Diocese of Coutances – Wikipedia


Diocese of Coutances
Pays France
Liturgical rite Romain
Jurisdiction type Diocese
Creation c. 430
Suppression 1854
Ecclesiastical province Rouen
Seat Coutances
Suffragishing dioceses none
Current list
Language (s) liturgical (s) latin
Parishes 494
Image illustrative de l’article Diocèse de Coutances
Location of the diocese

The Diocese of Coutances is a former French diocese. Until 1569, the bishop of Coutances exercised an ecclesiastical jurisdiction on the Manche islands (which formed a deanery), bearing the title of “bishop of Coutances and the islands”. In 1801, the boundaries of the diocese were revised following the Concordat (annexation of the territory to the diocese of Avranches). The bishopric of Coutances was removed in 1854, his capital Coutances then became by apostolic decree of the Pope Near IX a date you , the seat of a new bishopric of Coutances and Avranches. It belonged to the ecclesiastical province of Rouen.


The exemption from Sainte-Mère-Église, composed of the parishes of Sainte-Mère-Église, Lieusaint, Vierville and Chief-du-Pont, landlocked in the diocese of Coutances, depended on the diocese of Bayeux.

It should be noted that the barony of Briovère (Saint-Lô) is detached from the diocese of Bayeux in favor of that of Coutances.

At the end of IX It is century, the bishopric of Coutances disappears for a hundred and twenty years following the Norman raids [ first ] . In 1024, the Duke of Normandy, Richard II restores the bishops of Coutances in their episcopal seat [ 2 ] .

In 1332 is written the diocese pouillé [ 3 ] .

On the eve of the French Revolution, the diocese of Coutances was divided into four archdiaconas, subdivided into twenty-two deans 494 parishes [ note 1 ] .

The archdiaconé of Christianity or Coutances [ 5 ] was subdivided into five deanery: that of Christianity, comprising 28 parishes ; of cerences, comprising 21 parishes ; of Saint-Pair, comprising 26 parishes ; of Cenilly, comprising 17 parishes ; and periors, comprising 21 parishes .


The Archdiaconé du Bauptois was subdivided into five deanery: that of Bauptois, comprising 18 parishes ; of Carentan, comprising 14 parishes ; of the Haye-du-Puits, comprising 14 parishes ; of Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, comprising 18 parishes ; and Barneville, comprising 20 parishes .

The Archdiaconé of Val-de-Vire was subdivided into six deanery: that of Gavray, comprising 29 parishes ; of Saint-Lô, comprising 15 parishes ; of mant, comprising 25 parishes ; of Percy, comprising 18 parishes ; of Montbray, comprising 21 parishes ; and Val-de-Vire, comprising 18 parishes .

The Cotentin archdiaconé was subdivided into six deanery: that of Valognes, comprising 38 parishes ; of Orglandes, comprising 20 parishes ; of the plain, comprising 26 parishes ; to sary, comprising 29 parishes ; of the Hague, comprising 29 18 parishes parishes ; and the piles, including 29 parishes.

Until XVI It is century, the bishop of Coutances exercised an ecclesiastical jurisdiction on the Manche Islands (which formed a deanery), bearing the title of “bishop of Coutances and the islands”, but following the Anglican schism, in 1530, the situation became complicated, and in 1570, Catholicism was prohibited in the kingdom of England. The concordat of 1801, put an end, in fact, to this jurisdiction. Since , by a brief from the pope Near IX , the Catholic hierarchy is restored in England, and the Anglo-Norman Islands placed under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Portsmouth.

Bishops of Coutances [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The bishops were appointed by the chapter until 1516 and then by the King of France. The Pope then carried out the canonical inauguration. Coutances was a “privileged” episcopal seat: his bishop had the right to carry the pallium, conferred by the pope usually to himself, to the archbishops, primates and patriarchs. Paul WE suppressed this privilege in 1978.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. See the map of the cartographer Mariette de la Pagerie: southern part of the diocese of Coutances [ 4 ] .

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Bernard Beck ( photogr. BERNARD PUBLIC), When the Normans built the churches: 15 centuries of life of men, history and religious architecture in the English Channel , Coutances, OCEP editions, , 204 p. (ISBN  2-7134-0053-8 ) , p. 22 .
  2. Beck 1981, p. 32.
  3. Julien Deshayes, ” Querqueville Chapelle Saint-Germain », Vikland, the Cotentin review , n O 3, October-November-December 2012, p. 27 (ISSN  0224-7992 ) .
  4. read online on French .
  5. Gilles Désiré dit Gosset, “Cotentin castles and fortifications” , In Archaeological Congress of France, Manche, 178th session 2019 – French Society of Archeology , Picard editions, (ISBN  978-2-9018-3793-0 ) , p. twelfth .

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