Cycling in the Pyrenees-Orientales-Wikipedia


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The Bike in the Pyrénées-Orientales is an important issue for sustainable development. It is both a means of developing and revaluing tourism that takes into account the environment, and building infrastructures that create new activities related to the bicycle.

Bike travel is a non -polluting alternative that contributes to the respect and development of the environment. It is a simple and inexpensive way to keep fit while enjoying the privileged sunshine of the Pyrénées-Orientales [ first ] .

Review Véloce-Sport: French velocipédie organ published in 1889 a bicycle hiking route between Aude and the Pyrénées-Orientales, ranging from Quillan to Caudiès-de-Fenouillèdes. Although described as picturesque, the journey requires, with the bikes of the time, to frequently descend from the saddle [ 2 ] .

In 1894, Édouard de Perrodil, already known for having produced Paris-Madrid by bicycle with Henri Farman in 1893, established a new record by connecting Perpignan to Marseille in twenty-three hours and twenty-three minutes [ 3 ] .

Twenty-five arrivals of the Tour de France took place in Perpignan between 1910 and 1938, almost every year, the city being located in a corner of the map at a time when the journey of this cycling event really made the turn of the country. Among the stage winners in Perpignan at that time, we find Jean Alavoine (four times), Eugène Archambault, André Leducq, Georges Paulmier or Charles Pélissier. In comparison, the Tour de France has only spent ten times in the department since 1947 [ 4 ] .


The 3rd stage of the 2017 Spanish Tour is starting in Prades.

In 2008, the departmental network was completed 25% and had:

Total: 264 kilometers [ first ] .

The greenways are communication routes on its own site “exclusively reserved for the circulation of non -motorized vehicles, pedestrians and riders ( decree n O 2004-998 of September 16, 2004 ) » [ 5 ] , while the bikes are long -distance and dotted long distance cycle routes [ 6 ] .
Still in development, the network will cover the 3 valleys of the department and the coast by its completion, scheduled for 2012 [ 7 ] . There will be interconnection to the national network of the Interministerial Development and Competitiveness Committee of Territories [first] and European Foxes with

Part of the network is still being planned:

Vélittorale corresponds to the route n O 8 «Mediterranean Route» you project Foxes with , ultimately connecting Athens to Cadiz (5,388 km ) [ 13 ] .

The Pyrénées-Orientales are suitable for extreme sports. Hiking bike, descent or cross-country marathon can be practiced.

Vermeille coast [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Col de Cerbère: Banyuls Balcons [ 14 ] . Course: 42 km , Altitude: 433  m , Elevation: 1,150 m .
    • Madeloc Tour: South crossing> North by Water Water [ 15 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 656  m , Elevation: 900 m .
    • Fort du Cap Béar: Trilogy of Port-Vendres [ 16 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 206  m , Elevation: 600 m .
    • Laoucle is a news of the Massanene [ 17 ] . Course: 18 km , Altitude: 794  m , Elevation: 860 m .

Massif des Albères [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Château d’Ulterère by the happy valley [ 18 ] . Course: 19 km , Altitude: 135  m , Elevation: 660 m .
    • The buckle of the Ouillat pass [ 19 ] . Course: 15 km , Altitude: 934  m , Elevation: 800 m .
    • pic neulos : Parly paraguay [ 20 ] . Course: 25 km , Altitude: 1 256  m , Elevation: 1,150 m .

Vallespir [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Fontfrède peak: Brousse cabbage [ 21 ] . Course: 15 km , Altitude: 1 093  m , Elevation: 900 m .
    • Puig de la Collada Verda: Collade des Roques Blanches et Le Fort Lagarde [ 22 ] . Course: 40 km , Altitude: 2 403  m , Elevation: 2,200 m .
    • Battery tower loop [ 23 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 1 429  m , Elevation: 1,150 m .

Fenouillèdes and Riberal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • The Sierra: Falaises de Vingrau [ 24 ] . Course: 20 km , Altitude: 558  m , Elevation: 400 m .
    • Roc Paradet: looped by Malabrac, Campeau and the Col de Lenti [ 25 ] . Course: 38 km , Altitude: 900  m , Elevation: 1,300 m .
    • The Ille-sur-Têt organs [ 26 ] : Course: 70 km , Altitude: 220  m , Elevation: 2,250 m .

Conflent [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Portus cabbage: par jujols et le cami livestock [ 27 ] . Course: 35 km , Altitude: 1 769  m , Elevation: 1,200 m .
    • Vauban tank: Villefranche single [ 28 ] Course: 16 km , Altitude: 793  m , Elevation: 525 m .
    • COLD VOLTES: Boucle Par Balatg [ 29 ] . Course: 20 km , Altitude: 1 838  m , Elevation: 1,070 m .
    • Barbet crest: by the cortalets [ 30 ] . Course: 48 km , Altitude: 2 712  m , Elevation: 2,600 m .
    • Pla del Cambra d’Ase: Boucle Par St Pierre dels Forcats et la Vallée de Planès [ thirty first ] . Course: 25 km , Altitude: 1 939  m , Elevation: 800 m .
    • Pla Guillem: Col de Jou et la Collade de la Roquette [ 32 ] . Course: 30 km , Altitude: 2 301  m , Elevation: 1,550 m .

Cerdanga [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Santa Maria de Belloc chapel: Llivia, Targasonne and Dorres loop [ 33 ] . Course: 35 km , Altitude : 1 685  m , Elevation: 1,000 m .
    • Font-Romeu: mountain bike site of the French cycling federation [ 34 ] . Course: 20 km , Altitude: 1 755  m , Elevation: 500 m .
    • Figuéma peak: descent of the yellow train [ 35 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 2 032  m , Elevation: 1,600 m .
    • Finestrelles peak: Col de Finestrelles et la Vallée d’Eyne [ 36 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 2 827  m , Elevation: 1,550 m .
    • Pic de les neu fonts: crossing confident> cerdagne by the ridge [ 37 ] . Course: 45 km , Altitude: 2 861  m , Elevation: 2,600 m .
    • Puigmal d’Err: Boucle par la Borne 504 et le col de Finestrelles [ 38 ] . Distance: 60  km , Altitude: 2 910  m , Elevation: 2,400 m .

Head [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    • Colle [ 39 ] . Course: 30 km , Altitude: 2 608  m , Elevation: 1,400 m .
    • Sansa cabbage: Du Capcir Aux Garroxes [ 40 ] . Course: 35 km , Altitude: 1 775  m , Elevation: 1,000 m .
    • Cabbage of Sansa: Boucle par les cols de cross, of the shift et de la quillane [ 41 ] . Course: 45 km , Altitude: 1 775  m , Elevation: 1,150 m .
    • Camporells ponds: loop by the Serra de Maury [ 42 ] . Course: 45 km , Altitude: 2 240  m , Elevation: 1,400 m .
    • Etángs des Camporells: Bouca Par Vallon de la Muntanyeta [ 43 ] . Course: 26 km , Altitude: 2 240  m , Elevation: 1,100 m .
    • Madres: circuit by the western slope [ 44 ] . Course: 28 km , Altitude: 2 469  m , Elevation: 1,100 m .
    • Madres: Du Capcir Au Carcanet [ 45 ] . Course: 40 km , Altitude: 2 469  m , Elevation: 1,600 m .
    • Ginebre Pic: Boucle Depuis Fontrabiouse [ forty six ] . Course: 23 km , Altitude: 2 382  m , Elevation: 1,000 m .
    • Pic de mortiers: buckle by camporells and the Galbe valley [ 47 ] . Course: 32 km , Altitude: 2 605  m , Elevation: 1,400 m .
    • Pam’s peak: Bouter par les Camporells [ 48 ] . Course: 35 km , Altitude: 2 470  m , Elevation: 1,200 m .
  1. a et b… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  2. Fabricio Cardenas, From Quillan to Caudiès-de-Fenouillèdes by bicycle in 1889 » , on Old papers of the Pyrenees-Orientales , (consulted the )
  3. Fabricio Cardenas, Perpignan-Marseille by bicycle, September 22, 1894 » , on Old papers of the Pyrenees-Orientales , (consulted the )
  4. Fabricio Cárdenas, 66 Little stories from the Catalan country , Perpignan, last necat, coll. “Old papers”, , 141 p. (ISBN  978-2-36771-006-8 , BNF  43886275)
  5.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  6.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  7.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  8.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  9.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  10.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  11.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  12.… » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  14. Coll de Cerbère, Banyuls balconies (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Cerbère » , on (consulted the ) .
  15. Torre de Madeloc, crossing south> North, 24.05.09 by Samyterje, cline » , on (consulted the ) .
  16. Fort du Cap Béar, trilogy of Port-Vendres, on 24.05.09 by Samyterje » , on (consulted the ) .
  17. Tour de la Massane, from Collioure, on 24.05.09 by Samyterje, Cline » , on (consulted the ) .
  18. Castell of Ultrera, eight by the dish of in Guinot (Pyrénées-Orientales), since … » , on (consulted the ) .
  19. Col de l’Ouillet, in a loop (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Laroques des Albères » , on (consulted the ) .
  20. Pic Neulos, by the paraguers (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Laroques des… » , on (consulted the ) .
  21. Pic de Fontfrède, by the Col de la Brousse (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Céret » , on (consulted the ) .
  22. Puig de la Collada Verda, par le col des roques Blanches et le fort lagarde … » , on (consulted the ) .
  23. Batière tower, in a loop (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Arles sur Tech » , on (consulted the ) .
  24. La Serra, cliffs of twentyrau (Pyrénées-Orientales), for twenty » , on (consulted the ) .
  25. Roc Paradet, in a loop by Malabrac, Campeau and the Col de Lenti (Pyrénées-Orient… » , on (consulted the ) .
  26. Les Orgues d’Ille, La Garoutade 2009 (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Ille-sur-Têt » , on (consulted the ) .
  27. Col de Portus, by Jujols and the Cami Ramader (Pyrénées-Orientales), since… » , on (consulted the ) .
  28. Vauban tank, Single de Villefranche (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Mas Pays » , on (consulted the ) .
  29. COLD VOLTES, in Boucle Par Balatg (Pyrénées-Orientales), Depuis Fillols » , on (consulted the ) .
  30. Barbet crest, by the Cortalets (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Villefranche… » , on (consulted the ) .
  31. Pla del Cambra d’Ase, in Boucle Par St Pierre dels Forcats et la Vallée de… » , on (consulted the ) .
  32. Pla Guillem, by the Col de Jou and the Roquette Collade (Pyrénées-Orientales… » , on (consulted the ) .
  33. Santa Maria de Belloc chapel, looped by Llivia, Targassonne and Dorres… » , on (consulted the ) .
  34. Font-Romeu, FFC mountain bike site (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Font-Romeu » , on (consulted the ) .
  35. Pic de Figuéma, descent of the yellow train (Pyrénées-Orientales), from the… » , on (consulted the ) .
  36. Pic de Finertrelles, Tour Time by Nuria and the Eyne valley (Pyrénées-Orien… » , on (consulted the ) .
  37. Pic de les nou fonts, crossing confident> cerdagne by the border crest … » , on (consulted the ) .
  38. Puigmal d’Er, in Boucle par la Borne 504 et le col de Finestrelles (Pyrénées-Or … » , on (consulted the ) .
  39. Petit Péric, in Boucle Par la Balmeta et le Roc d’Aude (Pyrénées-Orientales), … » , on (consulted the ) .
  40. Coll de Sansa, du Capcir Aux Garrotxes (Pyrénées-Orientales), Debis Formigueres » , on (consulted the ) .
  41. Coll de Sansa, in Boucle Par les Cols de Creu, del Torn et de la Quillane … » , on (consulted the ) .
  42. Étangs des Camporells, in Boucle Par la Serra de Maurí et le lac d’Aude … » , on (consulted the ) .
  43. Étangs des Camporells, in Boucle par le Vallon de la Muntanyeta (Pyrénées-Orient … » , on (consulted the ) .
  44. Madres, western side circuit (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Réal » , on (consulted the ) .
  45. Madres, from Capcir to Carcanet (Pyrénées-Orientales), from Réal » , on (consulted the ) .
  46. Pic de Ginèvre, in a loop from Fontrabiouse (Pyrénées-Orientales), since… » , on (consulted the ) .
  47. Pic de mortiers, in a loop by the camporells and the Galbe valley (Pyrénées-Or… » , on (consulted the ) .
  48. Pic del Pam, looped by camporells (Pyrénées-Orientales), since… » , on (consulted the ) .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Hiking cards :

  • IGN hiking card, number 2549 OT: Banyuls/ Col du Perthus/ Côte Vermeille, Top 25, scale: 1/ 25,000, 2002.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2449 OT: Céret/ Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda/ Tech Valley, Top 25, scale: 1/ 25,000, 2004.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2348 and: Prades / Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet, Top 25, scale: 1 / 25,000, 2004.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2349 and: Canigou massif, IGN, Top 25, scale: 1 / 25,000, 2008.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2250 and: Bourg-Madame/Mont-Louis/Col de la Perche, IGN, Top 25, scale: 1/25,000, 2003.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2249 OT: Bourg-Madame/Col de Puymorens/Pic Carlit, IGN, Top 25, scale: 1/25,000, 2004.
  • IGN hiking card, number 2249 and: Font-Romeu / Capcir, IGN, Top 25, scale: 1 / 25,000, 1997.

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