Ecology in the center – Wikipedia



L’ Ecology in the center , formerly Independent ecologist alliance ( AEI ) is initially a political coalition. Created in 2009, it brings together the ecologist parties France in action (LFA) by Jean-Marc Governatori, Ecology Generation (GE) by Jean-Noël Debroise and the independent ecological movement (MEI) by Antoine Waeschter.

In 2011, following the dislocation of the coalition, Jean-Marc Governatori took up her name for his party. Ten years later, the AEI tried to merge with CAP21 to form Cap Ecologie. In the legislative elections, she presents candidates under the banner “Ecology at the Center”, commune with other environmental parties.

The formation presents itself as positioned outside the right-left divide and as a secular movement.

Prelude [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2004, Jean-Marc Governatori founded France from below with Francine Gomez, former CEO of Waterman. This political party, of which he becomes the president, intends to represent the “60 million French people who are fed up with the passivity of the public authorities” and defend “the disabled, the little bosses, independent ecology and the protection of animals »» [ 2 ] . In the European elections of the same year, its lists obtained 1.5% throughout French territory [ 3 ] . The party becomes France in action in March 2005 [ 4 ] .


Political coalition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Launch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , several personalities sign an “call for the formation of an independent ecological alliance” [ first ] .

The independent ecologist alliance (AEI) is founded as a political coalition . It brings together three environmental parties:

Declared to the Paris police prefecture the , the training is intended for “Allowing a dialogue and permanent consultation between the member organizations with a view to animate an ecological alternative and the right and the left” [ 5 ] .

The AEI co-presidents are the presidents of the aforementioned parties, namely Jean-Noël Debroise, president of Generation Ecology, Jean-Marc Governatori, president of France in action, and Antoine Waechter, president of the independent environmental movement.

2009 European elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During the 2009 European elections, this alliance is notably in competition with another ecological coalition, Europe Ecology. The latter obtained 16.3%, against 3.6% for the AEI [ 6 ] . Two of his co-presidents are list heads: Antoine Waechter in the East district (4.3%) and Jean-Marc Governatori in the constituency Île-de-France (3%) [ 7 ] .

2010 regional elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the 2010 regional elections, the independent environmental alliance presents autonomous lists in ten regions, notably with Jean-Marc Governatori in Île-de-France or Patrice Drevet in Languedoc-Roussillon; These lists get some 2% of the votes cast. In five regions (Auvergne, Franche-Comté, Basse-Normandie, Pays de la Loire, Picardie and Poitou-Charentes), common lists with the Democratic Movement (Modem) are formed. The AEI combines with the Breton party in Brittany.

In , Antoine Waechter breaks the alliance for the first time, announcing that the Mei joins the dynamics of Europe Ecology in Alsace. Second in list in Haut-Rhin, behind the Greens spokesperson Djamila Sonzogni, and with several eligible places reserved for his party in the event of a victory, Antoine Waechter is elected to the regional council after accepting a merger with the list of Union of the left in the interwar period. The Mei also combines with Europe Ecology in two regions (Midi-Pyrénées and Nord-Pas-de-Calais).

In view of the second round, the AEI refuses the mergers with the right or the left while Europe ecology militates for unions on the left. In addition, some AEI personalities arouse strong reluctance in the Greens [ 8 ] . A controversy on the brand “Europe Écologie” also opposes the two coalitions, notably in Île-de-France, where Jean-Marc Governatori claims property, the Greens of the anteriority.

The only elected regional advisers are members of the Mei, Alsace and Nord-Pas-de-Calais, as part of Mei-Europe Ecology common lists.

Disappearance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Generation ecology leaves the alliance in [ 9 ] . The independent ecological movement does the same in November [ ten ] . France in action then decides, the , during the meetings of independent ecology, to present the independent environmental alliance as a “unified” political party whose elected national secretaries are Stéphane Ayrault, Esther Spinccer [ 11 ] And Jean-Marc Governatori.

Political party [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2012 electoral deadlines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , Jean-Marc Governatori wrote a letter to Brigitte Bardot to call him to be a candidate for the 2012 presidential election [ twelfth ] . This letter is allegedly co-signed with Antoine Waechter, but Jean-Marc Governatori finally admits having signed in place of Antoine Waechter, who was not aware of this letter [ 13 ] .

Finally, become a political party to replace LFA, the independent environmental alliance presents Jean-Marc Governatori as a candidate for the presidential election [ 14 ] . The , he embarked on a hunger strike “half-time” [ 15 ] At the foot of the headquarters of the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) in Paris, to protest against the inequality of access to the media of “small candidates” [ 16 ] . Not getting the 500 sponsorships, Jean-Marc Governatori cannot arise, and gives no voting instructions, neither in the first nor in the second round.

In the 2012 legislative elections, the independent ecologist alliance announces a list of 548 candidates [ 17 ] . The AEI then combines itself with the collective of disabled democrats, the Federation for a real democracy, the Federalist Party, the Union of People, Together for France, New Society and République in Movement to present these candidates [ 18 ] .

In an open letter to Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Jean-Marc Governatori writes: “Greens are not environmentalists, but environmentalists. […] You proposed to create a vast movement of political ecology far beyond the party of the Greens [who] even managed to scare Nicolas Hulot flee [ 19 ] . »

2014 European elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2014, the independent ecologist alliance again present candidates for the European elections in several of the interregional districts.

2015 local elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , the independent ecological alliance, reinforced with representatives in “leave” of modem and citizen movements, reaches an unrivaled score for this political structure in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, achieving a score of 4.08% of the votes cast [ 20 ]

Renewal of non-partisan and citizen environmental orientations of the Alliance. Objectives focused on rurality and an exchange and cooperation company [ 21 ]

2017 legislative elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From the perspective of the 2017 legislative elections, the AEI gathers with different political parties and citizen, environmentalists and regionalist personalities (Breton party, Lorraine Party and Mosellans Party) within the “100%label”. As a “national co-secretary” of the AEI, the alliance co-hosts this label alongside Franck Chauvet, president of the Think Tank “Citizen Citizen” founder of generation citizens and ex-leader of us citizens, and Salima Yenbou, president of democracy21. Francis Lalanne and Marie-Paule Gay, Citizen Convergence, mayor (SE) [ 22 ] D’Aubure, are among the label’s spokespersons.

Following a civic convergence background disagreement [ 23 ] And Franck Chauvet leave the label 100% four months before the elections to join the Citizen Group of real democracy La Caisse Claire [ 24 ] , [ 25 ] .

2019 European elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , Independent ecologist alliance presents a common list with Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV). This list obtains 13.47% of votes in European elections [ 26 ] . Caroline Roose and Salima Yenbou of the AEI are elected MEP [ 27 ] .

2020 municipal elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , AEI presents in municipal elections common lists with EELV in a hundred cities. Candidates without label like Franck Chauvet in Hyères, having obtained the support of other environmental parties like CAP21 of Corinne Lepage, generation ecology of Delphine Batho or the independent ecological movement of Antoine Waeschter are supported by the AEI [ 28 ] , [ 29 ] .

Attempt to merge with CAP21 within CAP ECOLOGY [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the CAC21 parties of Corinne Lepage, generation ecology of Delphine Batho and the independent ecological alliance of Jean-Marc Governatori announce the creation of a common and distinct coordination platform of Europe Ecology Les Verts. During this announcement Corinne Lepage insists that the political line of CAP21, GE and the AEI is “Not at all on a line of agreement with rebellious France, which is sometimes very ambiguous for EELV in certain parts of the territory. »» The former environmental ministers also marked their difference on secularism: “Thus on secularism we defend the laws of 2004 [restricting the wearing of religious signs at school] and 2010 [against concealment of the face in public space], there is no ambiguity on our part and It seemed useful to show that there is a pragmatic and republican ecology in the ecological pole [ 30 ] , [ thirty first ] , [ 32 ] . »

The , CAP21 and the AEI announce to merger in order to found Cap Ecologie [ 33 ] , [ 34 ] . The administrative merger of the two entities did not take place and, in October 2021, CAP Écologie stopped communicating as such and the two parties start to communicate separately.

Regional elections of 2021 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Yet officially a member of the ecological pole (coalition formed with EELV, generations.s, generation ecology and the movement of progressives), CAP21 and AEI adopt an alliance strategy with variable geometry according to the regions. While they are in coalition with the environmental center in several regions, they choose to join the list of the Socialist Party and the Communist Party by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region [ 35 ] . In the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Jean-Marc Governatori initially announces the list led by the ecologist Jean-Laurent Félizia, head of the EELV list [ 36 ] . When he concludes an alliance with the Socialist Party and the Communist Party, Jean-Marc Governatori announces that he will lead his own list.

In disagreement with the decision of Jean-Marc Governatori in PACA, Caroline Roose, elected European deputy in 2019, then decided to leave the AEI and Cap Écologie [ 37 ] . She announces that she joined EELV in September 2021 [ 38 ] .

Presidential election of 2022 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In July 2021, Jean-Marc Governatori announced his candidacy for the environmental primary [ 39 ] . Following the exclusion of CAP21 from the ecological pole, it no longer has the necessary sponsorships to present itself. He disputes this decision and obtains justice the right to present himself to the environmental primary [ 40 ] . He finally obtained 2501 votes, or 2.3% of the surgery expressed.

Jean-Marc Governatori does not recognize the result, judging him abnormally low. He assigned to justice the Union for Ecology Association in 2022 [ 41 ] , saying that the “ballot has not been regular and its result is strongly subject to question”. He calls into question “the systematic opposition and obstruction to his candidacy, then to his campaign” as well as the “weaknesses of the security and reliability of the voting system by Internet”.

In January 2022, he announced to maintain his candidacy for the presidential election [ 42 ] but does not obtain any of the 500 sponsorships necessary to present themselves [ 43 ] .

In March 2022, Salima Yenbou, MEP AEI, announced that she will support Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election of 2022 and that in consequence, she left the Greens-Ale group in the European Parliament to join the Renew Europe group [ 44 ] , [ 45 ] .

In 2022, the AEI became “ecology at the center” and participated in February in a “Call for reformist environmentalists” intended for candidates for the presidential election, alongside Green Planet and the Union of Centrists and Ecologists [ forty six ] .

2022 legislative elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Jean-Marc Governatori alongside Corinne Lepage, Chantal Cutajar (CAP21-Le Rally Citizen), François Bechieau (movement of progressives), Swantje Tomalak (Animal Generation) and Christophe Rossignol (Liberté écologie Fraternité) announce the creation of an alliance Ecologists who are not claiming from the left or right -wing, and opposed to the agreements concluded between Europe Ecologie Les Verts and France Insoumise during the creation of the new Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nuts).
This coalition thus presents 250 joint candidates in the legislative elections of 2022 and includes in particular the following political parties: CAP21-The citizen gathering, ecology at the center, the movement of progressives, animal generation, freedom ecology fraternity, ecology otherwise, as that members of EELV and generation. The rally also supports other candidates for a total of 400 environmental candidates excluding the clouds according to Jean-Marc Governatori.
During the legislative elections, this coalition does not carry a common national label, however the official campaign clip in which Corinne Lepage, Swantje Tomalak and Jean-Marc Governatori are presented under the banner at the Center “.
A common label is, according to Corinne Lepage, planned during a second phase of construction of this rally [ 47 ] , [ 48 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 50 ] .

Among the personalities who participated in the AEI are:

  • Antoine Waechter, Jean-Marc Governatori and Jean-Noël Debroise, coalition co-presidents until 2012;
  • Esther Spiner, SECROCTIAR NATIONAL OF DY AND JOB 2011 [ 51 ] ;
  • The singer Francis Lalanne, head of the list in the southeast district during the 2009 European elections;
  • The journalist Patrice Drevet, head of the list in the southwest district in the 2009 European elections;
  • Albert Jacquard, French biologist, geneticist, engineer and essayist, support of 2012 at his death.
  • Marc Menant, journalist and writer, party spokesperson in 2011.
  1. A B and C Laurent de Boissieu, Independent ecologist alliance (AEI) 2009 » , on .
  2. Creation of a new party, “France from below” », , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  3. Result of European elections 2004.
  4. Laurent de Boissieu, Independent ecologist alliance (AEI) 2011 » , on (consulted the ) .
  5. Independent environmental alliance – Creation » , on , (consulted the ) .
  6. 2009 European elections results » , on (consulted the ) .
  7. 2009 European elections results » , on (consulted the ) .
  8. See on .
  9. Ecology generation leaves AEI » , on Le Figaro , (consulted the ) .
  10. Site du mei .
  11. You interviewed Esther Spinccer (Zara Whites), national secretary of the independent ecologist alliance », , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  12. Brigitte Bardot is thinking of presenting herself in 2012 », L’Obs , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  13. A candidate for the part-time hunger strike in a motorhome » , on The Parisian , .
  14. See on .
  15. “A presidential candidate begins a hunger strike” , on , February 28, 2012.
  16. See on .
  17. See on the AEI website » , on (consulted the ) .
  18. Legislative 2012. The independent ecologist alliance has 540 candidates » , on The Telegram , (consulted the ) .
  19. Anne-Charlotte Dusseaulx « The independent environmental alliance supports Cohn-Bendit », The JDD , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  20. 2015 regional election results » , on (consulted the ) .
  21. The independent ecological alliance: “a credible alternative”? » , on (consulted the ) .
  22. Élise Guilloteau, ” Bockel wants to defend Alsatian identity », , July 12, 2014.
  23. Citizen convergence » , on (consulted the ) .
  24. Snare » , on (consulted the ) .
  25. The 100% movement » , on (consulted the ) .
  26. National results France » , on (consulted the ) .
  27. European elections 2019: Who are the 79 French MEPs elected to Parliament? », The , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  28. The candidate list “Hyères en Transition” finds support with the AEI » , on Var-Matin , .
  29. See you by Franck Chauvet and Carole Commandeur » , on (consulted the ) .
  30. Three movements of the ecological pole create distinct coordination of EELV » , on (consulted the ) .
  31. Coordination for ecology at the service of all » , on Generation Ecology , (consulted the ) .
  32. Zoheir Sabri , Coordination for ecology at the service of all » , on Welcome to the official website of the independent environmental alliance – independent environmentalists – Citizen political movement (consulted the ) .
  33. E. M., Birth of CAP Ecology, Citizen Action » , on Montceau News , (consulted the ) .
  34. Common press release » , on (consulted the ) .
  35. CAP ECOLOGY “Pulbiscite” Najat Vallaud-Belkacem as head of the PS list for regional » , on Place Gre’net , (consulted the )
  36. Reporterre , Jean-Marc Governatori, the green who does not play collective » , on Reporterre, the daily life of ecology (consulted the )
  37. MEP Caroline Roose slams the door » , on , Was Martin , (consulted the )
  38. » , on Twitter (consulted the )
  39. Governatori, 4th candidate for eco -friendly primary to “embody ecology at the center” » , on The HuffPost , (consulted the )
  40. Nina Jackowski , Environmental primary: with governatori, run away from me and I continue to you » , on Release (consulted the )
  41. Ecologist primary: Jean-Marc Governatori assigns to the association organizing the election of the election » , on Franceinfo , (consulted the )
  42. Presidential election 2022: Jean-Marc Governatori declares himself in his turn candidate » , on Lefigaro , (consulted the )
  43. The sponsorships validated by candidate – Presidential Constitutional Council 2022 » , on (consulted the )
  44. The JDD , Salima Yenbou, Green MEP: “Why I will vote Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election” » , on (consulted the )
  45. Sophie Bordier, Seine-et-Marne: MEP Salima Yenbou moves away from environmentalists and gets closer to macronists » , on The Parisian , (consulted the ) .
  46. Jean Cittone, Presidential 2022: “reformist environmentalists” want to weigh in the campaign » , on Le Figaro , (consulted the ) .
  47. Governatori and Lepage associate their assets in front of Nutpes » , on , (consulted the ) .
  48. Legislative: anti-naked environmentalists come together » , on , (consulted the ) .
  49. Anti -cloud environmentalists gather for legislative elections » , on , (consulted the ) .
  50. Legislative Clip 2022 Ecologie Au Center » , on , (consulted the ) .
  51. Esther Spinccer, national secretary of the independent ecologist alliance » , on 20minutes , (consulted the ) .

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