Durance-Luberon-Verdon Agglomeration-Wikipedia


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The agglomeration community Durance-Luberon-Verdon Agglomeration [ first ] (DLVAGGLO) is a community of French agglomeration created on and took effect on , located in the departments of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Var, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

It is one of the two agglomeration community in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.

The first departmental inter-municipal cooperation plan project of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, presented the April 21, 2011 , provided for the creation of an agglomeration community bringing together twenty-seven municipalities. However, an amendment was brought to the vote following meetings of the Departmental Commission for Inter -municipal Cooperation of 18 and November 28, 2011 , concerning the withdrawal of the commune of Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon, joining the Dignois pole. At the end of the adoption of the SDCI the December 12, 2011 , two isolated municipalities (Riez and Roumoules) integrate the new inter -municipal structure [ 2 ] .

The agglomeration community is created on and took effect on With the merger of three communities of communes (Luberon Durance Verdon, intercommunality of Luberon Oriental, SUD 04) and the integration of the municipalities of Riez and Roumoules.

The law n O 2015-991 of August 7, 2015 Bearing a new territorial organization of the Republic, known as “NOTRe law”, imposes on public establishments of inter -municipal cooperation with specific taxation a population of more than 15,000 inhabitants, with derogations, without however descended below 5,000 inhabitants. The SDCI, presented the October 12, 2015 , provided for the maintenance of the agglomeration community as it [ 3 ] . Two amendments were brought to this pole following the meeting of the departmental inter -municipal cooperation commission of the 21 mars 2016 [ 4 ]


Geography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Agglomeration Community is located south of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department, in the Forcalquier district.

Neighboring intermunicipalities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Composition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


Durance Luberon Verdon Agglomeration

The agglomeration community is made up of 25 municipalities following:

List of intercommunality municipalities
Name Code
Kindly Surface
( km 2 )
(last pop. legal )
( Hab./km 2 )
04112 Manosquins 56.73 23 018 (2020) 406
Germany-in-Provence 04004 Germany 32.99 544 (2020) 16
The glitter 04034 Brillannais 7.22 1 117 (2020) 155
Brunet 04035 Brunetois 28.47 289 (2020) ten
Castellet 04041 Castilians 18.87 298 (2020) 16
Corbières-en-Provence 04063 Corbiérais 19.06 1 241 (2020) 65
Inside 04077 Entrevennois 29.81 171 (2020) 5.7
Esparron-de-Verdon 04081 Esparronnais 34.2 389 (2020) 11
Gréoux-les-Bains 04094 Gryséliens 69.46 2 790 (2020) 40
Montagnac-Montpezat 04124 Montagnacais 34.18 413 (2020) twelfth
Montfuron 04128 Montfuronnais 18.88 226 (2020) twelfth
Prayer 04143 Orah 38.42 5 920 (2020) 154
Pierrevert 04152 Pierreverdants 27.9 3 936 (2020) 141
Puimichel 04156 Puimicheliens 36.81 270 (2020) 7.3
Puimoisson 04157 Puisonnais 35.44 683 (2020) 19
Quinson 04158 Quinsonnais 28.11 406 (2020) 14
Laugh 04166 Rush 40 1 661 (2020) 42
Roumoules 04172 Roumoulins 26.04 734 (2020) 28
Saint-Laurent-du-Verdon 04186 Saint-Laurennais 8.89 96 (2020) 11
Saint-Martin-de-Brômes 04189 Saint-Martinômes 21.09 634 (2020) 30
Saint-tulle 04197 Tullésains 17.07 3 475 (2020) 204
Valensole 04230 Valensol 127.77 3 158 (2020) 25
Villeneuve 04242 Villeneuvois 25.55 4 355 (2020) 170
Wine-on-green 83150 Vinonnais 36 4 280 (2020) 119
Volx 04245 Volxiens 19.52 3 212 (2020) 165

Demography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Demographic evolution of the territory
1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2007 2012 2018
34 808 39 173 42 620 46 633 50 183 57 343 60 556 62 425
The proposed data is established at identical geographical scope, in the geography in force on 01/01/2020.
(Source : Insee [ 5 ] .)

Seat [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

City Hall of Manosque, DLVAGGLO headquarters.

The seat of the agglomeration community is located in Manosque.

The elected [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The community council is made up of 61 delegates [ Off 1 ] .

Community council [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Each municipality has a defined number of seats according to the numerical importance of its population.

Number of delegates Municipalities
20 Manosque
5 Prayer
3 Pierrevert, Sainte-Tulle, Valensole, Villeneuve, Vinon-sur-Verdon
2 Gréoux-les-Bains, Volx
first other municipalities

Presidency [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vice-president [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of vice-presidents since 2020 [ 8 ]
Delegation Identify Quality
first is Legal affairs and attractiveness of the territory Pascal Antiq Manosque city councilor
2 It is Transport, mobility and displacement Claunde Chlaunde Mayor of Vinon-sur-Verdon
3 It is Household and assimilated waste collection and treatment Vincent Allevard 1st deputy mayor of Oraison
4 It is Tourism Paul Audan Mayor of Gréoux-les-Bains
5 It is Human resources and relationship with municipalities Gérard Aurric Mayor of Valensole
6 It is Territory Development Jérome Dubois Mayor of Volx
7 It is Gemapi, urban rainwater management and massive plan Gilles yet Mayor of Roumoules
8 It is Water, sanitation, tax and financial pact Serge Faudrin Mayor of Villeneuve
9 It is City politics Caroline Paolasso Municipal Councilor of Manosque
ten It is Housing social balance Jean-Luc Queiras Mayor of Sainte-Tulle
11 It is Agriculture, local trade policy Jean-Guillaume d’Herbès Manosque city councilor
twelfth It is Economic development André Mille Mayor of Pierrevert
13 It is Culture Sandra Faure Municipal Councilor of Manosque
14 It is GIS, community buildings and public lighting Jean-Claude Castel Mayor of Corbières-en-Provence
Departmental advisor to the canton of Manosque-3
15 It is Delinquency prevention Lise Raoult Municipal Councilor of Manosque

SKILLS [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The field of intercommunality intervention is structured by three categories of skills [ 9 ] :

Compulsory skills

  • Economic development
  • Territory planning
  • The social balance of the habitat
  • City policy

Optional skills

  • The road interest roads
  • Sanitation
  • Drinking water
  • The environment
  • Construction, development, maintenance and management of cultural and sports equipment of community interest

Optional skills

  • Tourism
  • Public lighting
  • Forest massifs and rivers
  • L’Agenda 21
  • Childhood and youth
  • Education
  • The geographic information system

The Water Development and Management Diagram of the Verdon watershed [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The project of water development and management plan (S.A.E.G.E.) of the Verdon watershed [ ten ] was validated by the local water commission on September 13, 2012.

The hydrography of the natural park is part of the overall hydrography of the vast upper basin of the Verdon [ 11 ] , which explains the measures taken generally for the preservation of water resources and the natural aquatic environment [ twelfth ] .

The Local Water Commission validated 5 issues to be dealt with in the “S.A.G.E. [ 13 ] of the department of Alpes-Maritimes being part of the perimeter of the “S.A.G.E. of the Verdon” [ 14 ] .

  • The proper functioning of rivers,
  • The preservation of the natural heritage linked to water,
  • Balanced and sustainable management of the resource,
  • Preservation of water quality,
  • Reconciliation of uses and preservation of environments.

Transports [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Trans’Agglo network logo

The agglomeration manages:

Budget and taxation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Total operating products: 16,706,000 € € uros, or 464 € € Uros per capita
  • Total investment resources: 4,028,000 € € uros, or 112 € € Uros per capita
  • Debt: 5,518,000 € € , or 153 € € per inhabitant [ 15 ] .
  1. In official documents, the graphic chosen is quite often Durance-Luberon-Verdon Agglomeration with an accent on Luberon
  2. Departmental Diagram of Inter -municipal Cooperation » [PDF] , Alpes-de-Haute-Provence prefecture, (consulted the ) .
  3. Departmental plan for inter -municipal cooperation » [PDF] , Alpes-de-Haute-Provence prefecture, (consulted the ) .
  4. Departmental diagram of inter -municipal cooperation » [PDF] , Alpes-de-Haute-Provence prefecture, (consulted the ) .
  5. History population since 1968-CA Durance-Luberon-Verdon Agglomeration (200034700). » , Insee (consulted the ) .
  6. “Bernard Jeammet-Péralta elected president of the Durance Luberon Verdon agglomeration community” , Haute Provence Info , January 8, 2013.
  7. “Manosque: Jean-Christophe Petrigny elected president of Durance Luberon Verdon agglomeration” , Provence , July 9, 2020.
  8. DLVA elected officials
  9. DLVA
  10. The S.E.G.E. of the Verdon watershed
  11. Hydrography of the Verdon Upper Basin , by Raoul Blanchard, collection of works of the Institut de Géographie Alpine Year 1915 Volume 3 Number 1 pp. 57-67
  12. “Wise” water development and management scheme of the Verdon watershed
  13. Annex 1 to the inter -prefectural decree n O 2014286-002 of 13-10-2014
  14. List of 12 municipalities in the “Durance-Luberon-Verdon agglomeration community”, which is part of the perimeter of “S.A.G.E. of Verdon”:
    • Germany-in-Provence
    • Brunet
    • Esparron-de-Verdon
    • Gréoux-les-Bains
    • Montagnac-Montpezat
    • Puimoisson
    • Quinson
    • Laugh
    • Roumoules
    • Saint-Laurent du Verdon
    • Saint-Martin de Brôme
    • Valensol.

  15. Municipalities belonging to the tax group: CC Luberon Durance Verdon And : The accounts of clean taxation groups (GFP), Analysis of fundamental financial balances GFP: Lubéron Durance Verdon

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