Delco — Wikipedia



The Delco is a brand used as a common name of ignition device ( ignoring [ first ] and distributor [ 2 ] ) Explosion motors, which distributes energy to candles from a piston engine operating with an easily vaporizable fuel (petrol, gas, etc. ). The word has been lexicalized in French -language dictionaries [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] and commonly written with a tiny: delco .

Distributor’s head of a four -cylinder engine:
• In the center, the arrival of high voltage;
• On the periphery, the outlet of the cables of four candles.

It is the acronym of American society D ayton AND ngineering L aboratories CO Donaters [ 7 ] , co -founded by Charles F. Kettering, the inventor of the device and introduced for the first time on the Cadillac 1910 [ 8 ] .

The system includes in the same case a large part of the low and high voltage ignition circuit except the ignition coil [ a ] and high voltage cables connecting the ignition elements. High voltage generator system to transmit sparks in the candles to generate the inflammation of the air/fuel mixture present in the cylinders.

With the progress of power electronics and the generalization of electronics in the automotive world, this system has, most of the time, been replaced by electronic ignition requiring neither control nor adjustment and therefore being much more reliable .


Delco is a brand belonging to the American company General Motors [ 9 ] .

Ignition distributor composed of:
• Above, Delco’s head;
• On the left, the distributor;
• Right, the breaker.

This type of ignition distributor is made up of three main parts (see photo opposite):

Breaker [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The breaker (or plated screws [ b ] ) is necessary to generate the spark for each cylinder at the right time. It consists of the following elements (see photo on the right):
The contact points are on the left. The axis is on the right and the cam follows in the middle of the breaker. The contacts open and close to the rhythm of the candles to light, their opening triggers the generation of a high-voltage by the coil [ ten ] .

Rotor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An egg rotor Variable ignition advance mechanism Depending on the engine speed and the load requested by the driver through the accelerator pedal.
It runs at the same speed as the camshaft and half the speed of the crankshaft. It passes the current from the igniter head to the candles.

Ignoring head [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A ignoring head, also called distributer whose role is to distribute the sparks towards the candles of the different cylinders according to the switching order of the engine. In the center, the charcoal mounted on the spring makes it possible to transmit the electric impulse to the rotor (see illustration opposite). The number of distribution points (in this case four) is linked to the number of engine cylinders.

The Delco company has managed to group these three features in the same case. This system was used until the appearance of reliable and efficient electronic systems in the last quarter of the XX It is century.

The spark is produced by the opening of the breaker:

  • As long as the breaker is closed, an important current is produced in the primary winding of the coil thanks to the 12 IN supplied by the battery;
  • When the breaker opens, the sudden variation of flows in the coil produces self-induction currents captured by a capacitor. This current in primary induces a high voltage, of the order of 15,000 IN , in the secondary of the coil. This high voltage has the effect of generating a current which is led to the lighting head and towards one of the candles, where the spark causes the explosion of the compressed fuel mixture present in the cylinder.

On the four -stroke engines, you need a spark both tours of crankshaft for each cylinder. The igniter must take a ride while the crankshaft makes two. It is not uncommon to find the igniter at the end of the camshaft if it is in the lead (directly above the valves) because it also runs twice as quickly as the crankshaft.

The role is also the role of producing the spark at a specific time, when the air and petrol mixture in the cylinder is compressed. To take into account the different engine operating parameters (more or lower rotation speed, variable compression pressure that influences the mixture of the mixture, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, motor load, etc. ) and get the most out of the force released by the increase in pressure due to combustion, the spark is delivered just before the piston arrives at the end of its race. It is the ignition advance which is of great importance for the proper functioning of the engine, but in case of poor adjustment, the yield will be low, consumption and pollution will be higher and the engine will deliver less power.

In order to always deliver the spark at the best time the igniter has a device acting on the “ignition advance” as a function of the engine speed using Masselottes and another modifying it according to the filling rate cylinders, controlled by depression in the admission collector [ c ] . These two mechanisms act in concert and the spark is always produced at the right time in all the operating situations that the engine can know.

The fine adjustment (provided that the Masselottes offset system did not take play) could be carried out with a stroboscope (amplemmetrical pliers on the HT wire of the cylinder cylinder n O 1) Lightening the benchmarks engraved on the crankshaft pulley in front of a fixed mark on the housing of the low engine. We refine the adjustment in advance zero (slowed down) by rotating all the Delco in the engine housing then blocking it with the bolted claw tab on the housing, once found the optimum adjustment. Another method was to use a dwell meter [What ?] .

When dismantling the complete Delco, it was necessary to identify the respective engine positions (for example cylinder n O 1 at high standing) and the igniter to avoid a gap at the time of reassembly. An engraved benchmark (stroke of punch, in front of a tooth of the training gable) was often planned to facilitate the work of the mechanic.

As soon as the number of cylinders of a controlled ignition engine exceeds one, the question arises of producing sparks for the different cylinders. Delco is one of the possible answers and has been widely used. There may be several in the case of engines with large number of cylinders.

In the motorcycle field, this igniter was rarely used. In this field, we rather use the lost spark ignition system (a coil for two cylinders, with sparks at each engine turn, a system also found on the twin -cylinder engines of the Citroën 2 CV , Which is 6 , Which is 8 and Dyane), or multiple coils (one by cylinder), or even a combination of the two (two reels for four cylinders).

The igniter was supplanted by car by the electronic ignition circuits at the end of XX It is century.

On cars equipped with a Delco type igniter, a free and efficient anti-theft consisted in opening the Delco head (held by two metal clips) and removing the central finger of the bakelite distributor (mined with soft friction, with a notch- Draft on the central axis) and put it in his pocket.

It was also possible to remove the lid from the distributor (known as “Delco head”), more bulky, to hide in a corner of the trunk or under a seat, provided you know how to reconnect the ht of the candles ( Order 1-3-4-2 On a four -cylinder engine, with the ht wire of the coil in the center).

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The ignition coil is a transformer responsible for producing high voltage, from 12 IN drums.
  2. Appellation dating from the beginnings of this type of igniter where the breaker’s contact grains were in platinum.
  3. This depression depends on the engine load and the position of the accelerator pedal.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Information lexicographic And etymological of “igniter” (technol.) in the Treasure of the French French language , on the site of the National Center for Textual and Lexical Resources.
  2. Information lexicographic And etymological of “distributor” (direction B3) in the Treasure of the French French language , on the site of the National Center for Textual and Lexical Resources.
  3. Delco – Definition | Online dico Robert » , on (consulted the ) .
  4. Definitions: Delco – French dictionary Larousse » , on (consulted the ) .
  5. Dictionary of the French Academy – Entrance “Delco” » , on (consulted the ) .
  6. Language questions | French Academy » , on (consulted the ) : “Note that an acronym lexicalized (Delco, AIDS) behaves like a common name: it loses its capital letters and agrees in number. »»
  7. Information lexicographic And etymological of “delco” in the Treasure of the French French language , on the website of the National Center for Textual and Lexical Resources (accessed April 26, 2015).
  8. (in) Cadillac: 100 Years of Innovation , p. 32.
  9. INPI – Brands Research Service » , Inpi (consulted the ) .
  10. Ignition , on (Accessed February 16, 2016).
