Conjugated function – Wikipedia


In mathematics, and more precisely in convex analysis, the conjugated function is a function built from a real function

f {displaystyle f}

Defined on a vector space

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

, which is useful:

The combined function of

f {displaystyle f}

is most often noted

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

. It is a convex function, even if

f {displaystyle f}

is not, defined on slopes , that is to say on the elements of the dual vector space of

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

. The definition is motivated and specified below.



f f {displaystyle fto f^{*}}

is called transformation de Fenchel or Legendre transformation or Transformation de Legendre-Fnechel , the APRIIIIr Adrien-Mary Legendrere it Werner Fenchel.

Supposed knowledge : linear algebra, differential calculation, the bases of convex analysis (in particular the main concepts attached to convex sets and functions); The subdifferential of a convex function is only used to motivate the definition of combined function.

The apparent complexity of the concept of combined function requires motivating its definition.

Function convexification [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

By definition, a function is convex if its epigraph is convex. Convex a function

f : AND R¯{displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to {bar {mathbb {R} }}}

consists in determining the largest convex function, let’s say closed, reduced

f {displaystyle f}

. In terms of epigraph, this amounts to finding the smallest closed convex containing the epigraph of

f {displaystyle f}

, that is to say to take the closed convex envelope of the epigraph

and f AND × R . {displaystyle operatorname {epi} ,fsubset mathbb {E} times mathbb {R} .}

Like any closed convex envelope, that of

and f {displaystyle operatorname {epi} ,f}

is the intersection of every closed half-space containing

and f {displaystyle operatorname {epi} ,f}

, that is, sets of the form

H ( X , T , t ) : = { ( x , a ) AND × R : X , x + T a t } , {displaystyle H^{-}(xi ,tau ,t):={(x,alpha )in mathbb {E} times mathbb {R} :langle xi ,xrangle +tau alpha leqslant t},}


( X , T , t ) AND × R × R {displaystyle (xi ,tau ,t)in mathbb {E} times mathbb {R} times mathbb {R} }

. It is easy to see that when

H ( X , T , t ) {Displaystyle h^{-} (xi, tau, t)}

contains an epigraph, we must have

T 0 {displaystyle tau leqslant 0}

. It is more thin to show that, in the expression of the closed convex envelope of

and f {displaystyle operatorname {epi} ,f}

as an intersection of

H ( X , T , t ) {Displaystyle h^{-} (xi, tau, t)}

, we can only keep half-spaces with

T < 0 {displaystyle tau <0}

. However, these are the epigraphs of the Minurants Affines de

f {displaystyle f}

of shape

x ξτ,x+ tτ. {displaystyle xmapsto leftlangle {frac {-xi }{tau }},xrightrangle +{frac {t}{tau }}.}

Summons. As you would expect, the closed convenience of

f {displaystyle f}

is the upper envelope of all the Minurant Affines of

f {displaystyle f}

. Parmi les diminishing affines

x s , x + a {displaystyle xmapsto langle s,xrangle +alpha }

having a slope

s AND {displaystyle sin mathbb {E} }

fixed, one can also keep only the one that is the highest, that is to say the one that has the greatest

a {displaystyle alpha }

. We must therefore determine the greatest

a {displaystyle alpha }

such as

x AND : s , x + a f ( x ) ous , x f ( x ) a . {displaystyle forall ,xin mathbb {E} ,:quad langle s,xrangle +alpha leqslant f(x)quad {mbox{ou}}quad langle s,xrangle -f(x)leqslant -alpha .}

We clearly see that the smallest value of

a {displaystyle -alpha }

is given by

f ( s ) : = sup xE(s , x f ( x ) ). {displaystyle f^{*}(s):=sup _{xin mathbb {E} }{Bigl (}langle s,xrangle -f(x){Bigr )}.}

It is the value of the combination of

f {displaystyle f}


s {displaystyle s}

. We are interested in

a {displaystyle -alpha }

rather than

a {displaystyle alpha }

to define

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

in order to obtain a conjugated conjugated function.

Access route to the subdifferential [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In this section, we show the interest of the concept of combined function as a tool to calculate the subdifferential of a convex function.

The subdifferential

f ( x ) {displaystyle partial f(x)}

of a convex function

f {displaystyle f}


x {displaystyle x}

is the set of slopes of minorating the affines of

f {displaystyle f}

(i.e., des fonctions affines that less

f {displaystyle f}

), which are accurate in

x {displaystyle x}

(i.e., who have the same value as

f {displaystyle f}


x {displaystyle x}

). For

x {displaystyle x}

given, it is not always easy to specify all the minor affins exact in

x {displaystyle x}

. It is sometimes easier to give yourself a slope

s {displaystyle s}

of Minurant Affine

x s , x + a {displaystyle xmapsto langle s,xrangle +alpha }

and seek the points it may be exact by modifying

a {displaystyle alpha }

. From this point of view, we are looking for the largest

a {displaystyle alpha }

such as

x AND : s , x + a f ( x ) ous , x f ( x ) a . {displaystyle forall ,xin mathbb {E} ,:quad langle s,xrangle +alpha leqslant f(x)quad {mbox{ou}}quad langle s,xrangle -f(x)leqslant -alpha .}

We clearly see that the smallest value of

a {displaystyle -alpha }

is given by

f ( s ) : = sup xE(s , x f ( x ) ). {displaystyle f^{*}(s):=sup _{xin mathbb {E} }{Bigl (}langle s,xrangle -f(x){Bigr )}.}

It is the value of the combination of

f {displaystyle f}


s {displaystyle s}

. We are interested in

a {displaystyle -alpha }

rather than

a {displaystyle alpha }

to define

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

in order to obtain a conjugated conjugated function. Let’s get back to the problem we were asking at the start of this paragraph: if

x {displaystyle x}

is solution of the maximization problem above, then

s , x f ( x ) s , and f ( and ) {DisplayStyle Langle S, Xrangle -F (x) Geqslant Langle S, Yrangle -F (Y)}

for everything

and AND {displaystyle yin mathbb {E} }


and AND : f ( and ) f ( x ) + s , and x . {displaystyle forall ,yin mathbb {E} ,:quad f(y)geqslant f(x)+langle s,y-xrangle .}

These inequalities show that

and f ( x ) + s , and x {displaystyle ymapsto f(x)+langle s,y-xrangle }

is a minor refine

f {displaystyle f}

, Exact and

x {displaystyle x}


It is assumed in this section that the functions are defined in a euclidean vector space

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

(of finished dimension therefore), whose scalar product is noted

, {displaystyle langle cdot ,cdot rangle }

and the associated standard

{displaystyle |cdot |}


On note

The combined and its properties [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We chose to designate by

s {displaystyle s}

l’Argment of

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

to remember that this is a slope ( slope in English), that is to say an element of the dual space of

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

, here identified with

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

via the scalar product.

We are interested below in the convexity and the clean and closed character of the conjugated

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

. The convexity of

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

is a remarkable property of the combined, since it is remembered that

f {displaystyle f}

is not necessarily convex.

It will be remembered that a convex and clean function necessarily has an affine minor; It therefore checks the properties of point 1 above, so that

f Conv ( AND ) f C onv¯( AND ) . {displaystyle fin operatorname {Conv} (mathbb {E} )quad Longrightarrow quad f^{*}in operatorname {C{overline {onv}}} (mathbb {E} ).}

The biconjugated and its properties [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We can of course apply the transformation of Legendre-Fenchel to the combined function

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

; We thus obtain the biconjugated of

f {displaystyle f}

, noted

f {displaystyle f^{**}}


The convex, closed and clean character of the biconjugated is examined in the following result.

Closed convex biconjugate Regardless

f : AND R¯{displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to {bar {mathbb {R} }}}

, Biconjugaée

f {displaystyle f^{**}}

is convex and closed. In addition, the following properties are equivalent:

If the argument

s {displaystyle s}


f {displaystyle f^{*}}

is a slope (identified with an element of

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

), l’argument

x {displaystyle x}


f {displaystyle f^{**}}

is in the starting space

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

. We can then wonder if there is a link between

f {displaystyle f}


f {displaystyle f^{**}}

. The following proposal examines this question. We noted there

f¯{displaystyle {bar {f}}}

, the closure of

f {displaystyle f}


This result makes it possible to compare the values ​​of

f {displaystyle f^{**}}


f {displaystyle f}


If we take the combined of the biconjugated, we find the conjugated. There is therefore no concept of triconjuguée .

No triciejugated Either

f : AND R¯{displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to {bar {mathbb {R} }}}

A clean function with a minor refine. SO

( f ) = f {displaystyle (f^{**})^{*}=f^{*}}


Conjugated rules for calculating [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Inf-image under a linear application [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Let us recall the definition of Inf-image of a function under a linear application . We give ourselves two Euclidian spaces

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }


F {displaystyle mathbb {F} }

(we will need a scalar product here on

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }


F {displaystyle mathbb {F} }

, while this structure is not necessary in the definition of

f A {displaystyle fveebar A}

), a function

f : AND R¯{displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to {bar {mathbb {R} }}}

and a linear application

A : AND F {displaystyle A:mathbb {E} to mathbb {F} }

. Then the inf-image of

f {displaystyle f}


A {displaystyle A}

is the noted application

f A : F R¯{displaystyle fveebar A:mathbb {F} to {bar {mathbb {R} }}}

and defined in

and F {displaystyle yin mathbb {F} }


( f A ) ( and ) = inf xEAx=yf ( x ) . {displaystyle (fveebar A)(y)=inf _{{xin mathbb {E} } atop {Ax=y}};f(x).}

Pre-composition with a linear application [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Examples [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rules [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


f : AND R : x x {displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to mathbb {R} :xmapsto |x|}

A standard on a Euclidean space

AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

, not necessarily derived from the scalar product

, {displaystyle langle cdot ,cdot rangle }


AND {displaystyle mathbb {E} }

. We introduce the dual standard

s D: = sup x1s , x {displaystyle |s|_{_{D}}:=sup _{|x|leqslant 1};langle s,xrangle }

and the closed duality ball

B¯D: = { s AND : s Dfirst } . {Displaystyle {bar {b}} _ {_ {d}}: = {sin mathbb {e}: | S | _ {_ {d}} ledlant 1}.}

The combined function

f : AND R {displaystyle f^{*}:mathbb {E} to mathbb {R} }


f {displaystyle f}

is the indicator of the dual unit ball; So she takes in

s AND {displaystyle sin mathbb {E} }

the following value

Now consider the power

p > first {displaystyle p>1}

f : AND R : x 1px p. {displaystyle f:mathbb {E} to mathbb {R} :xmapsto {frac {1}{p}},|x|^{p}.}

Its conjugated function

f : AND R {displaystyle f^{*}:mathbb {E} to mathbb {R} }

Take in

s AND {displaystyle sin mathbb {E} }

the following value


p : = p / ( p first ) > first {displaystyle p’:=p/(p-1)>1}

p {displaystyle p}


1p+ 1p= first. {displaystyle {frac {1}{p}}+{frac {1}{p’}}=1.}

Distance to a convex [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Maximum proper value [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Elements of history [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The combined function was introduced by Mandelbrojt (1939) for a function of a single real variable; Then specified and improved by Fenchel (1949) with convex functions depending on a finished number of variables. The latter introduces the notation

f {displaystyle f^{*}}

For the combined of

f {displaystyle f}

. Conjugation generalizes a function transformation introduced much earlier by Legendre (1787). The extension to topological vector spaces is due to Brønsted (1964), Moreau (1967) and Rockafellar.

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (in) J. M. Borwein et A. S. Lewis, Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization , New York, Springer, .
  • (in) A. Brøndsted, Conjugate convex functions in topological vector spaces. » , Mathematical Physical Messages Published by the Royal Danish Society of Sciences , n O 34, , p. 1–26 .
  • (in) W. Fenchel, On conjugate functions » , Canadian Journal of Mathematics , vol. 1, , p. 73–77 .
  • (in) J.-B. Hiriart-Urrey et C. Lemaréchal, Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms » , Basics of mathematical Sciences , Springer-Verlag, , p. 305-306 .
  • (in) J.-B. Hiriart-Urrey et C. Lemaréchal, Fundamentals of convex analysis , Berlin, Springer-Verlag, .
  • (in) A.M. Legendre, Memory on the integration of some equations with partial differences , coll. «My. ACAD. Sciences », , p. 309–351 .
  • (in) S. Mandelbrojt, On convex functions » , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris , vol. 209, , p. 977-978 .
  • J.J. Moreau, Convex functional , France secondary school, coll. “Seminar with partial drift equations”, .
  • (in) R.T. Rockafellar, Convex Analysis » , Princeton Mathematics , Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press,, 28 It is series, .
