Couke of Berry — Wikipedia


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Saint knee or saint knee or holy knee or saint Genulfe or saint Genulphe is a Saint -known saint, honored in several places in Berry and the first bishop of Cahors.

He is a saint of Christian churches, celebrated the [ first ] , [ 2 ] who would have lived in III It is century.

Two semi-legendary hagiographic sources evoke saint knee : a Life written by a monk of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Genou at the X It is century on the one hand, and a second, a little later (end X It is century or start XI It is century), written by another monk from the same abbey, but which is more complete.

Saint knee , disciple of Pope Sixtus II, helped by his father Saint Genit (or Saint Genitus) would have evangelized the City of geturnicensis (probably Cahors) Before coming to Berry, serving the country of demons that infesting it. This country, called “Warehouse of demons on the river of the nineteenth position” ( The lair of demons, located on the Naon river ) is perhaps Selles-sur-Nahon (Indre); A priory dependent on the Abbey of Saint-Genou once existed in this village.

It is surely Selles-Saint-Denis (Loir-et-Cher), a village which was previously named “saddles-Saint-Genou”: indeed, the tradition reports that Saint Genne and his father would have died and would have been buried in stools -St Denis. This village of Sologne is located on the right bank of the Sauldre; A Saint-Genouph chapel and a fountain dedicated to it, and which is also a place of pilgrimage, exist in this village, as well as frescoes and a piece of stained glass that evokes the life of this saint [ 3 ] .


Subsequently, the relics of Saint-Genou were transported to the Monastery of Estrée, today Saint-Genou (Indre), probably in 855. Part of the relics, his chief probably, would have been transported to the Sainte- Geneviève de Paris, or perhaps at Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral [ 4 ] .

Subsequently, this saint would have been confused with Saint Gengoulph because of their quasi-homonymy, the worship rendered from the XVI It is century in Saint Gengoulph in the diocese of Paris starting with “a long prose of twenty-three stanzas on the story of Saint Genne and Saint Gene his father” [ 5 ] .

The tradition of the cult of saint knee in Berry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

His worship was long popular:

“At certain times of the Middle Ages, an awful disease, known as ardent evil , made many ravages in Berry. It was then that the pilgrims went to crowds to venerate the body of Saint Genu in the beautiful basilica that the piety of the faithful helped to raise through its assistance and its generous offerings. There is no longer from the monastery, so many times ruined, as a few debris and half of the basilica [ 6 ] . »

Its traces in current Berry and neighboring regions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Name: Saints of Genou and Generated.
  2. Francophone Orthodox Forum: Holy for January 17 of the ecclesiastical calendar.
  4. In the “Missel of Paris”, written around 1520 in Gothic characters, it is written: “In Paris, Saint Genouil, bishop and confessor, which having died in an abbey in Berry, has been transported in the Grande Church in the capital since of the Kingdom ”
  5. “Bulletin of the Academic Society of the Center: Archeology, Literature, Science, History and Fine Arts”, April 1901, consultable :/12148/bpt6k5675665b/f21.image.r=larochemillay.langfr
  6. “Bulletin of the Academic Society of the Center: Archeology, Literature, Science, History and Fine Arts”, April 1901, consultable :/12148/bpt6k5675665b/f22.image.r=larochemillay.langfr

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “Vita S. Genulphi Epi. “, In Lectionary and antiphonary of S. Martial de Limoges. Notation in neumbs. X It is And XI It is s. , manuscript of the National Library of France Latin 13220, sheets 61 to 82 ( read online )
  • “Archprint of white. Estrée or Estrée Saint-Genou. Knee cult ”, in Bulletin of the Academic Society of the Center , 7 It is year, April- , p. 89-91 ( read online )
  • Dom Guy Oury, “Hagiographic documents and the history of monasteries without archives: the case of Saint-Genou de l’Estrée”, in Revue Mabillon , volume 59, October- , n O 274, p. 289-316 ( read online )

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