Continuous fraction – Wikipedia


Example of infinite development in continuous fraction.

In mathematics, a fraction continue or fraction continue simple or more rarely continued fraction [ first ] is an expression of the form:

with a finished or infinite number of stages.

We show that we can “represent” – in a sense which will be specified – any real number in the form of a continuous, finished or infinite fraction, in which a 0 is a relative integer and the others a j are strictly positive integers.

As in the usual decimal notation, where each real is approached by decimal numbers increasingly precisely as the data of successive decimals progresses, so each real is approached by stored fractions of the above form of above More and more precisely as we add floors. In addition, if it takes an infinity of decimal to describe exactly an uncimal number, an infinite development is needed in continuous fraction to describe exactly an irrational number.

Continuous fractions are useful in Diophantian approximation, in particular because they provide, in a certain sense, the “best” approximations of the real by rational. This property is at the origin of algorithms for the approximation of square roots, but also of demonstrations of irrationality or even transcendence for certain numbers such as Pi or It is . The periodicity of continuous fractions of the square roots of integers strictly greater than 1 and without square factor has useful consequences for the study of the Pell-Fermat equation.

Already used in Indian mathematicians in the Middle Ages, continuous fractions are studied in Europe from the XVII It is century. They are now generalized to other expressions, applied to the approximations of entire series called approximating of Padé, or even adapted to linear applications.

The notion of continuous fraction is vast and is found in many branches of mathematics. Associated concepts can be relatively simple such as euclide algorithm, or much more subtle such as that of meromorphic function [ note 1 ] .

It is possible, at first, to see a continuous fraction as a series of whole which “represents” a real. This situation is a bit the same as that of the decimal system which represents Pi Subsequently of integers 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9… in the form of a continuous fraction, the continuation is 3, 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, a first field of study consists in studying The relationship between suite 3, 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1… and that of the rational numbers offered by the continuous fraction, in this case 3, 22/7, 333/106, etc., it allows you to Know how to go from the first following to the second, how the second converges and answers other questions of this nature. This is essentially the object of this article.

Continuous fractions have a particular relationship with square roots or more generally the numbers, so -called quadratic irrational, of the form

a + b d {displaystyle a+b{sqrt {d}}}


a {displaystyle a}


b {displaystyle b}

are rational numbers,

b {displaystyle b}

not zero, and

d > first {displaystyle d>1}

[ 2 ] . This situation is like the infinite decimal representations of rational numbers. These continuous fractions make it possible to solve a famous arithmetic problem called Pell-Fermat equation [ 3 ] . This question is the subject of the article “continuous fraction of an irrational quadratic”.

Like the decimal system, the continuous fraction offers increasingly approached rational numbers of their target. These approximations are much better than decimal those. The second decimal approximation of Pi , equal to 31/10 has a denominator relatively close to that of the second approximation of the continuous fraction 22/7, on the other hand 22/7 is more than 30 times more precise than 31/10. This type of approach to a real number by a rational number is called Diophantian approximation. Continuous fractions play a big role there. They made it possible to build the first known transcendent numbers: the numbers of Liouville [ 4 ] or show that the number It is is irrational [ 5 ] . Provided to generalize the definition of a continuous fraction, it becomes possible to show that Pi is also irrational – this approach is treated in the article “Continuous fraction and Diophantian approximation”. (Actually, It is And Pi are even transcendent, according to Hermite-Lindemann’s theorem.)

A continuous fraction does not only concern numbers but also functions. We generalize the continuous fractions even more by replacing the coefficients with polynomials [ 6 ] . A motivation comes from the complex analysis, which aims to study the functions of the complex variable with complex values, derivable as such. The classic approach is to define them as whole series therefore as limits of polynomials. A frequent specificity of this type of function is to have poles. If, instead of approaching the function by polynomials, we use quotients, we build a series of approximents of pads which does not necessarily have this weakness [ 7 ] .

Other properties have been studied. Unlike the decimal system, an integer appearing in a continuous fraction is generally not limited by 9, it can become arbitrarily large. Alexandre Khintchine was interested in the average, in the sense of limit of the geometric averages of all these denominators. For almost all numbers, this average is the same (the word “almost” has here the technical meaning of measurement theory); This average is called Khintchine constant.

It is also possible to build developments in fractions by placing the fraction bars on the numerator and not below: we obtain a series development of Engel:

The use of continuous fractions is old. Aryabhata (476-550), an Indian mathematician uses them to resolve Diophantian equations as well as to approximately approximate irrational numbers [ 8 ] [Ref. incomplete] . Brahmagupta (598-668) studies the equation now so-called Pell-Fermat, using a remarkable identity. He seeks to solve the equation x 2 – sixty one and 2 = 1 and find the smallest solution: x = 1,766 319 049 and and = 226 153 980.

At XII It is century, the method is enriched by BHāskara II. An algorithm, the Chakravala method, similar to that of continuous fractions, makes it possible to resolve the general case [ 9 ] . The most striking difference with the subsequent European method is that it allows negative numbers in the fraction, allowing faster convergence [ ten ] .

The appearance in Europe is later and Italian. Raphaël Bombelli (1526-1572) uses an ancestor of continuous fractions for the calculation of approximations of the square root of 13 [ 11 ] . Pietro Cataldi (1548-1626) includes that the Bombelli method applies for all square roots, it uses it for value 18 and writes a small pamphlet on this subject [ twelfth ] . He notes that the approximations obtained are alternately higher and lower than the square root.

Decisive progress takes place in England. On January 3, 1657, Pierre de Fermat challenged European mathematicians with several questions including the equation already resolved by Brahmagupta [ 13 ] . The reaction of the English, stung [ 14 ] , is fast. William Brouncker (1620-1684) finds the relationship between the equation and the continuous fraction, as well as a algorithmic method equivalent to that of the Indians for the calculation of the solution. It produces the first generalized continuous fraction, for the number 4/π [ note 2 ] . These results are published by John Wallis who takes the opportunity to demonstrate the recurrence relations used by Brouncker and BHāskara II. It gives the name of fraction continue in the sentence : “Namely, if the unit is adjoining a fraction of which the denominator has Continue fractured [ 15 ] » . At that time, Christian Huygens (1629-1695) used the rational approximations given by the development in continuous fractions to determine the number of teeth of the gears of a planetary automaton [ 16 ] .

Some theoretical questions are resolved in the following century. The use shows that the algorithm of continuous fractions makes it possible to resolve the equation of Pell-Fermat using the fact that the fraction is periodic from a certain rank. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) shows that if a number has a periodic continuous fraction, then it is a solution of a second degree equation with whole coefficients [ 17 ] . The reciprocal, more subtle [ 18 ] , is the work of Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813). During this century, Jean-Henri Lambert (1728-1777) found a new use for continuous fractions. He uses them to show the irrationality of Pi .

This use becomes frequent at XIX It is century. Evariste Galois (1811-1832) finds the necessary and sufficient condition for a continuous fraction to be immediately periodic [ note 3 ] . Joseph Liouville uses continuous fraction development to exhibit transcendent numbers: Liouville numbers [ 4 ] . In 1873, Charles Hermite proved the transcendence of It is . A by-product of its evidence is a new demonstration of the expression of the simple continuous fraction of It is found by Euler [ 19 ] . At the end of the century, Henri Padé (1863-1953) developed the theory [ 20 ] Approximants who now bear its name and which are continuous fractions of polynomials. This technique is used by Henri Poincaré (1854-1912) to demonstrate the statibilité [That’s to say ?] solar system [ 21 ] . Georg Cantor (1845-1918) proves using continuous fractions that the points of a segment and those located inside a square are in bijection [ 22 ] . The functions of this nature are studied within the framework of chaos theory; They are discontinuous on each rational point of the interval [0, 1] [ 23 ] .

From the euclide algorithm to continuous fractions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We start by recalling the course of the algorithm due to the PGCD research euclides, by analyzing the example of the two whole numbers 15,625 and 6,842. We proceed to a series of Euclidean divisions with rest:


Another way of interpreting this algorithm is to approach in stages the quotient 15 625/6 842. The whole part of this quotient is 2, which allows to write:

What can we say about fraction 1 941/6 842, except that it is smaller than 1? It is between 1/4 and 1/3, its inverse, 6,842/1 941, has as the whole part: 3; And more specifically, if we use the results of the second Euclidean division:


So step by step:

which is a continuous fraction. We sometimes use the following notation, more convenient:

15,625/6 842 can be compared to its reduced reduced by successively truncating the number of stages of the continuous fraction. The following table gives the truncations in fractional notation and then decimal, and the difference between the reduced and the number 15 625/6 842.

Successive reduced by 15,625/6 842 and evolution of the error
Fraction Decimal development Error



–0.28 …

7/3 = 2 + 1/3

2,333 …

+0.049 …

9/4 = 2 + 1/(3 + 1/1)


–0.033 …

July 16

2,285 7 …

+0,002 0 …


2,283 58 …

–0,000 10 …


2,283 783 …

+0,000 094 …


2,283 687 9 …

–0,000 001 00 …

15 625/6 842

2,283 688 979 83 …


The rest of the errors is decreasing in absolute value and alternating signs.

Continuous fraction development of a rational [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Either r = p / q a rational number (with p And q whole and q > 0). We are looking for r and finished development in continuous fraction , that is to say a writing of r Under the form [ a 0 , …, a n ] with n whole natural, a 0 relative integer and a first , …, a n whole> 0. For this we apply the euclide algorithm:

On pose p 0 = p , p first = q , and we build whole a 0 And p 2 By Euclidean division:

Then, as long as p j is not zero, we define the whole a j -first And p j +1 about :

with a j -first integer at least equal to 1 (for j > 1) and 0 ≤ p j +1 < p j . The euclide algorithm stops. We notice n the largest whole for which p n +1 is not zero. So we know that p n / p n +1 is equal to the whole a n . We then have:

In effect :

or :

We have therefore shown that for any rational r , the euclid algorithm provides a finite development in continuous fraction of r (Conversely, any number which has a finished development in continuous fraction is obviously rational). Development [ a 0 , …, a n ] thus obtained has the particularity if n is not zero, then a n > 1. We deduce a second development: r = [ a 0 , …, a n – 1, 1]. These are the only two [ 25 ] , [ 26 ] .

When we add to the calculation of a j of this development, the calculation of numerators h j and denominators k j Different reduced:

This euclide algorithm becomes the extensive euclide algorithm [ 27 ] [Source diverted] . More specifically, the continuation of couples of whole ( in i , in i ), provided by the extended algorithm applied to ( p , q ), coincides with the suite ( k j , h j ), to the signs of the nearest and a gap near the indices: k j = (–1) j in j +2 And h j = (–1) j +1 in j +2 . For everything j , whole k j And h j are therefore primary between them and p j +1 = (–1) j ( QH j -first pk j -first ). In particular: the last reduced, h n / k n , is the fraction p / q Iroductible form and the penultimate corresponds to the particular solution of the identity of Bézout supplied by the extended euclide algorithm: PGCD (PGCD ( p , q ) = p n +1 = (–1) n ( QH n -first pk n -first ).

Development in continuous fraction of the number Pi [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A note makes it possible to generalize the previous method to any real. To illustrate it, let’s apply it to the number Pi . The first step, in the case of a rational, was the calculation of the quotient of the Euclidean division of the numerator by the denominator, which no longer makes sense for a real, on the other hand the result was equal to the entire part of the rational, or the whole part of a real has a meaning. The fractional part, necessarily smaller than 1, was reversed, which is still possible here. We obtain :

As II – 3 is smaller than 1 (it is a fractional part) its inverse is larger than 1, and is not whole since Pi is irrational. We can therefore apply the same approach to him:

The new value, approximately equal to 15.997, is still an irrational strictly greater than 1, hence the possibility of a new step, then a new one:

Due to the fact that Pi is irrational, the process never stops (imagining that the calculation is carried out with an infinity of decimal). We obtain as a suite of fractions 3 then 22/7 ≈ 3.1428 then 333/106 ≈ 3.14150 then 355/113 ≈ 3.1415929 and finally 103 993/33 102, close to Pi With a better precision than the billionth. Once again, the rest of the errors is decreasing in absolute value and alternating signs.

Notations and terminology [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • We will call fraction continue or fraction continue simple [ note 4 ] Any not empty ( a p ) of which the first term a 0 is a relative integer and all the following terms are strictly positive integers. [ Ref. desired]
  • All of its indices is either in form {0, 1,…, n } for a certain natural integer n If it is a finished suite, either equal to ℕ for an infinite suite.
  • on scaled down index p is the rational [ a 0 , a first , …, a p ], defined by

Reduced by a continuous fraction [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Either ( a p ) a continuous fraction. We associate two whole suites ( h p ) And ( k p ), defined by recurrence by:

So, for any index p continuous fraction:

The property (3) shows, by application of the Bézout theorem, that the whole h p And k p are first between them.

These three properties are demonstrated directly [ 28 ] But are also special cases of those of generalized continuous fractions, demonstrated in the corresponding article. We also give a matrix interpretation of the definition of h p And k p , which follows immediately, by transposition, a dual property of (1) [ 29 ] :
