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Atomic structure of dicose.
UICPA name 4.5-α-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-ol


N O CAS 427-00-9
N O Echa 100.006.406
N O THIS 207-045-7-7
Pubchem 5362456
Formula C 17 H 21 NO 2 [Isomers]
Molar mass [ first ] 271,354 1 ± 0.015 9 g/mol
C 75,25 %, H 7,8 %, N 5,16 %, O 11,79 %,
Psychotropic character
Category Opioid depressant
Way of consuming


Other names

Carkodile drugs, Krokodil, Kroko

Risk of dependence Very high
Related compounds
Other compounds


IS units and CNTP , unless otherwise stated.

The disassembly is a derivative of morphine with strong sedative and analgesic effects [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , discovery and patented in Germany in 1922 [ 5 ] , then in the United States in 1934 [ 6 ] . It is used with the trade name Permonid in Swiss [ 7 ] , then abandoned in 1981 because of its side and addictive effects [ 8 ] .

It reappears as a narcotic substitution for heroin in Siberia in 2002 under the name of ” dope crocodile » or « Crocodile ” (in Russian : «Crocodile» ), and its use spread in Russia in 2010 [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .


The codeine first undergoes a nucleophilic substitution of its hydroxyl group by thionyl chloride, forming the α-chlorocodide. The catalytic reduction of the latter produces deocodéine. Disococodeine finally undergoes a demethylation of its Methoxybenzene group in a phenolic group to form dice [ 11 ] [What ?] .

Synthesis of dicipation from codeine.

Use (and rumors of use) as a narcotic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The main danger of this drug comes from impurities linked to its artisanal manufacture. Many acidic and toxic by-products damage the tissues located at the location of injections, making them similar to the scales of the skin of a crocodile-hence the nickname frequently associated with this drug-and in the short term lead to Putrefaction [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] . Journalists described it as “the most dangerous drug in the world” [ 14 ] .

Several rumors of arrival of this drug in the West have been launched [ 15 ] Then denials [ 16 ] , [ 17 ] , in particular in 2011 by the French observatory of drugs and drug addiction [ 18 ] , in 2012 by the European Drug Observatory and drug addiction [ 19 ] , as well as in 2013 in Canada [ 20 ] and in 2014 in the United States [ 21 ] . Rare and isolated cases with the use of dice were reported in Spain in 2014 [ 22 ] and in the United Kingdom in 2019 [ 23 ] .

  1. Molar mass calculated after Atomic weights of the elements 2007 » , on www.chem.qmul.ac.uk .
  2. (in) Alan F. Casy , Opioid analgesics: chemistry and receptors , Plenum Press, (ISBN  0306421305 And 9780306421303 , OCLC  13269249 , read online ) .
  3. (in) Paul a. J. Janssen , A REVIEW OF THE CHEMICAL FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH STRONG MORPHINE-LIKE ACTIVITY » , British Journal of Anaesthesia , vol. 34, n O 4, , p. 260-268 (ISSN  0007-0912And 1471-6771, PMID  14451235, DOI  10.1093/bja/34.4.260, read online , consulted the ) .
  4. (in) Lewis J. Sargent and Everette L. May , Agonists-antagonists derived from desomorphine and metopon » , Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , vol. 13, n O 6, , p. 1061-1063 (ISSN  0022-2623And 1520-4804, DOI  10.1021/jm00300a009, read online , consulted the ) .
  5. De patent 414598c ‘method for the production of dihydrodesoxymorphine and dihydrodesoxycodein’.
  6. (in) Morphine derivative and processes for its preparation » , on worldwide.espacenet.com (consulted the ) .
  7. (in) Crocodile » , on Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services .
  8. Maria Katselou , John Papoutsis , Panagiota Nikolaou and Chara Spiliopoulou « A “Krokodil” emerges from the murky waters of addiction. Abuse trends of an old drug », Life Sciences , vol. 102, n O 2, , p. 81-87 (ISSN  0024-3205, DOI  10.1016/j.lfs.2014.03.008, read online , consulted the ) .
  9. France 24 – “Crocodile”: in the hell of drugs in Russia on YouTube , first is mars 2012.
  10. (in) Maximilian Gahr , Roland W. Freudenmann , Christoph DiemKE and ino M. favor , Desomorphine Goes “Crocodile” » , Journal of Addictive Diseases , vol. thirty first, n O 4, , p. 407-412 (ISSN  1055-0887And 1545-0848, DOI  10.1080/10550887.2012.735570, read online , consulted the ) .
  11. (in) Diego Hernando Angle Florez, Ana Maria dos Santos Moreira, Pedro Rafael da Silva, Ricardo Brandão, Marcella Matos Cordeiro Borges, Fernando José Malagueño de Santana, Keyller Bastos Borges, Desomorphine (Krokodil): An overview of its chemistry, pharmacology, metabolism, toxicology and analysis » [“Disomorphine (Krokodil): Synthetic summary of data inherent in this substance with regard to its chemical, pharmacological, metabolic, toxicological and analytical component”], Drug and Alcohol Dependence , Elsevier, vol. 173 « Review » , , pp. 59-68 (DOI  10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.12.021, résumé ) .
  12. A new fatal drug arrives in Europe » , on FIGARO , (consulted the ) .
  13. Simon Childs « The Krokodil, this drug that eats away at the skin, may have landed in England », Vice , ( read online ) .
  14. “Krokodil”, the most dangerous drug in the world » , on RFI , (consulted the ) .
  15. A new fatal drug arrives in Europe » , on lefigaro.fr , (consulted the ) .
  16. Jonas add, The Krokodil, this destructive drug that leaves doubt » , La Libre Belgique, (consulted the ) .
  17. Grégoire Fleurot, Do not believe the history of Krokodil drugs which would have “rotten the sex” of a teenager in Mexico » , slate.fr, (consulted the ) .
  18. Rumors of the circulation of dime or “krokodil” » , on French observatory of drugs and drug addiction , : “Drug observation systems in Europe, especially in Germany and France, have not confirmed the appearance of this substance. The OFDT therefore wishes to recall that so far, the possibility of the presence of such a drug on European territory remains at the rumor stage. »» .
  19. (in) EMCDDA–Europol 2011 Annual Report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA » , on European Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (consulted the ) : There are no forensic or toxicological data confirming the availability of ‘crocodile’ in the EU. » .
  20. (in) No Confirmed Reports of Desomorphine (“Krocodil”/“Crocodile”) in Canada (CCENDU Bulletin) | Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction » , on www.ccsa.ca , (consulted the ) .
  21. (in) Evan S. Black and Michael E. Mullins , ‘Krokodil’ in the United States Is an Urban Legend and Not a Medical Fact » , The American Journal of Medicine , vol. 127, n O 7, , E25 (ISSN  0002-9343And 1555-7162, PMID  24970607, DOI  10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.01.040, read online , consulted the ) .
  22. (is) Abel Baquero Escribano , Maria Teresa Beltrán Black , Egg yolk Calvo Orenga and Sonia Carratalá Monfort , Krokodil consumption orally in Spain: About a case » , Addictions , vol. 28, n O 4, , p. 242 (ISSN  0214-4840, DOI  10.20882/adicciones.828, read online , consulted the ) .
  23. (in) Conor Gogarty , ‘Horrific’ health problems of ‘flesh-eating zombie drug’ user» , on gloucestershirelive , (consulted the ) .
