Criminal court for minors – Wikipedia


Criminal court for minors
Creation 2012
Dissolution July 1, 2017
Members Court :

  • 1 Children’s judge presiding over the court
  • 2 other magistrates

The Criminal court for minors was, in France, a court of the tribunal de grande instance, established the , who judged the crimes punishable by at least 3 years imprisonment and committed by repeat minors of more than 16 years old (at the time of the facts).

The criminal court for minors had the power to pronounce sentences, measures and educational sanctions.


There were 154 correctional courts for minors: these were located in every tribunal de grande instance where there is a children’s court.

In accordance with the commitments of the President of the Republic François Hollande, the correctional courts for minors have been eliminated the [ first ] .

The court is chaired by a children’s judge assisted by two other magistrates.

  1. Justice / Portal / Court for children » , on (consulted the )

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Children’s court
  • Children’s judge
  • Minors Assize Court
  • Juvenile delinquency

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • icône décorative French law portal
