Declaration of start to start work – Wikipedia



In France, the Declaration of start to start work (Dict) constitutes a compulsory measure of French law to be taken before the execution of all works carried out near transport or distribution of electricity, gas, water, sanitation works, d ‘Telecommunications structures in particular, as well as air or underwater networks in order to prevent all operators from the imminence of work and to avoid any risk of accident and involvement of works and people. This legal obligation is dictated by security imperatives linked to the density of infrastructure in the basement of agglomerated or industrial zones.

Originally, this legal obligation (established by decree n ° 91-1147 of , monitoring of the application decree in 1994) set strong constraints in terms of declarations management, receipts, etc. ; Especially for public works companies and design offices, but also for network operators.

The procedures were profoundly modified, by the 2011-1241 decree of October 5, 2011 followed by the decree of the , by taking into account the precautionary principle and by the creation of a one -stop shop, today completely dematerialized.

The regulatory texts are integrated into the environment code, book V – Title V – Chapter IV.

The DICT must be preceded by a declaration of work project (DT) (ex-DR, request for information), from the prior study.


The principle of DT and DICT therefore applies everywhere in France for work on and under public domain as for work on and under private domain, initially according to the zoning plans available in town hall.

The dict is essential at any speaker (company, state service or local authorities, even individual) who wishes to do work near managers such as Enedis (ex-ERDF), RTE, GRDF, GRT Gaz, France Telecom, Cegetel and other telecommunications operators; Saur, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Veolia Eau and all operators of water, sanitation, urban heating, public lighting, light signaling and counting loops; Trapil, SPSE, Totalnergies and other oil pipelines; …

In addition, the town hall of the municipalities concerned must be informed in order to verify that the programmable work appears in the calendar established within the framework of the road regulations and in order to prepare the necessary temporary traffic and parking decrees.

When a person (physical or legal) plans to carry out work, the project manager must inquire by a declaration of work project or DT (formerly request for information or DR) of their compatibility with the existence of possible Books of general interest likely to be nearby (gas, telephone, electricity, water, sanitation networks, etc.) and which may require specific precautions. DT information is valid for the work undertaken in the following 3 months [ first ] .

The company in charge of the work (carrying out work) must then disseminate a dict indicating the dates provided for its intervention and the techniques used in order to collect all the information on the works concerned in its intervention area.

The DT and the dict can be established on the same form (CERFA 14434*03) by the project manager and the executor of the works.

These declarations are now made to a one -stop shop accessible on .

For their part, network managers are obliged to provide to the one -stop shop all the location elements of their works (with the indication of the degree of precision) as well as the contact details of the interlocutors to contact. Since , an approved person must follow the execution of the work.

A specific procedure is defined for the work to be carried out urgently and a particular procedure is implemented when discovering non -listed works, with immediate interruption of the work.

Initially (following the 1991 decree), the managers of works had to inform the town halls of the presence of networks on their territory and the address to which the DR and Dict were to be transmitted. They had to provide the town hall and keep up to date, under their responsibility, the general location plan for their location areas in the municipal territory (zoning plan). Everyone could therefore obtain the list of people to send their requests to the town hall of the place.

Before starting the site itself (whether it was planned as a result of the DT or not), the person who studies or performs the work was required to consult the town halls and the contact details of the operators in town hall in order to warn All of the operators identified on the site of the imminence of the works it wanted to carry out.

For their part, network operators must respond to the DT and dictation sent to them. Their receipts, which include information relating to the presence or not of infrastructure, the nature of the works and the instructions and precautions to be respected for the work.

In practice, design offices and work companies neglected to consult the town halls beforehand before disseminating their DR and Dict. Most town halls did not have the necessary means to properly manage this procedure. The consultation of the network managers concerned therefore remained random.

Faced with these difficulties, the state services and the professionals have gradually implemented the dematerialized one -stop shop.

Environment Code, Book V – Title V – Chapter IV
