Danish legislative elections in 2001 – Wikipedia


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Danish legislative elections of 2001
179 Folketing seats
(Absolute majority: 90 seats)
Electoral and results
Registered 4 070 773 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
Voters 3 484 915
Former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the Nordic Council Session in Helsinki 2008-10-28.jpg Left – Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Voice 1 077 858

en augmentation 7.2
Seats obtained 56 en augmentation 14
Pnr.jpg Social democracy- Poul Nyrup Rasmussen
Voice 1 003 023

en diminution 6.8
Seats obtained 52 en diminution 11
PiaKjaersgaard 2x3.jpg Danish popular party – Pia Kjærsgaard
Voice 413 987
twelfth %

en augmentation 4.6
Seats obtained 22 en augmentation 9
Bendt Bendtsen.jpg Popular Conservative Party – Bendt Bendtsen
Voice 312 770

en stagnation
Seats obtained 16 en stagnation
Holger K Nielsen-2011-09-03.jpg Socialist Popular Party – Holger K. Nielsen
Voice 201 047

en diminution 1.2
Seats obtained twelfth en diminution first
Marianne-Jelved.jpg Danish social-liberal party- Marianne Jelved
Voice 179 023

en augmentation 1.3
Seats obtained 9 en augmentation 2
Enhedslisten symbol (2007–2010).svg Unit list – Collegiate direction
Voice 82 685

en diminution 0.3
Seats obtained 4 en diminution first
Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Democratic Christians – Jann Sjursen
Voice 78 793

en diminution 0.2
Seats obtained 4 en stagnation
Representation of the Assembly
Outgoing Elected
Nyrup Rasmussen IV
A – B – F – Ø – Q – D
Fogh Rasmussen I.
V – C – O – Z

THE Danish legislative elections of 2001 took place on . They resulted in the victory of the center-right party Venstre, whose leader Anders Fogh Rasmussen becomes Prime Minister with the support of the Conservative Popular Party.

The Social Democratic Party has achieved its worst score since 1973. It is the first time since September 1920 that it is not the best represented party in Parliament.

Electoral system [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 179 Folketing deputies, the only room of the Danish parliament, are elected via a mixed electoral system associating a proportional multinominal ballot within the framework of the constituency with a distribution by compensation. 175 seats are divided between 3 regions: Copenhagen, Jutland and the islands. These 3 regions are subdivided into 3 urban constituencies and 7 rural constituencies. The number of seats allocated to each of these constituencies, proportional to the number of its inhabitants, is revised every five years. 135 of these seats are reserved for the constituency, the other 40 being compensatory and divided between the different political parties entering parliament in order to ensure them as exact as possible. To access the distribution of compensatory seats, training must have obtained a minimum of seats in a given district or a number of votes greater than or equal to the number of votes necessary to obtain a seat in at least 2 of 3 of 3 regions of the kingdom, or at least 2% of the votes cast at the national level. Voters also have a preferential vote, allowing them to express their preference for a candidate within the list for which they vote: the distribution of seats within the lists therefore takes place according to the preferential votes, the elected candidates being those who have gathered the most preferential votes on their name. Finally, 2 seats are reserved for the Faroe Islands and 2 others in Greenland.

To present lists in the legislative elections, any party must be represented in folketing when the ballot holds. If this is not the case, he must then collect a number of signatures corresponding to 1/175 It is Votes declared valid in the last legislative elections.

Elections results in Denmark [ first ]
Party Leader Voice % Deputies Evolution
Left (IN) Anders Fogh Rasmussen 1 077 858 31.2 56 +14
Social democracy (A) Poul Nyrup Rasmussen 1 003 323 29.1 52 –11
Danish People’s Party (O) Pia Kjærsgaard 413 987 12.0 22 +9
Preservative (C) Bendt Bendtsen 312 770 9.1 16 ± 0
Socialist People’s Party (F) Holger K. Nielsen 201 047 6.4 twelfth -first
Danish social-liberal party (B) Marianne Jelved 179 023 5.2 9 +2
Unit list (Ø) Collegiate direction 82 685 2.4 4 -first
Christian People’s Party (Q) Jann Sjursen 78 793 2.3 4 ± 0
Democrats of the Center (D) Mimi Jakobsen 61 031 1.8 0 -8
Progress party (WITH) Mogens Glistrup 19 340 0.6 0 -4
Others 1 016 0.0 0 ± 0
Total (Participation : 87,1 %) 3 484 957 100.0 175
