Desensitization (Psychology) – Wikipedia


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In psychology, the desensitization designates an emotional response less receptive to stimuli after repeated and prolonged exposure. Desensitization is a process mainly used to teach an individual to no longer fear a specific phobia or anxiety. This process was developed by Mary Cover Jones [ first ] , [ 2 ] as well as Joseph Wolpe. Although there are drugs dealing with anxiety and fears or phobias, empiricism turns out to be very effective, especially in patients with depression or schizophrenia [ 3 ] .

A hierarchical list is established between the customer and the therapist; This list classifies the least disturbing to the most disturbing fears and phobias. Subsequently, the customer learns a technique that plunges him into deep relaxation. It is impossible to feel both anxiety and relaxation, which makes the client diving in deep relaxation helps to forget any anxiety. Systematic desensitization (a reduction accompanied by fear or anxiety) can be carried out by approaching step by step to the stimulus causing fear while being relaxed. Desensitization is more effective in individuals directly exposed to stimulus or the situations they fear [ 4 ] .

Horses are naturally frightened by lively movements.

Animals can also be desensitized from their rational and irrational fears. A horse breed fearing the stalls can be desensitized of the elements which it fears (roar of the gates, departure bell, enclosed space) one by one, and in small doses. Desensitization is also used in individuals with light phobias, such as insect phobia [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .

Desensitization also means a reduced response to violence, following those shown in the media [ 7 ] . Desensitization can be carried out from media sources that include television, video games and films. A study shows that being long exposed to violence produces a number of negative responses such as palpitations, fear, embarrassment, sweats and disgust [ 8 ] . However, other studies show that being long exposed to reduced violence or used psychological impact. Finally, the individual is emotionally and cognitively desensitting to violence. During an experience carried out to determine the effects caused by video game violence on real violence, participants were called upon to play a non-violent game for 20 minutes. Thereafter, they had to watch a 10 -minute video containing real scenes of violence while the beats of their hearts were analyzed. Participants who played violent video games and watched the video showed no sign of sensitivity [ 8 ] .

  1. (in) Stolerman, Ian, Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer,
  2. (in) T.L. Brink (2008) Psychology: A Student Friendly Approach. “Unit 6: Learning.” pp. 101 [first]
  3. (in) Nemeroff, C.B., The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science , Canada, John Wiley & Sons,
  4. (in) Coon, Psychology: A Journey , United States, Thomson Wadsworth Corporation,
  5. (in) Chamove, A.S. (2005). Spider Phobic Therapy Toy. The Behavior Analyst Today , 6 (2), 109–25 BAG
  6. (in) CARNAGEY, N, ANDERSON, C, BUSHMAN, B, The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life violence☆ , vol. 43, , 489–496 p. (DOI  10.1016/j.jesp.2006.05.003)
  7. (in) Freedman, J.L., Media Violence and its effect on aggression: assessing the scientific evidence , Canada, University of Toronto Press Incorporated.,
  8. a et b (in) Gentile, D.A., Media Violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals , U.S.A., Greenwood Publishing Group Inc.,
