Community of communes of the Haute Sarthe valley – Wikipedia


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The Community of communes of the Haute Sarthe valley is a French inter -municipal structure, located in the Orne department and the Normandy region. She was born on of the merger of the community of communes of the MEULOIS country and the community of communes of the country of Courtomer, accompanied by the integration of the municipalities of Aunay-les-Bois, Buré, Hauterive, Neuilly-le-Bisson and Saint-Quentin -de-white [ first ] .

Drawn up during 2012 and planned for , the new community of communes of the Haute Sarthe valley was born the , following the decision taken by the members of the Departmental Commission for Inter -municipal Cooperation, in December 2012 [ 2 ] . Its name is a resurgence of the Rural Development Association of Haute Sarthe [ 3 ] .

Geography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Located in the center of the Orne department, the community of communes of the Vallée de la Haute Sarthe brings together 31 municipalities and covers 278.9 km 2 [ 4 ] .

Map of the community of communes of the Haute Sarthe valley at .

Composition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The community of communes is made up of 31 municipalities following:

List of intercommunality municipalities
Name Code
Kindly Surface
( km 2 )
(last pop. legal )
( Hab./km 2 )
The Mixle-sur-Sarthe
61258 MEULOIS 0.62 659 (2020) 1 063
Aunay-les-Bois 61013 Right -wing 8.53 138 (2020) 16
Dye 61026 Barvillais 7.53 181 (2020) 24
Roar 61064 Roar 10.28 93 (2020) 9
Buré 61066 Bubble 5.65 105 (2020) 19
Sails 61067 Buriens 9.64 163 (2020) 17
Le Chalage 61082 Chalangeois 6.27 eighty six (2020) 14
Coulonges-sur-Sarthe 61126 Coulongeois 9.65 489 (2020) 51
Courtomer 61133 Courtomerois 19.9 708 (2020) 36
Ferrières-la-Verrerie 61166 Ferriérois 14.58 139 (2020) 9.5
Gâprée 61183 Gâpréens 9.84 145 (2020) 15
Hauterive 61202 Hauteriverains 6.98 462 (2020) 66
Laule 61215 Laleusiens 11.41 353 (2020) thirty first
Marchemaisons 61251 March 8.85 154 (2020) 17
Menil-Brot 61261 Bérouldins 3.44 170 (2020) 49
Le Menil-Guyon 61266 Menil-Guyonnais 2.76 78 (2020) 28
Montchevrel 61284 Montchevrélois 10.8 221 (2020) 20
Neuilly-le-Bisson 61304 Neuillyssois 5.98 293 (2020) 49
Le plants 61331 Plantisians 8.02 132 (2020) 16
Saint-Agnan-sur-Sarthe 61360 Agnanais 6.24 90 (2020) 14
Saint-Aubin-d’Appenai 61365 Saint-Aubinois 11.29 407 (2020) 36
Saint-Germain-le-Vieux 61398 3.16 60 (2020) 19
Saint-Julien-sur-Sarthe 61412 Saint-Julienne 16.39 694 (2020) 42
Saint-Léger-sur-Sarthe 61415 Union 13.25 314 (2020) 24
Saint-Léonard-des-Parcs 61416 Saint-Léonardais 13.4 77 (2020) 5.7
Saint-Quentin-de-Blavou 61450 Saint-Quentinois 6.46 72 (2020) 11
Sainte-Scolasse-sur-Sarthe 61454 Scolassiens 13.88 586 (2020) 42
Tellières-le-Plessis 61481 Telliérins 5.41 77 (2020) 14
Tremont 61492 Trémontois 6.22 119 (2020) 19
Sales-of-the-Undead 61499 20.95 145 (2020) 6.9
Interior 61502 Vidayons 1.55 90 (2020) 58
2018 2019
7 630 7 555
  1. Orne prefecture – Collection of special administrative acts n ° 5 in December 2012 – NOR decree – 1111 – 2012 -00078 » [PDF] (consulted the )
  2. “Intercommunality: the Orne now has 28 communities of communes”, , updated on December 21, 2012, accessed December 23, 2012.
  3. “Birth of the CDC of the Haute Sarthe valley on January 1”, The because , Wednesday December 5, 2012, p. 32.
  4. Key figures in the intercommunality territory. » , on the INSEE website (consulted the )
  5. First inter-municipal council of the Haute-Sarthe valley » , on , West France (consulted the )
  6. Re -election 2020: The Mixle-sur-Sarthe. Vice-presidents of the community of elected communes » , on , West France (consulted the )
