/07/1992) 1994, vol. 15, no 1 (14 ref.), pp. 23-29); (ISSN  1146-609x ) ( Inist-CNRS summary )
  38. P.j. Gery, L.d. Ruf, Effect of a neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Meliaceae) extract on survival and feeding of larvae of four keratinophagous insects  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 31, Issue 2, April 1995, Pages 111-116 ( Résumé )
  39. P.J. Gerard, N.B. Perry, L.D. Ruf et L.M. Foster ; Antifeedant and insecticidal activity of compounds from Pseudowintera colorata (Winteraceae) on the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) and the Australian carpet beetle, Anthrenocerus australis (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) ; Bulletin of Entomological Research (1993), published online in 2009, 83: 547-552; DOI: 10.1017/S0007485300039973
  40. R. Plarre, K. Lieber, W. Burkholder, J. Phillips, Host and host instar preference of Apanteles carpatus (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) a possible parasitoid for biological control of clothes moths (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)  ; Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, July 1999, Pages 197-213 ( Résumé )
  41. C. Yamvrias, T. A. Angus, Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis for larvae of the clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella  ; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Volume 14, Issue 3, November 1969, Pages 423-424
  42. D. K. Hunter, D. F. Hoffmann and S. J. Collie, The histology and ultrastructure of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bissellialla  ; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology Volume 21, Issue 1, January 1973, Pages 91-100 doi:10.1016/0022-2011(73)90117-1 ( Résumé )

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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  • (in) Crewther WG, McQuade AB. ; The intestinal microflora of the clothes moth larva Tineola bisselliella in relation to wool digestion.  ; J Gen Microbiol. 1955 Apr; 12(2):311-3.
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  • (in) C.P. Robinson, S. Ciccotosto, A.M. Gaal, L.G. Sparrow, Purification of cysteine lyase from larvae of the webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella  ; Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 23, Issue 4, June 1993, Pages 491-498 ( résumé ))
  • (in) Joseph Hughes, Alfried P. Vogler Gene expression in the gut of keratin-feeding clothes moths (Tineola) and keratin beetles (Trox) revealed by subtracted cDNA libraries  ; Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 36, Issue 7, July 2006, Pages 584-592

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