Collins (zoology) – Wikipedia


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Collinsia O. P.-Cambridge, 1913 It is a kind of spiders belonging to the Linyphiidae family.

The 25 species attributed to this genre today are widespread in the olartic region: the two larger areas are the C. Holmgregni and C. Spesbergeri spread throughout the entire olartic region with multiple finds [first] .

In Italy, specimens of C. distincta in southern Italy have been found [2] And also some of C. Innerrans [3] .

There are numerous taxonomic vicissitudes of this kind: considered an anterior synonym of Anitsia Chamberlin, 1921 , following a 1944 Holm work; also of Keen Strand, 1914 , following a 1950 Holm work; Of Catabrithorax Chamberlin, 1920 , from a 1954 hackman work; still Microerigone Dahl, 1928 Following a 1958 Holm study and finally of Milleriana Denis, 1966 , according to the type species Trichoncus inerrans (O. P.-Cambridge, 1885) , following a 1990 Eskov study [first] .

Instead, it is not the front synonym of Montilaira Chamberlin, 1921 , according to a 1988 Crawford work, nor Halorates Hull, 1911 , as validated by three studies: 1990 eskov against Millridge from 1977; Merrett, Locket and Millidge from 1985 and finally Roberts from 1987. The debate on question It continued with the studies of Buckle et al. of 2001 and of TanaSevitch of 2009 [first] .

In May 2011, it consists of 25 species and 1 subspecies according to Platnick [first] :

  1. Borea collinia (L. Koch, 1879) — Russia, Alaska
  2. Collinsia foggy (L. Koch, 1879) – Russia, Central Asia
    • Cantiginary collinsia enemenic Thaler, 1980 — Austria
  3. Collinsia clypiella (Chamberlin, 1920) – one
  4. Collinsia crassipalpis (Caporiacco, 1935) — India
  5. Dented collintesia Eskov, 1990 — Russia
  6. Collinsia despaxi (Denis, 1950) – France
  7. Collinsia distinct (Simon, 1884) [4] – Paleartic region
  8. Collinsia ezoensis (Saito, 1986) – Japan
  9. Collinsia Irish (Simon, 1926) – France
  10. Collings Holmgreni (Thorell, 1871) – Olartic region
  11. Collina Eskov, 1990 — Russia
  12. Collinsia inerrans (O. P.-Cambridge, 1885) – Paleartic region
  13. Collins ksenia (Crosby & Bishop, 1928) – USA, Canada, Alaska
  14. Collinsia oatimpa (Chamberlin, 1948) – one
  15. Collinsia oxypaederotipus (Crosby, 1905) – one
  16. Collings my palm Hackman, 1954 – Canada
  17. Collinsia complex (Keyserling, 1886) – one
  18. Collinsia pertaining (O. P.-Cambridge, 1875) – one
  19. Plumous collinsia (Emerton, 1882) – USA, Canada
  20. Collinsia tested (O. P.-Cambridge, 1874) – one
  21. Collinsia sachalinensis Eskov, 1990 — Russia
  22. Collinsia Spetsbergensis (Thorell, 1871) – Olartic region
  23. Collinsia stylifera (Chamberlin, 1948) – USA, Canada, Alaska
  24. Collinsia thulensis (Jackson, 1934) – Alaska, Canada, Groenlandia, Isole Spitsbergen
  25. Collinsia tianschanica Tanasevitch, 1989 – Kyrgyzstan

According to the arachnologist Tanasevitch, specialist of the Linyphiidae family, the species of this genre should be included in Halorates Hull, 1911 [3]


Species transferred [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A adequate number of species, about 9, have been transferred to other genres after some specific studies, all in different genres with each other [first] :

  • Collinsia algida (Hackman, 1954) ; transferred to the genre Sougambus Crosby & Bishop, 1936 .
  • Collins Harm Wunderlich, 1972 ; Transfer to GEND Hull, 1911 .
  • Collinsians Jeniseica Eskov, 1990 ; Transferred to the genus Typhochritoides Eskov, 1990 .
  • Collinsia lapidicola (Sørensen, 1898) ; Transferred to the genus Scotinotylus Simon, 1884 .
  • LAPPONICA COLLINSIA (Holm, 1939) ; Transferred to the semljicola genre Strand, 1906 .
  • LAPPONICA COLLINSIA (Schenkel, 1939) ; Transferred to the genre notes Simon, 1884 .
  • Collinsia left (Chamberlin, 1949) ; Transferred to the Masikia genre Millidge, 1984 .
  • Collinsia Uta (Chamberlin, 1919) ; Transferred to the Montilaira genre Chamberlin, 1921 .
  • Collinsia wilburi Levi & Levi, 1955 ; transferred to the genre Frederickus Paquin et al., 2008 .
  • O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1913 – On new and rare British arachnids noted and observed in 1912. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, vol. 34 , p. 107-136.
  • Simon, E., 1926 – The Arachnids of France. General synopsis and catalog of French species of INSEKTOTO , Konchuaikokai, vol. 26 , p. 14-18.
  • Crosby, C. R. & S. C. Bishop, 1928 – Revision of the spider genera Erigone, Eperigone and Catabrithorax (Erigoneae) . New York St. Mus. Bull. vol. 278 , p. 1-73
  • Caporiacco, L. di, 1935 – Arachnids of the Himalaia and Karakoram, collected from the Italian mission to Karakoram (1929-VII) . Mem. Soc. Ent. Ital vol. 13 , p. 161-263.
  • Chamberlin, R. V., 1948 – On some American spiders of the family Erigonidae . Ann. ent. Soc. Am. vol. 41 , p. 483-562
  • Denis, J., 1950 – Spiders in the Orédon region (Hautes-Pyrénées) . Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse, vol. 85 , p. 77-113.
  • Hackman, W., 1954 – The spiders of Newfoundland . Zool Act. FENN. vol. 79 , p. 1-99
  • Saito, H., 1986- New erigonine spiders found in Hokkaido, Japan . Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (A), vol. twelfth , p. 9-24.
  • Eskov, K. Y., 1990 – The spider Genus Collinsia O. Picker-Cambridge 1913 in the Fauna of Siberia and the Soviet Far East (Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphidae) . Senckenberg. biol. vol. 70 , p. 287-298.
  • Tanasevitch, A. V., 1989 – The Linyphid spiders of Middle Asia (Arachnida: Araneae: LinyPidae) . Senckenberg. biol. vol. 69 , p. 83-176
  • Buckle, D. J., D. Carroll, R. L. Crawford & V. D. Roth, 2001 – Linyphiidae and Pimoidae of America north of Mexico: checklist, synonymy, and literature . Fabreries, Suppl. ten , p. 89-191.
  • Tanasevitch A.V. 2009 – The Linyphid spiders of iran (Arachnida, Aranane, Linyphidae). Swiss zoology review, vol. 116 (3-4), p. 379-420.
