Doria (Rivière) – Wikipédia


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The Doria , spelled more rarely Doriaz , is a stream located in France in the Savoy department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and a right tributary of the Leysse, therefore a sub-country of the Rhône by the Savières Canal and Lac du Bourget.

Film on the Doria, her journey and her waterfalls.

Doria is a 3.5 torrent km length [ first ] Located near Chambéry in the Savoy department in France. It has its source south-east of Mont Nivolet in the Bauges massif in the town of Saint-Jean-d’Arvey and confused in the Leysse when it entered the town of Saint-Alban-Leysse. The Leysse throwing itself into Lake Bourget, Doria thus contributes to the water supply of the largest lake of glacial origin in France.


The Doria’s journey is carried out between the Nivolet and Mont Peney, which makes its journey relatively collected. Its elevation is also important and the torrent has several waterfalls. He also marks the administrative limit on the last half of his career between the municipalities of Saint-Jean-d’Arvey and Saint-Alban-Leysse.

In Saint-Jean-d’Arvey, the Doria crosses an old plot of the castle of the castle of Cafard , bought by the town and today converted into arboretum [ 3 ] . The crossing is done downstream of a cascade called “Doria cascade” and observable following the arboretum trails [ 4 ] .

Municipalities and cantons crossed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the only department of Savoy, the Doria crosses two municipalities [ first ] and only one canton:

Either in terms of cantons, the Doria is source and confused in the same canton of Saint-Alban-Lesse, in the borough of Chambéry.

Watershed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Doria watershed is 6.6 km 2 [ 2 ] .

Manager [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Doria has no tributary referenced [ first ] .

Rank de Stadtor [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The rank of Strahler is therefore one.

On the torrent course today remain the ruins of a hydroelectric power station and stationery.

The first, called “Doria hydroelectric power station”, is below the arboretum downstream from the waterfall. Its construction dates back to the “white coal race” period in the Alps. Built by the company Strength and light From 1921 and commissioned in 1923, the power station was equipped with 2 50 horsepower turbo-alternators which produced an electric current of 220 three-phase volts. In 1934, the power station became the property of the Haut-Grésivaudan Motor Forces Society , which will then stop the power plant due to too many dysfunctions such as frost or obstruction by the leaves of the trees of the dense surrounding forest [ 5 ] .

The second is the stationery of Leysse . It was directed from 1785 to 1844 by the “Aussedat masters”, in this case Augustine I and Augustin II. The latter found himself forced in 1844 to sell the factory to Guillaume Forest, former Sardinian senator, due to financial difficulties, who himself left her to his two sons in 1854. In 1913, the Doria was municipal property and the stationery of Leysse to the enjoyment of the course [ 6 ] .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Christian Charvoz, Structure and functioning of the Doria watershed (Savoie): correlations between liquid flows and climatic factors , Alpine geography institute, , 111 p.
  • Christophe tonin, “Six centuries of Savoyard stationery” , In Memoirs and documents of the Savory Society of History and Archeology , Savory Society of History and Archeology, coll. “History in Savoy” ( n O 119), , 48 p. (ISSN  0046-7510 ) .
  • Elie Jacquier, Leysse past … my end of the world , E. Jacquier, , 131 p.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. A B C and D Sandra, Watercourse sheet – La Doriaz (V1310590) » (consulted the )
  2. a et b Summary state of low water levels, torrent of the Doria, n O 3091 According to the Rhône-Alpes Diren on April 15, 2012 » , on (consulted the )
  3. Saint-Jean-d’Aarvey town hall-the arboretum of the old field of Chaffardon
  4. Savoie Mont -Blanc Tourisme – Doria Cascade
  5. National Forest Office, information panel located near the power station
  6. “August 11, 1913, Savoy Liberal” in Monique Dajammet, André Palluel-Guillard, Chambéry at the heyday , La Fontaine de Siloë, 2003 – 215 pages

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