Creilloise agglomeration community – Wikipedia


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The Creilloise agglomeration community is a former French agglomeration community, located in the department of Oise in the Hauts-de-France region. It was replaced in 2017 by ACSO.

The four municipalities of Creil, Nogent-sur-Oise, Montaire and Villers-Saint-Paul decided to get closer in 1965 in order to carry out various structuring projects, such as the development of the treatment plant, the construction of bridges and the Deviation of national 16, the development of industrial and commercial areas, the construction of the hospital and the creation of the IUT. For this they create Creilloise urban district of the agglomeration , which in 1999 became a community of communes [ first ] , then becomes in the agglomeration community by a prefectural decree of which took effect on [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . This transformation was accompanied by an increase in the skills of the CAC, in particular with the Tourism House [ first ] .

The law relating to the new territorial organization of the Republic (NOTRe law) of August 7, 2015, providing that public establishments for inter -municipal cooperation (EPCI) with own taxation must have a minimum of 15,000 inhabitants [ 4 ] , the prefect of Oise published in October 2015 a project of new departmental inter -municipal cooperation scheme, which provides for the merger of several intermunicipalities, and in particular of the community of the Creilloise agglomeration and the community of communes Pierre – Sud Sud – Oise, so as to create a new EPCI bringing together 11 municipalities for 82,600 inhabitants [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . This project is not shared by Nogent-sur-Oise, who would have preferred to leave the CAC, given the negative impact of Creil, as mentioned in certain districts of the commune estimated in 2015 by the mayor of Nogent [ 7 ] . This objection was not retained.

This merger takes effect on and allows the creation of a new structure, called agglomeration Creil Sud Oise [ 8 ] (ACSO).

Geography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Composition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2016, the agglomeration community was made up of the following 4 municipalities [ 3 ] :

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution
2012 two thousand and thirteen
71 653 72 289

Seat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The headquarters of the agglomeration community is in Creil, 24, rue de la Villageoise [ 3 ] .

Elected officials [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Creilloise agglomeration community is administered by its community council, made up of municipal councilors of each member municipality, distributed significantly according to the population of the member municipalities, that is, for the 2014-2020 mandate:
– 18 delegates for Creil;
-11 delegates for Nogent-sur-Oise;
– 7 delegates for Montaire;
-4 delegates for Villers-Saint-Paul [ 9 ] .

The community council of April 10, 2014 re-elected its president, Jean-Claude Villemain, mayor of Creil, and appointed his 8 vice-presidents, who are:

  1. Gérard Weyn (PS), general councilor and mayor of Villers-Saint-Paul
  2. Jean-Pierre Bosino (PCF), senator and mayor of Montaire
  3. Eric Montes (PRG), deputy mayor of Creil
  4. Philippe Massein (PS), regional advisor and deputy mayor of Villers-Saint-Paul
  5. Hervé Roberti (PRG), municipal councilor of Nogent-sur-Oise
  6. Abdelkrim Kordjani (PCF), deputy mayor of Montaire
  7. Nellie Rochex (PCF), municipal councilor of Nogent-sur-Oise
  8. Karim Boukhachba (PCF), Creil city councilor

The number of vice-presidents has been defined to allow the representation of each municipality. Together, they form the intercommunality office for the 2014-2020 mandate.

List of presidents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Intercommunality exercises the skills transferred to it by the member municipalities, under the conditions defined by the General Code of Local Authorities. These include:

  • Economic development and employment: actions intended to energize the economy on the large Creillois basin, prospecting, assistance in the installation and support of companies, management of community activity zones, employment assistance, training and integration of disadvantaged audiences.
  • Town planning and development of community space: concerted development zones (ZAC), territorial coherence scheme (SCOT), town planning actions of intercommunal interest, community land strategy (land action program), management of studies Relating to “Gare, Coeur d’Agglo” projects and Canal Seine Nord Europe, Director Director of Sweet Traffic, Geographic Information System (GIS) at the service of municipalities.
  • Public transport: Implementation of an effective network of urban transport, management of shelters and the traveler information system, development with project cities reinforcing intermodality, search for complementarity with the networks of other intermunicipalities.
  • Habitat: Actions and financial aid in favor of social housing and housing of disadvantaged persons, development of the local housing program (PLH), OPAH, actions and financial aid for social housing of community interest.
  • City policy: operations carried out within the framework of the city contract, social actions or devices carried out by the CAC, search for social mix via prusions, security devices and prevention of delinquency.
  • Environment and living environment: waste collection and household waste treatment, waste recovery (recycling), drinking water supply, sanitation (ISO 14001 certification), flooding, maintenance of the banks of the Oise, development and coordination of an environment plan.
  • Sport and culture: organization, with cities, regional or national cultural and sports events, promotion of cultural offer throughout the territory, realization of an inventory of industrial heritage.
  • Tourism: development and coordination of a territorial tourism strategy, creation of an intercommunal tourist office, tourist offer promoting the strengths of the territory [ 15 ] .

Tax regime and budget [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The community of communes is a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation with own taxation.

In order to finance the exercise of his skills, intercommunality perceives, like all agglomeration communities, unique professional taxation [ 3 ] (FPU) – which succeeded the single professional tax (TPU) – and ensures a equalization of resources between residential municipalities and those with activity zones.

  1. a et b Are the » , Your city , City of Creil (consulted the ) .
  2. The passage in the agglomeration community, instructions for use on the site of the Creilloise agglomeration community
  3. A B C and D Ca Creilloise (N ° Siren: 246000111) » , Fiche BANATIC , Ministry of the Interior, (consulted the ) .
  4. Section III of the Article L. 5210-1-1 of the general code of local authorities , on legifrance
  5. Project of Departmental Department of Intercommunal Cooperation of Oise » [PDF] , Prefecture of Oise, (consulted the ) , p. 13-25.
  6. D. L., ” Oise: six communities merge », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) .
  7. What if Nogent-sur-Oise came out of the Creilloise agglomeration? », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) .
  8. Simon Gourru, «  Creil: Villemain renounces legislative elections », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) “New in the field of intercommunality. “In this file, each city proves its good will. The name of the new entity, made up of the Creilloise (CAC) and Sud Oise agglomeration community, will be the Creil Sud Oise (ACSO) conurbation, which will sit on the current location of the CAC. The reflection on the governance and the composition of the office is already started ” .
  9. The Community Council » , Are the , on (consulted the ) .
  10. Simon Gourru, «  The ex-deputy and mayor of Creil for more than twenty years, Jean Anciant, died », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) “Born in 1934 in Hambonays, near Reims (Marne), this father of five, teacher by profession, entered the municipal council in 1965. In 1977 he became the first deputy mayor at the time, Antoine Chanut. Elected mayor in the process, he will also be president of the urban district of the Creilloise agglomeration until July 1995 ” .
  11. Christian Grimbert takes a step back », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) “President of the Creilloise Agglomeration Community (CAC) since 1995, Christian Grimbert leaves his duties. A resignation motivated by serious health problems, which he told elected officials in a letter sent at the end of last week. »» .
  12. Villemain easily succeeds Grimbert », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) “Jean-Claude Villemain is the new president of the Creilloise Agglomeration Community (CAC). Meeting last night, the Community Council elected the current PS mayor of Creil with 22 votes against 6 for his only competitor, Habib Abba-Sidick, elected Creillois and president of the Anger and Hope political organization (11 nulls) ” .
  13. Simon Gourru, «  Oise: Jean-Claude Villemain resigns from the departmental council: the mayor of Creil announced his decision on Monday. He will be replaced by his deputy, Adnane Akabli », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  14. Villemain, contested president of the agglomeration », Le Parisien, Oise edition , ( read online ) “The re-election of Jean-Claude Villemain as president of the Creilloise Agglomeration Community (CAC) was not simple. Meeting Thursday evening, and after more than an hour of debate, the community council elected the current PS mayor of Creil with 22 votes against 12 for Isabelle Maupin, elected Creilloise of Generation Creil, and 6 draws. Jean-Claude Villemain thus intends to continue the projects already undertaken during his previous mandate. »» .
  15. Skills » , Are the , on (consulted the ) .

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