Disney Club — Wikipedia


The Disney Club is a youth program by Frédéric Lepage adapted to the famous American program The Mickey Mouse Club , produced by XL Productions and Buena Vista Productions and disseminated from the until on TF1.

Hi mickey is the first French adaptation of Mickey Mouse Club , produced by Christophe Izard (creator of Casimir), in association with Walt Disney Company. The show ended in December 1984, Disney having signed with FR3 to offer from the Disney Channel . Le Disney Club Will be the second adaptation of the program, carried out by Frédéric Lepage.

Table of Contents

From 1990 to 1995 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On Sunday , a new youth program appears on TF1, it is the Disney Club . It is then broadcast every Wednesday (7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.) and Sunday (between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.). During the school holidays, the show is daily.


The Disney Club Wednesday will be launched on Wednesday [ first ] And broadcast until the middle of the seventh season (1995-1996): Wednesday, January 3, 1996 will be the last broadcast. Replacement will appear the Disney Club Saturday (between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.), the first broadcast of which will be done the same week on Saturday [ 2 ] .

The concept of the show is simple. Three animators are responsible for presenting the cartoons, while alternating reports and sections. Brand guests (like Anne , French ambassador of Disney at the time) were also invited (musical artists, among others, for the section dealing with variety).

The Disney Club share some points in common with the Disney Parade , an older program and even broadcast at that time:

  • The broadcast of a series with actors at the end of the program.
  • The mail section, which allows:
    • to participate in the proposed competitions
    • send drawings that can be shown on the antenna during the program
    • more simply send letters
      During the broadcast of the hundredth program on Sunday, December 15, 1991, it was indicated that each week it received three thousand letters of congratulations [ 3 ] .

The following table brings together the announcements for the launch of the various components of the show.

Object Text
Announcement of the launch of Disney Club

“You could already find the fabulous world of Walt Disney in Disney Parade, every Sunday afternoon. Youpi !!! It continues of course, but now you can immerse yourself from breakfast and … for two hours of madness, thanks to Disney Club . On the program: a new cartoon of adventures with risk rangers , the return of La Bande à Pébsou A you Light knight And lots of other cartoons. And also varieties, competitions, reports (some of which will come directly from the U.S.A.), games, gags and even a junior television news: Disney news , designed just for you. That’s a good news…
TF1 – From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., every Sunday from January 7, and Disney Parade from 4:20 p.m. to 5:35 p.m. »»

– In the Mickey Journal n O 1959 of January 5, 1990, page 17

Announcement of launching the principle Disney Club during the holidays [ 4 ]

Live the holidays!
Very soon, you will be able to take full advantage of your vacation … surely deserved holidays after this exhausting school year! To reward you, the Disney Club and the Disney Parade have decided not to interrupt their activities … You can therefore discover new cartoons from the Bande à Piccheou, new series of the Light Knight and the Angel in sneakers. .. The Disney Club also prepares you superb summer programs: cooking recipes that are easy to prepare, games, sports, contests and many other things! With these two shows, it is impossible to get bored for a minute … ”

– In the Mickey Journal n O 1983 of June 22, 1990, page 19

Announcement of the launch of Disney Club Wednesday [ first ]

“From now on, the wonderful universe of Walt Disney also meets Wednesday to spend an hour and a half with you. Contents: reports, info on Disney World and Euro Disney, Games, a sequence “mail” Where each viewer can send their drawings and photos. Julie, Nicolas and Philippe will receive a guest who will explain certain phenomena to you such as the rain or the brilliance of the sun. And then, if you want to know the secrets of animals, look at extraordinary documents and listen to the answers of young people of your age who were questioned about this, it’s very funny! And, of course, you will also see great cartoons like La Bande à Pébsou , Winnie the Pooh And many other surprises still. »»

– In the Mickey Journal n O 2050 of October 4, 1991, page 67

Hourly architecture of the show [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The duration of the show oscillated between two hours and two and two hours (as an example the time slot indicated for the year 1990 was the window from 8:05 am to 10:20 am).


In its organization, the program was divided into five parts separated from each other by pages of advertising and interpret (s) ranging from one to two minutes (s); Certain parts (more particularly the first and that exceeding 30 minutes) could be cut by a page of interpret (s) ranging from thirty seconds to one minute.

Here, as an example, the hourly architecture of the Sunday program (the term “Section” Include the mail and drawing moment, guest interviews, reports and sections) available on the INA website [ 5 ] :

From 1996 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1996 marks a small turning point in the history of Disney Club .

  • The concept remains unchanged.
  • The program is no longer in public and is animated by a single host, Billy.
  • Reports also have a more ecological aim.

Disney Club [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Following the judgment of Disney Club , on December 27, 1998, a number of programs taking up the programs Disney were broadcast. Here is a non -exhaustive list of these:

The following table brings together the seasons, the periods, the animators, the versions of the decor and the periods:

The concept of period used in the table is purely fictitious and is used within the framework of this article only in order to describe the program by completely overlapping the changes of sets, programming and animators.

These four periods are as follows:

  • Start -up : brings together the first two seasons, when the show was looking for its marks by further broadcasting series with actors
  • Golden age : groups together seasons 3 and 4, when the Wednesday program was launched and the series with actors were deprogrammed
  • Transitional age : groups together the seasons 5, 6 and 7, and corresponds to the replacement period Trio infernal
  • Terminal age : groups the last three seasons and corresponds to the end of the original concept of the program with the arrival of Billy.

On the set, an audience made up of a hundred children accompanies the animators throughout the program. The little ones are seated on stands, benches, or to the floor. Central part of the show, where most of the action takes place, the Disney Club set was particularly worked during its design, and has continued to evolve to adapt to the philosophy of leaders of The show. It was on the set that the headings took place (mail, games, DIY and cooking), the interviews with the guests, the variety moment and the different launch phases of the cartoons and reports.

Particularities of the sets of the tray [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

For the needs of the emission certain elements are removable.

This is the case of the circular esplanade which was shifted by two meters towards the stands in order to free the space in front of the image wall, this on the occasion of the interpretation of the song The little wolves about Anne in 1991.

On the other hand, certain elements (including the stands) are changed over the seasons: in 1990 the stands have a very straight form (and are on the other hand very wide), while in 1992 they take a wavy shape .

In addition, the background sets are also changed as you go: in 1990, the latter were uniform, while in 1992, a sunset over a city, made up of three houses whose roofs are seen, made its appearance (probably a nod to the Aristochats At the movie theater). These background sets can change its general color thanks to the concealed lighting on both sides of the decor elements.

The elements of the tray [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tray is divided into two parts:

  • One, very large, where most of the actions of the program takes place, made up of five large sets which have moved very little (changes more on form than on the substance), between 1990 and 1995
  • The other, smaller, consisted of an element which was much more transformed, between 1990 and 1995, than the first.

The following table presents the five elements of the main part.

Number Element Function Localisation Particularity
first Wall with attached stands Public main location Plateau center-left The number of stands has varied over the seasons 3 and 4.
The shape has varied from right to wavy.
The Disney Club logo is fixed on the wall, above the central part of the stands.
2 Circular esplanade Serves as a place to launch the transition with the TV Platform center The esplanade can be moved.
Above is a semi-circular sofa which, seen in the cut, has the shape of the head of Mickey Mouse .
3 Giant TV Allows the transition to the viewer between the tray and the cartoons/broadcast reports Center of the plateau (behind the esplanade) The “giant screen” of the television consists of a wall of images, composed of nine televisions.
It is based on a huge book entitled Mickey , decorated with four small yellow bands.
4 Library Serves as a place to launch the transition with the TV Center-right of the Plateau (to the right of the TV) Another huge green paper entitled Minnie is posed horizontally with just behind a huge yellow book, placed vertically against the wall of the decor, where the Disney Club logo appears very clearly on the cover.
Are placed on it from left to right:

  • A yellow book entitled Donald Duck
  • A yellow book a finer entitled Aristochats
  • A dark blue book a little bigger than the previous one entitled Peter Pan
  • three pounds stacked horizontally, the first of the battery being Pluto .
5 Open surface Place where games and varieties take place Center of the plateau (between the stands and the esplanade) The floor is blue-ciel in color.
The space is large enough to allow acrobatic shows.

In contrast to these five elements, on the other side of the released surface (element 5), is the other part of the plateau.

The following table shows the element of the secondary part.

Number Element Function Localisation Particularity
6 Angle of two walls Secondary sets to start the variety moment Left of the tray Served as sets, out of the wide field of cameras,
During the variety of the show, so that we can only see the artists on the set.
This element is decorated according to the needs of the show.
7 Terrace Secondary sets to start the variety moment Left of the tray Serves as sets, out of the wide field of cameras, in season 1 and season 2.
This element is decorated according to the needs of the show.

The set during seasons 1 and 2 (January 7, 1990 – August 25, 1991) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Schematic plan of the tray during seasons 1 and 2 of the program Disney Club .

Regarding the first years of the show, many modifications were made during this period. This is particularly true when we compare the first and second season, because there has been an evolution in the way of thinking about the use of the sets.

An example is the spatial management of the children’s public.

Indeed, if the public has been an element present for several years on television sets (for example Sacred evening or Club Dorothée ), it quickly appeared that in a program intended for children, one could not manage and present an audience of children as we would with an adult audience. During the first season, the children were almost all gathered in the stands, sitting well and spread over the four major steps, which left both an impression of emptiness on the rest of the plateau and gave a too well tidy and organized atmosphere , which reminded the school spirit a little, for an entertainment program intended for children.

During the second season, the atmosphere will become significantly closer to a playground with the distribution of children everywhere on the set.

Another example is the situation of the three animators on the set.

During the first season they provide the presentation of the show by alternating essentially between the stands and the circular esplanade, which already left an impression of non-occupation of the rest of the decor, and overexposed the stands (where children concentrated ) Accentuating the feeling of vacuum on the tray.

This situation will be changed during the second season of the program mainly by the development of the secondary part (detailed below) which will strengthen the printing of viewers that the animators move from one end to the other of tray between each sequence.

The organization of the elements of the plateau was as follows (the following plans are not on the right scale):

For the main part

Main part during seasons 1 and 2 of the program Disney Club .

The main part had the particularity of focusing the attention of viewers (at least during the first season) on the stands. The main elements of this part were therefore:

  1. The stands attached along the wall are very high, with four straight steps and are of salmon pink colors, and has visible metal safety barriers to avoid the risks of children’s falls, with its end (that which joins the ‘Angle formed with the wall to which elements 3/ and 4/) are glued to a pack of balloons retained by string and floating three meters from the ground (of all colors, with dominance of warm colors)
  2. The circular esplanade
  3. The giant TV
  4. The library, with at its end (that opposed to the giant television), balloons in packages also retained by string and floating them at one meter eighty of the floor (of all colors, with dominance of warm colors)
  5. The surface cleared, in color navy blue
For the secondary part

Secondary part during seasons 1 and 2 of the program Disney Club .

The facade of a business (confectionery or tea room), supervised by walls on which are fixed neon lights (in the shape of the heads of Donald Duck on the left and Mickey Mouse on the right). Tables were arranged to give an impression of a terrace as well as a cart of slightly green and pink ambulant ice cream merchant (with of course written on top above Ice cream ), equipped with a parasol where there are two spherical aquariums containing red fish.

It is from this element of the decor that Nicolas announced the song of Anne , The little wolves , which served as the end credits for the program in 1991. The cart of the ice merchant therefore had the function of focusing the attention of viewers on this part of the decor.

For note, the walls were dark pink, with a salmon shade, and did not change color (only the brightness could change). This made it possible to play on the atmosphere during the moment of variety: if the music was catchy (which, with regard to the character of the show, was very frequently the case) the spots integrated into the decor could simulate rapid changes of brightness.

The tray during the seasons 3, 4 and 5 ( -August 28, 1994) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Schematic plan of the plateau during seasons 3, 4 and 5 of the Disney Club program.

The redeployment of the sets operated during the summer has allowed a decrease in the vacuum effect from in particular to the unicolor pink salmon appearance of the walls of the plateau (in particular behind the stands, the giant television and the library):

  1. The addition of roof type wall sets,
  2. The modification of the form of the stands less straight and less high.

The roofs added on the walls can be considered:

  • or of Parisian type (nod to Aristochats),
  • Or Londonian type (wink to Mary Poppins).

In any case, they refer to the beginning of XX It is century (with the details of the gutters, windows with wooden shutters and chimneys).

There is also an apparent abandonment of the terrace (numbered 7 on the diagram of the season 1990-1991).

Indeed the action which took place there tended to suggest a distance from the main event (in this case the moment of variety), due to the rupture of the type of elements of the decor compared to the rest of the plateau.

This withdrawal is made for the benefit of the rounded angle (which already existed in 1990 with its own wall decorations of big city roofs at the beginning of XX It is century) which thus benefits from better use than during seasons 1 and 2.

The modifications are therefore mainly visual, in order to make a refocusing of attention to the released surface.

This refocusing suggests that the main objective was to suggest a symbolic and geographic rapprochement of the different components of the sets of the plateau.

In addition, the appearance of the Wednesday emission, will lead to a new use of the decor. Indeed during the Disney Club Wednesday, the stands (numbered element 1 of the decor) are not used; The main plans take place on the handset Circular Esplanade-Gént-Biblio library (Numbered elements 2, 3 and 4), and on the secondary part (element numbered 6). The stands and the surface area (numbers numbered 1 and 5) are mainly used during Sunday morning shows.

For the main part

Main part during seasons 3, 4 and 5 of the program Disney Club .

The main part takes up the global form of that of the first two seasons, that is to say the platform, the surface released and the pole of the giant television.

The changes made in order to decentralize the plateau, and thus allow a fair redeployment of the activity on the different components of the plateau.

The modified elements are therefore:

  1. The stands attached along the wall, where the decorations of three houses are located framing the red logo of the Disney Club , are less high, counting three steps, are of pink salmon colors and have a shape, viewed, wavy, with always at its end the pack of balloons floating two meters from the ground
  2. The circular esplanade remains unchanged, but with behind (on the tread which separates the elements 1/ and 3/) two small packages of five balls which during the year will be replaced by a huge pack of balloons installed just behind the esplanade on its left (position in relation to the field of vision of the camera)
  3. The giant TV remains unchanged
  4. The library remains unchanged
  5. The released surface remains unchanged, although giving the impression of being smaller compared to the previous version of the decor

The main part preserves several functions, including:

  1. The launch of the series of cartoons: from the circular esplanade (numbered element 2) thanks to the transition operated by the Giant TV (numbered element 3)
  2. short films: since the Circular esplanade (numbered element 2)
  3. the launch of reports: from the Stands (numbered element 1) and the Circular esplanade (numbered element 2)
  4. The moment of variety: located in front of the Stands (numbered element 1) on the Open surface (numbered element 5)
  5. The game section: Located opposite Stands (numbered element 1) on the Open surface (numbered element 5)
For the secondary part

Secondary part during seasons 3, 4 and 5 of the program Disney Club .

The secondary part was deeply reshaped, putting an end to the relative autonomy which it had in relation to the main part.

The concept that was put forward was that it should be an extension of the main part of the set, while during the first two seasons, it had a more independent spirit (this being partly the consequence of the main part of the part which focuses attention to the stands).

The transformation refocus on the angle (whose wall represents a sunset over a city, in the same spirit as the wall of the main part), with three white benches (from where Philippe And Nicolas Launched in 1991 a report on Jazz musicians in New Orleans, Disneyland, California [ 7 ] ), thus retaining the concept of the terrace with its chairs, its tables and its ice merchant.

However, it should be noted that the concept of the terrace will experience a major revitality in season 5, with the return of tables and chairs, in order to increase the presence of children on this part of the plateau (without obliging them to be standing or seated on the ground).

The terrace part was used at the DIY section, hosted by Philippe [ 8 ]

Indeed, the part part [What ?] Will, for the year 1993-1994, transformed into a kind of large terrace, with several benches (on average three) forming an arc of circle with in its hollow a white circular table, surrounded by three white chairs) sometimes decorated with a Magic lamp (A nod to the movie release from the film Aladdin ).

This configuration therefore made it possible to very easily give the decor a theme in accordance with the main subject of the moment or the program (like the cinema release of a Disney feature film). In addition, the table position, surrounded by the benches and possible other tables, made it possible to focus the attention of viewers on this part of the decor.

In addition, during the Disney Club program on Wednesday, this part of the decor was used for the section Mail : A mailbox was placed next to a large cylindrical cushion on which the drawings were arranged, selected by production from all those sent by viewers, that the animators, arranged around chairs or poufs according to the needs of The sequence, were going to present on the antenna (as a rule, 5 drawings were shown on the screen).

It was around this table that the animators took place during the time of varieties, at the end of the program (as during the interpretation by Anne Meson of the song My best dream in 1993, or when Philippe Segal announced the song Everyone wants to become a cat , also interpreted by Anne Meson, April 3, 1994). This location of the animators made them look to the right of the screen, allowing an easy transition to the artist representing himself.

The set during seasons 6 and 7 (September 4, 1994-25 August 1996) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tray during seasons 8, 9 and 10 ( -December 27, 1998) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tray changes at all:

From now on, no one attends the program, and the presenter evolves in a decor representing a giant drawing/plastic arts workshop.

The program is first presented by the “Infernal Trio” [ 9 ] Julie , Philippe And Nicolas .

When creating the show, the choice to take three hosts was motivated by the need to distinguish the program from both Disney Parade (two animators, Anne and Jean-Pierre Foucault), who, because the show I was ironing old Disney cartoons and was broadcast at the end of the afternoon, had a very “family and nostalgia” touch, and from the old program Le Disney Channel (in 1988 a host, Vincent Perrot), whose she sought to recover his audience (which the Disney Parade had not achieved which had captured a different audience).

Le concept du trio infernal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It was explained to the letter H of the Disney Club discussion broadcast in the Mickey Journal A March 1990: “The roles of the three animators were well defined: Nicolas, it is the gaffeur, Philippe le Curieux, and Julie, the chief of the band” [ ten ] .

From the 1991-1992 Disney school year [ 11 ] , we were able to build the following table to explain the role of each animator:

Leader Julie Nicolas Philippe
Role The gang leader The sporty one The curious
Qualities Funny, tonic and tender Adventurer, Dynamic and Gaffeur Charmer, smiling and sure of him
Features Complete artist in singing, dance, knowing how to play an instrument, comedy and cook Fan of skiing, tennis, motorcycle, horse riding, diving, ping-pong and team sports (he is a supporter of the Saint-Etienne football team) and environmental defender Passionate about communication and radio, Lambada dancer, and animal protector

Their clothes were chosen by production in order to match the theme of the show. Most of the time, the animators were all three dressed in a classic way:

  • For boys: Unicolor shirt entered in the pants tight by a belt and black shoes (most of the time).
  • Julie As for her, either wears a dress or a skirt with a blouse or pants with a blouse (trend that appeared on videos the program dating from the year 1992). Her hair is usually wearing a headband.

The main goal was above all to have three distinct personalities, each with a character and an identifiable style, so that children, who constituted the public targeted by the show, can each have a “favorite”.

The evolution of the infernal trio along the seasons [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Names in rouge are those of Trio infernal , the three original animators, while are in blue those of their successors (the color of the box of each season reflects the composition, of the team of animators over the years, between the first and the seconds ). However, from season 7, the number of animators is reduced to two with the non-replacement of Grégory Curvelier.

January 7, 1990 – August 26, 1990 September 3, 1990 – August 25, 1991 – August 30, 1992 September 6, 1992 – August 29, 1993 September 5, 1993 – August 28, 1994 September 4, 1994 – August 27, 1995 September 3, 1995 – August 25, 1996
Julie Delphine
Philippe Frédéric
Nicolas Grégory vacant

The different animators [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Animators from 1996 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Now, only one animator: Billy .

It is often intended for Bell ( Peter Pan ), who accompanies him.

Reports and guests [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Access badge for television teams from the Disney Club program for access to Euro Disney Park from Tuesday, September 21 to Thursday, September 23, 1993, issued on Thursday September 2, 1993.

Reports of the show were announced in the section Disney TV from Mickey’s Journal [ 18 ] .

The information available on season 1 indicates, at the start of the program, that the subjects were very varied and those dealing with the relatively minority Disney universe. It seems that this trend was reversed in season 3 and the opening of Euro Disney park.

The moment of variety [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Many artists have represented themselves on the Disney Club set, such as Anne Meson or Yannick Noah, their musical interpretation serving as a credits at the program (see for example on Dailymotion the interpretation by Anne Meson of the song Partir is-bas ) when the film was released The little Mermaid [ 19 ] .

Until August 1995, the variety moment was located at the end of the program. In addition, the moment of variety only intervened in the Sunday show. He thus had a double function:

  • serve as a credits for the show;
  • Promote songs from different artists.

Subsequently, during season 7 of the Disney Club, the moment of variety will be in the middle of the program [ 20 ] Before being repositioned again at the end of the program.

The second function was the most important, more particularly with regard to Disney feature films. In order to promote it, the main song (or the most easily identifiable) of the Disney film of the moment was interpreted on this occasion, such as the song This blue dream you movie Aladdin .

Sections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Between the cartoons and the reports, the program offered several sections to entertain its audience of viewers mainly made up of children.

The available sources tell us that there were an average of three to four sections on Sunday against one Wednesday morning.

Between January 1990 and August 1994, during the first five seasons of the show, three classic sections were offered: games, cooking and DIY. It turns out that during this period, the content of the sections Cuisine And DIY was communicated in the Mickey Journal through detachable sheets at the start and end of the weekly.

The sections immediately followed the episodes of the series of cartoons according to the following order: the game section or the kitchen section after the first cartoon (for example the gummies during the first two seasons), the kitchen section or the game section after the Second cartoon (for example the Bande to Picsou during the first two seasons) and the DIY section after the third cartoon [ 21 ] .

Competition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1990, the Disney Club, in partnership with the Journal de Mickey, offered through a competition open to all the possibility of making a trip to the United States (for example in Disney World in Florida).

This competition took place as follows: during the program, the hosts asked a few questions, having previously given all the competition identification clues, then the viewers answered it on a response card to which they stuck the cut coupon (coupon with the logos of the Disney Club and Mickey Journal, as well as the number of the copy from which the coupon is cut, for example the n O 1975, for the Mickey Journal of this issue dated ) Disney TV pages of Mickey’s newspapers of the time.

Each program had its address:

  • Le Disney Club
    Cedex 4150
    99415 Paris Competition
  • Disney Club Wednesday
    Cedex 4300
    99430 Paris Competition

The series of cartoons [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Being a program intended to entertain an audience of children, the cartoons constituted the main framework of the program which, at its peak, broadcast four cartoons on Sunday and two on Wednesday.

The cartoons broadcast were overwhelmingly series made in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s.

During the last two years of the show, Gummies , La Bande à Pébsou , Myster Mask And Super Balo are replaced by more recent Disney animation series: Timon et Pumbaa , Loose , Mighty Ducks And The Jungle Book, childhood memories .

Classic short films broadcast [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

If the cartoons broadcast were mainly series, the program also broadcast Disney short films from seven to eight minutes: short films (which can be Silly Symphonies or series on characters like Donald Duck) were located in the middle of a program around 9:15 a.m. in general.

In addition, the Disney Club Wednesday also broadcast the old Disney short films.

Disney short films will cease to be systematically disseminated in the Disney Club, from Sunday, January 7, 1996, so that they are only sporadic.

The newly scheduled Disney Club will continue to broadcast them.

Classic short films broadcast on the program were announced in the Disney TV section Mickey Journal .

Series with actors [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the first two years of the show, between January 7, 1990 and the , the Disney Club only broadcast three series of cartoons, Gummies , La Bande à Pébsou And ICT and TAC, risk rangers (The only series to have never been broadcast in France before the show’s launch), and a Disney television series was broadcast towards the end of the show.

The programming of a series with actors is probably a legacy of the Disney Channel (former Disney program of the 80s broadcast on FR3 and at the time disappeared) and the Disney Parade , another program dedicated to Disney on Sunday and broadcast in the afternoon (apart from the non-deputy ability at the time, in France, other series of Disney cartoons).

This aimed to attract part of the Disney Parade public during the morning (for the record, the two programs were intimately linked, if only by the fact that the programs for the end of Disney Parade were announced, the programs for The coming week of the two TF1 Disney programs, and conversely Disney Parade programs were announced at the end of the Disney Club).

The series with actors broadcast on the show were announced in the Disney TV section Mickey Journal .
The following table summarizes the broadcast series and their distribution period:

As was mentioned above, during some holidays the show became daily. However, the daily character was not implemented from the start of the show.

Indeed, the first concept was to continue the broadcast of the show during the long holidays. The implementation of concept also concerned Disney Parade (because at the time, as today, it was frequent that emissions suspend their program during the summer period).

There were three forms of this concept, corresponding to three periods of the life of the program:

  1. First form: the Sunday program continues its programs during the long holidays during seasons 1 and 2.
  2. Second form: The special holiday show takes place on Saturday, alongside the Normal Sunday show in season 3.
  3. Third form: the show is broadcast every day of the week during the long holidays and Christmas holidays during the seasons 4 (except during the Christmas holidays 1992), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The program diagram, for the third form, was very simple: they lasted an hour on average, were adapted to the theme, if there were, holidays (Christmas, Easter, summer vacation …), and broadcast two cartoons on each program.

As the show is broadcast at the same time every day of the week, the announcement for a single day was enough to know all the others.

The content of these programs was announced in the section Disney TV From Mickey’s Journal.

According to an article published in the “TV” section of Mickey Journal On the occasion of the hundredth program in 1991, the Disney Club was watched by around 3 million viewers.

Some examples of Disney Club Vacances [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Here is a non -exhaustive list of these [ 18 ] :

  • Disney Club Summer Monday, June 28, 1993: “Disney club lovers are happy: they now find their cartoon heroes every day of the week and for all summer! With TIC and TAC, the gummi, the gang to pearly and always reports, DIY and the super mail of readers. To your TVs! »» [ 23 ]
  • Disney Club Summer of Wednesday August 18, 1993: “An hour of entertainment with Julie, Philippe and Nicolas, your heroes of cartoons and fantastic magic tricks by Pierre Barclay, which you find every week in the JDM during the summer” [ 24 ]
  • Disney Club Noël of Thursday, December 23, 1993: “Every day of the week, during the Christmas holidays, find your cartoons with Winnie and Tic and Tac. Also learn to make the Christmas log with Julie » [ 25 ]
  • Disney Club of summer 1994 [ 26 ] : “From June 27, you can follow the” Disney Club “every day! No big change, except the decor that has made a new look. And the Sunday show will continue all summer! »»
  • Disney Christmas club of the year 1994 [ 27 ] which indicated that the program would take place every morning at 7:25 am.

Hourly architecture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Here, as an example, the hourly architecture of the program Tuesday January 3, 1995 (the term section includes the mail and drawing moment, guest interviews, reports and sections) available on the website ‘In [ 28 ] :

Links between the program and Mickey Journal [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Mickey Journal has always played an important role in the propagation of advertising for Disney programs, from the start with the Disney Channel. As a rule, he has always devoted at least one page to Disney television programs. The analysis of numbers published between January 5, 1990 and May 15, 1996 (that is to say 1959 to 2291, 333 newspapers), indicates that there are 197 ads for the issue is a rate presence in the weekly of 59.16%.

On other Wikimedia projects:

List of television series produced by Disney studios

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Section TV from page 67 of Mickey Journal n O 2050 of October 4, 1991
  2. TF1 06/01/1996 09:22:26 01: 06: 32: 00 Disney Club Saturday: [Program of January 6, 1996] » , on ina.fr
  3. Special birthday article in the section TV of Mickey Journal n O 2060 of December 11, 1991, page 66
  4. Section TV from page 19 of Mickey Journal n O 1983 of June 22, 1990
  5. A TOTY ‘SPIP (437314.001)
  6. Disney Kid Club remplace M6 Kid » , on Toutelatele.com , (consulted the ) .
  7. Octopus , The Disney Club (from 1990 to 1995) , summer 2005. Fee disney club
  8. Sunday recording of April 24, 1994
  9. Anne Meson formula in Disney Parade program of January 2, 1994 to announce the Disney programs of the week including those of the Disney Club
  10. Section TV pages 29 to 36 of Mickey Journal n O 1968 you March 9, 1990
  11. Section abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz pages 28 to 45 of the Mickey Journal n O 2045 of August 30, 1991
  12. Julie was a host from Sunday, January 7, 1990 until Wednesday October 11, 1995 (according to information from INA), making him the host of the Disney Club to the largest longevity with 5 years 9 months and 4 days of presentation of the animation. Less than a year after his departure, the program changes a completely format, before starting to gradually lose his audience.
  13. Philippe Segal’s departure was announced on page 54 of the section Long live TV of Mickey Journal n O 2201 of August 24, 1994 and on page 69 of Mickey Journal n O 2202 of August 31, 1994 and he presented his last program on September 2, 1994 on the occasion of the Disney Club Summer of Friday September 2, 1994
  14. Grégory Curvelier managed to replace Nicolas during the start of the 1993 school year, because he knew the functioning of the presenters’ team since he had been a host of the set during the 1992-1993 season, that is to say that ‘He managed the public of children, in particular the reactions (applause with cries of joy, synchronized movements on the stands, etc.) that the latter had to take when a section or a cartoon was launched
  15. According to INA, Grégory Curvelier hosted his last program on Sunday June 4, 1995, with an absence on the antenna from May 3 to 17, 1995.
  16. The arrival of Frédéric Joly, replacing Philippe Ségal, was announced in an article entitled A brand new Disney Club of the section Back to school , Mickey Journal n O 2203 of September 7, 1994, page 56 of
  17. Delphine McCarthy. According to INA, she hosted her first program on Sunday October 15, 1995.
  18. a et b See the sections Disney TV Mickey newspapers of the time.
  19. (Sources: Generic of the program in 1991 accessible on Dailymotion and the sections Disney TV Mickey newspapers of the time)
  20. Page 26 of the section TV back: What’s new? of Mickey Journal n O 2255 of September 6, 1995
  21. Recording of part of the show, the first (1990) or the second season (1990-1991), containing the episode The small squirrels of Paris (ICT and TAC, risk rangers) Followed by the set where Philipe Segal announces the DIY section and its content, from the top of the stands just below the package of balloons
  22. TV program from February 16 to 22, 1991 », TV 7 days , n O 1603, , p. 54 (ISSN  0153-0747 ) February 17 TF1
    8:05 am Disney Club – A real little family: the ladies line of Red Rock
  23. Section TV of Mickey Journal n O 2140 of March 23, 1993, page 66
  24. Section TV of Mickey Journal n O 2147 from August 11, 1993, page 67
  25. Section TV of Mickey Journal n O 2167 of December 15, 1993, page 67
  26. Section Long live TV of Mickey Journal n O 2192 of March 22, 1994, page 62
  27. Section Long live TV of Mickey Journal n O 2192 of December 21, 1994, page 58
  28. Disney Club Noël of January 3, 1995
