Donald (6E Comte de Mar) – Wikipédia


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Donald I is sea ​​comte , († in or after ) (In Gaelic Domnaall ) is an Scottish nobleman who is 6 It is Count of Mar around 1281-1297.

Donald comes from the Mormaer line of Mar. He is the son of William, 5 It is Count of Mar († in or before 1281), and his first wife Elisabeth Comyn, daughter of William Comyn Comte de Buchan [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

Donald is armed knight by King Alexander III from Scotland to SCON in 1270 and he succeeded his father as count before the , when his name appears with that of other Scottish nobles, during the ratification of the marriage contract between Marguerite, the king of the king, with Erik II of Norway. In Scone in February 1284 he was among those who recognized the girl born from this Marguerite marriage “The Maid of Norway”, as heiress of his grandfather Alexandre III of Scotland and the Throne of Scotland and if the latter dies without others heir [ 2 ] .


Donald is one of the numerous barons and prelates of Scotland, who write to Edward I of England in March 1290, to agree to negotiate the union of the son of the future King Edward II and the “Maid of Norway”, and he is One of the signatories of the treaty signed in this sense in Birgham, Berwickshire, in July 1290.

After the death of the young Queen Marguerite I re Scotland in September of that same year, when various contenders for the Throne of Scotland are known, the Count of Mar is one of those who according to the rumor brings together forces in Scotland undoubtedly to support the party of Robert ( V) de Bruce le Competitor One of the suitors for the crown. His participation in the faction of Bruce’s house is also clearly demonstrated by his involvement in the document known as “the appeal of the seven Counts of Scotland” which seems to have been an attempt to prevent any precipitated elevation of John Balliol to the throne. The relations between the line of the count of Mar and the house of Bruce are narrow: Isabelle A daughter of Donald had married the grandson of the pretender Robert Bruce, future king of Scotland, undoubtedly in the middle of the decade 1290; Her son Gartais for his part married a sister of this same Robert Bruce, daughter of Robert Bruce Comte de Carrick [ 2 ] .

Donald de Mar is also a participant active in the “big cause”, the long legal process by which Édouard I is d’Angleterre decides to assign the throne of Scotland to Jean Baliol. He swears allegiance to Édouard I is in Upsettlington in the Berwickshire, the , and he is one of the forty listeners designated by Robert Bruce the competitor To hear the case [ 2 ] .

Donald is a witness of Édouard I is When the latter proclaims suzerain of Scotland in Berwick him . In June 1294 King John I is D’Ascotor, with Donald de Mar and other English nobles, are summoned to London to join the English army which must intervene against France but they refuse to respond to the royal order. When the Scots prepare to rebel openly against Édouard I is In 1295, Donald de Mar was part of the council of twelve elected officials in order to “notify” Jean I is Balliol; He is also one of the signatories of the Treaty of Alliance signed with the Kingdom of France in Paris in February 1296 [ 2 ] .

Following the battle of Dunbar where it may be captured [ 3 ] , he accompanies Édouard I is In Montrose, and then swears him again loyalty to Berwick. He nevertheless received the order to follow King Édouard I is In England but he is authorized to go to Scotland in June 1297, Édouard in return requires him a promise that he will serve it against France.

Donald de Mar disappeared from sources and must die at that time. In December 1297 a certain “Alexandre, son of the Count of Mar”, was imprisoned on the Tower of London in order of Édouard I is . It is not clear if this Alexander is his own son or that of his son and successor in the county of Mar, Gartna, father of Donald, 8 It is sea ​​comte [ 2 ] .

Donald de Mar had married Elena, daughter of the prince of Wales llywelyn ap gruffudd, and he leaves at least four children: [ 4 ] ,

  1. (in) Michael Brown The Wars of Scotland 1214~1371 , The New Edinburgh History of Scotland, Edinburgh University Press (2004) (ISBN  0-7486-1238-6 ) p. 50
  2. a b c d e and f (in) Henry Paton, rev. Norman H. Reid « Donald, sixth earl of Mar (d. in or after 1297) », Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press, 2004.
  3. (in) John L. Roberts Lost Kingdoms Celtic scotland and the Middle Ages Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh 1997) (ISBN  0748609105 ) p. 56,
  4. (in) G.W.S. Barrow Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland E. so. 4 It is Edition (Edinburgh 2005) (ISBN  0-7486-2022-2-2 ) « II. Some of the family relationships of King Robert I  » p. 496.
  • (in) Henry Paton, rev. Norman H. Reid « Donald, sixth earl of Mar (d. in or after 1297) », Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • (in) Michael Brown The Wars of Scotland 1214~1371′ The New Edinburgh History of Scotland. Edinburgh University Press (2004) (ISBN  0-7486-1238-6 ) p. 26.40-41,44,47,54,140-141,147.
  • (in) G.W.S. Barrow Kingship and Unity Scotland 1000~1306 Edinburgh University Press (1981) (ISBN  0-7486-0104-X )
  • (in) G.W.S. Barrow Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland E. so. 4 It is Edition (Edinburgh 2005) (ISBN  0-7486-2022-2-2 ) p. 531.
  • (in) John.L.Roberts Lost Kingdoms Celtic scotland and the Middle Ages Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh 1997) (ISBN  0748609105 ) .
