Culture of the Hongrie — Wikipedia


Building Brudern house Housing the shopping center Paris court (Budapest).

The Culture of Hungary , country of Central Europe, first designates the observable cultural practices of its inhabitants (10,000,000, estimate 2017).


Table of Contents

LANGUAGES [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Peoples [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

National symbols [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Religion [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The most important religion in Hungary is Catholicism (67.5%), as well as a significant Calvinist minority (20%). Other minority religions include Lutherans (5%), Jews (0.5%), Orthodox. Another source talks about 16% atheists. [Ref. necessary]

Myths and legends [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Folklore [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Beliefs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Practice [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Holidays [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Genre [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Education [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Right [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

State [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Divers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Kitchen and gastronomy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The classic Hungarian cuisine is, to simplify things, a mixture of suitable French cuisine, through Austria, and typically Hungarian rustic dishes, many of which come from Asia. This means that everyone can find a dish to their liking. Speaking of Hungarian cuisine, this term can immediately evoke goulash which is a stew, but also the near recipe Goulash soup , which is a soup. Fish soup, paprika chicken, meat stews of all kinds are also traditional. The most delicious desserts are the “Rés” (cake, a sort of mille-feuille), the Gundel pancakes, the “Somlói Gatuska” (cookie with vanilla and chocolate cream) and chestnut puree.

Drinks [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tokay wine is world reputation. Louis XIV, King-Sun, loved him so much that he named him “The wine of the kings, the king of wines”. Wines from wine regions close to Lake Balaton (Badacsony, Balatonboglár, Balatonfüred-Csopak and Haut-Balaton), the full-bodied wines of Villany-Siklós and Eger’s wines, such as the Egri Bikavér (the Sang de Taureau of Eger), are also international renown.

Bain thermal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Hungarians regularly frequent, throughout their lives, thermal establishments, or spa . This bathing practice is considered to meet a therapeutic need by Hungarian doctors, who make them prescriptions for many indications (ENT, osteoarthritis, stress, asthenia).


Baths are powered by natural hot sources. These thermal sources discovered by the Romans, date from antiquity and are completely integrated into the country’s culture and tradition. The Turks have arranged them with pools. It is not uncommon to see Hungarians go there at six in the morning before joining their workplace.

Among the most famous, we can cite in Budapest Les Bains Széchenyi, Les Bains Rudas, Les Bains Gellert: Spas in Budapest.

Sports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Horse riding [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Martial Arts [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Boxing, karate, judo, struggle
  • Weightlifting
  • Fencing
  • Archery

others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Main daily newspapers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Népszabadság : “The freedom of the people”, a left -wing journal, close to the excommural party MSZP.
  • Hungarian nation : “The Hungarian Nation”, center of center, anti -communist, intellectual, close to the Fidesz party.
  • Magyar Hírlap : “Hungarian newspaper”, a newspaper close to the ideas of the new right.
  • People’s : “The voice of the people”, a postcommunist, close to the MSZP Socialist Party.
  • World economy : “The economy of the world”, Journal de l’Économie, neoliberal.
  • Daily economy : “The daily economy”, a center left journal.
  • Metropoly : free daily life.

Main weekly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Weekly World Economy : “The economy of the weekly world”, center left.
  • Weekly response : “Answer”, Center right, Intellectual.
  • Democrat : “The Democrat”, extreme right.
  • 168 hours : “168 hours”, post -communist “, close to the MSZP party.
  • Orange : “Hungarian orange”, extreme left, intellectual, environmentalist.
  • Life and literature : “Life and literature”, center left, intellectual.
  • Hungarian Forum : “The Hungarian forum”, far right, close to the Miép party.
  • Observer : “Observer”, neoliberal.
  • New person : “The new man”, Catholic.
  • New life : “New life”, Jew, post -communist, close to the MSZP party.
  • Saturday : “Saturday”, Jew, right center.
  • Hungarian present : “The Hungarian present”, right, close to the Jobbik party.
  • Weeks : “The weeks”, neovangelical, neoconservative.

Most read online sites [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • liberal.
  • liberal.
  • neoconservative.
  • Center left.
  • right center (closed in 2009).
  • center left (closed in 2009).
  • independent (foreign policy only).
  • ecologist, conservative.
  • far right, close to the Jobbik party.
  • anti -Semitic, extreme right.

Main journals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Speaking : “Space of expression”, center left, green. Disappeared in 2012.
  • Hungarian Review : “Hungarian observer”, conservative.
  • Comment : “Comment”, neoconservative.
  • Past and future : “Past and future”, Jewish.
  • Erec : Zionist.
  • Civic inspection : “Civic observer”, conservative, close to the Fidesz party.
  • Moving world : “Middle world”, social democrat, close to the MSZP party.
  • Consciousness : “Spirit”, extreme left.

Contemporary literature [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The know-how linked to traditional crafts are (in part) of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. We then speak of a living human treasure.
But a large part of the craft techniques have regressed, or disappeared, from the start of colonization, and even more with globalization, without their sufficiently identified and documented.

Textiles, leather, paper [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Wood, metals [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Pottery, ceramics, earthenware [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Art glassworks [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jewelry, jewelry, goldsmithery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ceramic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Glassware [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Drawing, illustration, graphics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Paint [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sculpture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Architecture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Photography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Dance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Dance in Hungary, Dance in Hungary (sections)
  • Traditional Hungarian Dance
    • Hajdut dance, circular, inn, girl dance, lad, Hungarian (quad), verbunkos, circle dance, Mezőség (Danse), dance house, jumping, verbunkos
  • Hungarian choreographers
  • Hungarian dancers, Hungarian dancers
  • Hungarian National Ballet  (in)
  • Dance house, Maison de Danse

Theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Other scenes: puppets, mime, pantomime, prestidigitation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The minor stage arts, street arts, fairground arts, circus, street theater, street shows, multidisciplinary arts, performances still lack documentation for the country …

For the area of ​​the puppet, the reference is: Puppet arts In Hungary, on the site of the International Union of the Puppet Unima).

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Performances [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Museums and other institutions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

World Heritage List [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The World Heritage Program (UNESCO, 1971) has included in its World Heritage List: World Heritage List in Hungary.

Representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Program (UNESCO, 2003) has included in its representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity (at 10/01/2016):

  • 2012: Matyo popular art, embroidery of a traditional community [ 6 ]
  • 2012: Falconry, a living human heritage (United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic) [ 7 ]
  • 2011: the Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage [ 8 ]
  • 2009: Mohács Busó de Mohács festivities: a hidden carnival custom marking the end of winter [ 9 ]

International memory of the world [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Mémoire du Monde program (UNESCO, 1992) has entered its International Mémoire du Monde register (at 10/01/2016):

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (in) Zsuzsanna Ardo, Culture Shock! Hungary , Graphic Center Publishing Company, 2003 (Éd. Rév.), 296 p. (ISBN  9781558687660 )
  • (in) Oxana Buranbaeva et Vanja Mladineo, Culture and Customs of Hungary , ABC-CLIO, 2011, 212 p. (ISBN  9780313383700 )
  • (in) Brian McLean, Hungary – Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture , Mystery, London, New York, 2010, 168 p. (ISBN  9781857335996 )

Filmography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The heirs of Liszt: the Hungarian Piano school , film by Janos Dorvas, with Zoltan Kocsis, Public Information Library, Paris, 2009, 52 min (DVD)
  • Europe of writers: the Hungary of Peter Esterhazy and Peter Nadas , Movov de sayin Bergère and Francesca Germear 16 Video Vidé: 63 M2 (DVD), Italy

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On other Wikimedia projects:

Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  2. Nadasdi, István, « From the Hungarian Puszta of Nagyus to the Franco-Lorraine colony of Triebswetter (1769-1801) », Eastern geographic review , Persée – Portal of scientific journals in SHS, vol. 19, n O 1, , p. 17–65 (DOI  10.3406/rgest.1979.1377 , read online Accès libre, consulted the ) .
  5. What budget is planning to travel to Hungary? » , on The travel planner (consulted the ) .
  6. UNESCO – Popular art of matyó, embroidery of a traditional community » , on (consulted the ) .
  7. UNESCO – » , on (consulted the ) .
  8. UNESCO – The Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage » , on (consulted the ) .
  9. UNESCO – Mohács Busó festivities: a hidden carnival custom marking the end of winter » , on (consulted the ) .
  10. Page-4/Kalman-Tighihyis-1926-Patent-Aplication-Radioskop/
  11. (in) CameraKen – One-Stop Camera Advice » , on Camera (consulted the ) .
  12. Page-8/The-Bibliotheca-Corviniana-Colagage/#C185673
  13. Page-8/tabula-Hungariae/#C185029
  14. Page-2/CSOMA-KACHI-OF-THE-Library-of-The-Hungarian-Academy-Ef-Sciences/
  15. Page-8/semmelweis-discovery/
  16. Page-8/Three-Documpents-Related-to-Two-Most-Outvestanding-Results-New-New-Work-Work-Roland-EoetVoes/
