Council of State of the canton of Friborg – Wikipedia


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Fribourg-coat of arms.svg

The Board of state is the government of the canton of Friborg in Switzerland.

The Council of State is a collegial authority made up of seven members [ first ] . He is led by the President of the Government, replaced by a vice-president [ 2 ] .

Members of the Friborg government cannot sit on government more than three complete legislatures [ 3 ] . They cannot sit on the National Council or the Council of States in parallel with their cantonal mandate, except for the end of the cantonal legislature [ 4 ] .


Each member of the government is at the head of a management (subdivision of the cantonal administration) [ 5 ] . Since 2002, the directions have brought the following names [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] :

  • Directorate of Training and Cultural Affairs (DFAC) [ N 1 ] ;
  • Directorate of Security, Justice and Sport (DSJS) [ N 2 ] ;
  • Directorate of institutions, agriculture and forestry (DIAF) [ N 3 ] ;
  • Directorate of economics, employment and vocational training (DEEF) [ N 4 ] ;
  • Health and Social Affairs Department (DSAS) [ N 5 ] ;
  • Finance Directorate (DFIN);
  • Directorate of territorial development, infrastructure, mobility and the environment (DIME) [ N 6 ] .

The members of the State Council are elected every five years to the two -round majority system, the first round taking place on the same day as the election of the Grand Council [ 3 ] . From 1848 to 1921, the Council of State was elected by the Grand Council [ 8 ] .

The President of the Council of State is elected by the Grand Council for a mandate of one year not immediately renewable [ 9 ] . The vice-president is elected by the Council of State for a mandate of a year [ ten ] .

Legislature 2022-2026 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2017-2021 legislature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Legislature 2012-2016 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Affiches Conseil d'État 2011

Campaign posters for the Council of State, December 2011.

From 1848 to 1847, the Council of State and exclusively composed of members of the Radical-Democratic Party (PRD), then almost exclusively of Conservative Party members (ancestor of the PDC). They are elected by the Grand Council and are generally from [ 14 ] .

From 1921, the government was elected by the people and still had a member of a second party, but it was not until 1946 that its composition became plural even if the conservative majority still resists [ 14 ] .

From 1981, the composition of the government finally reflected more the electoral weight of the parties and can be qualified as a pluralist, the two historic parties (PDC and PRD) before giving in each one. The majority remain acquired, however, to the bourgeois parties and the PDC remains the preponderant party [ 14 ] .

Since the new cantonal constitution of 2004, members of the Council of State cannot exercise more than three terms and the cumulation with a mandate to the National Council or to the Council of States is prohibited [ 15 ] .

Until 2021, the government counted 59 pdc (or conservatives), 27 PRD (or PLR), 9 PS, 3 UDC (PAI), 1 green and 1 independent, or 100 people in total [Ref. necessary] . Five women sat within it [Ref. necessary] .

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. 2002-2021: Directorate of public education, culture and sport; 1982-2001: Directorate of public education and cultural affairs; 1977-1981: Directorate of public education; 1921-1975: Directorate of public education and archives; 1957-1976: Directorate of public education and cults;
  2. 2002-2021: Directorate of Security and Justice; 1982-2001: Directorate of Justice, Police and Military Affairs; 1957-1981: Directorate of justice, the commune and the parishes; 1921-1956: Directorate of justice, cults, municipalities and parishes
  3. 1982-2002: Directorate of the Interior and Agriculture; 1967-1981: Directorate of the Interior, Agriculture, Industry, Trade and Crafts; 1957-1966: Directorate of the Interior, Agriculture, Industry and Trade; 1921-1956: Directorate of the Interior, Agriculture and Statistics
  4. 2002-2021: Directorate of Economy and Employment; 1982-2001: Directorate of Economy, Transport and Energy; 1977-1981: Directorate of Agriculture, Police and Military Affairs; 1921-1976: Military department, forests and vines
  5. 1977-1981: Directorate of Public Health and Social Affairs; 1967-1976: Directorate of Police and Public Health; 1957-1966: Directorate of Police, Public Health and Social Affairs; 1921-1956: Directorate of Police, Public Health and Trade
  6. 2002-2021: Directorate of development, environment and constructions; 1921-2001: Directorate of Public Works

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Ch, fr. ” Law of October 16, 2001 on the organization of the Council of State and the Administration (RSF 122.0.1) », art. first. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  2. Ch, fr. ” Law of October 16, 2001 on the organization of the Council of State and the Administration (RSF 122.0.1) », art. 20 and 24. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  3. a et b Ch, fr. ” Constitution of May 16, 2004 of the canton of Friborg (RS 131.219) », art. 106. (Version in force: March 22, 2019) [ read online ]
  4. Ch, fr. ” Law of October 16, 2001 on the organization of the Council of State and the Administration (RSF 122.0.1) », art.  12, al. 1, let. c. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  5. Ch, fr. ” Law of October 16, 2001 on the organization of the Council of State and the Administration (RSF 122.0.1) », art. 10, al. 1, et 43, al. 1. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  6. Ch, fr. ” Ordinance of March 12, 2002 fixing the powers of the Directorates of the Council of State and the Chancellery of State (RSF 122.0.12) », art. first. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  7. State of Friborg, Directions of the Friborg Council of State, from 1847 to the present day » [xls] , on Fr.C. (consulted the )
  8. History of the Council of State » , on (consulted the )
  9. Ch, fr. ” Constitution of May 16, 2004 of the canton of Friborg (RS 131.219) », art. 107. (Version in force: March 22, 2019) [ read online ]
  10. Ch, fr. ” Law of October 16, 2001 on the organization of the Council of State and the Administration (RSF 122.0.1) », art.  24, al. 1. (Version in force: ) [ read online ]
  11. Swiss telegraph agency , Didier Castella elected to the presidency of the Friborg State Council » , on LFM , (consulted the )
  12. Olivier Curty elected to the presidency of the Friborg State Council » , on RTS.Ch , (consulted the )
  13. The Directions of the State of Friborg and their Councilor or Councilor of State » , on Fr.C. , (consulted the )
  14. A B and C Francis Python The Friborg Council of State: 1848-2011: its history, its organization, its members , Friborg, La Sarine editions, , 143 p. (ISBN  978-2-88355-153-4 ) , p. 9 to 12 (Introduction)
  15. Georges Andrey, Jean-Pierre Dorand et Nicolas Gex, The Friborg Council of State: 1848-2011: its history, its organization, its members , Friborg, La Sarine editions, , 143 p. (ISBN  978-2-88355-153-4 ) , p. 101
