Dauphine apples – Wikipedia


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THE Dauphine apples , French culinary specialty, are dumplings made of a mixture of potatoes and cabbage dough. The dumplings are typically oil fried in oil, but there are variants with baking.

The term “runner -up” refers to the wife of the Dauphin, presumptive heir to the crown of France under the old regime [ first ] . The expression “dauphine apples” appeared in 1830 in 1830 Cook Durand , a recipe book published in Nîmes, but it then designates a sweet dessert based on cooked apples, and not potatoes [ 2 ] . Other recipes appear under the same title, the mention “Dauphine” seeming to imply the use of a jam or an apricot sauce [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

Regarding potatoes, the expression “dauphine apples” is found in the press around 1868 [ 6 ] , as an accompaniment of a rib of beef, but appeared in 1864 in the form “potatoes with dauphine [ first ] ».

Dauphine potato garnish, 1864.

Thus, the , the culinary review The dining room offers a menu containing a “Saddle of English sheep (dauphine potatoes) [ 7 ] » . The recipe appears in School of cooks, elementary, economic methods , the third work of the Dubois urban cook, published in 1871 [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] . These are small donuts made of a mixture of potatoes and choux paste.


Prepare a puree of potatoes seasoned with nutmeg. Incorporate a third of its volume of cabbage dough, which is not sweet (not sweet). Take preparation nuts, flour them and fry them in the oil.

Dauphine apples are distinguished from duchess apples, made of puree and eggs, and hazelnut apples, which are based on potatoes with a traditionally Parisian apple spoon.

  1. a et b Manfred Höfler, Dictionary of French culinary art. Etymology and history , Edisud, Paris, 1996, (ISBN  2-85744-747-7-7 ) , p. 71 .
  2. Durand (cook in Nîmes), Cook Durand , NKEAS MESSENH, IPRIDENDEN A PHRAND-DELE, ( read online ) , p. 322 .
  3. Dauphine apples » , on French , Gastronomy: review of ancient and modern culinary art… / written by a society of people of letters and gourmets trained at the school of Grimod de la Reynière and Brillat-Savarin; [Director Achille Career] , (consulted the ) , p. 3.
  4. Urban Dubois and Émile Bernard , Classic cuisine. Practical, reasoned and demonstrative studies of the French school applied to the Russian service , t. 2, Paris, E. DESTU, ( read online ) , p. 105 .
  5. Alcide Bontou, Bordeaux bourgeois cuisine treaty Bordeaux; Paris, bears and the fils; L. Mule , 469 p. ( read online ) , p. 469 .
  6. Coffee of Paris » , on French , Le Figaro , (consulted the ) , p. 3
  7. Dessoliers, 6 to 8 cutlery menu » , on French , The dining room: chronicle of the table. Anecdotal review, culinary recipes, seasonal menus, supply / by literary gourmets and masters of mouth , (consulted the ) , p. sixty four.
  8. Urban Dubois , School of cooks, elementary, economic methods. Kitchen, pastry, office, 1,500 recipes … ( 2 eediting) , Paris, dentu, ( read online ) , p. 410 .
  9. In his first work, Classic cuisine , published fifteen earlier (cited in source, cf. supra), only the recipe for sweet desserts is mentioned.

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