Daral waroro waro ——ikidiadia.


Daniel Waro ( Daniel Hoareau on the civil status), is a musician, singer, French poet of the island of Reunion, born the At the stamp. He is at the origin of a revival of Maloya on the island and its recognition in France.


A very influential artist in Reunion, he is recognized by many local groups for the help he has brought to the emergence of traditional music. Groups like Baster or Ousanousava regularly invite him to share scenes.

Danyèl Waro was born in three ponds, a Tampon district, in Reunion, where his father, a former daily worker, bought three hectares of land that he cultivates [ first ] . His family lives in a box where there is neither running water nor electricity and lives almost in autarky. He is the fourth child of a siblings who count twelve and he works the land more than he plays.

In this hard and austere life, the notion of pleasure has no place. Distractions are rare. The only music he hears is through the transistor that is mainly used to listen to information. At fifteen, the young man discovers Georges Brassens thanks to the records of his sister. He admires the false misogynist in Brassens, which he considers on the contrary that he celebrates the woman. This teaches him an image of the woman, in contrast to that which her father transmits to her, who, often drunk, beat his mother [ 2 ] .

It makes him want to put his taste for words at the service of the Creole language. Like all Reunionese of his generation, Danyel Waro did not grow up while listening to Maloya. This Indian Ocean blues with African, Malagasy and Indian roots had practically disappeared. Unofficially prohibited, he only survived in a few families before being saved by the Reunion Communist Party (PCR) then very popular on the island and which campaigned for the autonomy of this French overseas department [ 3 ] .

Instrumentalized, this traditional music inherited from the time of slavery becomes the symbol of identity claims. Sensitized to this political fight by his father, a fervent communist activist, the young man experienced a real thunderbolt for Maloya when he attended in 1970 at the Firmin Viry concert (of which he will be the apprentice), organized by the local daily life PCR, testimonies [ 2 ] . If he sees this music as a political weapon against metropolitan power, she especially gives him the opportunity to discover himself and to be fully aware of his Reunioner identity.

Alone, he learns the rhythm, begins to make his own percussion [ 4 ] . The , he made his first concert in Maloya with a set of young agricultural workers [ 2 ] . His failure to the baccalaureate, after being a striker in the final year, rushed his incorporation into metropolitan France in 1976 to carry out his military service. The young anti -militarist refuses to wear the uniform. He knows the consequences of the rebellion: 22 months in prison [ 5 ] . It was in his cell at Jacques-Cartier prison in Rennes that he wrote his first Creole texts which will be published in 1978 under the title of Romance written in the area in France [ 6 ] .


He testified to a rage to write and campaign that he implements by opposing the policy of Michel Debré during his stay in Reunion for electoral reasons. In his songs written in captivity, he denounces in particular the work of Bumidom [ 7 ] . This institution is thus denounced in Gafourn And Batters .

In 1975-1976, back in Reunion, he participated in the Kabars who will deliver from silence, shame and oblivion Maloya, a musical genre until then prohibited influenced by the song of slaves. During these years, he campaigned in the Reunion Communist Party of which he moved away in the 1990s. During the regional elections in 1998, he was part of the Nasyon Réyoné Dobout list which obtained 0.77% of votes [ 8 ] .

Not limited to Maloya, he also recorded a jazz disc with Olivier Ker Ourio [ 9 ] . In 2006, Danyèl Waro participated in the Africolor festival for the creation of Michto Maloya With the musician Titi Robin. He appears on the album Wild country of Emily Loizeau where he interprets Tell me you don’t cry .

In 2002 and 2011, he participated in the Mawazine festival in Rabat, Morocco.

He participated 9 times in the Diagonale des Fous (Grand Raid de la Réunion), including twice in two fingers.

Son of a small planter, he remained faithful to his acoustic tradition and he is the “representative” recognized throughout the island. Musician and poet, he knows how to blackmail Reunion Creole With unparalleled emotion [not neutral] .

Danyèl Waro on stage with his musicians.
  • Romance written in the area of ​​France , 1978, The paths of freedom.
  • Gafourn , 1987, Graphica-Sobatkoz.
  • Démavouz the you , 1996, Grand Ocean. Reissue: France, K’a / Grand Ocean, 2008.
  • Daniel Waro, Fier Buildard , 2002, author-director: Hoarau (Thierry) / Production / Diffusion: Imago Productions, RFO Réunion

Danyel Waro is given in 2010 a WOMEX Award [ twelfth ] , award awarded by world music professionals. Pride for Reunion and a consecration for this Maloya musician and poet, who received his award In Copenhagen, during Womex (World Music Expo), one of the biggest professional meetings around world music.

  1. Danyèl Waro on tour in mainland France » , on Franceinfo , (consulted the )
  2. A B and C Francis Bensignor « Daniel Waro », Men & Migration , vol. 1223, n O 1, , p. 101–107 (DOI  10.3406/homig.2000.3458 , read online , consulted the )
  3. Maloya: Reunion ailments » , on France Culture (consulted the )
  4. Kaz’out Festival – Danyel Waro Drapeau Du Maloya » , on Travel-Iles , (consulted the )
  5. Francis Bensignor « Daniel Waro », Men & Migration. Reference French review on migratory dynamics , n O 1288, , p. 164–169 (ISSN  1142-852X , read online , consulted the )
  6. Romance written in the area of ​​France / Daniel Hoarau [Daniel Waro]; Kaniki drawings – sudoc » , on www.sudoc.fr (consulted the )
  7. The children of Reunion, the always lively shame of the Republic » , on Slate.fr , (consulted the )
  8. Gilles Gauvin « Linguistic creolization and political creolization in Reunion », Herodotus , n O 105, , p. 73-84 ( read online )
  9. Olivier Ker Ourio, French jazz musician and harmonicist Biography of Olivier Ker Ourio » (consulted the )
  10. (fr) A double album for Daniel Waro », The daily life of Reunion , ( read online )
  11. With Danyèl Waro, under the Varangue », The daily life of Reunion , , p. 5
  12. WOMEX 10 Award for Artists awarded to Danyèl Waro

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