Dendrocoelidae — Wikipedia


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THE Dendrocoelidae are a family of planners (dishes living on the bottoms, rocks, roots or wood-mits or aquatic plants).

Often ignored because fleeing the light, they generally measure only a few millimeters but a giant planar has been identified in Lake Baikal ( BdelloCephala angarensis Bathyalis Timoshkin & Porfirjeva, 1989), living from 610 to 1,060 m background, uniform light brown in color and devoid of eyes [ first ] . In this family, new species are regularly discovered [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . Some of the species of this family are blind [ 4 ] .

At least one species of fresh water discovered in Romania, in the Movile cave near the city of Mangalia (publication 2017) is capable of living in a chemoautotrophic habitat [ 5 ] .

Tricladida phylogenetic tree [ 6 ]
  • Acromyadenium de Beauchamp, 1931
  • Lawroppport Kenk, 1974
  • Amyadenium de Beauchamp, 1931
  • Anocelis Stimpson, 1857
  • Apodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1931
  • Archicotylus Korotneff, 1912
  • Vest Livanov, 1961
  • Atria Porfirieva, 1970
  • Baikalobia Kenk, 1930
  • Baikalocotylus Porfirieva, 1977
  • Baikaloplana Berg, 1925
  • Bdellocephala de man, 1875
  • Bolbodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1932
  • Caspioplana Zabusova, 1951
  • Dendrocoelides de Beauchamp, 1919
  • Dendrocoelopsis Kenk, 1930
  • Dendrocoelum Ørsted, 1844
  • Eudendrocoelum Republic, 1925
  • Gerstfeldtia Sabussowa, 1911
  • Hyperbulbina Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1962
  • Hyperpapillina Porfirieva, 1973
  • Miodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1929
  • Monocotylus Korotneff, 1912
  • Neodendrocoelum Stankovic & Republic, 1927
  • Palaeodendrocoelum Codreanu, 1949
  • Papilloplana Kenk, 1974
  • Paradendrocoelum Kenk, 1930
  • Polycladodes Steinmann, 1910
  • Procotyla Leidy, 1857
  • Protocotylus Korotneff, 1908
  • Rectocephala Hyman, 1953
  • Rimacephalus Sabussov, 1901
  • Rjabuschinskya Zabusov, 1916
  • Sorocelis Fat, 1872
  • Sorocellopsy Republic, 1919
  1. Sluys, R., Timoshkin, O. A., & Kawakatsu, M. (1998). A new species of giant planarian from Lake Baikal, with some remarks on character states in the Dendrocoelidae (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola). Hydrobiologia, 383(1), 69-75.
  2. Lui, D. (1997). On two new species of the genus Dendrocoelopsis from China (Tricladida: Paludicola: Dendrocoelidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 22(3), 240-245.
  3. DE-ZENG, L. U. I. (1997). On two new species of the genus dendrocoelois from china (tricladida: paludicola: dendrocoelidae) [J]. SINICA ZOOTAXONOMIC ACT, 3, 002.
  4. Codreanu R. & Balcesco D. 1967a. Of three blind, new dendrocoelides new from the sources of Banat (Romania). Romanian Biology Review, Zoology series 12: 287–294.
  5. Stocchino, G. A., Sluys, R., Kawakatsu, M., Sarbu, S. M., & Manconi, R. (2017). A new species of freshwater flatworm ( Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dendrocoelidae ) inhabiting a chemoautotrophic groundwater ecosystem in Romania . European Journal of Taxonomy, (342).
  6. R. Sluys , M. Kawakatsu , M. Riutort and J. Bagged « A new higher classification of planarian flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) », Journal of Natural History , vol. 43, n you 29–30, , p. 1763–1777 (DOI  10.1080/00222930902741669)

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