Community of communes of Florentinois – Wikipedia


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The Community of communes of Florentinois is a former community of French communes, located in the department of Yonne in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.

In 2017, it merged with the community of communes of Seignelay – Brienon to form the community of serene and armchair communes.

The community of communes of Florentinois was created on [ first ] , succeeding the old community of communes of the same name [ Note 2 ] .

It is the result of the merger of this former intercommunality with part of that of Othe in Armançon (8 municipalities) as well as the commune of Chailley, hitherto “isolated” (part of any ECCI).

List of intercommunality municipalities
Name Code
Kindly Surface
( km 2 )
(last pop. legal )
( Hab./km 2 )
89345 28.60 4 614 ( 2014 ) 161
Beugnon 89041 Beugnonais 7.70 329 ( 2014 ) 43
Butteaux 89061 7.55 262 ( 2014 ) 35
Chailley 89069 Chaillotins 16,51 550 ( 2014 ) 33
Chieu 89101 Cheutains 7,61 540 ( 2014 ) 71
Germigny 89186 11.87 550 ( 2014 ) forty six
Jaulges 89205 12.35 479 ( 2014 ) 39
Lasson 89219 7.07 133 ( 2014 ) 19
Neuvy-Sautour 89276 Neuvy-Sautorians 19.06 946 ( 2014 ) 50
Percey 89292 Perciquois 9.56 237 ( 2014 ) 25
Sormery 89398 Solimariens 30.56 353 ( 2014 ) twelfth
Soumaintrain 89402 Soumaintrinois 10,61 203 ( 2014 ) 19
Turny 89425 Turrois 24.87 712 ( 2014 ) 29
Vergigny 89439 False 38.01 1 563 ( 2014 ) 41
Villiers-Vineux 89474 11.18 320 ( 2014 ) 29

The headquarters of the community of communes are located in Saint-Florentin.

Community council [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The community of communes of Florentinois is managed by a community council made up of 32 delegates from each of the member and elected municipalities for a period of six years, thus coinciding with the deadlines of municipal elections [ first ] .


They are distributed as follows [ 2 ] :

Number of delegates Municipalities
13 Saint-Florentin
4 Vergigny
2 Neuvy-Sautour, Turny
first Beugnon, Butteaux, Chailley, Chéu, Germigny, Jaulges, Lasson, Percery, Sormery, Soumaintrain, Villiers-Vinées

During the three months separating the creation of the community of municipalities in the 2014 municipal elections, the transition is ensured by the community delegates of the former communities of communes of communes [ 2 ] .

Presidency [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Community Council elects a president for a period of six years. The presidency, during the period between the creation of intercommunality and the designation of the new community delegates, is ensured by Maxence Guillot, president of the former community of communes of Florentinois, which is the most important of the former communities of communes in number of inhabitants [ 2 ] . After the municipal deadlines, the , it is Yves Delot, mayor of Saint-Florentin, who succeeds him [ 3 ] .

List of successive presidents
Period Identify Label Quality
January 2014 April 18, 2014 Maxence Guillot
April 18, 2014 December 31, 2016 Yves Delot UMP Mayor of Saint-Florentin.

The former community of communes of Florentinois [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

History [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The community of communes of Florentinois was created by prefectural decree of , which took effect on .

A date you , the community of communes merges with part of that of Othe in Armançon (8 communes) as well as the commune of Chailley, hitherto “isolated” (part of any ECCI), within the current community of Florentinois municipalities [ first ] .

Composition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It was made up of the following six municipalities:

SKILLS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Intercommunality is competent for:

  • The collection of household waste and assimilated waste
  • The treatment of household waste and similar waste
  • other environmental actions
  • Health activities
  • The creation, development, maintenance and management of industrial, commercial, tertiary, craft or tourism activity zone
  • creation, development, maintenance and management of port or airport activity zone
  • Economic development action (support for industrial, commercial or employment activities, support for agricultural and forestry activities …)
  • construction or development, maintenance, management of equipment or sports establishments
  • Cultural or socio -cultural activities
  • The creation and realization of concerted development zone (ZAC)
  • The organization of non -urban transport
  • Studies and their programming
  • creation, development, maintenance of roads
  • tourism
  • the ports
  • Aerodromes
  • The Navigable Ways
  • NICTs (internet, cable …)

Other memberships [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Mixed union for carrying out the development of the Armançon valley (S.I.R.T.A.V.A.)
  • Mixed Study Syndicate for the valuation and treatment of household and similar waste Center Yonne
  • Mixed union for the creation and management of a Senonais pound

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Population figure published in 2014.
  2. Although it has the same name, it is not the same community of communes.
  3. Population figure published in 2013.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sources [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
