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Cofiroute (Financial and Industrial Company of Highway) is a company from Vinci Autoroutes. Created in 1970, the company operates a network of 1,211 km covering the central-west of France. It is also present in the United States, Great Britain and Germany.

Its motorway concession in France will expire on June 30, 2034.

  • 1970: The Compagnie Finantes des Autoroutes (Cofiroute) is created.
  • 1972: Cofiroute puts into service the Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines toll barrier.
  • 1975: The Jacques Borel Pont-Restorant opens on the A10 in Orléans-Saran. The first sub-concession contracts for service stations and catering were signed in 1972.
  • 1986: Cofiroute creates the concept – and the term – of “toaducs”. The first of these specific passages for Batraciens were deployed under the A71 in 1986. They accompany a device of passages for the large fauna.
  • 1988: Cofiroute launches FM highway, the first radio dedicated to motorway customers. It emits on 89.2 fm.
  • 1991: The CSA is launching a tender for an ISOFrequency radio experience. As of June 28, 1991, the broadcast of FM motorway was ensured between Chartres and Le Mans and between Orleans and Tours on 107.7 FM.
  • 1994: The new Barrière de Saint-Arnoult is commissioned and offers the largest capacity in Europe. 30 million people cross it every year.
  • 1995: Cofiroute wins the 91 Express Lanes contract in Los Angeles in the United States, an automated toll highway and without barrier built on the central media of an existing free highway.
  • 2000: Launch of the inter-society telepéage, which has become Liber-T telepécéage.
  • 2006: membership in Vinci Autoroutes. which brings together Cofiroute, ASF and Escota
  • 2010: signature of the highway green package. Vinci Autoroutes companies undertake to invest 750 million euros in the environmental requalification of the oldest sections.
  • 2013: Vinci bought the 16.67% participation that Colas, a bouygues subsidiary, in Cofiroute, for around 800 million euros [ 3 ] .

Key figures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines toll.
  • Network exploited: 1 211 km (including 101 km of the A19, opened on June 16, 2009)
  • 76 rest areas,
  • 47 service areas,
  • 283 Variable messages panels
  • 123 million transactions per year
  • 338,000 transactions per day
  • 8 carpooling car parks offering more than 600 spaces (February 2013)
  • 82 tolls
  • 1,360 employees (2018)
Financial data in millions of euros [ 4 ]
Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 two thousand and thirteen 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Turnover 1 032.3 1 071.2 1 103.2 1 142.8 1 194.1 1 199.9 1 350.8 1 383.9 1 387.3 1 457.7 1 521.4 1 581.1 1 479.5 1 205
Enrollment 1 875 1 941 1 942 1 913 1 805 1 710 1 638 1 560 1 482 1 456 1 383 1 360 1 345 1 329

Network [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

COFIROUTE is a dealer of 1,100 kilometers of interurban network and 10 kilometers of the Duplex A86. It is the fourth network in terms of length. The A19 ARTENAY-COURTENAY motorway (101 km ) is conceded to the company Arcour, which entrusted its exploitation to Cofiroute.

This network includes:

  • The A10 of Paris (in fact of the interchange with the Ile-de-France) in Poitiers, (the whole section is not conceded in Cofiroute, to the right of the Poitiers-Sud exchanger, it is entrusted to highways South of France),
  • The A11 of Paris (in fact of the interchange with the Ile -de -France) at Le Mans then from Angers to Nantes, the part between Le Mans and Angers being conceded to Asf,
  • A28 for its section between Alençon and Tours,
  • The A71 of Orleans (the first kilometric point of the A71 is 96, the PK 1 does not exist) in Clermont-Ferrand via and Bourges (the whole section is not conceded to Cofiroute, to the right of Bourges interchange, it is entrusted to Paris-Rhin-Rhône motorways),
  • The A81 between Le Mans and Laval,
  • The A85 between Angers and Vierzon (more precisely Theillay),
  • The Duplex A86 on the A86 between Rueil-Malmaison and Vélizy-Villacoublay.

The A19 between Orléans (Artenay) and Courtenay (101 km ), conceded to Arcour but operated by Cofiroute.

Note: The kilometric point 0 of motorways A10, A11, A71 and A81 is common. It is located at the start of the Cofiroute dealership, at the RN 446 law at La Folie Bessin. The “common kilometrics” sections are for the A71: the Ulis – Orleans (connection A10/A71), for the A11 Les Ulis – Pontévrard and for the A81 Les Ulis – Le Mans (Connection A11/A81).

  • Cofiroute operates 10 carpooling car parks, an offer of more than 700 spaces. His first carpooling car park opened in 2001 at the Blois toll. 6 car parks (454 spaces) were created as part of the highway green package.
  • On the section common to A10/A11 motorways, at km 7 (commune of Briis-sous-Forges), a motorway station for coaches was opened in May 2006 in partnership with the General Council of Essonne. It allows local residents to leave their car near the station and take the Dourdan-Orsay and Dourdan-Massy bus lines. It welcomes more than 260,000 travelers per year [ 5 ] .
Vue aérienne du péage de Saint-Arnoult sur l’autoroute A10

Aerial view of the Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines toll.
  • The Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines toll barrier is the largest in Europe. Indeed its location is at the branch of two important highways, the A10 and the A11.
  • Cofiroute obtained in January 2004 the ISO 9001 certification: 2000 for its operating activities, renewed in 2007, 2010 and 2013. Since January 2011, ISO 14001: 2004 certification covers all operating and construction activities Cofiroute for the environment.

Concession decree [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

According to the decree n O 2007-939 of May 15, 2007, relating to the approval of the twelfth It is endorsement to the operating concession between the state and cofiroute says that [ 6 ] :

The ends of the concession are:

  • to the madness Bessin (commune of Orsay in Essonne), at the APLOMB of the RN 446;
  • south of Poitiers, to the right of the southern Poitiers exchanger;
  • at La Gravelle, on the RN 157;
  • to the bourges exchanger;
  • In the southwest of Le Mans, to the right of the western Le Mans interchange;
  • north of Angers, at the axis of the art work restoring the RN 23 (eastern end of the A11 motorway section between Angers and Nantes conceded to Cofiroute);
  • west of Nantes, at the end of the west tympanum of the RN 137 crossing work;
  • north of Alençon, to the right of the axis of the work restoring the RN 12;
  • East of Angers at the right of the Corzé toll barrier (western end of the A85 motorway).

Exceptional snowfall from 2003 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On January 4, 2003, Météo-France underestimated the magnitude of snowfall that will fall on the North and Center of France, the frame of permanentness under-esteem the snowfall and does not recall the on-call duty , thus preventing the implementation by Cofiroute of the arrangements necessary to maintain the viability of the A10-A11 common trunk located after the Saint-Arnoult toll barrier [ 7 ] . Thus, when ice plates appear on this common trunk, the already dense circulation, becomes completely blocked.

The absence of load shedding and information measures of users by cofiroute (in particular variable messages panels) present on the highway and the lack of coordination of public services between them and with the stakeholders of the company further increases the number of ‘Users blocked up to Saint-Arnoult then on the A11 motorway to Ablis and the A10 motorway on 60 km . The public authorities evacuate motorists prisoners in the snow.

The situation will only be released when 2 h 30 On January 5, Cofiroute will decide to close the section from Paris (at the N104 – A10 interchange) in order to involve defrosting teams in the opposite direction to the cork. The normal situation will only be restored in the evening of the 5th.

After this event, Cofiroute will launch an information installation campaign (in particular the famous PMV) and the State will take measures such as the revision of the Snow and ice plan and intervention schemes of the public authorities so that they are better coordinated. An automatic salting zone was born in the rise of Briis-sous-Forges, between the PK5 and 7 on the common section A10/A11/A71/A81.
