Departmental road 988 (Essonne) – Wikipedia


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The Departmental route 988 is a departmental route located in the French department of Essonne and whose importance is now restricted to local road traffic. It takes up the Essonnian journey of the old national road 188 which linked Massy and Chartres by Ablis.

The road largely corresponds to the old national road 188 which linked the national road 20 to Massy and Chartres by Ablis.
This very old road, visible on maps of XVII It is century, is indicated from Massy to Rochefort-en-Yvelines as “Route de Dourdan” on Cassini card raised around 1750. On this map, the direct link from Rochefort to Saint-Arnoult, on the one hand discontinuous (part Probably in project) and on the other hand seconded secondary from Longvilliers. From Saint-Arnoult to Chartres by Ablis, the road is indicated as the principal.

Since the XVIII It is A century, the main road from Paris to Chartres being that by Boulogne, Versailles, Trappes (Route Nationale 10), the road by Massy and Limours was called “old road to Chartres”. This imperial road 182 in 1809 became the Royal Route 201 in 1818 and took its number 188 in 1824 [ first ] .

In the 1950s, it was partly replaced between Ablis and Chartres by the national road 10.

In 1972, the national road was cut in Palaiseau south of the Jean-Jaurès avenue by Highway A 10. This avenue and the whole of the Old National layout in Massy to “Petit Massy” are then Having become secondary departmental roads (departmental roads 66 and 121) and a deviation, the avenue du Maréchal-Koenig, was built south of the Urbanized Zone of Massy (large ensemble, shopping center and industrial zone of grandchmps-ronds, current Atlantis district). The national road was also deflected south of Villebon and Orsay by road development of the platform of the old Massy-Chartres line by Gallardon joining by a ring road. This route has become the 188 departmental route by 2006.


The current Departmental Route 988 in the departments of Essonne and Yvelines corresponds to the old route of the national 188 from Palaiseau to Ablis before the highway developments of the 1960s and 1970s including the bypass ways carried out at the same time Around the old centers of Bonnelles, Rochefort and Ablis.

route de Dourdan vers 1750 sur carte de Cassini (actuelle RD 988)
RN 188 sur carte IGN de 1955 avant sa coupure par l’autoroute A 10 et les déviations créées dans les années 1960

In Essonne, the departmental road 988 today links the sub-prefecture of Palaiseau in Forges-les-Bains before continuing in the Yvelines while retaining the same number.

  • Palaiseau, she begins her journey at the intersection with the departmental road 117 by taking the name of Avenue du Général de Gaulle , At Resistance crossroads She becomes the Avenue of May 8, 1945 . She then becomes the Avenue du Général Leclerc then crosses the departmental road 680 before crossing by the pourcherolles Yvette and leave the territory.
  • Villebon-sur-Yvette, it takes the name of Avenue du Général de Gaulle until its exit from the territory.
  • Orsay, it is divided into two ways with one way, one takes the name Avenue Saint-Laurent and the other Street of Paris , the two go under the national road 118 and meet the departmental route 446 at the Republic Square To take the name of Rue de Chartres . It then marks the municipal limit to the intersection with the departmental road 95.
  • Ulis, it becomes the Chartres route , separates from the DR 95 to Roundabout of May 8, 1945 Then was joined by the 188 departmental road before leaving the territory.
  • Bures-sur-Yvette, it retains its name until its exit of the territory.
  • Gametz-le-Châtel, it retains its name and meets the departmental route 35 at the Saint Nicolas roundabout to separate into two branches, a deviation of which borrowing the route from the RD 35 to the Giratory of the engineer Jean Bertin .
  • Gometz-la-Ville, the two separate ways enter the territory, the old retains its appellation and goes through the city center, the new pass since July 2003 by a tunnel long seven hundred meters south of the town borrowing the Plot of the old Paris-Chartres line by Gallardon. The old route meets the departmental road 40 and the departmental road 131 then the two branches meet and lose their name.
  • Limours, it enters the north of the territory and becomes the Rue d’Orsay , at the entrance to the town she meets the departmental road 838 but retains her name and then becomes the Rue de Chartres Before being cut by the departmental road 24 and the departmental route 152, it loses its appellation at the exit of the town before being cut again by the RD 838.
  • Forges-les-Bains, it marks the border in the extreme west of the territory under the name Rue de Chartres In the hamlet of Malassis before leaving the territory of Essonne and entering Bonnelles in the Yvelines under the same numbering.

The two -way road on the majority of its route has a narrow cycle strip only in the Villebon direction towards Palaiseau, in Palaiseau du Croisement with Lazare Hoche Street on the municipal limit with Villebon and in the Villebon crossing. It is one-sided in Orsay of the municipal limit with Villebon in Place de la République (rue de Paris in the direction of Villebon-Palaiseau, avenue Saint-Laurent parallel in the other direction). The rue de Paris is long on this one kilometer section by a two -way cycle path. A bidirectional cycle path was also produced in 2016 in Bures-sur-Yvette on rue de Montjay at the municipal limit with Gametz-le-Châtel. It does not include cycle development beyond.

The road is bordered by generally narrow sidewalks in its Urban Palaiseau route in Gametz-le-Châtel. The sidewalk on the north side (opposite to the cycle strip) had been indicated as a cycle path in Palaiseau on rue Lazare Carnot at the limit of Villebon or about 1.5 km. The bicycle marking on this sidewalk unusable by cyclists by its configuration and its narrowness, has been erased.

The road is not used only for local road traffic but also for medium distance routes of several kilometers. Its traffic rise from 5,000 to 12,000 vehicles per day depending on the sections, the most loaded being that of Gametz-la-Ville in Limours [ 2 ] .

The road was argued in 2018 as a route of the Paris-Mont-Saint-Michel Véloscénie Véloroute from Palaiseau to rue de Montjay in Bures-sur-Yvette. This route on a road without cycle development over approximately 5 kilometers in the Palaiseau-Bures direction, with a traffic of 8,548 vehicles per day in Palaiseau, including 2.4% heavyweight, 7,210 in Orsay, including 5.3% weight -rounds does not comply with the standards set by the specifications of the VICIs which specifies that the cyclists must benefit from a high level of security vis-à-vis motor vehicles on moderate traffic roads of less than 1000 vehicles per day [ 3 ] .

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