

Coiffy-le-Haut is a French commune located in the department of Haute-Marne, in the Grand Est region.


Former stronghold of the French Royal Domaine, this wine town depends on the natural region of amazing, in the extreme south-eastern of the region.

The Territoire de Coiffy benefits from a preserved natural environment, with in particular the largest alkaline peat bog in the Haute-Marne department and a meadow managed by the Champagne-Ardenne natural heritage conservatory.

The human story of Coiffy-le-Haut is confused with the older one in Hairsty-le-Bas.

Table of Contents

Localisation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The commune of Coiffy-le-Haut depends on the canton of Bourbonne-les-Bains, a hydrothermale station attested from the Gaul-Préromaine which it adjoins the Southwest. This canton, the most eastern in the Champagne-Ardenne region, is the district of Langres constituting the southern part of the Haute-Marne department.

The Territoire de Coiffy is established on the western margin of a strongly dissected plateau located between the Basin de l’Apance north and that of Amance to the south. The Meuse has its source on the northern slope of this very wooded plateau, notably with the Vicq-Laneuvelle-Damrémont forest massif to the north and that of Voisey-Anrosey-Chézeaux to the south.

Topography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The village of Coiffy-le-Haut is aligned with a spur engaging towards the southwest between two valleys, at the top of the Maljoie valley adjacent to that of Gasm-Amance. With a drop of a hundred meters with a high slope, it dominates the Val du, above-of-the-prés to the northwest with the villages of Coiffy-le-Bas about 2 km and Laneuvelle beyond. Below is the hamlets of the Granges-du-Val in the Verne valley to the south and Granges-Huguet in that of the gorgeottes to the west. This second valley, beyond which rises the mound of the Young-Chênoi, forms a projection of around thirty meters of elevation between the Maljoie Valley and the Val du, above-des-Prés.


To the northwest of the Butte du Jeune-Chênoi extend the pastures of the Val des Prés-Rougets drained by the eponymous stream. To the southwest, beyond the mound of stone-percea, the Maljoie valley unrolls on both sides of a beautiful ripisylve its mosaic of meadows. This narrow valley, enclosed with forest hillsides, stretches about 4 km Until the village of Chézeaux located at the western foot of the Butte du Jeune-Chênoi where the Petite-Amance river leads.

Geomorphology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The geomorphology of the Territoire de Coiffy-le-Haut is representative of that of the Amazing Apance. It proceeds from the hydraulic erosion of its sedimentary formations during the reunioning phases of the Paris basin. This process is linked to the cycles of marine regressions and transgressions and laguns that affected this basin since the start of the Paleocene. The corresponding rib relief results from differential erosion on strata outcrops of different hardness. It takes different aspects depending on the morpho-climatic shaping of specific geological formations.

Basement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Like the entire Langres threshold, the lithology of the subsoil in the Territoire de Coiffy-le-Haut is processes of epirogenesis and sedimentation having concerned the south-east of the Paris Basin [Ref. necessary] .

The upper stratum of the Coiffy-le-Haut and the Butte of the Young Chênoi is made up of benches of infraliasic sandstone of the Rhétien-Inférieur by thirty meters thick. This sandstone is made up of fine sand and siliceous linked by a diffuse limestone cement little accused in the upper benches and clay-siliceous in those of the seat. White to white to yellow on the surface and gray-blue in depth, it is veined with iron oxide and picked of shale marl pass. Its porosity allows the filtration and accumulation of water in contact with a waterproof layer [Ref. necessary] .

Certain sufficiently crystallized sandstone benches can be exploited in building stone, as evidenced by the old quarry of the Val du, above-of-the-prés about 1 km north of the village of Laneuvelle, of which moellons have notably been extracted in XI It is century for the construction of the church of Bourbonne-les-Bains. This material has been widely used in local old constructions for the structural work, the pavement of barns and stables, the paving of the kitchens or in the realization of the loops and wells of wells, as well as in that of the wash houses.

The summit strat of the Rhétien-Inférieur results from a marine sedimentation process initiated just over 200 million years ago, at the end of the Keuper (Triassic Triape). It corresponds to the beginning of the fifth major evolutionary change in the evolutionary history of the living. This change is marked by the extinction of very many species to the Rhétien-Supéur, just before the start of the Jurassic, about 199 million years ago. The lower hairstyle benches contain a fossil florule testifying to this episode: Eguisetum arenaceum , Tainsiipteris vitted And Taeniopteris tenuinervis (Fougères) [Ref. necessary] .

At the base of the sandstone benches is a layer of iridescent marls of the Keuper -Supéur (Alaunien and Sevatian, approximately -223 to -220 million years) of about twenty meters thick. The lower stratum appearing at mid-height of the hillsides is made up of Dolomie de Beaumont du Lacien (dolomite associated with calcite), the thickness of which is around 5 meters. This layer of dolomite covers a stratum of iridescent marl of the Keuper lower than Middle (Carnian and Lacian, approximately -228 to -210 million years), forming the deep soil of the valleys. The iridescent marls (or argilites) are a puff pastry of layers of clay or petrified sludge. This fine grain formation, tender and slightly “greasy” to the touch, whose color varies from reddish to the green-gray via the purplish, produces an oil after distillation [Ref. necessary] .

Under the stratum of the iridescent marls of the Carnien-Lacien appears a layer of dolomite-Marneuse of the Ladinian (Triassic Mid-Middle) only affleting in the lowest areas of the talwegs released from their alluvium by hydraulic erosion.

Floors, waters and plant formations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The superficial floor of the summit surface of the plateau near the village of Coiffy-le-Haut is made up of weakly siliceous silts mixed with humus that are not difficult to work with. This arable area of ​​around 150 ha is shared between fields and pastures where some wind turbines capture the water table at the base of the sandstone benches. The abundant aquifer has enabled the village to be established on its spur, a water tower located at its northern access ensuring the supply of the entire town with low -mineralized water.

Except for the agricultural extent of the Coiffy Plateau, the sandy soils of the reliefs carry a dense and continuous forest cover punctuated by a few mars, the “merchants”. The origin of these merchants (or Marchais) is not established although they are similar to the Mardelles of Lorraine or Limousin. The forest cover, essentially of the coppice type under Futaie (arborescent settlement in oakidnaea-Charmaie-Hêtraie), frequently descends to the foot of the hillsides and sometimes extends even beyond. When the pasture is active and regular, livestock contains the shrub development of forest and ripisylves edges in strict fence limit. It also grazes the basis of shrub vegetation, forming a notch whose “shadow band” clearly emphasizes the foliage in the landscape.

The detrital substrates of marine-sisters of the favorably exposed hillsides are conducive to the establishment of vineyards and orchards, the latter being confined to a few tall plots for the benefit of the vine. The open surfaces of the not complaced of vineyards are valued by pastures and past orchards interspersed with a few fields undermaid, if the slope allows. The meadows below are grazed, the hydromorphic areas of the talwegs being packed and devolved to the mowing. The very fragmented plot is essentially composed of small expanses, particularly in hillsides. Some hedges are freely installed in limits of certain double fence or little valued plots, as well as in the edge of the paths and vicinal trails. Due to the agricultural depletion, the least practicable high plots are abandoned, thus becoming shrub wasteland tending to increase the wooded surface.

On the sides of the hillsides, meteoric sources with the seasonal diet pour out in streams grouping together in streams crisscrossing the valleys. On the few alluvial banks develop an shrub ripisylve such as that hemming the course of the Maljoie. The clay-Marneuses and finely sandy bowls where small benches of Dolomie-Marneuse are flush with marshy areas, the “kings”. Some of these kings and the tits regularly in water are occupied by a roselier or a carçaie, in mosaic with boys of alders and ashs. At the edge of an alluvial depression with a wooded hillside, the kings colonized by perennial herbaceous vegetation evolve towards megaphorbiaia, micro-ecotone between meadow and forest housing a diversified flora and fauna. If the grazing on the outskirts of megaphorbiaia is not regular, a frosty settles. Such a process promoting the forest in valley manifests itself in particular on the edge of the Bois de la Combe-Millot and the Marais de la Coudre. This low-marsh and the semi-primitive meadow of this part of the Maljoie valley constitute a rich lentical whose balance of biocénosis is precarious ( See next chapter ). The waters of the Territoire de Coiffy-le-Haut are collected by the Maljoie and the Ruisseau des Prés-Rougets, both dependent on the left bank of the grand-friend, the main tributary of the Amance itself flock to the right bank of the Petite-Saône (name of the Saône upstream of its confluence with the Doubs). The Maljoie is essentially fed by the stream of the gorgeottes abounded by that of the Verne, from eponymous valleys. With a length of about 8 km, it travels through its valley before taking that of the girlfriend with which it confused after having run out of its course for about 3 km. The Ruisseau des Prés-Rougets is formed by that of the top-of-the-steps of an abundant source downstream from Coiffy-le-Bas. He confused with the girlfriend in a tuffle swamp between the mound of the Jeune-Chênoi and the spur of Varennes-sur-Amance. This wetland, fueled by natural artesian wells, is the largest alkaline peat bog in the department ( See next chapter ). Another toffs of artesian origin of more modest area, known as Champigny-Chézeaux, is inserted between the girlfriend and the Maljoie at the intersection of their valleys. In addition to their interest as hydraulic regulatory agents and their value in terms of biodiversity, these wetlands are precious bio-indicators of the state of the natural environment.

Communication and transport routes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Typology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Coiffy-le-Haut is a rural commune, because it is one of the municipalities that are not very or very little dense, in the sense of the municipal grid of density of INSEE [ Note 1 ] , [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .
The municipality is also outside the attraction of cities [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

Land use [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Carte en couleurs présentant l'occupation des sols.

Map of infrastructure and land use of the municipality in 2018 (CLC).

The occupation of the soils of the municipality, as it emerges from the European Database for Biophysics of Corine Land Cover (CLC), is marked by the importance of agricultural territories (66.9% in 2018) , a proportion identical to that of 1990 (66.8%). The detailed distribution in 2018 is as follows:
Prairies (57.4%), forests (30.5%), arable land (6.7%), heterogeneous agricultural areas (2.8%), urbanized areas (2.7%) [ 6 ] .

The IGN also provides an online tool to compare the evolution over time of the soil occupation of the municipality (or territories to different scales). Several eras are accessible in the form of aerial cards or photos: the Cassini card ( XVIII It is century), the staff map (1820-1866) and the current period (1950 to today) [ 7 ] .

Building structure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The built domain consists of the village on its plateau and the two hamlets below, near a water table allowing drawing. Despite recent developments, the territory has very few isolated buildings. The village of Coiffy-le-Haut and the hamlet of Granges-Huguet are made up of an “attached built”, the adjoining dwellings aligned on both sides of two main ways in “goose leg” for the village and only one for the hamlet. This Village-Rue-type implantation that meets particularly in neighboring Lorraine is structured by so-called “block-to-terre” houses and an open space between street and facades, the umbrella. The result is an overall unit integrating harmoniously into the landscape. This mode of organization of the built space corresponds to an ancestral rural life based on diversified agricultural activities of strong food component.

Traditional architecture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The vernacular architecture responds to the fundamental functions of traditional local rurality: subsistence autonomy, breeding and wine farm. It materializes by the division of the building in three main volumes: house, stable and barn. Each of these volumes has independent access on the street facade and often on the rear facade. The frame, sometimes complex, forms an autoportary frame giving off a large lower space allowing the partitioning in span of a single piece over the entire depth of the construction. This design allows in particular a provision of the stable perpendicular to the street facade to facilitate accessibility. The access to the cattle is dimensioned in the size of animals to preserve heat in winter and freshness in summer, a sandstone trough collecting rainwater being arranged laterally for this access to serve as a drinking. A second trough is arranged at the rear of the building for watering the vegetable garden. The volume above the stable is possibly furnished as a dovecote. The barn generally has a double leaf door, the height of which allows the entrance to a full fodder load. To limit thermal losses while allowing easy access, the door lintel is very often curved, thus bringing a beautiful decorative element to the facade. Part of the attic of the barn is planted on mezzanine for the storage of fodder boots. Access to the house located between barn and stable, sometimes having a steps, has a frequently fented door sometimes surmounted by a niche housing a votive statuette. Like the other volumes, the wine cellar is directly accessible on the street side to facilitate supply. The outline between front and street facade was partly occupied recently by a pile of manure from the stable whose volume proportional to the importance of the livestock was an external sign of wealth. The rear surface of the building is doomed to the vegetable garden and chicken coop, with rabbit clapiers as well as the pig -style. The double facing walls, with a total thickness of the order of 60 cm, are mounted in stoneware of sandstone protected by a very coated inglifelia coating. The roof is covered with red terracotta tiles of red color, often in continuity with the adjoining houses. This continuity guaranteeing good seal and wind hold reinforces the architectural balance of the whole.

Evolution of the building [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In addition to the effect of the general rural exodus process, the changes in agricultural activity tending towards specialization have led to disaffection, even abandonment, many traditional farms. This loss is not offset by the few new constructions away from groups of housing and whose architecture does not consider that of the old buildings … Only the hamlet of Granges-du-Val made up of Independent farms escapes this concomitant development of that of demography, despite the conversion of certain houses neglected in second home. The relative proximity of the Rotterdam-Lyon motorway axis in particular a few Dutch nationals to buy old houses, thus making it possible to limit the depopulation and the degradation of the building.

“Street de Coiffy» dans la “city-lingonis» [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Street de Coiffy depended on Village of amancies under the Civitas Lingons. The Gallic people Lingon, founder of the city of Langres, controlled trade at the crossroads of the Saône-Rhône, Meuse and Marne-Seine axes between northern Western and Mediterranean Europe. From the Roman Gaul period, only a few medals and epigraphs were found on the hairstyle.

Hairdressy feudal domain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the partition of Verdun in 843 ratifying the fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire, Coiffy was placed on the limit of Western Francia and Médian Francie. This ephemeral kingdom of median Francia which fell in Lothaire I is was himself shared by the Meerssen Treaty of 870 between Charles-Ii-le-Chauve and Louis-Ii-le-Germanique in two distinct kingdoms: that of Lotharingie, eponymous of Lothaire I is Having become Lorraine, and that of Burgundy whose territory then extended to the Mediterranean. In 880, the Treaty of Ribemont fixed the partition line between what was going to become the kingdom of the Franks to the west and the Holy Roman Empire in the East. The bursting of the Charlemagne Empire led to a succession of tensions between the two major territorial entities resulting from it. The Territoire de Coiffy was thus exposed until the end of the Thirty Years War (1648) to the disorders consecutive to its positioning on the sharing line …

At the end of XII It is Century, the Domaine de Coiffy depended on the lordship of Varennes-sur-Amance, which has since 1181 of the Molesme Abbey. This lordship was under the tutelage of the Choiseul, a family which subsequently illustrated the service of the crown of France and whose fief then extended over most of the Bassigny. To subtract his area of ​​the grip of Jean I is From Choiseul, an abbot of Molesme contracted in 1250 a betting charter with the Count of Champagne, Thibaut-iv. He then decided to build a fortified castle on one of the hills overlooking the village of Coiffy, at the supposed location of a castrum. This castle (Le Châtel), completed by Thibaut-V, became the center of a new village formed in provost, the original village of Coiffy becoming Coiffy-la-Ville (current Coiffy-le-Bas). The Châtel was a Bastille -type military work whose square of the square plan was flanked by four bastions. Inside this enclosure was the house of the Governor of the Place, an older construction building itself fortified, as well as the barrison of the garrison [Ref. necessary] .

Prévôté-Royale de Coiffy-le-Châtel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After having been an advanced post of the counts of Champagne against the Holy Roman Empire until 1314, the date of the effective attachment of Champagne to the crown of France, the Forte de Coiffy-le-Châtel (the castle) became a “Sentinel” of the Kingdom of France on the borders of Lorraine and Burgundy, which earned him in particular to be occupied by the Anglo-Bourguignons during the Hundred Years War (around 1417). After the failure of the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold, in his attempt to reconstruct the old Lotharingie and his death at the siege of Nancy in 1477, the King of France, Louis XI, seized the Duchy of Burgundy in accordance with Treaty of Arras. The heiress of Charles the Bold, Marie de Bourgogne, then brought in dowry to Maximilien de Habsburg the county of Burgundy, called from Franche-Comté, and his dependencies of the Netherlands.

This geopolitical recomposition led to more than two centuries of confrontations between the crown of France and the Maison d’Austria, the Prévôté de Coiffy again exhibited on the front line. During the wars punctuating the XVI It is And XVII It is A centuries opposing the Valois then the Bourbon to the Habsburgs, it was occupied and ransacked several times. During France’s commitment to the Thirty Years War in 1635, Richelieu ordered the demolition of small strong places in the kingdom too exposed to the conflict and whose loyalty to the crown of France was not assured, including that of Coiffy -The-châtel. In 1638, the village, which became Coiffy-le-Haut after the destruction of its castle, was occupied by a troop of imperial soldiers (probably Croatian) [Ref. necessary] . When this troop was left, a resident drew on one of the officers and in retaliation more than three hundred villagers were executed and the village was burned down [Ref. necessary] .

Municipality of Coiffy-le-Haut since the French Revolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of mayors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Postcard of the village around 1926.
List of successive mayors
Period Identify Label Quality
The missing data is to be completed.
Before 1995 ? Pierre coats DVD
mars 2001 2014 Mauricette Meininger
2014 In progress Jean-Louis Vincent

Environmental policy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known through the population censuses made in the municipality since 1793. From 2006, the legal populations of the municipalities are published annually by INSEE. The census is now based on an annual information collection, successively concerning all the municipal territories during a period of five years. For municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, a census survey relating to the entire population is carried out every five years, the legal populations of the intermediate years being estimated by interpolation or extrapolation [ 8 ] . For the municipality, the first exhaustive census falling within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2008 [ 9 ] .

In 2020, the town had 108 inhabitants [ Note 2 ] , decreased by 10.74%compared to 2014 (Haute-Marne: −4.91%, France excluding Mayotte: +1.9%).

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
1793 1800 1806 1821 1831 1836 1841 1846 1851
940 967 1 106 1 042 1 124 1 079 1 049 1 060 1 080
1856 1861 1866 1872 1876 1881 1886 1891 1896
1 042 1 092 1 084 1 012 960 917 909 773 730
1901 1906 1911 1921 1926 1931 1936 1946 1954
668 646 544 439 401 340 312 269 228
1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2008 two thousand and thirteen
190 193 160 151 144 132 121 118 120
2018 2020
113 108
Histogram of demographic evolution

Age structure [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The population of the town is relatively old.
In 2018, the rate of people of an age lower than 30 years was 16.8%, below the departmental average (31.0%). Conversely, the rate of age higher than 60 years is 54.9% the same year, while it was 31.8% at the departmental level.

In 2018, the town had 48 men For 65 women , or a rate of 57.52% of women, much higher than the departmental rate (51.02%).

The pyramids of the ages of the town and the department are established as follows.

Age pyramid of the town in 2018 in percentage [ twelfth ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Age pyramid of the Haute-Marne department in 2018 in percentage [ 13 ]
Men Age class Women


90 or +



75-89 years



60-74 years



45-59 years



30-44 years old



15-29 years



0-14 years old


Cultural manifestations and festivities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Agricultural valuations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vineyard and hairdressing wine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is probably at IX It is A century that the bishop of Langres detached religious in Coiffy to implant a vineyard. Hair wine had forged over time a solid reputation and, in the middle of XIX It is A century, three -quarters of the 240 families in the town lived in a wine estate of around 250 hectares. Unfortunately, the infestation of the European vineyard by phylloxera from 1863 made disappear about half of the French vineyard, including that of Coiffy.

In 1983, a group of farmers decided to revive wine activity. The conduct of the retained vine was that called “in lyre”. This driving mode, making it possible to obtain binding and wide vines, is very suitable for the local climate. The lyre consists of two stakes arranged in V, like the musical instrument. The CEPS being aligned in the center, the pampres form two very distinct vegetation curtains to maximize leaf exposure and vegetative quality. Mastering the grape maturation process is thus optimized. The wines produced are very aromatic while benefiting from a volume title and a structure giving them a good ability to aging. They can thus be tasted both young “on the fruit” and as guard wines.

Red, rosés and white wines benefit from the name “Wine of Coteaux de Coiffy” awarded by Inao. Since the attribution of this name in 1989, hairdressing wines have been regularly awarded by various qualitative distinctions, including those of the General Agricultural Competition in Paris, the most recognized in the wine sector. The grape varieties defined for the name perfectly responds to the ampélography of the terroir, the grape varieties held composing a beautiful aromatic palette.

In addition to grape variety wines, producers offer a sparkling wine developed according to the traditional method of good typicity. Their cellars are open to tasting and direct purchase, both informed oenophiles and many passing enthusiasts.

Other agricultural valuations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Remarkable built heritage [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Church of the Virgin-en-Sa-Nativity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Church of the Virgin-en-Sa-Nativity, as well as the rest of the village, was burnt down by the Imperials during the Thirty Years War. Only the flamboyant ogival choir of the XV It is century has escaped this fire.

The current notable movable elements are as follows:

Château Substructions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Some castle substructures can still be recognized in some elements of construction of the village:

-in reuse in the boasters of the retaining walls bordering the hillon of the Verne valley on the South limit of the village;
– in certain foundations, especially in one of the tasting cellars where the quality of the equipment is well developed.

Natural areas of ecological, fauna and floristic interest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Valley of Maljoie, Val des Prés-Rougets and Val du, above-des-Prés [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The type-II znieff [ 14 ] From the Amance basin, from which a good part of the territory of Coiffy is, covers a large well -preserved set of meadow biotopes.

Vegetation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This vast natural area has remarkable plant formations in more than one way: semi-primitive meadows, alluvial afforestation, aquatic groups, etc.

The meadows cover approximately three -quarters of the total area. These mainly mowed meadows are today very long grazed in extensive farming. The range of prairial groups is very extensive, depending on the nature of the soil and agricultural treatment (mowing or pasture): high oat meadows, bromine meadows in clusters and fistulum centers, grazed meadows in crete … This prairial area hosts some plant species Rare (registered on the regional red list) such as yellowish clover (in the driest areas), the sardonia buttercup and the ophioglosse.

The beautiful ripisylve of the Maljoie grows in places in Aulnaie-Fêtie. The shrub stratum has in particular the common charm, the country maple, the white birch, the mountain elm, the cherry tree with clusters (very rare in Champagne-Ardenne), the cherry and the wild cassissier (inscribed on the regional red list ). In the herbaceous carpet is noted the stellar of the woods, very rare in the plain (coming from the Vosges, it has only a few stations in the Haute-Marne where its distribution limit is located), the obscure pulmonary (Center-suropene species quite rare in France ), the Dryopteris Borreri (fern recently identified in Haute-Marne)…

Certain cariçaies with large laîches welcome several rare species such as the distant laîche, as well as a certain number of reedlières and megaphorbiaies.

Wildlife [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The fauna of the natural area, very diverse, has many protected species at the regional, national and international level.

The Batracians are present, with in particular the yellow belly toe -ter toad, the Crêté triton, the alpine triton, the palmated triton, the arboreal trial and many frogs (green, red and agile).

Avifauna is particularly represented. Of the 73 species of inventoried birds, eleven are listed by international lists (birds directive), national (red list of fauna threatened in France) or regional (red list of champagne-arch). The natural area has in particular several species of raptors such as the Cendré busard (last natural nesting site of the species in Champagne-Ardenne), the Roseaux busard (very rare in Champagne-Ardenne) and the variable nozzle. The adoption of late mowers promotes meadowned passerines such as the Tarier Pâtre and the Bruant Proyer. The ripisylves and the old trees of the meadows and pastures promote the maintenance and reproduction of the Torcol Fourmilier, Cendré peak, red-tailed white and sparrow Fliquet. The Lulu niche lark in certain meadows and the Colombin pigeon was identified there.

Between the crazy herbs and the high water streams meets the aquatic musaraigne (inscribed on the regional red list) and the collar snake. The fox, the badger, the foul, the belet, the deer and the boar are very present in the area; The deer and the wild cat making some incursions there.

Great hairstyle marshes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Type-i znieff [first] Located in the valley of Greta-Amance under the type II Znieff described in the previous section.

The great hairdressing marshes are the largest alkaline peat bog in Haute-Marne, a type of rare biotope in the south-east of Champagne-Ardenne.

Vegetation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

These tufeux marshes in alluvial terrain with vast limestone jackets host, in addition to the peat bog, a great vegetable diversity: large herbal vegetation, wet meadows, marshy wood … Some rare and threatened plants of disappearance remain there (inscription on the red list Regional): Two species of orchids, the orchis Incarnat and the orchis of Tranunsteiner as well as the mayor of mayor, the paradoxical laîche, the thelptris of the marshes, the parnassy of the marshes and the utriculated vulpin.

Wildlife [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ecosite is particularly attractive to avifauna. The high grass areas, notably welcoming populations of Rouverolle Verderolle, an unusual nesting in Champagne-Ardenne. The mowing meadows in particular shelter the Pie-Grèche Lawn, the Tierier Ranger and the Busard Saint-Martin. All these bird populations are experiencing rapid decline due to the disappearance of their habitats.

Sewing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Type-i znieff [2] Located in the Maljoie valley under the type II Znieff described above.

Vegetation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Despite the name, this natural area is not really a marsh but rather a set of wet or grazed meadows, high grass vegetations (in the most hydromorphic areas) and wood: oak-carmaie or marshy alelia, according to the soil humidity.

Sewing meadows can be considered semi-primitives by the fact that their flora, extremely rich and varied, conceals many species that do not support the regular spread of chemical fertilizers or animal origin. Their floristic composition is close to that of the first meadows resulting from deforestation of the end of the Neolithic. The prairial flora has in particular an orchid inscribed on the list of plants threatened with Champagne-Ardenne, the incarnat orchis.

Wildlife [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This ecosity must partly its fauna value to floods covering it in winter and spring. Among the birds, it has many characteristic passerines such as the Pie-Grèche Lacilier, the Tier des Prés, La Grive drains and the hoopoe fascinated. The swampy areas are suitable for the phragmite of the rushes and the Rouverolle Verderolle. The woods welcome in particular the spam, the green peak, the rammer pigeon, the wooden covere, the musician church and various fawn. The site is frequented by some raptors, including two species of average size, black Milan and royal Milan, tirelessly flying over the meadows in search of their food. Among the insects, we note the presence of two very remarkable butterflies: the copper of the marshes and the checkerboard of the success, extremely rare and protected in Europe, these two species being also inscribed on the list of fauna threatened in France ( In the “Endangered” category) since 1993.

Wild flora and fauna representative of the territory [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Phylogenetic classification according to the taxonomic tree of the national inventory of natural heritage

Personalities linked to the municipality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Heraldry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Armes de Coiffy-le-Haut

The weapons of Coiffy-le-Haut are asbestos:

Party: at the first gules with golden channels placed in an orle, cross and long necklace, loaded in the heart of a natural roliness, second in azure with the banged strip of two double potencies and counter-pointed ‘gold; All summoned with a chief of azure strewn with three golden lilies.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The royal provost of Coiffy-le-Châtel By Adrien Bonvallet
  • Former diocese of Langres (Cartulary of Molesme Abbey) by Jacques Laurent / 1907
  • Geological synthesis of the Paris Basin , under the coordination of C. Méglen / 1980
  • Contribution to the geology of sandstone Vosges , by J. Perriaux / 1977

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

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Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. According to the zoning of rural and urban municipalities published in November 2020, in application of the new definition of validated rurality in the interministerial rurality committee.
  2. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2023, vintage 2020, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2022, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2020.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Urban / rural typology » , on www.observatoire-des (consulted the ) .
  2. Rural commune – Definition » , on INSEE website (consulted the ) .
  3. Understand the density grid » , on www.observatoire-des (consulted the ) .
  4. Base of attraction areas for 2020 cities. » , on INSEE.FR , (consulted the ) .
  5. Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pascal Eusebio, Jocelyn Forest, Olivier Pégaz-Blanc and Raymond Warnod (INSEE), In France, nine out of ten people live in the attraction of a city » , on INSEE.FR , (consulted the ) .
  6. Corine Land Cover (CLC) – Distribution of areas in 15 land use stations (metropolitan area). » , on the Statistical data and studies site of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. (consulted the )
  7. IGN, Evolution of the town’s land use on ancient maps and photos. » , on (consulted the ) . To compare the evolution between two dates, click on the bottom of the vertical dividing line and move it to the right or left. To compare two other cards, choose the cards in the windows at the top left of the screen.
  8. The organization of the census , on
  9. Departmental censuses calendar , on
  10. From the villages of Cassini to today’s municipalities On the site of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
  11. INSEE – Legal populations of the town for years 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , two thousand and thirteen , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 And 2020 .
  12. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018-Coiffy-le-Haut commune (52136) » , (consulted the ) .
  13. INSEE, Evolution and structure of the population in 2018 – Department of Haute -Marne (52) » , (consulted the ) .
  14. Modernization of the inventory of natural areas of fansal and fauna ecological interest of Picardy
