Cordeliers de la Cassine convent – Wikipedia


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The Cordeliers de la Cassine convent is located in La Cassine, an old town, integrated since 1970, for sale in France. This convent includes a church.

The church and the other convent buildings delimit a courtyard. The date of 1587 is mentioned on the gable of the church. The western facade of this church is without decor. Inside, the single nave has no more decoration and is covered with a frame forming a cradle vault. The old monks dormitory is covered in the same way. The windows have Renaissance style replacements [ first ] .

The church and the convent are located outside the Bourg de la Cassine, 500 meters to the south, on the edge of the Bois de la Cassine, and a little away from the road leading to Sauville, on the territory of The municipality to sell

A castle was built in 1571 in La Cassine by Louis de Gonzague and Henriette de Cleves. The latter is a friend of Marguerite de Valois, nicknamed Margot, daughter of the king Henri II and Catherine de Médicis (it is the future queen of Navarre then Queen of France, Queen Margot, by her marriage to Henri de Navarre). Louis de Gonzague is an Italian prince, the prince of Mantua. The name of Cassine comes from the Italian Cassina, “a small country house”. In 1579, the spouses authorized the construction of the Cordeliers convent, near the castle, composed of a church in the north, oriented west/east, and a closed cloister. The cousin of Louis de Gonzague, François de Gonzague was then at the head of the Franciscans. This convent is occupied by monks from 1587 until the French Revolution. The castle then passes into the hands of different owners, including Jean-Nicolas Gendarme, an Ardennes steel entrepreneur. But he falls into disuse at XX It is century, strongly damaged by a first fire in 1927, and a second in 1940, accidentally caused by a military troop lodging inside [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

The priory is transformed into agricultural exploitation from the XIX It is century [ first ] . The building was registered as historic monuments in 1930 [ first ] , [ 3 ] .


In 2005, the convent and the church were acquired by the Department of Ardennes for a project carried out with the cultural association of the Château de la Cassine (which animates shows in the ruinrs of the castle). With 30,000 visitors per year, it becomes one of the most visited monuments in the department, and various events are organized, sound and light shows in summer, a market of local producers and concerts during the Festival des Musicales de Louvergny . But the buildings are in a poor general condition, due to the loss of waterproofing of the roofs. In , it is announced that the church and the cordeliers convent to sell appear in the list of 121 monuments which will benefit from the heritage lottery planned in September of that same year 2019. This suggests the possibility of restoring buildings, a necessary repair now to safeguard [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

  1. A B C and D Hubert Collin, The ancient churches of the Ardennes , Edition of the Departmental Tourism Office of the Ardennes, , 178 p. , p. 39-40
  2. Philippe Seydoux, Gentlehommières and strong houses in Champagne: Marne and Ardennes , t. 1, Paris, Éditions de la Morande, , 320 p. (ISBN  2-902091-30-3 ) , “La Cassine, for sale”, p. 148-150
  3. Former church of Cassine and convent of the Cordeliers » , notice n O PA00078358, Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture
  4. Cassine retained for the 2019 heritage lottery », RVM , ( read online )
  5. Former Cordeliers convent for sale » , on Heritage Foundation, Mission Stéphane Bern

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