Dragon Ball’s Animaux — Wikipedia


This article presents the list of animals Dragon Ball .


Table of Contents

Basil [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Basil ( basil , Bajiru ? ) , nicknamed Basil The Botter Because of his martial art of the leg, is a fighter of the universe 9. He appeared during the opening match of the power tournament in the company of his brothers, and he fights against Boo. The latter does not fight seriously and takes the fight rather as a kind of game. But a basil attack hurts Mister Satan, which had the consequence of annoying Boo, who sends a Pamé hamé ha On Basil and allowed him to win the fight.

Basil returns during the real power tournament, still in the company of his brothers, where they form the “trio of dangers”. They fight against Son Goku and Vegeta in Blue Super Saiyan. Unfortunately, the trio gets out of the ring by the two Saiyans. The universe 9 no longer having fighters, he was the first to be erased by the Zeno.

After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.


Basil is a large red wolf, which wears a cape and black gloves, as well as boots, also red.


He has two brothers, Bergamo and Lavender.

About the name

Its name comes from the Basil aromatic plant.


Béé [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Béé ( Bera , Bee ? ) , also known as Blankie , born in 774, is a lost and injured dog found by Boo. He then decides to treat him so that he can flee under the terror of Boo. But the dog, once treated, testifies his gratitude to Boo by wanting to play with him. Thanks to this dog, Mr Satan succeeds in making Boo nicer. But two brigands are nearby and one of them shoots the dog and hurts it seriously. He is again treated by Boo. He made several appearances later in adulthood. They are, with Mr Satan, the only characters not to die and therefore not to be resurrected by the Dragon Balls.

Bergamo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bergamo ( Bergamo , Berugamo ? ) , nicknamed Bergamo the destruction , is a fighter in the universe 9. He appeared during the opening match of the power tournament in the company of his brothers, and fights Son Goku. Bergamo masters a fairly special technique, by dint of taking the blows, he increases his size and strength tenfold. In the end, he became so giant, and ironically, it became his weak point. Son Goku eliminates it easily by combining the Blue Super Saiyan and the Aura de Kaio. Subsequently, during the power tournament, Bergamo was again eliminated by Son Goku, with the help of Vegeta. The universe 9 no longer having fighters, he was the first to be erased by the Zeno.

After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.


Bergamo is a large wolf, with a blue-gray coat. He wears brown pants and boots, as well as a red scarf.


He has two brothers, basil and washer.

About the name

His name comes from Bergamot.

Bay [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bay ( Botamo , Bay ? ) is a fighter of the universe 6. He faces Son Goku in the first round of the universe tournament 6 and the universe 7 and loses the fight. He reappears a second time in an eased episode still against the 7 universe in a baseball match. Later, Botamo was present during the power tournament where he fights Vegeta with the help of Magettâ, but they are separated because of the uncontrollable force of Kale. Subsequently, Botamo faces Son Gohan, but he is quickly getting out of the ring by the latter. Botamo is therefore the first fighter in universe 6 to be eliminated.

After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.


Physically, Botamo looks like a large yellow bear, with boots and a red colored T-shirt.

Bubbles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bubbles ( Bubbles , Baburusu ? ) , DOUBLE PAR NAOKI TATSUTA ( Dragon Ball Z ) et TAKAHIRO FUJIMOTO (DEPUIS Dragon Ball Z Kai ) in Japanese and by Marc Bretonnière (since Dragon Ball Z Kai ) In French, who died in 767, is the monkey of the North Kaio, the one that leads to Son Goku.

When Son Goku arrives on the planet of Kaio, the first person he meets is Bubbles, and, taking him for Master Kaio, he reproduces all his gestures believing that it is part of training.

One of the first exercises of Son Goku, when trained by Kaio, is to catch Bubbles to get used to the high gravity of the planet.

Later, when Son Goku teleports to Maître Kaio with Cell and he explodes, all die, but keep their body envelope.

About the name

His name comes from Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee who has the same name Bubbles [ FR_PF 1 ] , [ first ] .

Winged Cerglier [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Winged Cerglier ( Buckwheat butterfly , Iteshkachō ? ) is a high animal young by Kamé Sennin and Tsuru Sennin. Once Kamé Sennin has left, Tsuru Sennin continues to deal with it before entrusting it to Ten Shin Han and Chaozu. These last two use it to make a fortune: they draw the Cerglier so that it attacks villages, then Ten Shin Han and Chaozu present themselves as Saviors, pretend to eliminate the Cerglier, get paid and leave to do the same scam in other villages.

The winged Cerglier has the body of a boar, the woods of a deer and the butterfly wings.

He does not speak, but he has a big heart, and does not hesitate to thank Son Goku in the best way that the latter has made him freedom, in particular by training by his side when The latter wanted to participate in the Tenkaichi Budokai.

About the name

His Japanese name Iteshkachō is used in the Japanese Koi-Koi card game. Its French name is a mixture between the word “deer” and “wild boar”.

Dium [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Dium ( Gium , Jiumu ? ) , called SIE In the manga, is a fighter in universe 10 and participates in the power tournament. It is ejected from the combat surface by great turtle.


It is a bird with green plumage.

Dyspo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Dyspo ( Disposable , A dissuction ? ) , spelled Available In the manga, is a fighter in the universe 11 during the power tournament and a Pride Trooper. He has the appearance of a fairly thin purple rabbit and wears the same uniform as his companions. The main asset of Dyspo is his speed, which earned him the nickname “warrior of speed”. He is able to identify in advance the upcoming attacks of his opponents thanks to the vibrations that his last emitting when he attacks and can therefore gain speed his opponents.

He manages to stand up to Hit despite the Tokitobashi, but retired when Son Goku comes to lend a hand to the assassin and Kunsi is ejecting by the latter.
Freezer tries to haggle with him, but Dyspo is aware of the abject nature of Freezer and categorically refuses to haggle with him and attacks the tyrant he puts in difficulty thanks to his extraordinary speed.

Dyspo is then put in difficulty in turn thanks to an ingenious stratagem by Son Gohan which asks Freezer to limit the field of action of Dyspo by surrounding them both with energy rays. Dyspo can no longer move as before and finds himself trapped. While the Pride Trooper is about to be defeated by Son Gohan, Freezer does not manage to maintain his trap in place any longer and Dyspo is free to move again. He counter attacks, but Son Gohan manages to immobilize him. In the process, Dyspo gets out of the combat surface by an attack by Freezer, Son Gohan sacrificing himself in passing.


Junior gamera [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Junior gamera ( Small gamera , Kogamera ? ) , doubled by Tōru Furuya, is a turtle that looks like turtle. She has teeth serving her as a defense and reactors allowing her to fly by turning on herself.

About the name

Gamera Comes from the Gamera monster, well known in Japan.

Grégory [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Grégory ( Gregory , Guregorī ? ) , died in 767, is a kind of giant grasshopper that lives on the planet of Maître Kaio. It does not exist in the manga.

When Son Goku goes to the planet of Maître Kaio to prepare for the arrival of the Saiyans on Earth, Grégory, who has the ability to move at an incredible speed despite a gravity ten times higher than that of the earth, uses this Speed ​​to train Son Goku. He must indeed hit him with a very heavy mass. This allows him to increase his speed without him noticing.

Frog [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The frog is regularly present in Dragon Ball Z But not the same. It is a turquoise frog a little different from that found in our world. She appears mainly in the anime, where Son Goten and Son Gohan have fun playing with them. Besides, it was in such a frog that Ginyu was imprisoned, proof that it exists on several planets.

Guilan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Guilan ( Gyan , Gilan ? ) , died in 753 by Tambourine and in 774 by Boo, is a master of martial arts. We meet him for the first time at the very first Tenkaichi Budokai of Son Goku and Krilin. Lerger than these, it has wings, and looks very much like a dragon. In addition to his strength and ability to fly, his attack is the Gomme tortillon (He spits through the mouth a kind of chewing gum that wraps around its prey to tie it). Guilan is killed by the envoy of the demon Piccolo (also assassin of Krilin). He is resuscitated by the Dragon Balls.

It makes an anecdotal appearance in Dragon Ball Z When Son Goku asks for help from Terrans to create a Genki Dama In order to beat Boo.


Haiya dragon [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Haiya dragon ( High -dragon , Haiyā Doragon ? ) is a little dragon who became friends with Son Gohan from the film Dragon Ball Z: fratricidal fight And which makes several appearances thereafter in the films but also in the episodes of the series during the Garlic Junior saga and to a lesser extent that of the cyborgs.

Cook [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cook ( Karin , Cook ? ) , doubled by Ichirō Nagai and Ken Uo (since Dragon Ball Super ) in Japanese and by Raoul Delfosse, Céline Monsarrat ( Dragon Ball Z Kai ) and Antoine Nouel ( Dragon Ball Super ) In French, is a hermit who lives at the top of a very high tower that bears his name. He is the guardian of the all-powerful palace, who is just above, with a celestial sanctuary.

Karin has the appearance of a big white cat, biped and who always wears a stick to walk. To see it, you have to climb on your own at the top of the tower, which is kept by an Indian giant and rises above the clouds (Son Goku puts more than a whole day to reach the summit, the first time).

Karin has the sacred elixir which allows, according to legend, to increase the power of the combatants. But it is necessary, to have the right to drink it, to manage to tear it from the hands, which is not easy because the master is very agile and fast. When he was young, Kamé Sennin put three years to get there.

Son Goku, when he was only 12 years old, goes to the top after being defeated and left for dead by Tao Pai Pai and only takes three days to acquire the elixir. Maître Karin then reveals his secret to him: in reality, the elixir is only ordinary water, but it is the training shot to climb the tower and to tear it away from it which served to increase the power of Son Goku .

Maître Karin nevertheless has a real sacred water, the divine elixir, which develops the true forces of beings. However, it is only used if the being who drinks it has not already reached its maximum potential. In addition, it is deadly and it is necessary to show great wisdom to be able to survive it. Son Goku takes this risk after being defeated by the demon Piccolo. He survives and thus sees his power increased tenfold.

In the following, Maître Karin still makes some appearances, mainly linked to Senzus : magic beans that he is alone to cultivate, and which instantly heal all injuries, restore all forces and feed for ten days. These beans provide immense services to Son Goku and his friends throughout history.

Maître Karin almost never leaves the top of his tower and lives with Yajirobé who came to settle with his home.

Konkiki [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Konkiki ( Konkichi , Konkiki ? ) is a pick-pocket fox that meets Son Goku before the 22 It is Tenkaichi Budokai on the island of Yahhoy while Son Goku is only 15 years old. Having never had a family or relatives, Konkichi converted into rapine and mowing out of spite. In debt and tracked down by his creditors who are triggers, he is saved by Son Goku who puts the triggers to fled. But the latter take revenge by robbing a bank and bringing the hat to Konkichi. To save him from the prison, Son Goku goes in search of the triggers to bring them back and make them admit. Innocent, Konkichi decides to redeem himself a conduct and ceases all illegal activity.

Renardo renamed in the French version, Konkichi only appears in the animated version and in a single episode of the Dragon Ball saga: episode 83.

Lavender [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Lavender ( Lavender , Rabenda ? ) , also called Lavender , nicknamed LAVER the poisoner is a fighter in the universe 9. He appeared during the opening match of the power tournament in the company of his brothers, and fights Son Gohan. Lavender techniques are based on poison. He uses it to blind Son Gohan, and the latter can only use his other senses to fight Lavender. Son Gohan still collapses due to a large amount of poison in his body, which therefore makes a draw. During the power tournament, he was beaten, his brothers and him, by Son Goku and Vegeta. The universe 9 no longer having fighters, he was the first to be erased by the Zeno.

After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.


Lavender is a large yellow wolf, with green pants and brown straps.


He has two brothers Basil and Bergamo.

About the name

Lavender comes from the lavender flower.

Lilibelle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Lilibelle ( Libeuu , Riribeu ? ) , called Lorybeu In manga, belongs to universe 10 and participates in the power tournament. She is the first competitor to be ejected after being confronted in Basil in the universe 9. She has antennas and butterfly wings, although her name seems to be the anagram of the dragonfly.

Majora [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Majora ( Magic , Majora ? ) , called Marjora In the manga, is a blind fighter of the 4 universe during the power tournament. He is a fox, his powerful smell allows him to compensate for his blindness. Therefore, it is insensitive to the bite of the sun. He chooses to fight Krilin, the latter manages to neutralize his smell thanks to the bad smell of his shoe. He is ejected from the combat surface by Krilin who finished it with the Kame Hame Ha . After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.

Moro [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The character of Moro only appears in the manga and is the new antagonist facing Son Goku and Vegeta. The summary below corresponds to the paper version.

Long before the appearance of the Demon Boo, Moro (the devourer of the world) was taken prisoner by the galactic patrol thanks to the help of the Kaioshin. Shortly after the confrontation which opposed Son Goku and Vegeta to Broly, Moro managed to escape from his prison and fled with a deserter of the Army of Freezer. Moro goes to the new Namek to find the Dragon Balls there.

Moro appears very old and very weakened by his captivity. So much so that he finds himself cornered by Vegeta. He manages to rejuvenate his body and recover his power thanks to the energy of Vegeta and Son Goku which he absorbs during their fight.

Unlike Son Goku which takes a while to harvest energy to create a Genkidama, Moro can drain a huge amount of energy in a very short time. Moro leaves the two Saiyans for death and goes in search of the names in order to find the Dragon Ball.

While Moro kills names to force them to give him the Dragon Ball, a Super Namek appears. Moro easily kills his opponent without even bothering to look at him. Moro brought together six of the seven Dragon Balls and finds himself against Son Goku and Vegeta who embarked on a desperate assault.

The imminent fight is stopped by Merus who manages to immobilize Moro. Moro manages to free himself from the Merus trap and finds himself confronted with Majin Boo whose memories of the Honorable Kaioshin were awakened by the Galactic Patrol. Moro is then put in difficulty by Majin Boo, because unlike his other opponents, he is unable to steal his energy from him.

Moro manages to escape Boo’s claws thanks to his accomplice who manages to invoke Polunga. Moro then finds all of his powers and kills his accomplice and then asking the Dragon to release all the prisoners from the Galactic Prison. Moro is thus formed an elite guard.

Moro then launched this in a vast campaign of destruction throughout the galaxy, skimming and destroying planet after planet. After learning the defeat of several of his henchmen, he goes to Earth to solve the problem himself.

Once there, Moro faces Son Goku who activates the beginnings of the ultra instinct. The fight is balanced until Moro finally takes over and manages to get rid of his opponent. Moro must now face Vegeta which intervenes in extremis. He is then taken aback by the new Power of Vegeta which allows him to cancel mergers or energy absorptions. Moro is then weakened and begins to find an appearance of old man. Aware that he cannot defeat Vegeta, he then plays his last card and absorbs Seventhree to merge with him, then granting his ability to copy the combat techniques of his opponents.

Now too powerful and too fast for Vegeta, Moro manages to defeat his opponent and puts out of harm to piccolo and gohan and inflicts an almost deadly injury to Son Goku. While Moro rejoices, Merus appears and decides to reveal his real powers. Moro’s ability to copy his opponents is destroyed by Merus who then leaves life there. Moro must at the following moment face Son Goku whose injury was treated by Dendé.

This time, Moro is completely powerless in front of Son Goku who activates the ultra instinct with total control. Moro is then violently attacked by Son Goku who carries him attacks of incredible power. Finding himself cornered and defenseless and seriously injured, Moro begs Son Goku to save him.

However Moro sees a unique opportunity to surpass Son Goku. He manages to copy the capacities of Merus by recovering his hand previously cut by the galactic patroller. Moro then has incredible power. This same power will however become its greatest handicap, a mortal body cannot contain the power of an angel, Moro then begins to swell inexorably after each blow he receives. In order to save time, he merges with planet Earth and makes him his new body in order to try to contain his very power, which turns out to be useless however. Moro is then aware that he is lost, but satisfied to know that the explosion will destroy the whole universe. Vegeta’s intervention, however, makes it possible to delay the deadline a little, allowing Goku at the same time to definitively complete his opponent by breaking the lens of his forehead which is the source of his power. Moro explodes alone without winning the universe and disappears definitively.


Moro is a cruel and sadistic being. His methods are similar to those of Freezer, even worse. He takes pleasure in seeing innocent people die and does not go back absolutely to nothing to achieve his goals. He does not care about his environment and everything that is there and does not hesitate to destroy planets by draining their energies until the last ounce. He has no form of respect for what surrounds him and only grants respect for his own person.


Moro is large and has the appearance of a blue skin ram with a white beard. His appearance changes all of her powers found once. He becomes more muscular and his beard disappears.

When it absorbs Seventhree, its appearance changes slightly. His horns change shape and his face wears different features that recall his acolyte absorbed.


Moro is able to increase his power by draining the energy of any form of organic and vegetable life. He is also able to strengthen a person’s power by giving him this energy.
He can extract the energy of a planet to make a deadly trap or without serving to launch direct attacks on his opponents. When he absordated Seventhree, he obtains at the same time his ability to copy the combat techniques of his opponents.

Oolong [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Oolong ( Oolong , Yuron ? ) , doubled by Naoki Tatsuta in Japanese and Raoul Delfosse and Philippe Ariotti in French, is a little pig, weighing 32 kg For 121 cm [ fr.au 1 ] , which has the ability to transform into the creature he wishes for a brief period.

At the beginning of the story, he is dressed in red custody and he uses his metamorphosis power to kidnap young girls from a village and lock them in his home, taking the appearance of a monster. But Son Goku and Bulma intervene to return their freedom to these victims, and Oolong, when he discovers the great strength of Son Goku, admits defeated. This meeting is beneficial to him since thereafter, he ceased his treacherous activities and decides (more or less constrained by a cunning of Bulma, at first) to accompany them in their quest for Dragon Balls.

Some time later, Son Goku, Bulma and Oolong meet Yamcha and Puerh. Oolong and the latter recognize themselves because they were together in the school where they learned to transform themselves, but they were not friends at the time. While Puerh is able to transform himself for an indefinite period, Oolong, who was not a serious student, has not learned to transform perfectly, and suddenly he is unable to transform more than five minutes in a row And must each time wait a minute before you can use its power again. However, Oolong and Puerh later become friends when they have to unite their forces to defeat Pilaf.

In the rest of the story, Oolong remains most of the time at Bulma. He is a weak, fearful and obsessed character, who constitutes a comic element of the narration without taking part in the fights.

About the name

He is inspired by the character of Trip to the West Zhu Bajie, “The pig with eight wishes”. In Mandarin, Oolong or Wulong (烏龍) means “black dragon”, and also designates tea of ​​the same name.


Poisson Oracle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The poisson oracle ( Prophecy , Yogen-gyō ? ) is a blue fish with very small hands, suspended in a jar, which has powers of premonition.

He is Beerus’ messenger and he lives in his home.

PTEBERANODON [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Ptéranodons are dinosaurs of the universe Dragon Ball .

Puel [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Puel ( Poual , Scratch ? ) , also known as Plume , Hair And Pual , doubled by Naoko Watanabe in Japanese and by Jacqueline Stauup and Jennifer Fauveau (since Dragon Ball Z Kai ) In French, is Yamcha’s inseparable companion. It looks like a kind of squirrel mixed with cats, and can float in the air.

He has the same power as Oolong (which they both learned in the same school), namely the ability to change shape for a limited time. It can even turn into various objects. Unlike Oolong, Puerh is able to transform for an indefinite period.

Totally devoted to Yamcha (whom he helps to execute his rapines, before the two meet his Goku, Bulma and Oolong), Puerh appears very early in history, but is not very important because it is Not a fighter, he himself says that he hates violence. When Son Goku turns into a giant gorilla in Pilaf castle, Puerh turns into a pair of scissors and cuts her tail.

Later, he participated, with UPA, in the defeat of Draculaman, the first fighter of Baba the clairvoyant.

In the live film Dragon Ball, The film: The legend of the seven crystal balls From 1989, Puerh was replaced by a white parrot called Snow White.

About the name

His name recalls Chinese “post-fake” tea or pu-erh .


Doctor Rota [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Doctor Rota ( Rota , Dok guys ? ) is a fighter in the 6 universe participating in the power tournament. It is a tighty wearing small glasses and clothes. He serves as a comic character because he could never show what it really was worth because he was attacking each time, in particular by Hermila from the universe 2. He is eliminated from the arena by Vegeta, and his universe was later erased from reality by Zeno kings. After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, he resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as his universe.

Shosa [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Shosa ( Shosa , Shōsa ? ) is a fighter from the universe 4. He has the physique of a wolf.

During the power tournament, he faced C-18 which was fierce towards him until he used his ability to dead by blocking his breathing. C-18 was fooled by his false death and the warrior took advantage, he was about to eject him from the arena when Krilin comes to save his wife. In two, they manage to eject Shosa out of the arena.

After the victory of universe 7 at the tournament, resuscitated at the end of the tournament thanks to the Super Dragon Balls at the same time as its universe.

Room [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Room ( Shu , Shū ? ) is a subordinate King Pilaf. He is a fox disguised as a ninja but, although he is a swordsman, he shows no ability to master ninja techniques.

About the name

Its name comes from the Soba which are buckwheat noodles.

Mass [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mass ( Taro , Tarō ? ) is the son of the Kamé Sennin turtle. It appears only in the anime Dragon Ball Z [ DBZ_ep 1 ] .

To the carrotter [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To the carrotter ( Rabbit ginseng , Toninjinka ? ) , born in 698, appears the first time in the Pilaf saga while Bulma, Son Goku and Oolong are looking for the Dragon Balls.

Bulma, having no more clothes, finds himself forced to wear a costume of bunny girl belonging to Oolong. Once in a village, she decides to buy hop-pop capsules and new clothes but the village is terrorized by a bunch of characters disguised as rabbit and believes that Bulma is one of them.

Two members of the rabbit band, bearing the armband with the mention usagi that means Lapland , arrive and start to sow panic in the village until they attack Bulma that they find pretty. Bulma then asked for help from Son Goku who quickly terrace them but they then call their leader to help them.

To the carrotter then appears in a lap car and offers Bulma to shake hands. But Bulma touches it and that is enough to transform it into a carrot. Son Goku being unable to do anything because he would in turn turn into a carrot, Yamcha helps them and Son Goku takes over and orders To to give back his normal appearance to Bulma.

Once neutralized, Son Goku plants Nyoï Bo in the ground and sends the gang of rabbits to the moon. According to a Japanese legend, there would be a rabbit on the moon that would make mochi which is a crushed sticky rice cake. The Japanese would see a rabbit on the full moon in front of a mortar.

Tortoise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tortoise ( Sea turtles , Umigame ? ) , doubled by Georges Lycan and Antoine Nouel (since Dragon Ball Z Kai ) In French, is the marine turtle of Kamé Sennin. Aged about a thousand years old, she is able to speak human language. It appears for the first time in Dragon Ball , when Son Goku and Bulma are looking for the Dragon Balls. Son Goku saves the turtle by bringing it back to the sea, which is behind the meeting between Son Goku and Kamé Sennin. The latter offers Son Goku the Kinto-UN as a sign of gratitude.


He has a Taro son who appears only in the anime Dragon Ball Z [ DBZ_ep 1 ] .


After Raditz’s death, Bulma tests the scout on the turtle and measures her combat force at 0.001 [ DBZ_ep 2 ] . However, the turtle will send two Marlene contenders to the carpet in the absence of Krilin, while the average force of a human being is estimated at 5 units [ fr.au 1 ] , [ DBZ_ep 3 ] .

Capitaine Yellow [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Take the Perfect Edition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Other book [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Episodes of Dragon Ball Z [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Perfect Edition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
  • Akira TORIYAMA ( trad. of Japanese by Fédoua Thalal), Dragon Ball Dragon Ball »], t. 15, Grenoble, Glénat, coll. “Shônen”, , 232 p. , 14.5 × 21 cm , color cover, paperback (ISBN  978-2-7234-7887-8 And 2-7234-7887-4 , ISSN  1253-1928 , Online presentation )
Other book [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
  • Akira TORIYAMA ( trad. you Japais ParL olivier), The Dragon Ball dictionary , Grenoble, Glénat, coll.  « Art of », , 312 p. , 18.8 × 26.3 cm , color cover, paperback (ISBN  978-2-7234-2945-0 And 2-7234-2945-8 , OCLC  422071415 , BNF  39110010 , Online presentation )

Sites web [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
