Dictionary of literary works in Quebec – Wikipedia


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The Dictionary of literary works in Quebec ( Dolq ) is a Quebec research project considered as the founder of the Interuniversity Research Center on Quebec Literature and Culture (CRILCQ) (then named CRELIQ) of Laval University (Quebec). He was initiated by Professor Maurice Lemire in 1971.

The objective of this project – still in progress today – is to exhaustively establish the corpus of Quebec literature by the publication of a Dictionary Including 8 volumes (from origins to 1990) have published to date at Fides in Montreal.

This reference tool which has imposed itself in Quebec literary studies since the late 1970s focuses on all works of imagination (novel, tale, news, poetry) and the essays that have marked literary and cultural history from Quebec (from New France to the present day). If the editors of Dictionary Consecrate several pages to the so -called “classic” works of the Quebec corpus, the fact remains that their choices are made without regard for the popularity of the works or their quality. The emphasis is placed on literary value at the time of publication, which leads contributors to question the very notion of literature, since it is necessary to take into account the critical discourses of each era in order to offer a Faithful painting of Quebec’s activity and literary corpus.

As Yvan Lamonde sums it up in his report of the first volume:

Most of the book relates to the analysis of the works presented in alphabetical order of title. The analysis of the content of the work whose development is a function of its importance is preceded by a short biography of the author and followed by the bibliographic description of the work and a bibliographic notice which indicates the fortune of the ‘work by listing all its editions and by proposing a choice of studies on the work and on the author [ first ] .

The project team wishes to put in the reach of students, researchers and teachers in Quebec literature and the general public in general, an essential and effective instrument written by experts in the field. It wishes to provide immediate access to the current state of research in Quebec literature and ensure necessary continuity in the research already undertaken, obviously taking into account evolution in the field [ 2 ] .


In total, more than 2,400 works were analyzed for the period 1981-1990.

The , at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Quebec, a conference took place stressing the 40 It is Birthday of the Dictionary of Literary Works of Quebec [ 3 ] . Organized by Chantal Savoie and Mylène Bédard, several guests were present, among others, Lucie Robert, Aurélien Boivin and Maurice Lemire.

Many researchers have contributed to the dolq since the 1970s. Among the main ones, we can mention:

Éditions du Dictionary of literary works in Quebec [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Tome I : From origins to 1900 (under the direction of Maurice Lemire), Montreal, Fides, 1980, 927 p. ; 2 It is Reviewed, corrected and update edition.
  • Tome II: 1900-1939 (under the direction of Maurice Lemire), Montreal, Fides, 1987, 1386 p. ; 2 It is Reviewed, corrected and update edition.
  • Tome III : 1940-1959 (under the direction of Maurice Lemire), Montreal, Fides, 1982, 1252 p.
  • Tom IV: 1960-1969 (under the direction of Maurice Lemire), Montreal, Fides, 1984, 1123 p.
  • Tome V : 1970-1975 (under the direction of Maurice Lemire), Montreal, Fides, 1987, 1133 p.
  • Tome VI: 1976-1980 (Under the direction of Gilles Dorion), Montreal, Fides, 1994, 1087 p.
  • Tome VII: 1980-1985 (under the direction of Aurélien Boivin), Montreal, Fides, 2003, 1229 p.
  • VIII TOME: 1986-1990 (Under the direction of Aurélien Boivin), Montreal, Fides, 2011, 1151 p.
  • Tome IX : 1991-1995 (under the direction of Aurélien Boivin), under production.

Complementary bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Chantal Savoie ( you. ), The Dictionary of Literary Works of Quebec: witness and actor of the rise of Quebec literary studies (collection of studies), Montreal, Note, (ISBN  978-2-89518-504-8 ) .
