
“Dveri” movement
(sr) Doors movement
(sr) Pokret dveri
Image illustrative de l’article Mouvement Dveri
Official logotype.
President Bosko Obradovic
Foundation (Political organization)
Seat 11 street Đorđa Jovanović
11 000 Belgrade
Journal Doors of Srpske / Dveri Srpske ( Serbian Dveri )
Religion Serbian Orthodox Church
Slogan “For the life of Serbia”
Anthem for the life of Serbia
The anthem for the life of Serbia
“A hymn for Serbia’s life”
Youth organization Jeuncess dvees
Positioning LAW [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ]
Initially :
Far right [ 4 ] , [ 5 ]
Ideology Serbian nationalism [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ]
Christian right [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ]
Euroscepticism [ 9 ] , [ ten ] , [ 11 ]
Right -wing populism [ twelfth ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ]
Opposition to immigration [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] , [ 17 ]
Eco-nationalism [ 18 ] , [ 19 ] , [ 20 ]
Conservatism [ 3 ] , [ 21 ]
Christian democracy [ 18 ] , [ 21 ]
Historically :
Social conservatism [ 8 ] , [ 9 ]
Antioccidentalisme [ 8 ] , [ 9 ]
Russophilia [ 8 ]
Affiliation nationale Alliance for Serbia (in)
Affiliation internationale World Congress of Family
Colors Red, blue and white
Site web Dveri.rs

The “Dveri” movement (in Serbian in Cyrillic writing: Doors movement ; In Serbe Latin: Pokret dveri , literally meaning “Portes Mouvement”) is an association of citizens and a Serbian political party founded in 1999 and which has its headquarters in Belgrade. Its president, who is also the founder of the movement, is Boško Obradović.


On the political level, the movement is linked to the currents of Serbian nationalism, Euroscepticism and the Christian right; He is associated with the review Dveri Srpske , “Serbian doors”, which was created at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade [ 22 ] , and he participates in social and humanitarian actions [ 23 ] . It is active in Serbia, in the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Montenegro. Since 2011, its political branch has been known as Movement for the life of Serbia , the “movement for the life of Serbia”.

The Serbian Council “Dveri” is initially an organization born from the review Dveri Srpske , founded on the day of Saint Sava (Savindan) in 1999 to give a means of expression to the servants in servants of the Faculty of Philology of Belgrade.

Before officially becoming a political party in , Dveri was then a movement without chief, the main body of which was the board of directors, made up of eminent members like Boško Obradović, Branimir Nešić, Vladan Glišić and Danilo Tvrdišić.

In 2009, Dveri expressed his intention to organize the in Belgrade a family march (in Serbian: Family walk ), in response to the announcement of the organization of a pride march (Gay Pride) [ 24 ] . The , the party organizes a commemorative ceremony at Sava Centar, dedicated to the victims of the bombing of Serbia by NATO in 1999.

In 2010, Dveri, based on the “Law on free access to information of public interest” [ 25 ] , requests the High Court of Justice from the number of detainees in the prisons managed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. THE , the movement organizes a new family march, the day before the Gay Pride [ 26 ] .

The , Dveri organizes a round table at the faculty of mechanical engineering, on the theme Serbia project , where it is about the development and influence of pop culture among young people in Serbia. Several members of the Beogradski Sindikat group, Aleksandar Protić, Feđa Dimović and Boško ćirković (Škabo), speak. The movement organizes other meetings on agriculture, economics and foreign affairs.


During a press conference held on , the Serbian Council “Dveri” announces its project to enter politics and participate in the 2012 elections [ 27 ] , [ 28 ] . He must go to the elections under the name of Movement for the life of Serbia (“Movement for the life of Serbia”) and intends to ally themselves with other patriotic movements of the country.

Dveri first counts on a local establishment and opens offices, called chancelleries ( offices ); Sur Le Territoire de la Ville de Belgrade, Il Est Municipalités de Stari grad, Zemun, Rakovica, Čukarica, Palilula, Savski Venac, Novi Beograd, Vračar, Obrenovac, Grocka, Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Barajevo et Surcin ; Dans Le Reste de la Serbia, Il Est Représenté Dans 66 Villes Ou Municipalités [ 29 ] .

Programme [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The party’s electoral program, which bears the name of Novi Narodni Dogovor (“New national agreement”) consists of ten objectives: the defense of the family, solidarity and social patriotism, the national economy, the real and sustainable development of Serbia, the defense of a Serbia and a Free people, a counter-system to fight against the parasitage of political parties and administrative colonialism, a foreign policy entirely oriented in the interest of Serbs, the creation of Serbian networks, cultural, educational and sports policies and the creation of ‘A new feeling of enthusiasm [Ref. necessary] .

2012 general elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the general elections of , the party presents a list entitled Doors for the life of Serbia (“Doors for the life of Serbia”), which has 209 candidates [ 30 ] .

During the electoral campaign, Dveri receives the support of a certain number of intellectuals in Serbia, the Serbian Republic of Bosnia, Montenegro and the Diaspora, through mail or press conferences [ thirty first ] . Among these supporters are those of Smilja Avramov, professor and lawyer, Kosta čavoški, professor of law and academician, Ljiljana čolić, former Minister of Education, of Mila Alečković, anthropologist, of Milo Lompar, professor at the Faculty of Philology , Jasmina Vujić, from the University of Berkeley, or even Dobrica Erić writers [ 32 ] And Predrag Dragić Kijuk. The movement also obtained the political support of Dane čanković, the president of the Serbian national movement “Izbor I naš” [ 33 ] , that of the Krajina Serbs Council ( Council of the Krajina Serbs ) [ 34 ] , Clulu du Pu slical Hinland [ 35 ] , that of the Serbian National Council of Montenegro ( Serbian National Council of Montenegro ), that of the association of Serbs “Nemanja” [ 36 ] ET Celui de la Fondation Endowment of Ljubljana [ 37 ] .

In the first round of the presidential election, Vladan Glišić is the candidate of the “Dveri” movement [ 38 ] , [ 39 ] ; He obtained 108,303 votes or 2.77% of the votes [ 40 ] . In the legislative elections, the movement list is led by Branimir Nešić [ 30 ] And obtains 4.33% of the votes, which does not allow him to send a representative to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia [ 41 ] .

In the provincial elections of Voivodine, the movement presents a list entitled Doors for Serbian Vojvodina (“Doors for a Serbian voivodine”), which obtains 46,169 votes, be 4.56% of the votes, which does not allow it to obtain a deputy in the assembly of the autonomous province [ 42 ] .

Aux élections Locales, Dveri OBTIENT 46 REPERÉSENTANS DANS PLUSIEURS, à NOVI SAD, Kraljevo, Sremski Karlovci, Arilje, Bačka Palanka, Ljig, Lapovo, Zvezdara à Belgrade et Dans Celles de Medijana et de Palilula à Nis [ 43 ] .

Review Dveri Srpske has been published since 1999. Among the articles on the front page of the journal, we can cite:

Catena Mundi is a publishing house founded in honor of Predrag Dragić by Branimir Nešić and Boško Obradović and whose editorial policy is in line with the review of the journal Dveri Srpske [ 44 ] . She held a stand 57 It is Belgrade book fair and published 17 books.

Legislative elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Right-wing Serbian Party Launches Anti-Immigration Campaign » , Balkan Insight,
  2. Serbian president calls right-wing group ‘fascist’ after clash » , Associated Press,
  3. a et b Dveri won’t join United Opposition of Serbia, party official says » , N1,
  4. Bojan Barlovac « Serb Far-Right Group Prepares Poll Debut », Balkan Insight , ( read online , consulted the )
  5. Right wing movement to take part in elections », B92 , ( read online , consulted the )
  6. Serbia » , Boško Obradović Mandatar: You do everything in the old, the doors will vote against the government’s election (consulted the )
  7. a et b Wolfram Nordsieck , Serbia » , on Parties and Elections in Europe , (consulted the )
  8. A B C D and E Jovo Bakic, Right-Wing Extremism in Serbia , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, ( read online ) :

    « It is reasonable to assume that the Serbian Radical Party lost some of its votes to Dveri, a highly conservative but not, or at least not yet, a far-right ideological and political movement, instead espousing a turn-of-the-twen- tieth-century conservatism much like Joseph de Maistre’s. This movement evidently enjoys the support of the more conservative parts of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and expressly rejects the fascist tradition, anti-Semitism and the use of violence to achieve ideological aims. It does, however, foster extreme conservatism, promoting the family as the most important social institution and advocating a religious-moralistic outlook. As one might expect, this movement fosters an explicitly homophobic position, evident in its organisation of Family Walks on the day before the Pride Parade; but it does not incite its supporters to physically assault the LGBT population. Following the Russian model, in 2012 it called on the government to ban the Parade for the next 100 years. Serbian nationalism and anti-globalisation (expressed in an anti-American orientation and a reserved attitude to the EU) are clearly important components of Dveri ideology so that one can say that it exhibits certain symptoms of the far right but these are not sufficient to classify the movement as such. »

  9. A B C D and E Ljubomir Delevic, Introduction to nationalism in Serbia » , on Your-art.sk , (consulted the )
  10. Anti-EU nationalist parties gain foothold in new Serbian parliament after election recount » (consulted the )
  11. Pro-EU ruling party wins in Serbia » (consulted the )
  12. The Dveri Movement Through a Discursive Lens: Serbia’s Contemporary Right-Wing Nationalism » (consulted the )
  13. Gianluca Passage , The Presidentialisation of Political Parties in the Western Balkans , Springer, , p. 60
  14. Right -wing populists and extremists in Europe » (consulted the )
  15. Cengiz Gunay « Understanding Transit Asylum Migration: Evidence from Serbia », International Migration , vol. 54, n O 4, (DOI  10.1111 / Imig.12237 )
  16. Sebastian Lost , Martin Mlinarić you not John Gold , Minorities under Attack, Othering and Right-Wing Extremism in Southeast European Societies , Harrassowitz verlag,
  17. (sr) Migrants in Presevo, Migrants from Presevo! » , on Dveri.rs ,
  18. a et b Proclamation of the Serbian DVeri movement – change of the system – security for all! » ,
  19. (sr) What do doers do in the question of burning environmental problems in Cacak – Part 1 » , on Dveri.rs ,
  20. (sr) Doors Nis: Citizens on the choir require a recall of decision on Cedar’s cutting at the Nemanjić Boulevard » , on Dveri.rs ,
  21. a et b Boško Obradović: We make a movement to change the system » ,
  22. (sr) Magazine – Dveri Srpske » , on http://www.dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement (consulted the )
  23. (sr) Humanitarian aid for Family Sharović » , on http://www.subotica.com , (consulted the )
  24. (sr) Tamara completely, To whom the sexual diversity bothers and why » , on http://www.vreme.com , Times , (consulted the )
  25. [PDF] (sr) A Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance » , on http://www.antikorupcija-savet.gov.rs , Conseil site against corruption (consulted the )
  26. (sr) Walk against “Pride Parade” » , on http://www.politika.rs , Policy , (consulted the )
  27. (sr) Doers go out to the election as an independent list » , on http://www.dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  28. (sr) Doers go out on the next elections » , on http://www.rts.rs , Serbia television radio site, (consulted the )
  29. (sr) List of Office Dveri » , on http://www.dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement (consulted the )
  30. a et b (sr) Doors for the life of Serbia » , on http://www.rik.parlammel.gov.rs , Site of the Electoral Commission of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  31. (sr) Word of the Intellectuals: Doors are the only force for the salvation of Serbia! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  32. (sr) Dobrica Eric: Time Drivei is yet to come! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  33. (sr) Dane Čanković supported Dveri! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  34. (sr) The Krajina Serb Parliament supported the door » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  35. (sr) The Hilandar Monastery Choister supported the door » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  36. (sr) The association of Serbs “Nemanja” from Bielefeld supported the doors! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  37. (sr) The Serbian Society “Envelement” from Ljubljana sent a letter to support to doors! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  38. (sr) Elections for the President of the Republic of Serbia in 2012 (and circle) » , on http://www.rik.parlammel.gov.rs , Site of the Electoral Commission of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  39. (sr) Candidate of the movement of the door for President Vladan Glišić » , on http://www.blic.rs , Blic , (consulted the )
  40. (sr) Report on the final results of the elections for the President of the Republic, held on May 6, 2012 » , on http://www.rik.parlammel.gov.rs , Site of the Electoral Commission of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  41. (sr) Report on the total results of the elections for the National Prophets in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, held on May 6, 2012 » , on http://www.rik.parlammel.gov.rs , Site of the Electoral Commission of the Republic of Serbia (consulted the )
  42. [PDF] (sr) Report on the total results of the elections for the Prophets in the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina announced for May 6, 2012 » , on http://www.pik.skupstinavojvodine.gov.rs , Site of the electoral commission of the province of Voïvodine (consulted the )
  43. (sr) Doors enter the Assembly of 12 cities and municipalities in Serbia! » , on http://dverisrpske.com , Site of the “Dveri” movement, (consulted the )
  44. (sr) Branimir Nešić: The mission of the publishing house Catena Mundi or freedom is only for the brave! » , on http://www.standard.rs , Novistandard (consulted the )

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