Diocèse de Rumbek – Wikipedia


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The Diocèse de Rumbek is a jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in South Sudan. It is sufficient of the archdiocese of Djouba. The diocese has been vacant since the death of its bishop M gr Cesare Mazzolari, the And it has been administered since then by Fr. Fernando Colombo. Its seat is at the Cathedral of the Sainte-Famille de Rumbek.

Make of the missions of the diocese of Rumbek.

Mass in a mission station in the state of Warrap.

The diocese brings together eleven parishes [ first ] , as well as many positions, mission stations or prayer centers.

  • Rumbek, parish of the Sainte-Famille (Holy Family) since 1955, with stations in Adhol, Nyinkot, Aber, Pantit, Ababu and Langcok.
    • Pacong subsidiary church (since 2012) with stations in Malengagok, Pan Bar, Kou, Amer, Pacon Center and Pan Awac.
  • Rumbek, parish of the Sacred Heart (Sacred Heart) since 1983, with stations in Malou, Meen Atool and Malith.
  • Rumbek, parish of Sainte-Thérèse-de-l’Enfant-Jésus (St. Theresa of the Child Jesus) since 2005, with stations in Maper and the Chapel of the Sainte-Croix at the Rumbek high school.
  • Warrap, Paroiss Saint-Daniel-Comboni Depuis 1954, Avec Stations à Warrap, Awul Chapel, Apor Lang, Pagarelit, Rum Gir, Lurchuk, Rumathony, Mabiordit, KIK, Majok, Angeit, Lorak, Al , Lual, makok , Kuany, Warpach, Majangtitr, Pankot, Manlor, Farasika et Albek.
  • Marial Lou, Paroisse Saint-Daniel-Daniel-Comboni Depuis 1994, Avec Stations à Pagpakok, Palal, Achuat, Achief, Last, Kiriit, Majak et athiangpuol, ainsi que des center Prières à Panther, Alerwai, Alerwai, Alerwai, Alerwai, Alerwai.
    • Église Filise Filile de Depuis 2011, AVEC 16 centres de Prères à Aliang, Panhial, Panhial, Pautou, Pautakach, Unlit, Paguk, Kachuat, Mara, Unchuei, Palal, Tuerantoor ett Abiok.
  • Tonj, Don-Bosco parish since 1953, with 27 mission stations.
  • Agangrial, parish of Sainte-Marie-Mère-de-Dieu (Mary Mother of God) since 1995, with subsidiary churches in Cuiebet and Barghel.
  • Wulu, parish Saints-Pierre-et-Paul (Saints Peter and Paul) since 2003.
  • Mapuordit, paroisse Sainte-Joséphine-Bakhita depuis 1993), avec stations à Agany, Makuragar, Aluakluak, Atiaba, Mathiangic, ainsi que des centres de prières à Aguran, Ngop, Kakor, Piny Path, Pandit, Marial Bek, Mayom, Dongic, Adol, Adolel, Paloc, Tyet et Barpakey.
  • Yirol, parish of the Sainte-Croix (Holy Cross) since 1993, with 54 mission stations.
  • Bunagok (Aliap), Saint-Anselme parish (St. Anselm) since 2004, with 12 prayer centers.

There are also three parishes in Kenya which dependent on the diocese of Rumbek and are in

  • Loreto Girls Secondary School (High School of Girls N.-D.-de-Lorette), in Rumbek (administered by the sisters of N.-D.-de-Lorette)
  • Comoni Senior Secondary School (Comoni high school), in Mapuordit (Congregation of the Sisters of Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur d’Issoudun)
  • Secondary School of the Salesian Fathers (Secondary School of Salesian Fathers), in Tonj (Saléesiens de Don Bosco)
  • Ireneo Wien Dud technical school in Barghel
  • Small Sainte-Joséphine-Bakhita seminar, in Mapuordit
  • St. Peter Claver’s Ecological Training Center, in Rumbek, (administered by the parish Sainte-Thérèse-de-l’Enfant-Jésus de Rumbek)
  • Rumbek agricultural school (Jesuits)
  • Palica liturgical pastoral centers in Rumbek

Tonj’s mission church built in the 1950s.
  1. (in) The Catholic Diocese of Rumbek South Sudan. An overview, Nairobi, 2013

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  • Form On Catholic-hierarchy.org
